2018-01-22 13:59:39

yo. so as the topic title explains i wonder if you can make voiceover not read the number when being called_

it is really anoying since iw ant the signal to have a high volume but not voiceover to read the number

2018-01-22 14:07:37

I don't mind voice over reading the number for incoming calls because if it is reading the call's phone number, that means that whomever is calling is not on my contact list so the call can be ignored because its more than likely a telemarketer.

2018-01-22 16:27:01

I saw an option I think to do this, but forget where.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-22 17:26:34

Go to settings, on the main screen, scroll down to phone and double tap it, on that page there is an option to set when incoming calls are announced.

Have fun!

2018-01-23 22:41:09

that's intended for people without voiceover that phone setting. just to make sure i checked it and it was set to never anouns phonecalls but voiceover still does it.
i've also set it to not reading notifications but that didn't help.

2018-01-24 00:28:47

In that case, I'd recommend asking over at AppleVis, there will be people there that know way more about iOS and Voice Over than most people here.

Sorry we couldn't be of more help.


2018-02-04 22:04:21

I think the only way to do this is to turn down your ringer volume in sound settings. While it won't stop voiceover speaking the number, it does lower the volume of voiceover and the ringtone whenever a call comes in.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.