2018-10-20 00:12:24 (edited by jack 2018-10-20 00:13:24)

Watch it BigGun, you just accidentally launched the mud-mountain at the server. Lol!
Anyway, I don't think anyone, even the people who feel strongly about this, want to hack into the server, modify Dark's forum position, unban the others and then go to town. That wouldn't be right and absolutely wouldn't solve matters, and I have not seen a single person express interest in doing such a thing. All people are asking for is to settle the score and set things back on course, in a civil yet brutally honest manner.

2018-10-20 01:45:37

Over 200 posts in and yet still none from dark. Not usually one to judge but shouldn't he have said something in here? Anything?

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-10-20 03:45:19

Dark has been waiting patiently for the rest of us to decide what to do (there are already differences of opinion in the mod team) and has gone away for the weekend. Plus, honestly, do you blame him?

Just myself, as usual.

2018-10-20 04:14:26

Yes, yes I do. People have said they wanted his side of the story, hiding it from us just makes him look shady.

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2018-10-20 04:38:51 (edited by flameAlchemist 2018-10-20 04:39:42)

*makes handsigns and summons a waterdragon.*
Not sure what to say here.
If possible I hope what damage that's bin caused to Walter can be undone.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
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2018-10-20 05:57:21

*targets Ethin with radar system and launches a mud missile at him* Well, we are at a stand still here, we can throw accusations in Darks direction and make all sorts of assumptions, but untill we receive word from Dark and he delivers and explanation, we can't go anywhere really.
I also don't think that Dark will sit this out patiently, the blog post ripped open some woonds which are to strong to ignore, speaking metaphorically.
Easier said, Dark can't sit this one out, the accusations are just to strong to ignore them.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2018-10-20 06:33:33

Well, hopefully we can get this resolved soon. It's too important to leave on the back burner, but this kind of thing is very unpleasant. Of course, if we want this to resolve well, I guess we shouldn't rush it either.

I have a website now.
"C: God's Programming Language
C++: The object-oriented programming language of a pagan deity" -- The Red Book
"There, but for the grace of God go I"

2018-10-20 07:37:34

@209 all in good time. We need to settle it on our side, and then we'll bring him out of his bunker. I don't think he'll enjoy it, but I don't think he's unaware of the need to square it with the baying mob either, eventually. smile

Just myself, as usual.

2018-10-20 09:44:02

Before I make my next point, I need to remind people that I'm not on Dark's side in this argument. With that out of the way, here's my next point. If I were the chief moderator of this forum and I did things that were wrong and you all started talking about me, I would get to you eventually, but I would take my time about it and yes, I would take the weekend off. Being on the forum all the time checking each room to make sure everything's in tiptop shape would tire me out, and I would deserve a break. Hell, I'd ask one of the mods to step up for a bit while I take a much needed vacation to the Bahamas and say screw everything, I'm just going to worry about myself for the next few weeks. I've been moderating this forum for over 10 years, I can take off 3 weeks.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-10-20 14:21:12

Ah, this situation got verry muddy, so, sling mud to all of you and after that, get a mud cleaner and make you look nice again.
Howp Dark is ok and he can calm down in the near future and tell us his side.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-10-21 02:40:15

I feel like pretty much everything worth saying has already been said, but there is one thing.  This thread is the last place I want to see Dark post.  I'm sure plenty of people read the blog post that aren't necessarily following this thread.  This thing is massive.

I am sick of you lowlifes fflinging mud all over the place.  As a result, I have decided to incorporate a new two-pronged pole-arm... I mean, strategy to deal with you all.
1. My Mud client is about to open a few ports, from which streams of mud will emerge and bury you all in bits of mud.
2. My gnome inventor, Gnomercy, recently invented a neat gadget called the tel-net.  Basically, you say "tel," and a net is released in front of you to magically collect all of the garbage that's flung at you.  That mud is then channeled into my mud client to make its blasts even stronger.
What are you going to do now, suckers!  I mean, other than roll in mud?
If you even try to resist my power, I will release the thousands of cattle I have stored in my pocket, and they will cause your eardrums to blow with their loud MOOOOOOO!  Your entire body will vibrate so violently
from the sonic attack that it will turn into MUSH.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2018-10-21 03:16:20 (edited by Merin 2018-10-21 03:16:47)

@216, I intend to eat my burrito and drink my whiskey in reletive mud free areas!  I mean your tell net will gather all the garbage only to be thrown and re-gathered.  so I'm good.  Haha.

2018-10-21 03:29:40

@217: If there's any alcoholic beverage you should be having with your burritos, it's a margerita. Not sure where you got that other idea. Gross man.

