2018-09-19 10:10:40

So I'm wondering why a lot of the blind people I run into are very hostel to the idea of a conservative blind person. Soneone who has conservative values. Someone who loves America and didn't really support the current man in power but did in the end. I get called a sell out by the people I thought were tallerent and open minded. Its mostly because I don't want to be collecting a check every month but I digress.

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2018-09-19 19:05:34

I'll admit right off the bat that I'm a liberal, but I think the hostility to conservative ideas, I have seen no hostility towards conservative blind people in themselves, is in the fact that most policies that benefit the blind come from liberal politicians.

Conservatives in government tend to cut funding to education, roll back accessibility laws for the disabled, and allow for discriminatory policies in hiring that are largely responsible for the 70% unemployment/underemployment of the blind in the United States, the rates of unemployment and underemployment are even higher in Europe.

Also, I object to you saying that only conservatives love America. I love America and as I said, am pretty liberal, but whether you are on the right or left, the country was made for people to take action for what they believe in, this includes protests and complaints in the media, whether you are fighting for abortion rights or you are fighting for prayer in school. A protester, on either side of the isle, is a patriot as they are actually trying to do something to make the country the way they think it ought to be and are willing to invest their time and energy and money into the process of leading the country.

But to return to your question, it is largely because conservative politicians are against regulatory laws and financial support to protect and advance minorities, including the blind, that there are a lot of these groups that reject conservative politics and politicians and cannot offer their support to them.

That said, most people aren't monolithic cult followers of a political agenda though. Blind following on the left side of the isle, though I am also there I condemn as much as unquestioning following of the right. I know people who support many conservative ideas such as prayer in schools but also tend to support many liberal ideas such as abortion rights, environmental protection, and heavy regulation of business as well at the the same time.

If you are a blind conservative, good for you. Just keep an eye on the policies you are asked to support and make sure you remain informed about them so you can make the best choices, and to any liberals who read this, the advice applies equally to us. I don't support every left-wing policy myself such as the recent move on the left to end the electoral college in America which I think is a helpful institution that actually serves a very good purpose, even though it lessens democrats' power in national elections.

2018-09-19 22:04:29

You know what bugs me about the liberals, and its not all of them, but it's sort of the defining image of their party. The complete and utter disregard they have towards other people, towards the truth, and even towards their own party members. They are a party of liars and manipulators. They are a party of authoritarians, do as we say, think as we do and you're fine. They want to take our freedoms, and they do it in a sneaky, manipulative fashion, to chip away bit by bit at what we hold most dear. I'm not naive or delusional enough to not realize that type of thing goes on on the right side of the isle as well, but its to a far lesser degree. Unless you're talking about the alt right, most conservatives aren't looking to control you, aren't looking to judge you. They do have this bible thumping thing going on, and I'm not religious, and some of that scares me, Mike Pence scares me, he seems like a religious zealot. Yes, I think the republicans are too hard on the quite MURIKA, mentality. They are like over-patriotic. I don't hold with anyone who says  something about people not being american because of this reason or whatever. We're a melting pot, we pretty much always have been, and that's fine. We're not a homogeneous nation like some are, and some want to be, like Hungary don't want to take any migrants, which I honestly have no problem with. But we are a melting pot, we're many people. Lately, our pledge of allegiance has lost some of its meaning, that about being indivisible really is falling apart rather quickly. I think it started a while ago, but Obama really brought it to the forefront. He was one of the worst presidents I think we've ever had. He struck me as a silver-tongued devil, a snake charmer, and a manipulator. I was hoping he'd win in 2008, because I thought it was about time we had a black president, or a woman as president. I still think we should continue on that trend, I would have liked to see Sarah palin win. I hope she runs in 2020, but I don't see her doing it, I think she's happy where she is. That being said, I think we'd do well to have a woman president. Nothing about my dislike of Obama has anything to do with his race, but everything these days is a racial issue.

