2018-10-06 18:07:36

i like scifi muds. Are there some muds with soundpack?

2018-10-06 20:15:37

CR sort of has one but its like half completed or something

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-10-06 20:47:13

Get Snap's CR pack. That's the one being developed now after Sierra appears to have quit.

2018-10-06 20:47:45

i know the cr pack but i wish there are muds wich are not like miriani. a starwars mud with soundpack would be great

2018-10-06 21:00:35

i'M also half developing a pack for cr, and it just for fun mainly.
but miri also has also a pack for mush

2018-10-06 21:12:13

hm where can i get the miriani mushpack?

2018-10-06 22:55:08

Where can I get the cr pack and the miriani one?

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2018-10-06 23:27:41

the cr pack is for vipmud

2018-10-07 06:02:40

@3, why did Sierra quit? Did she leave the game, to?

2018-10-07 08:46:56

There is a Cr pack for Mush I believe, type @soundpacks in the game, though what its status is I don't know as I use vipmud myself.

I believe there is a promethius pack, as well as the previously mentioned miriani one, and if you want to get away from those space type muds, then Cyber assault has a Mush pack which I believe Mata and others have worked on.

hth, I'm afraid since Vipmud is my main mud client I can'tbe specific but these are onesI've heard of.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-10-07 10:19:46

sierra left do to the school stuff if i remember that right.

2018-10-07 11:25:18

prometheus is down i hope it comes back

2018-10-07 17:28:03

can someone help me in cr? i make a quest and cant find the npc i need a tipp please. last i spoke with hestia. and i cant find the next npc.

2018-10-07 20:20:32

Funny you mention star wars muds. A friend and I just started work on a pack for the long-running circle derivative revenge of the jedi. Some of the systems are still a bit cheesy in my opinion, and it still feels far to much like circle, but with the right sp behind it I think it will be pretty fun for a while. We literally just started this project yesterday, so there's not any sounds at the moment, but right now it stores the various statistics shown in your ground, space and combat prompts in variables that can be accessed with keystrokes, as well as some nice behind the scenes changes and improvements that differ from the common mushreader setup people are used to. You can download this thing and follow development here on github. Two things to note with it. One: don't try to run it with your existing mushclient installation if you have one. The tts plugins we're using require a later version of lua than what comes with mushclient by default. It will break badly if you just paste it over what you have now. Keep it entirely separate from any existing setups. Two: there is a known bug when first launching the program that will throw a file not found error when trying to open the world. Just click ok, press control o, open the world in the resulting dialogue and all should proceed as expected. I was just about to continue work on this thing after I get off the forum, so definitely add this repo to your watchlist, bookmark it, what have you, and address any comments or bug reports here or, if at all possible, preferably in the issues section of the repo.

2018-10-08 02:50:52

I really need to give Revenge of the Jedi another shot.  I kind of enjoyed the game for what it was, and liked the descending multi-class tree format.  However, I have an issue getting myself properly equipped to take on harder stuff in ground and space battles, and have a bad habit of stumbling into traps that destroy all my eq (whoops). 

     Any suggestions for a getting starting guide and what might be the most fun you had with a Main class (I'll determine secondary etc classes later on).  Weirdly, I actually don't want to pick the bog-standard force users, and have an eye on the other classes.  Sort of leaning towards either Technician heading for droid-master for a change, or going down the Commando tree.

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