2018-10-21 03:36:29

I barely bother with the forums these days for one reason. Every third topic I see is closed for nonsense, only to have the same topic start up again a week later and be closed again for equally useless nonsense. That having been said, I'm probably also going to set myself up to have my account suspended for breaking a yet to be discovered rule, but here goes.

There is at least as much evidence in that blog post that Dark is not suitable as a forum moderator as Dark relied upon to determine that Walter is not suitable for this forum, and I say that from the perspective of knowing none of Walter, Dark or Laurie. If Dark was satisfied to ban Walter based on the evidence he received, then this should be more than enough evidence for Dark to either remove himself or be removed from the moderation team. I would argue this evidence is perhaps more impartial, and less falsified, than the evidence Dark used in making his decision. So either Dark was wrong and Walter should be unbanned, or dark was perfectly correct, at which point Dark should step down.

Now, with that out of the way... @216: *loads mud server, opens all ports, fires* Check mate, bitch. tongue

2018-10-21 03:39:18 (edited by turtlepower17 2018-10-21 03:40:36)

Haha, completely agreed with 218, your stomach will probably thank you if you take that advice.

Although I do agree that this is not the place for Dark to make an official statement. When he does, I expect it to be in its own separate topic, not only so that it isn't enmeshed in all the controversy of this one, thus providing a clean slate, but also because whatever decision is made will most likely be monumental in changing the direction of the forum going forward. That sort of change should never be attached to the baggage of any existing thread.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-10-21 09:13:58

The last two posts made me jiz a little. Thanks, thumbs up to you two.

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2018-10-21 11:05:26

One thing that absolutely, positively , with out any question needs to be done is reforms on cracking banns.
I just saw a topic where someone was warned twice for asking or suggesting cracked softwre, and they were not banned? Asking/suggesting/offering cracks should be immediately bannable. There are a set of rules, people agree to them, and that is that.
It takes a couple of minutes to read forum rules and ignorance of the rules is no excuse. This is goign to sound harsh, but I'm sorry. Allowing people multiple chances when they have asked/offered cracks sends a message that the administration does not care about developers or their lively hood. In my case, LWorks helps put bread onthe table, and I find it completely disrespectful that someone who says. Here's where you can download illegal games is allowed to remain on this forum. And I apologize Sebby, but I'm kind of aiming this at you as I know you are the one who gave this one guy a second chance and told him he had one strike left. But What needs to happen is a hard and fast rule laid out. I vote for 0 tolerance when it comes to the illegal distribution or discussion of any software.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2018-10-21 13:13:29

I’m in faver of a warning on first afence, and ban if it repeats. That sounds fair to me givven some people’s english isn’t all that great.

2018-10-21 14:09:46 (edited by musicalman 2018-10-21 14:22:57)

And on top of that in some parts of the world cracking is more accepted so it may not be as huge an offense for them as it would be to many people here. And the language thing also makes it hard. I'm not taking up for people who post such stuff, but I think there are legitimate problems on this forum that need to be sorted out which directly involve how we punish people for these types of offenses. Since cracking is rarely ever a personal attack made out of malice and defamation, I think a warning can be afforded before a ban. We all make mistakes especially when we're in a culture we're not familiar with, which speaks an unfamiliar language. Fair is fair though, so we have to give the same punishments to everyone. We can't be too strict on people who meant nothing first time, nor too lenient on people who are very familiar with it and just don't care.

But we could make excuses all day. We could take up for those excuses which I think the mods have been doing a little too much. I don't think it's necessarily their fault; this stuff isn't laid out strait so there's not much in the way of procedures to enforce. If the rules are written very clearly, even for people who don't know English, then we have taken reasonable measures to ensure that even they understand as well as any of us.

As an example of a clear rule regarding cracks, it could look like this:

It is never acceptable to post registration keys, and other files that let anyone unlock the demo of a game without paying for it, unless the developer has given permission. If they haven't given permission, it is not allowed. Posting these files or keys is against the law. Developers work hard to make their games, and many of them rely on the money they get from customers. If you post these types of things, you are taking a lot of money away from them, because many people will be able to play the game without paying for it. Anyone who is caught posting these will be given a severe warning. If you do it again you will be banned ((blocked from the forum) for two weeks. If you continue to post them, you will permanently be banned from the forum. This is something we take very seriously!

Granted, that may be a little too scary/formal-looking, and that was sort of the point. we need something more formal than what we have. And anyway I am not the rule writer, the example above was just showing how clear I think we should be making our new rules. I don't know how I could have said it any clearer. Someone has to start the administrative ball rolling though, and until then, I don't know how productive it is for us to throw our own proposed rules around. I suspect the mods and admins are deliberating over rule changes at this very moment, and have been for a long while.