You know what else, I've had it up to here with this political correctness BS. It's utterly ridiculous pussification of our country, and the world. You know what, people need to start growing the fuck up and acting like adults. Everything is about sparing feelings, no matter what the issue is. People are growing highly allergic to the truth, they don't want to see or hear it. They will buy anything the media says, no matter how they may lean either left or right. To me, it seems like the majority of the media don't lean left, they sway left. The stats are out there, the facts are out there, but people won't do their own research, they just eat what they are spoon fed.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-09-19 22:51:13

I will say that some of the media does get passes where it shouldn't. For one, I completely agree with #3 that people need to get their own information whenever possible.

I disagree with many things #3 says, but on the same footing, a lot of big media isn't that good. MSNBC is on the side of the aisle I am on but I don't trust it to give me good news even so and in my opinion it is just as bad as Fox News, just on the other end. As for swaying left, I see a lot of conservative ideology, even on CNN, and they are hardly news professionals.

my friend and I have the following thing we say about the main news networks

MSNBC is the barking idiot channel on the left
Fox News is the barking idiot channel on the right.
CNN is the barking idiot channel for the rest of us.

I can't stand to see debates on CNN over news issues anymore as I have watched some after I took some logic courses that focused on identifying fallacies and bad argument techniques that weren't valid and any discussion on the news networks (and I include all of them.) are just there for noise and misdirection rather than a deliberate search after the truth, which is what a debate really ought to be about and I see everyone on both sides giving bad logic and trying to pass off their views and all of them are manipulating. I generally wind up agreeing with the person who I find logically cheats the least and has the most valid and sound arguments after I have to throw out half the stuff they say as unadmissable evidence.

It is hard for many people to take their news in unprocessed form however, either from lack of education, or frequently, simply lack of time. I don't mean that people who are not college educated are not fit to make their own choices, to say that is stupid and elitist. What I mean is a lot of education is theoretically, or should be about teaching us to think critically, once you get beyond algebra in school, you aren't going to use much of that unless you are in certain professions but the math training actually teaches you to follow rules of thinking and how to follow procedures in a logical way to solve problems and the logic transfers over to non-mathematical things. Science, as long as they don't just have you memorize facts as many school districts foolishly do now is to teach you how to infer things from evidence and English both teaches you how to analyze a text and also the writing aspect of it teaches you how to arrange your own thinking, provided that the school actually gives a crap and actually tries to teach you and not give you pointless busywork (which is a very big if) You can get this knowledge other ways, but the goal of public education is to produce good citizens and if you don't have the critical thinking aspect to it, it isn't going to work.

But America only works if we think critically about the decisions our leaders make and the things we stand for, and I don't care if you are on my political side or not, it applies to both. America doesn't work without the populace critically looking at what the government is doing and cultural trends, and I'm afraid that is not happening.

On that front, I completely agree with #3 even though I largely disagree with his views on other issues, or at least to the extent they express them, however, he makes a good point that we are not a homogenous nation and shouldn't be. I think if everyone held my political beliefs, things would be worse off because that would close off many possible good ideas that would come from other quarters and would not offer checks to the negative consequences that could form intentionally or unintentionally from my own standpoint.

2018-09-20 00:45:24

I agree with post 3, for the most part (not the liberal thing though). smile I'm by no means very articulate when it comes to American politics, but why can't people just use common sense and refrain from taking everything heard in the media regarding left this and right that seriously. People on the right bash people on the left and vice versa. It's rediculous if you ask me! Look, I will probably start a war here, so I'll just preface this next statement with saying that I am probably a bit biased, so if you attack me, just know that I have my opinion and you have yours. I feel like the current American president has definitely sparked a rivalry of sorts, and some of the issues that have thought to have been eliminated are revealing themselves once more. Yes, I'm playing the racism card. Now, I'm not trying to imply that the president had such intentions, but he started a discussion, and the flame is quickly becoming a strong fire. I don't consider myself liberal or conservative, but I would like to believe that when I vote, I am voting for the president that makes the most sense. Oh crap! I'm starting to sound naive. lol

2018-09-20 01:24:04

Being from the UK, I don't support american parties.
However, as an outsider, I would say while I might not exactly support everything Donald Trump does, I support his vision. "Make america great again" is a saying that has become almost taboo, but, and this is the important but, he's taking steps to do it. Sure, they]re not exactly... Politicly correct, or particularly peaceful, but hey, he's making america, america.

