2017-10-15 22:58:04

I posted a Redspot topic a while back hopefully looking for some feedback and hoping that it would reach the right ears and some of these issues would be fixed. An update was released which was supposed to be earth shattering, so here's the results of that. Essentially the only thing I can determine is that this update along with other updates released are the hair-brained scheme of a developer who is unorganized, who hasn't bothered to learn from his past issues and who thinks it's okay to release junk without properly testing. The most interesting part about this is there are still people who play even with these issues.
1. The lag is crazy, to the point of an admin having to ban the use of certain guns until it got fixed. People will intentionally use this to their advantage, so welcome to lagspot. It's bad enough that sometimes certain things take 20-30 seconds to even go through and makes the game unplayable.
2. This newbie system is beyond stupid. We got it, the server rebooted two-three times and now it just needs to die in a fire, because it's getting exploited every way from Sunday. It might make sense if features were tested before they were added so that we didn't have to randomly reboot every 30 seconds while sam does a rain dance, but that's probably asking to much, so happy gathering folks, enjoy losing everything.
3. The server crashes, a lot. When I say a lot there are times when it's a daily thing. See above about happy collecting.
4. We've apparently lost an admin. I'm not sure which, but word is that an active admin has left the building, so good luck getting things fixed, because Sam is perhaps the most unresponsive dev... Unless of course you're his friend.
5. The readme shows just how unprepared this update really is. Frequency scramblers still spawn, although robots can't be used anymore, and the readme looks like it was written by someone who hasn't passed even the most basic of grammar classes. It also includes features that aren't there.
6. There is little to no documentation on weapons, how to get them, achievements, etc. Unless of course you are beta and can brag about having written a weapon, which apparently is the case.
7. There are still only very very few people who know how most of the weapons work, and they were the first to have many of the weapons to themselves, hello beta members, I'm looking at you. Everyone else was left to experiment, because bug fixing and documentation are two features that we'll never really see in the lifetime of this developer.
8. Sandbags are the most stupid feature yet, and they perhaps almost as broken as this lag. Some of them do not work as sandbags and are just simple barriers, while you can damage others... They're sandbags, if you hit a sandbag with a bomb it will probably blow up, but not these. The ladder sounds like sam built it from a couple of pieces of metal survive the absurd style, while the sandbags are ultra enforced concrete bags, perhaps someone can explain this?
9. Cheating... is still a huge issue, so once again if you know how to cheat well or are friendly with your local beta member, you'll do fine. Us mortals however are just well and truly out of luck.

2017-10-16 02:57:49

I can understand your frustration, but I wouldn't be so critical. Taking a broader look at things, at least updates are being released in an effort to make things better. I can't really relate to any of the experiences you had since I stopped playing RS a long time ago, but Sam isn't a full time developer. I'm sure he still has other responsibilities to tend to. That being said, I'm not saying that nothing you've written is true, but I'm sure RS is a learning process for everyone involved.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2017-10-16 06:30:31

I'm going to respond to certain points here:
1) the lag.
Apparently the lag has been fixed with machine guns specifically. I do not know if this is the same for everything, but hopefully having the mg lag fixed will make everything else less of an issue.
2) The newbie system:
I was pretty irritated when this came in, simply because it's a really weird solution. The point of this system is that you're supposed to have time to gather items to fight with, which I am fine with. The issue, as it turns out isn't in the concept, but in implementation; the server was rebooted multiple times to fix some small bug, when this could've been tested and then implemented with less issues on the live server, which would've resulted in many less issues for the player base. I haven't played in a few days, but as I understand it, fixes are in the pipeline, although players shouldn't have had to go multiple days getting attacked by people who will abuse the hell out of this system. When I was playing, I seen so many ways around this and people using them, so I can only hope they get patched, but there are always going to be edgecases.
3. These again are being investigated. While I understand many of your points, there's not much that can be done about this, unfortunately.
4. The admin was yours truly. I left over a difference of oppinion; I refuse to work on bettering a game where the time effort and work put into said administration is not appreciated.
5. The readme was a bastardized copy from Connor who I will admit has a fairly odd way of writing and could be cleaner. I'm not going to argue that this document shows the preparation of this update. Something small like frequency scramblers can be overlooked, but lots of things (including the fact that you could fall down the back side of the mountain with future plans to allow players to get back to the other 1/3 of the map that were not actually implemented) says something to the playerbase. Couple that with lag and you start to have issues. Fortunately these were fixed, but the release of this update felt like a really bumpy jet ride, where the next round of turbulence could result in 30 seconds of lag, losing all your stuff or zombies spawning to eat your children. There were multiple small things, from the file being corrupt for a ton of people to people thinking they were banned because the client doesn't communicate the version number to show that there is an update, which can and should be fixed at some point.
6) documentation and favoritism:
Most of the beta team admits that it's a bit odd for them to know about things without it being documented. I don't really know the solutions for this, short of better documentation. Perhaps the docs don't need to include exact stats, but I will admit a list of achievements and docs on relative information on weapons would be nice.
9) Cheating and friends with beta members:
I like to think that beta have been helpful. I know I tried at many points to help people with information and showed people how to get to sky island, and so have many others. This is a small community, so you can't expect beta members to not also play; indeed, beta members have to play to suggest issues and report bugs.

