2018-01-01 01:37:25

Apparently, the World Health Organization will recognize gaming disorder or video game addiction as a mental health condition starting in 2018. It's probably something we should all be aware of, as it seems to be a growing issue across the globe.

What is gaming disorder? From what I've been reading on the subject, gaming disorder is when someone is addicted to games to such an extent that they do nothing else. They can't stop gaming, and their lives and health suffer as a result. All that matters to them is getting that next level, building up their virtual cities, etc. This isn't limited to console games. It can be computer games, MUDs, even audiogames.

So what are everyone's thoughts on this? If you need more information, simply Googling gaming disorder will bring up various news articles.

2018-01-01 02:20:01

I don't play like I used to, but this one game came out and I played it for 14 hours straight. I started playing at 8 in the morning, and I got kind of hungry. Thought it was lunch time, when I walked away from the computer, I was shocked to discover it was dark outside. I looked at the clock to discover it was after 10PM.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-01 05:23:39

Fortunately, as much as I love computer games, I've never gotten so lost in them that I'd forget the real world and the necessity of living in it.

But I've heard plenty of stories of people getting addicted to World of Warcraft to the exclusion of everything else, including eating and sleeping.

2018-01-01 11:31:13

My dad, as an ex psychiatrist will tell you that most psychiatric conditions are about exaggerating something to the point it becomes  seriously harmful.

Everyone gets depressed on occasion, but when your so depressed you can't stand up or take care of yourself or interact with others, then! you have clinical depression and need to think about doing soemthing about it (I speak from personal experience with that one).

Everyone worries about their eating habits on occasion, often in quite a healthy way, but take this to an extreme and you get anorexia.

Same with computer games. this isn't new either, I do remember reading that berzerk on the atari 2600 is the first game in history to be responsible for someone's death after someone with a heart condition  ignored symptoms while racking up a high score and suffered a coronary while playing.

As Epicurus said all those years ago in Ancient Greece, everything in moderation ;D.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-01-01 12:10:01

I know this thing with game disorder and that is not normal.
I know some people, but I can not do that.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-01-01 17:51:10

Indeed. I remember hearing about another death involving someone playing Starcraft for over 24 hour straight or something like that. They only got up to use the bathroom.

2018-01-01 19:04:03

too much of anything is bad for you.  I do mean anything!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-01 21:22:59

@5 well of course its not normal, that's what we're discussing. But what is normal really, when you think about it, what is normal. Society's ideal of what someone should be? Your parents view, your friends, your partner? All these things try to pull you in different directions, and its your job to be who you are amidst all of that. Just pointing your finger at someone and chuckling and saying' that person's not normal helps no one. I think the people who are affected by this type of disorder would fall victim to another type of psychological disorder if video games did not exist, or that person was never exposed to them. It's a mental state of affair, an illness of sorts.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-01 21:30:05

I used to be a huge gamer. I once when I was 8 played Super Mario RPG on the SNES for 13 hours without eating or going to the bathroom even. I was fine but I can see what could've happened and I know this sort of thing happens in South Korea a lot as they are some of the most rabid gamers on earth.

I actually grow bored with games quickly and so to make them continue to make me happy longer, I strictly limit my playtime. For example, I never play Crazy Party for more  than one game at a time, unless I am playing  online and the rare occurenc happens where the server keeps running and we get to play over and over. I also don't play just one mode of play either. In Choiceofgames which I also like, I don't play more than one chapter per day, and I intentionally keep my involvement with Godville small and only every once in a while.

I've found I'm a little hooked on Six swords on the Echo, but to combat that I only play it on Sundays.

But anyway, I believe gaming disorder is something very real and I know the whispers of a fun game calling you metaphorically back to play.

Also, as an interesting side-note I thought this was actually a thread about the seizure disorder associated with high-intensity gaming graphics as it often hits people who have no other seizure issues.

2018-01-01 22:44:44

is there a disorder for creating disorders yet?  I mean, I know about hypochondriacs, but seriously!  It seems like every year we add a new one to the list!  We could claim that there's a disorder for just about anything under the sun if we sit around long enough and think about how many things seem abnormal to us!
Mind you, I'm not saying that there aren't gamers that take it over the top, but what kind of medication are you going to suggest putting them on to quit it?  My personal opinion on this issue is that someone is going to make money on it and is intent on doing so, as opposed to actually, you know, helping people quit?  There are people with addictive personalities who will get addicted to just about anything; no questions asked.  that they were addicted to games is owing more to personal interest and perhaps timing more than anything else; they could have just as easily been addicted to checkers and playing the game constantly in some saloon or another had they been born in the 1900's.
I'm personally with ironcross and post 8 but will take it a bit further; we should find out what causes addictions and treat it from that perspective as opposed to suggesting there is a disorder that affects only one type of addict.  Why should shopaholics, workaholics, alcoholics, gameaholics, whatever, be any different save the content they consume

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-02 00:30:03

Heaven forbid that there should ever be a cure for addiction, that would put all the addiction clinics and halfway houses and such out of business.

Formalized medicine isn't concerned with curing disease because there's no money in it, instead they focus on treating the symptoms and not the cause because that keeps the necessity of ongoing treatment going and with it the money they charge for it.

2018-01-02 00:35:25

and no automotive maker would ever think about possibly creating a car or truck that doesn't run on some sort of fuel someone else can make a million off of.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-02 00:54:45

lol pedantic I know, but why do people insist on using the suffix aholic at the end of any addiction? there is for example, no such thing as shopahol, therefor you can't be addicted to it. people are addicted to shopping of course, but it should have a proper word.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2018-01-02 03:46:12

goes to prove my point though; words for everything under the sun that seem abnormal.  Tell me why that's even necessary.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-02 04:33:06

I've seen another way of looking at alcoholism/gambling addiction/sexual addiction/ drug addiction/ shopping addiction. Some argue that these aren't separate illnesses, but actually one only, and that is called addictive personality. Having an addictive personality is mostly caused by upbringing, surroundings, and opportunity, but it actually even has some genetic roots to it.

Most people who possess an addictive personality often have an addiction of choice and often if they cure themselves of this addiction, they leap to another one. For example,  an alcoholic or drug addict might smoke more if they stop one or both of the first two, a shopper might slip into  gambling addiction and so on. Statistical studies show that these progressions are common.

Usually it is partially due to a simple way in which a brain releases dopamine and other pleasure chemicals, combined with psychiatric issues. However, the disorder of being addiction prone is more social than medical so counciling and changing one's own environment socially are more helpful than any sort of drug that exists or ever could exist.

I know some of you will be more synical about the good or lack thereof that counciling such as therapy can provide, but it relies on the patient far more than the councilor in many cases anyhow and I've had a lot of good done for me when I was younger with therapy so I'm for it.

If you think of addiction as one illness rather than many separate isms, it isn't so difficult to understand, the medical community is just acknowledging that gaming is something people can be sucked into just like a lot of older issues. I think maybe writing out Gaming addiction as something entirely different is not the way to think about it, but with people who are prone to addiction, it is one way they can wind up going.  and it needs to be known.

But the treatment is going to be the same as any other addiction and the cure that will actually work will be the thing that cures the inner psychological wound the person has, heals low self-esteem, or gets them out of the social situation where addictive actions are readily indulgible.

That's where I stand and this is an alternative way to look at it.

2018-01-02 13:14:16

Probably because people were getting addicted to alcohol long before they discovered other things to get addicted to. So aholic became the generic suffix for  describing an addiction.