From a UK standpoint, I am definitely conservative. the only good thing that labour can do is borrow money, and the people of the country are quite capable of doing that themselves, thank you very much!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2018-09-20 03:18:28

I tend towards the more conservative myself. Even if the libertarian influence is rising in me merely as a result of my increased cynicism related to government actions.
I tend to think of Obama as the one who covered the place in gasoline while Trump exists as the spark. To be more precise of my thought, I think Obama (most likely unintentionaly) made a healing wound open up again. It started as something rather simple. The matter shouldn't have been as bad, but one thing lead to another, and we were back to some of the old problems. Trump isn't helping, though, likewise it is unintentional, but news organizations needs their money. Even if the truth has to suffer as a result of that greed. Now information is just muddy, and only a few people even have the time to sort through all of it. It seems, that as a result of all that's been going on, many people have lost their sense of internal consistency. My hope is that all of this burns and blows over quickly so we can have an actual meaningful discussion over policy, but that's probably not going to help. Revolutionaries love to try to work quickly, but as a result of a lack of patience, the cleanup takes way longer. That being said, as much as I don't like it, something has to give, it's just that is there a good way to finally resolve the issues without putting in place any further tools for tyranical rule. Laws and policies are dangerous for that reason. Anyways, sorry for the long ramble.

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2018-09-20 03:21:57

one of the big problems I have with trump is not necessarily his overall goals. Saving the American Auto Industry, Steel Industry, and reducing illegal immigration in my book are all good things. My problem is that frequently his ideas channel latent racism or they are half-baked.

Take for example, the illegal imigrants and the Mexico Wall. I predict if it gets built it will be about as successful as the Berlin Wall was, and for those of you who haven't looked into it, the berline wall didn't work too well at keeping Eastern Germans from fleeing to the West, and that was a relatively shorter stretch of country with armed guards trained to shoot to kill on sight.

Most Latin Americans who illegally come to this country and have any success here anyway don't just hop across the border but actually get student or work visas and then don't go back home when they expire. A whole bunch who just head across the southern border are already caught even without the extra security.

Perhaps the Wall will do something, but if we are serious about stopping illegal imigrants from coming to this country, we need to dry up what they come for, which is the work they can get here. It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant in the U.S. and one is supposed to check their visas to see if they are in order. This is in fact a very easy process. However, the punishments for hiring illegal imigrants are just slaps on the wrist.

What is notably absent from Trump's anti-illegal-immigration policies (and I make sure to say "illegal" because a lot of people on the liberal side forget that word but I'm not going to) is a tightening of enforcement on the laws that punish American citizens for hiring illegal immigrant labor. I have not heard a single word about attacking the problem this way at all and it is unfortunate.

With illegal immigrant employment going virtually unpunished in regards to the Americans that use it, wages are vastly lowered because of the under-the-table payments that can be made below minimum wage, which is bad for legal workers and citizens. Further, this horribly low wage is bad for the illegal imigrants as well, and their declining health makes them more likely to be ahealth risk to themselves and others. (why public health is so important as one person's illness can quickly become a problem for everyone. and hence the mandatory vaccination laws in many states.) and thus everyone loses except half of the people involved committing the crime. Because of the money they save, the illegal employer rakes in a lot of extra cash and weakens unions with worker rights suffering, again hurting legal imigrants and American workers.

I know a lot of the stuff about how Illegals work in this country because my sister works in a school district with them and also was engaged to one when she was in college for a while and thus knows the experience well.

I would have much more confidence in trump's anti-illegal-immigration policies and not think he was just showboating to racists both open and subconscious on this front if he brought up the stuff about visas and doing something about enforcing them better and also holding employers of illegal immigration accountable for their half of the crime of hiring illegals.