2017-10-16 10:11:04

I laughed hard as shit thinking about sam doing a rain dance lmaoooooo

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-10-16 11:36:27

I understand where your frastration comes from, but there is no need to go harsh on Sam like that. While I do agree with you on some points, I think you are wrong for the most of it.
"1. The lag is crazy, to the point of an admin having to ban the use of certain guns until it got fixed. People will intentionally use this to their advantage, so welcome to lagspot. It's bad enough that sometimes certain things take 20-30 seconds to even go through and makes the game unplayable."
The lag is crazy indeed. However a public server is the best way to test lag as it doesn't happen much on the beta one mostly because not that many people are online doing multiple stuff at once. i agree about admins having to ban weapons, it's really a dumb disision. You can't for example, warn a player that they'll get banned if they use x weapon because simply, it's not their fault, and you'll just give them more reasons to quit red spot for good.
"2. This newbie system is beyond stupid. We got it, the server rebooted two-three times and now it just needs to die in a fire, because it's getting exploited every way from Sunday. It might make sense if features were tested before they were added so that we didn't have to randomly reboot every 30 seconds while sam does a rain dance, but that's probably asking to much, so happy gathering folks, enjoy losing everything."
The newbie system is still quite new, and was added because some people wanted it to. I am pretty sure the newbie timer has to be reduced, as well as some other things to fix.
"3. The server crashes, a lot. When I say a lot there are times when it's a daily thing. See above about happy collecting."
Now here you are totally wrong. Rs's server is stable to a point where it reatches 2 weeks of up time before crashing, unlike the stw server. So unless Sam restarts it to update or fix something, the server is just fine.
"4. We've apparently lost an admin. I'm not sure which, but word is that an active admin has left the building, so good luck getting things fixed, because Sam is perhaps the most unresponsive dev... Unless of course you're his friend."
I don't know what does losing an admin have to do with dev's responsability. That admin wanted to leave himself, because of some uka internal issues, so again you can not force someone to be admin if they don't want to be.
"5. The readme shows just how unprepared this update really is. Frequency scramblers still spawn, although robots can't be used anymore, and the readme looks like it was written by someone who hasn't passed even the most basic of grammar classes. It also includes features that aren't there."
Scramblers are easy as drinking water to remove from the spawn list, and about the readme, it seems understandable enough for me. So I don't know what's your issue there.
"6. There is little to no documentation on weapons, how to get them, achievements, etc. Unless of course you are beta and can brag about having written a weapon, which apparently is the case."
I'd say not all of the beta members do that as i am one of them too. i do give people hints on weapons stats, what spawns where, combinations to do some kombos, different achievements and how to complete them etc. I am pretty sure there are some people that do the same.
"7. There are still only very very few people who know how most of the weapons work, and they were the first to have many of the weapons to themselves, hello beta members, I'm looking at you. Everyone else was left to experiment, because bug fixing and documentation are two features that we'll never really see in the lifetime of this developer."
I just answered that.
8. Sandbags are the most stupid feature yet, and they perhaps almost as broken as this lag. Some of them do not work as sandbags and are just simple barriers, while you can damage others... They're sandbags, if you hit a sandbag with a bomb it will probably blow up, but not these. The ladder sounds like sam built it from a couple of pieces of metal survive the absurd style, while the sandbags are ultra enforced concrete bags, perhaps someone can explain this?
If you know how to use sand bags, they are usefull, too usefull. Most of people don't care about sounds but about game play. ladders are used to stack sand bags on eatch other in case if you didn't know that.
"9. Cheating... is still a huge issue, so once again if you know how to cheat well or are friendly with your local beta member, you'll do fine. Us mortals however are just well and truly out of luck."
I am pretty sure there is no current way to cheat, and if someone is caught cheating they will hit the ban hammer or the other way around. I can't see your last point being valid cause you didn't even justify it.
In conclusion, there is no need to go extreemly offensive against Sam like that. The current red spot playerbase is small, you can't have more beta members for your game than half of the playerbase cause then what would be the point for releasing the game to the public? There for when updates are released, you might incounter lag, bugs and what not, but I am pretty sure the deve is working to fix them.

