2017-10-27 20:40:05

Hello guys,
so I recently got a new phone and am absolutely loving it.
However, as the universe would have it, new phone, comes with new problem.
that being, in the tv app, which is built in to your phone, when I try an watch a show, I can't seem to see the player. Like how to play stop rewind and fastforward.
I mean I can see it sometimes, if I just happen to hit the screen at the right place, or a lot of times I can see it for a second if I just started the episode.
However, when I swipe around or whatever, it just disappears.
a lot of times, most of the times, swipping doesn't do anything. Voice over makes that noise it does when you're swiping, and you've reached the first or last option, but it doesn't say anything.
So, does anyone have any suggestions for this?
On the apple website it says that all built in apps are accessible via voice over, as I thought it should be, and so I was surprised when I ran to an issue with this one.
So yeah, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches with in the soul, that sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."
Emily Dickenson