2018-09-20 04:35:47

First, forgive me if I offend in this response. I tried not to show my biased opinion, simply because I make it a goal not to express a dislike towards politicians, or anybody for that matter. Yes, call me naive or what have you, but the truth of the matter is that division is not a good thing. OK, too late for the unbiased opinion thing now.
I guess I would like to address some of the points that post 7 made. Some of what was written in post 7 is what I call unspoken truths. Yes, media has to make money, resulting in sacrifices being made left and right (figuratively and literally), but I've noticed new lows in recent news casts regarding politics. Has it always been the way of journalists to criticize and exaggerate stories such that opinions strongly favor one-sided political ideologies? I mean, I thought that Journalism 101 taught that unbiased opinions are key. Also, post 7, I think you're getting really close to what I call a slippery-slope fallacy. At the end of the day, America's founding was based on acceptance and re-initiating a society with multiple co-existing cultures. We could argue history all day, but I am trying to angle at the fact that it is safe to assume that more likely than not, in the US, there will be opposition to policies that lead towards a tyrannically-ruled society.
Post 8, I am in agreement with you regarding the president's anti-illegal immigration policies and his inability to articulate them with intellect. At first, I was trying to give him the benefit of a doubt regarding these policies, but he has continually gone too far with his racist and hateful remarks. From my point of view, I am in full agreement that we need to control illegal immigration to some extent. At least, from the perspective of societal and law benefits. However, the emotional part of me understands the troubles and hardships of people who want a better life for themselves. One could just as easily say, "Well, if you want to come to this country, do it legally. Apply for visas, etc ..." It is just not that easy as it sounds. I understand this because I experienced this first hand from one of my family members. Most of my family has been fortunate enough to have had connections and live in a closer country to the US so as to facilitate legal status in US. But I can understand how things could go wrong, not to mention South American countries that are filled with violence and cruelty. Oh, sorry, I digress. I just feel a certain way about the whole legal vs illegal thing. I'm hinting at the fact that it is really hard to separate emotion from the practical But at the end of the day, despite my feelings toward the current president, I choose to believe that he will find a way to lead this country towards something. Whether that something is good or bad remains to be seen.

2018-09-20 05:44:02 (edited by Ethin 2018-09-20 05:45:43)

I'd like to chip in and quite freely say that I entirely disagree with "the wall". Whether it will help or not is, to me, entirely irrelevant. It serves no purpose -- at least not non-politically, that is -- other than to broadcast just how racist Trump truly is. He wants to stop illegal immigration? Fine. He wants to build a wall, only on the Mexican boarder? No. Not cool. He wants Mexico to pay for it, as if they've committed an international crime, which they have not? No. Again, not cool. I seriously wonder how much Trump knows about Mexico. Clearly, he knows very little. Do you know that, according to Trading Economics, the Mexican wage is only $19.04 per day, or $4.71 per hour, compared to our national wage? Their wage is so low that they can't live off of it, even if they tried. In America you at least have a small chance of living off of it for a short while. So, to them, America is a possible future, a dream. So of course they'd want to immigrate here. Is it illegal? Yes. Do I dislike that they're doing it illegally? Yep. I definitely don't like it. But considering how slow the federal government is at doing anything, I can imagine exactly why doing something illegally like that would be even better than waiting over 3 years just to get your VISA while the government receives your VISA request, forgets about it, doddles and twittles it thumbs for a long time, finally notices the report, forgets about it again, notices it again, and then finally does something about it.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2018-09-20 12:07:53

One issue I'm afraid I constantly see in debates about "liberal" or "conservative" is that a lot of Americans seem to assume that it ultimately comes down to supporting democrats or republicans, thus, policies which are actually not necessarily liberal such as positive discrimination tend to get lumped into the "liberal" camp, likewise belief in unrestricted free trade ala Ayne rand tends to be thought of  as conservative.

As I've said before, there used to be a wonderful site called the political index. It noted that the spectrum of left/right did not encompass all beliefs about society, since say someone like Stalen, a left wing authoritarian is actually miles away from karl Marx, a left wing libertarian, just as Ayne rand a right wing libertarian, is a  long way from Adolf Hitler, a right wing authoritarian.

Instead, it proposed a graph, with left and right across the bottom, and authoritarian/libetarian up the middle.