Edit: clarified fake rules a bit more

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2018-10-21 14:29:23 (edited by flackers 2018-10-21 15:45:34)

I agree that ignorance of the rules can never be a defence because everyone would just plead ignorance. For spamming and posting links to pirated material: instant two month ban. Enough time for the person to reflect. Do it again: lifetime ban. As far as people being a bit gobby, the mods are on the whole pretty lenient, and I think they should be. This is where discretion could be applied because , this is hardly an ideal environment for people to get along. Dark is a pretty fair moderator as far as I can see. I saw one example where I believe he threw his weight around because he'd been insulted, and it ended in a lifetime ban that I thought was very harsh, but other than that, he's a very moderate moderator. I just don't think he was fit to judge the Walter incident. He wouldn't have been allowed to judge that case if it  were a sexual harrassment action in a court. He seems to have took the position that anyone who might be friends with Walter couldn't be relied upon to supply evidence, but it was his own friendship with Laurie that his opinion of her trustworthiness was based on. It seems he tried to find other witnesses, but at least one of these others was almost certainly the result of an attempt to cover previous lies. I dont think the Walter thing would ever have got near a courtroom if it were areal life case. It seems he was guilty of getting on Laurie's nerves, and she over-dramatised it to the point the guy ended up being accused of harassing someone into commiting suicide. Someone needs to let him know most people know he was unfairly treated. And his ban should certainly be reversed.

2018-10-21 14:44:40

thing is though even if it was would he even come back? something else that has just struck me, i haven't seen or heard anything from Lauri on any thread. or on the gamers list. her silents on this whole thing the blog included is rather interesting. although i haven't checked the bsg blog for additional comments so she may have commented on there but i don't know.

2018-10-21 14:51:25 (edited by flackers 2018-10-21 14:54:35)

I don't know Laurie, but she could man up and admit Walter was just bugging her and she went way overboard. She could come clean about exactly what was exaggerated or fabricated, and then Dark would know where he stood, and hopefully things could be rectified to some degree. Admitting you've done wrong and apologising goes a hell of a long way. I mean, no one was stabbed to death or anything. Just a bit of silliness, but it might have affected Walter in a real way, and something should be done to make amends.

2018-10-21 15:03:24 (edited by jack 2018-10-21 15:06:09)

As for the cracking issue, side-note, but would anyone have any devs have confidence in deploying a bitcoin wallet for international folks? I have a feeling a big issue is Paypal, from an international point of view, not being as big a standard as they think they are. I will say that's pretty stupid, as a financial institution you'd think they'd diligently be hard at work getting regulated in a lot more countries, but what do I know. But if developers were able to openly accept Bitcoins, could there possibly be a chance that people who actually want to buy the games may be able to have a chance? ON the other hand there are some people that will say it isn't worth the time which is just a dumb excuse, although to be fair Bitcoin, from what I have heard and used of it has varying degrees of accessibility depending on what you use.
Alright, there's my take on that, now back on topic. I do agree that there needs to be a more hard-fast punishment for game cracks especially. I think part of the issue is the differing actions of the mods; some are only too happy to hit the ban button while others aren't that quick to which they've admitted to. There's been less of that lately, in part due to this thread I'm sure, but the mods still act differently at times. Which is all the more reason that there should be an actually laid out suspension/banning system for dealing with cracks.

2018-10-25 13:28:10

This topic is dead and Dark is posting again ... shame.

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2018-10-25 14:04:51 (edited by jack 2018-10-25 14:14:05)

Now pipe down, from the looks of it Dark probably just came back, so is probably looking at this as well. If I'm understanding correctly, he did say that he'd be away for a few days a while back. Also, the discussion could still be going on, who knows. At any rate, a number of factors could determine the fact that responding to this topic wasn't the very first thing Dark did when he came back. Maybe he wanted to just walk back into the forum and start posting stuff as normal to see how it is. He was posting in site and forum feedback, and he likely stumbled upon a topic or two on his way here (he did post in the topic about asking for games, which is indeed a concern of which there's nothing wrong with addressing. So, at this point, I guess it's all in good time. Either way, coming on here and lamenting that Dark hasn't posted to this topic is probably not the best idea either. If we want something to be resolved peacefully a little more patience will go a long way. After all, even the mods have admitted that this isn't something that's being taken lightly, so while necessary, I don't know if any of them mare, excited, as it were. This is just my guess, for all I know it could be totally different. Remember, there are, what, 7 mods, plus newsposters, plus Cendermen if he's still in on the discussion. If anything, everyone is probably coming to the best agreement possible while at the same time discussing the other points that have been brought up in this topic concerning things like a hard fast banning system against cracks and the like.