2018-03-21 11:38:01

I did something stupid, I'm assuming, when messing with settings in TW Blue's account settings.  I've tried everything: uninstalling, running compatibility  troubleshooter, just straight up deleting the entire folder and reinstalling, restarting my computer...and nothing is working hmm I have a feeling I set the API for tweets too high and it isn't loading, but honestly have no clue if that's it.  Is there a way to set the setting in TW Blue to defaults so I can get the program open again?  I was really enjoying using the program and legit only had it for like a day, so my stupidity in changing something I didn't understand is frustrating me and I have limited computer knowledge so...yeah, help please!

2018-03-21 12:50:31

hi, delete the TW setting file from appdata? sorry, not exactly sure where it is stored, but I can double check for you. but, I know it's there.

2018-03-21 17:24:50

yeah deleting it probably make it regenerate it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-03-21 19:07:56

As others suggested already, you may try to delete your settings folder so TWBlue will create a new, empty settings folder. From time to time new bugs related to this kind of issues are reported with enough information to be fixed in a new stable release. For removing TWBlue's settings, you can do the following:

1. Open the run dialog (Windows+r).
2. Type %appdata% and press enter.
3. Delete the folder called TWBlue in appdata.
4. Open TWBlue again, and you should be done.


2018-03-21 19:28:40

Manuel, I think that such fails should not prevent TW blue from running. It should popup an error saying something like, your settings file has been corrupted. Check your logs for reporting the issue to the developer. Press OK to restore your configuration to factory defaults.
I think that this would be more useful for newbies who may not know that their settings are broken.

2018-03-21 19:36:16

I like that idea, though, why is there a reason to monkey with the file in the first place. I've never looked, are there options in that file that are not in the UI dialogs for settings and account settings?

Also, to people wishing to edit their config files manually, it takes less than a second to make a backup, that way if a problem does result, you just pop the backup in the original's place and away you go.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-03-21 19:41:23

@nidza07 We already are working on it. But it would be better to have more info so we can reproduce the problem. Right now If I place a corrupted settings file (or a session directory without settings), TWBlue skips that session and load everything else. In theory, this should happens when a session, for any reason, is not able to be loaded. But it seems it still breaks in certain conditions. Anyway I will keep an eye in this kind of issues.

2018-03-21 20:20:38

Glad to hear. To Ironcross: This does not actually only happen when you edit the file manually and it can happen due to some bugs as well. For example, there used to be a bug where TW blue would not start if Serbian was set as Windows language due to it trying to auto detect the language and load it. In this case the only way to successfully use TW blue was actually to edit the file manually and change the language option to English. I agree that when you edit sensitive files like these you should have a backup first, but yeah just wanted to point out that it can be a bug too.

2018-03-21 20:45:16

Yay deleting the file in app data worked!  Thanks!

And just to clarify:  I was no where near the ability to manually edit files when this happened, no clue where that idea came from.  I was in my account settings, and on the API setting where is says (tweets 200, 400) I upped it from 1 to 5, thinking that doing so would show me more than 100 tweets in a session. - which if you can see more than 100 tweets in a session, I'd like to know - and then I closed it to see if that would update the setting.  Went to open it again, and it wouldn't load.  But I never go into any sort of coding stuff, everything I did was in the account settings dialogue box when the inability to open occurred.