2018-01-21 16:13:19

Hi all,
any hint to fight dragon? usually their breath of death can easily kill. And also I would like to know is skill learning random for each type of character? like for example, how do i get the breath of death skill? I just finish the guard at the sewer and about to do the final quest.

2018-01-21 17:23:57

Thanks! I haven't advanced in the current data I'm playing, so will definitely remember to check that place.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2018-01-21 20:47:14

The changelog states that summon undead can be improved. Why can't I improve it? When I press enter on upgrade skills, it says I have none to upgrade.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2018-01-21 20:53:44

I saw in the change log about starting a new game+ and carrying unique items. can someone clarify what unique items are? I currently have the master forge hammer in my hand. would that count as a unique item?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2018-01-21 21:08:17

so i'm ll 41 on a new game using previous skills plus ranger. can't find the damn kennels and i feel like i've been all over goblin palace. can somone give a general direction?

2018-01-21 21:41:37

@1279, unique items would be things you got from bosses, as quests rewards and such. So, I think Master Forged Warhammer would classify as a unique item.
@1280, The wolf pens are easy to find. As you enter the palace from the Great Bridge, go straight north through the first tent and you're right there.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2018-01-21 21:47:09 (edited by flameAlchemist 2018-01-21 21:54:35)

so, all I got to do is wear something that's not a quest item. guess I have to get rid of the Ring of Occlusion. I have equip on me are Amulet of Fortune, Adrianus Signet Ring in, Master Alchemist Ring, Elven Helmet, Elven Cuirass, Elven Greaves, Blade of Moonlight, and a Elven Buckler in my offhand.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2018-01-21 22:34:10

@lord lucious that leads to the gatehouse.

2018-01-21 22:35:10

I am in the the ruins, and need some help. I found the big tree, which is where I need to go to advance the story. I have a problem. There is a puzzle in which I need to press the carvings in a specific order. Where do I need to go to find that out? Thank you!


2018-01-21 23:10:20

aha found it lol sorry about that.

2018-01-22 00:54:13

Hey all,

Just your friendly neighborhood developer with comments on a couple of recent topics:

- Unique items and New Game +: first of all, apologies that this isn't more clear in game. It was a necessary fix for some broken stuff, but we should probably think of a way to report which items, exactly, can't be transferred. In general though, if the item wasn't gotten as random loot or from a shop, it's probably unique. And if the item came out of a display case or has a person's name, it's probably unique too (there probably aren't seven Swords of Edros Mai floating around, for example).

- Haunted By the Past: Just wanted to say that yeah, this one is definitely off the beaten path. It's also one of my personal favorite in-game moments though...hope the search is worth it!

- Dragons: So, I'm sorry to hear some of you are having trouble with dragons, but...on the other hand, I'm kind of glad, too. After all, they're dragons. They should be appropriately terrifying. Also yes, stone dragons probably are the easiest, mostly because of their lack of magical attacks.

2018-01-22 03:10:40

Yeah dragons can be mean but my necromancer battle mage can kill off lone wiverns or maybe 2, I have fire cloak which can mess up fire based attacks, a highly trained agility stat, drain life which can hurt doing damage in the 1000 range and also arcane aegis.

2018-01-22 07:54:08

Found Haunted by the Past! Fun little quest, that. Used the map feature to locate and mark the lake because I was running up and down the stream with no success. I just figured a lake might be the headwaters of the stream but it doesn't look like it. big_smile
Anyways, still love this game. I do wonder if I can get descriptions of the NPCs and your party members, because if I was to write a fanfic, I'd need to know if Gwen is blonde, for example, in case I said she had red hair and then the graphics came along and I was proven terribly wrong.

2018-01-22 10:00:46

I need help finding 3 of the runestones in one of the mausoleums.
I already deactivated one with alexia.
I just need to know how to get the last 2 of them deactivated to complete the ancient evil quest.
the linarrio mausoleum has rubble and it won't let me get to the door.

2018-01-22 10:35:42

A couple of [possible] NPC descriptions.

WARNING: The following will be fragmented and may contain nausea inducing grammar.

Imagine two statues, sculptures really, standing side by side. The first is tall, his features smooth, balanced, and fine. The very model of Grecian perfection. The second is shorter, muscled but not heavily so, he sports a deceptively slight and compact build. His facial features while well proportioned are not exactly symmetrical, the bridge of his nose has a small but pronounced bump making it markedly but not all together unattractively, crooked. His mouth would be set in a perpetual smirk, bordering on an impudent grin and raised every so slightly higher - one corner over the other. His swell cleft chin is marred by a thin, raised, inch long scar.

The latter is what I imagine, in part, Simeon to look like. The former, Rogarr. Obviously.

2018-01-22 10:38:26

You cheeky knave, you! Nice to see you in the thread. big_smile
Also, I kinda headcanon Simeon having black hair. xD

2018-01-23 00:03:09

okay so i have a mage/cleric I'm trying to up light of purity past 4 but it says i need holy warrior. How do i get that?

2018-01-23 00:45:13

I don't know how you could get it for your main char. I know how Alexia gets it but not your main char...

2018-01-23 01:15:02 (edited by defender 2018-01-23 01:16:27)

You can use space on party members when picking them in the tavern, or when using examine party in battle.
You can get NPC descriptions, also by hitting space, when your close enough to talk to them.
It's actually one of my favorite parts of the game that you can do this...
I just really wish their were room descriptions for the more important ones, like the goblin kings sleeping quarters, the palace courtyard, all the buildings in the town, the outlaw settlement, the tree, ETC.

2018-01-23 03:07:19

How come on my first play through my master forge hammer had a rate of 88 and now on my current pplay through it has a weapon rating of 150.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2018-01-23 03:26:32

Okay how does alexia get it? it would probably work for me.

2018-01-23 04:17:45

Nate, you got a thumbs-up for that post. Cracked me up.

***Spoilers/Pro-tips from here on***

Regarding Holy Warrior: only Alexia can learn this skill.

Regarding Masterforged weapons: Their weapon rating is impacted by your level when you get them.

2018-01-23 04:46:33

Can we buy the strongest potions from  the  potion lady in the game.  I am lev 72, and she won't let me buy them. Is there a way to buy them?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2018-01-23 07:00:37

No. That strikes me as a red herring.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-01-23 07:30:24

The potions you can buy get stronger and stronger as you level, though. I figure that's as close as you're going to get.