I will admit myself I'm a left wing libertarian, or at least moderate libertarian, but this in turn doesn't necessarily mean I'm a democrat either, or indeed would be if I lived in the states.

Actually I'll confess that the adversarial nature of us politics was something that very much put me off, with both sides essentially forming cliques, and thus assumptions in any debate always made about the other side's views simply based upon the fact that they were! the other side, heck my parents in law's political spectrum basically ran democrats equals abortion equals bad, republicans equals christian equals good, and had little else in terms of views aside from that.

Likewise, what I saw of most of Us news seemed to be more bent to depicting one or other political tribe in a bad light than either reporting the facts or debating issues with any degree of clarity.

As a disclaimer I will say that British politics has its own share of pretty major issues too, not the smallest being the government's habbit of getting more taken up with the constant cricket match of inter party politics to the point that the political situation is so utterly divorced from reality it has nothing to do with what is actually going on with the country, hence why labour, the so called "left wing" party go and privatise most British services, and only later discover that that was an amazingly bad idea big_smile.

Either way, myself I always take views that talk about "the liberals" or "the conservatives" or "the left" with a huge great spoon of salt, since in the end, people have different opinions on different issues, even those under the banner of the same political ideology, and however much people like my in laws would like to see politics and society  in terms of a simple battle of the good and righteous republicans against the evil democrats, ----- or in fairness often the other way around, matters are rarely that simple.

Hell, despite being a card carrying Marxist myself, I've seen plenty of so called "liberals" whom I certainly do not! agree with at all big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-09-20 12:50:41

So I am a conservative that I want to see strong familys. I would also like to see that we stem the flow of illegals down to a manageable number. I know that we have free speech and I will defend your right to sy stuff but I will always not agree with it. The thing I'm scared is the demacratic socialists that say they would like to remove ICE and do all this free stuff.

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2018-09-20 13:03:43

I'll tell you that even though I do tend to go with the democrats, I am neither in favor of dismantling ICE or the electoral college. ICE definitely needs to be reformed so it doesn't have the same tendency to tread over basic human rights, but an organization that deals with immigration and customes laws is extremely necessary, and ICE is that body.

I also know what is really behind the electoral college thing. If it were removed, democrats would have a lot more power and pretty much a candidate could just grab a few major cities that were democratic-leaning anyway to score a national election, and that stomps over so many that it could easily become a tyranny of the many over the rights of the few.

so as said above, a lot of us aren't mololithic cult followers and those particular Democratic policies I am definitely against.

2018-09-20 20:13:40

I am so proud of the people in this thread.
This forum is the only place online where I have witnessed a civil discussion of political views which did not degenerate into namecalling and hate speech.
If everyone thought critically, and treated others with respect, as is the case in this thread, this country would be a lot closer to resolving its problems.

2018-09-20 21:00:26

+1 Mirage, I'm also very happy to see how civil and polite everyone has been!

Depending on the issue, I lean conservative or liberal, sometimes only slightly and other times quite harshly.  I think the trick is to always learn enough about the other side (of whatever you're focusing on) so that you could fill in for them in a debate and have at least a fighting chance to win.  If a co-worker were to bring up a gripe about the plot of the Matrix movie, we can examine the workings of that universe and support it or pick away at things that may be plot holes.  We can both put ourselves into that fictional universe to logically and reasonably debate it's inner-workings without either of us believing that any of the movie is true.  Religions can be handled in exactly the same way.  Even if I don't believe there is a literal god Zeus sitting on mount Olympus, I can learn the stories and engage in discussions/debates about it.  I believe a well rounded person should be able to teach to a class, the basics of their own religion/political party, and should also be able to teach that same class about their rival religions/political party... and I mean teach it as if they are on that side.

I like to imagine our political differences as a saw-style game show with 2 men sitting at a table.  They are given test questions 1 at a time, and if their score ever gets too low each will be lit on fire and die.  The 2 men are polar opposites and tend to disagree on nearly everything, to the point where they each generally think the other is a bad person because of how "backward" their opinions are.  They bicker and argue about every question, sometimes going with the first man's answer, and sometimes going with the second man.  Every time they go with one man's answer, the other man proclaims that "This is the end!", believing whole-heartedly that the answer is going to be wrong and they are going to burn.

