2017-11-19 22:17:21 (edited by Phil 2017-11-19 22:19:50)

Marty just released Blindfold Slide Puzzle.
It's a fully accessible sliding tile puzzle game.

The slide puzzle (also called Gem Puzzle, Boss Puzzle, Game of Fifteen, Mystic Square and many others) is a puzzle that consists of a grid of numbered
square tiles in random order with one tile missing. The common puzzle is known as the 15 puzzle, with 4 rows and 4 columns, filled with tiles numbered
from 1 to 15. The 16th space is empty. The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order by making sliding moves that use the empty space.

Blindfold Slide Puzzle includes a 2 by 2 grid, with 3 tiles, on a 3 by 3 grid with 8 tiles, and on a 5 by 5 grid with 24 tiles, along with a hints guide
on how to play and win.
You can play 6 times for free.
Unlimited play is $4.99 USD.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blindfo … 44630?mt=8