2017-12-08 09:29:53 (edited by audiogamer21 2017-12-08 09:35:50)


I've been thinking about creating a paid single player space strategy game in the 4X genre.

The only one I know of that is accessible is Aurora, which is still difficult to play due to the UI.

What I have in mind won't be as complex, something on the order of Galactic Civilizations 2.

Based on the results of this game development survey, only 50% of players would be interested in this genre, which has no arcade elements at all.

Since that survey is 3 years old, I'm wondering if this has changed. How many people would be interested in playing such a game? This won't happen unless there is sufficient interest from the community.

2017-12-08 09:41:42

Hi, I would love such types of games, particularly since the only one we actually have in the community is space explorer and I'm sorry to say that that game isn't exactly on my top 10 list. What exactly would your game entail if you made it, would it just be trading between planets, or could you actually do other things such as fight pirates, mine asteroids etc?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-12-08 10:00:33 (edited by audiogamer21 2017-12-08 10:02:46)

@connor142 look at the wiki page for galactic civilizations 2.

Research (deep tech trees) and strategic combat (e.g planetary defences, fleet composition and custom ship design) are going to be big aspects, as well as empire management (ensuring you have enough food to feed your population, credits and other resources to fuel your expansion and research) and diplomacy.

2017-12-08 10:49:52

hey this sounds good. is the universe going to be of a fixed size or a procedurally generated? universe? if this game takes off no pun intended, would you consider an online version?

2017-12-08 10:55:28 (edited by audiogamer21 2017-12-08 10:56:05)

@darren procedurally generated galaxy.

This is the sort of game that can take you minutes to think and issue orders per turn, so it wouldn't be feasible time-wise to have this work in multiplayer mode. I'll add it if it takes off though and if enough people want it.

2017-12-08 10:57:55

you know what I'd love to see, this sort of game but taken further. start in the stone age, build yourself up scientifically, militarily as well, going through the ages, then into the modern space age then into the galactic age and out into the universe. I've always wanted something like that.

2017-12-08 12:32:08

I am absolutely interested!

2017-12-08 13:45:08

I'm glad this would be offline first, as it stands, there are too many poorly implemented space muds that are no fun to play. Time for single player space games.

2017-12-08 14:01:42 (edited by audiogamer21 2017-12-08 14:04:18)

Yeah, a possible implementation is you taking your turn, then having to wait for each other player involved to make their turn, which sounds really slow.

4 people have expressed their interest so far which isn't enough. Keep those responses coming!

2017-12-08 14:03:48

I would pay for this.
I really like to play aurora, It is pretty amazing. You can trade, make ships based on your interest, conquer, defend, It is beautiful. but the screen is very complex, and you will end up having 15 spreadsheet windows openned and getting confused.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-12-08 14:05:30

@hadi.gsf how did you learn Aurora? Its so complicated that I just get overwhelmed.

2017-12-08 14:10:15

@audiogamer21 I did not.
I used to scout their forum and  read  user stories and such.

In my opinion, what is unique about aurora is the value-based customization. for example, when creating weapons for your ships, It won't give you a list of  presets for  the aspects of that weapon. You have to give values for speed, reload, splash damage, penetration and such. That way, you will end up with a custom weapon with your own values that no other user has ever thought of, for example.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-12-08 15:05:03

I wouldn't base every single response on here as definitive, you should look on other outlets as well. more to the point people would absolutely jump on this because we just haven't got a game of this type.

2017-12-08 15:25:11

@darren What else do you suggest? I need to be sure that enough people will play this, lest this be a wasted effort.

2017-12-08 15:53:04

hi, a possibility to have the multiplayer mode work is to just have everyone play at their own speed, only there are aspects where players can interact. You'd have a global chat on which you and other players can communicate, and you could set up private channels for friends, alliances and such. You could send resources or credits to other people, or attack them if you so wish (with a pvp toggle of course).

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-12-08 15:57:59 (edited by audiogamer21 2017-12-08 16:01:41)

@connor142 have you read the wiki pages? This isn't a persistent online universe, at least on initial release.

Also, I feel like multiplayer would work much better in a real-time setting, but turn-based games are much more amenable to being accessible because you have all the time you need to process incoming information and make decisions (which directly makes it more difficult to work with for multiplayer unless both parties don't mind waiting or you impose arbitrary time limits).

Its definitely planned though in future if this takes off.

2017-12-08 16:30:08

hi, the wikipedia page didn't have too much info on the gameplay itself, the only things I could really gather were that the game was basically similar to civilisations, only you skip the entire development on earth part and go straight to space colonisation.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-12-08 16:38:02

Hi I also want to play such a game. We nearly nave none of those games in the blind community.
Like all the other posters the only games on my mind are "space explorer", wich is not really good and this Aurora or Aura game.
I especcially would love to see this game being turned into a sort of Civilisation game.

2017-12-08 17:02:33

Hello, im interested in this game,  space strategy game like galactic civ is great, but i like to se in your game any campaign, or mission system.. or any random events, for example: alliens are  captured human colony and you must with your fleet defeat alliens and free  colony... etc

2017-12-08 18:01:16

To  be honest with you,  I think you’ll find that a game like this would be a given.  I don’t think that by any means this would be considered a waste of time.

2017-12-09 22:05:52

Hi, I want to play such a game. It would be a good idea, if you could turn Aurora in a galactic civilisation game.

2017-12-11 21:54:42


please add me to the list as well, sounds very, very interesting, and i would be glad to pay for it as well smile

greetz mike

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2017-12-11 22:33:17

I do not know if I am the first to say this but... no. This is not directed at you, but I simply have no interest in something like this, because it appears that you can't swing a stick around this community without hitting a space game of some sort. If you go through with it, more power to you, but I think we're a bit oversaturated with space games.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
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2017-12-12 11:08:55

they aren't talking about another space invaders clone if they were then I would agree or I simply wouldn't give this thread any attention. but it's not it's significantly different.

2017-12-12 11:45:00

@Dragomier I've no interest in creating a space invaders clone or yet another sidescroller/arcade game. Nothing even remotely close to 4X exists that is accessible.