Time passes and the men stay alive.  Hundreds and thousands of questions are presented to them, and at no point do they ever let either man take total control.  Coming up with each answer is a bitter battle of name-calling and insults, and in the end their long chain of past answers is pretty even mix of the two.  From this we can conclude that both men are wrong, but we can also conclude that both men need to believe they are right every time.  If either man had been left to make all of the decisions, they would have been burned alive long long ago.  Each time the first man got his way, it means the other man would have picked the wrong answer if it were left solely up to him.  The same is true for when the second man got his way.  They've only made it this far by working together, but if either saw it as working together (and stopped fighting so hard for his own side) then the answers would have started to sway too far toward the man still fiercely fighting to have his way.  It's a tug of war that would kill both, if either stopped pulling with all his might.

Now it's not a perfect analogy (since none ever are), but it's a way to look at things.  Our country has had endless law and policy changes over it's history dealing with situations as they arose.  We've constantly gone back and forth between conservative and liberal ways to make those changes.  Things are by no means perfect, but we've lasted an awfully long time.  Looking back at even our greatest historical civilizations, we can see how they eventually drove themselves into the ground with political choices.  If you make too many mistakes, you end.  We haven't ended yet so So far, we've needed this back and forth.

Like the 2 men in the story, if our country had only been run by conservatives or only been run by liberals, we would have been getting a whole lot more wrong than we did.  The whole place likely would have come crashing down and there would be a new nation (or multiple) living in this location right now.  Now I'm not saying we should just hold hands and stop bickering, because if one side stops fighting so hard then things will begin leaning too far toward the one still fighting just as hard as before.  We still have to fight to get our own side to win, but maybe deep down in the back of our minds we need to remember that this is team work.  Like soldiers battling each other who at least have a respect for the others, understanding that each is defending their own nation with honor.

Wow I've rambled for a long time.  tongue

- Aprone
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2018-09-21 06:03:36 (edited by Ghost 2018-09-21 06:04:13)

Hurstseth,  define free stuff? Are you talking about government benefits, mainly healthcare, which is considered a human right in every other developed nation,  and which is manditory to enroll in?  It totally blows my mind that in the US, many people vote for parties that harm their economical interests. It blows my mind even more, how a blind person can be republican, despite everything the republican party has done to weaken nondiscrimination laws,  abolish the NLS program, cut medicade, weaken the ADA, etc.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2018-09-21 13:47:10

I don't like the ada and most of that stuff I don't support.

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2018-09-21 14:46:55

What I see is the democrats not doing anything worthy of respect or I could. I used to just see them as folks who had a different way of doing things, some of which I agreed with, some of which I did not. Now, it's just SJW people everywhere you go, don't say this, don't say that, etc. And the whole, no borders, no nations is so ridiculously stupid I can't even understood how it got that far. Too many young people in college think they know what's going on when they have no idea. Too many of them get wrapped up into these action groups when they themselves probably don't understand the nature of what their group is fighting for. But at least its balanced out by the older, more wise crowd. No borders no nations, OK let's remove the door from your bedroom and bathroom, let's take all the doors off your house or apartment whatsoever, remove all window coverings and you have a micro version of what you propose in the macrocosm. The level of anger and hate from the left is bubbling and rising, and spilling over into society. That right there is a big problem, and when their actions tell a tail contrary to what their public message is, that's another one.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-09-21 15:07:40

I feel like the demacrats just use us. They don't even include us in there so called divirsity push. I mean look at he access transet in LA. I have heard from disabled that its the worst in the country and this is suposed to be a liberal progressive city. What about the disabled vets who are homeless. The demacrats don't like people who thought for america.

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2018-09-21 15:10:06

@18 also I believe a company should be able to serve who ever they want too. If a person doesn't want to  serve the disabled then people will not go to that company if they don't want too.

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2018-09-21 15:21:49 (edited by Jason SW 2018-09-21 15:34:17)

It is baffling to me that any blind person in the US would be against the ADA, as without laws such as the ADA, the percentage of people with disabilities who are employed would almost certainly be much, much worse. Businesses, especially the larger ones, are only concerned with money, and if they think it will cost them more to employ someone with a disability, then that person will probably not be hired.

2018-09-21 16:47:29

Well one possible thought is that people do not always support or go against policies based on what will benefit them (personally) the most.  I am quite content paying my taxes while I know others who hate the very idea and actively try to cheat their way into paying less than they should.  I am also not incentivized one bit when a candidate goes into the standard "I will lower taxes" speech, even though it would benefit me personally to lose less of my paycheck.

There are some issues where we push hard to get what will benefit us despite what that would mean for others or for the bigger picture.  Then there are issues where we are willing to sacrifice for a greater good.  Lowering taxes is an example for many people where they look out for themselves first, and taking care of the environment is a common place where people would be willing to give up a little in order to protect the planet.  So it's all in how those people are viewing that particular situation.

For me and taxes (where some of my family will never agree with my view), I know that no matter what amount of taxes I am charged I am getting the better end of the deal.  I hop in my car and drive only 4 miles on the freeway to where I work.  Even that tiny 4-mile stretch means I've traveled on a roadway that I could not recreate if I spent the rest of my life trying to build it.  Not on my own anyway, if I had to get the materials and do the labor.  Every time I use water or flush the toilet, it magically goes away.  If I had to set up that system myself from scratch it would take the rest of my life digging ditches and laying pipes.  The infrastructure for power, building codes so I don't have to worry every place I walk into will collapse (an actual worry in some parts of the world), people to rush to my aid if my house catches fire, and even laws with law enforcement ensuring I don't have to risk my life fighting off mobs of bandits each morning.  My tax dollars are like me handing over a penny and being given a mansion.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-09-21 22:18:30

@hurstseth405: About the ADA. Without the ADA things would be catastrophic and that's putting it lightly. Not everyone was raised to accept differences as far as disabilities are concerned, and if they get the upper hand then we all know what happens next.

hurstseth405 wrote:

also I believe a company should be able to serve who ever they want too. If a person doesn't want to  serve the disabled then people will not go to that company if they don't want too.

Tell me then, out of the hundreds of job listings the next guy has access to, how many they really actually can do. A person with a disability can't just strike a position at a retail establishment, because not all of them are accessible. Most of the time people aren't aware, and once it's brought up there's a pretty good turnaround. But there are bad actors in the field who simply refuse to make things their stuff accessible. They look at it from an investment vs return point of view and choose to lose potential customers and employees with the way they're going. And guess what, that's with the ADA around. And It's bad enough with the ADA being so lightly enforced. Companies having so much leniency when it comes to deadlines to change stuff. Granted no everything can happen overnight, especially a building change, but deadlines should be handled on a case-by-case basis rather than a hard fast deadline. Especially if said remedy is software-defined, making a terminal accessible for example. If the employee is perfectly qualified and has politely requested their accommodation you have this much time to get it up and going, and if you need more time then deploy a guaranteed copilot solution if you will until it's set up. And if the effort isn't sufficient enough and you choose to lay off the employee because of that they are within their right to sue for wrongful termination. See how it should work? So, while I'm all for a more strongly enforced ADA, I simply cannot agree with lack of an ADA, because not everyone is decent enough to be trusted without an ADA.

2018-09-21 22:27:41

One of the hings I have noticed is that if we are blind we are told to think the same way and support the same laws that every other diabled person thinks that is grate for them. If you went to a public pool and one of the life guards was death would you feel safe? But because of the ada he was forced to be highered.

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2018-09-21 22:34:13

I hate my laptop keyboard dang spelling. But many reasons of why I don't support the ada is because it allows people to sue companys for things that may not even be a problem to other people with a disability. So in turn the companyis afraid of allowing the disabled person to work at there place because they could get sued for anything the person with a disability could take as not allowing them to do there job. Even thoe the same things would not affect someone else with another disability. Oh and having braille signs on the restaurant bathroom doors isn't that hurting trans people acording to the sjw mind?

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