My twitter

2017-10-16 11:57:15

Ok guise, welcome to audio revolution. Who will win. Extra lazy developers and there beta testers or growning playerbase? That's the question witch only future can answer.
I do agree on some points. How ever lag was fixed, redspot server is one of the more stable servers, and sounds aren't something important. Readme yes, Sam didn't even bother with acheevements. I don't see how does admin leaving the community have to do with developers bug fixing. BTW what admin did leave?
And, guise, I think that we should mark the todays day as the big revolution of audiogames. Wouldn't that be interesting? Come on, this place is quite board, let's have some revolution and stuf! big_smile

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-16 15:07:10 (edited by CritterPup 2017-10-16 15:13:24)

I have to agree on a great deal of this. I think, to put it simply, the game was fun when it first came out, and while new things keep the game interesting, I think we got a bit too much. This game has turned into a bit of a strategy game, and while yes, that's what an FPS is at it's core, this game strikes me as a lot of resource management... if you're on a team. Because, unless you get lucky or you're crazy good, it's much, much harder to go lone wolf than it is as part of a team. That's from my own experience, anyways.
  I also have to agree on the fact that this game has a lot of guess work, or as I've heard it put, "easter eggs." I won't start a debate about that here, or anywhere for that matter, because, and if I may cite an earlier post of mine here in which I said FPS games generate the most drama, there are far too many topics addressing this game and games like it. The consensus of all of those posts seems to boil down to this simple fact: Redspot and similar games have their issues and their greatnesses, their supporters and their staunch opponents. I will not say my position here, but I will change the subject and say this: I used to know Sam a lot better before he got his group of friends and I got mine. The thing is, we're both students full-time, and so I can say that developing two major games while trying to finish high school sounds terrifying indeed. Although, I will agree, he does seem to be a touch unresponsive. I didn't quite keep up to date on his "Looking For Redspot Feedback" topic, but if I'm correct, he stopped replying rather quickly. That has nothing to do with his talent as a developer, mind you. I think his games have... potential. My final thought is simply that he's trying to cram a lot into a game that probably didn't need so much.
Sam, if you read this, I admire your skill as a developer, but as an older person and a writer who faces criticism with all of my work, you should at least try to listen to more of it. Good luck, by the way. You're doing great.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-10-16 15:52:00

I agree on most of your Points, however the lag was fixed a few days ago, although it still happens rarely.
I agree on the nubie System Thing, for me it feels like it wasn't carefully tested before it got put into the game.
The readme is just a copy of an article by Connor (which makes me wonder if redmes aren't the only Thing Sam copies...) and as Sam can now Forward sounds to the Client without actually being required to do a Client update, I fear that the readme won't be updated too much in the future.
I feel that the favoritism of beta members in Redspot is absolutely not good, as beta members get an unfair Advantage over other Players.
@BigGun: To my understanding, Sorressean is the admin that left.
On a sidenote, I would like to know what Sam has to say about all of this (Sam himself, not his representatives).
Have a nice day.


Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2017-10-16 16:25:41

lol great title

2017-10-16 16:30:52

Dragomier wrote:

I have to agree on a great deal of this. I think, to put it simply, the game was fun when it first came out, and while new things keep the game interesting, I think we got a bit too much. This game has turned into a bit of a strategy game, and while yes, that's what an FPS is at it's core, this game strikes me as a lot of resource management... if you're on a team. Because, unless you get lucky or you're crazy good, it's much, much harder to go lone wolf than it is as part of a team. That's from my own experience, anyways.
  I also have to agree on the fact that this game has a lot of guess work, or as I've heard it put, "easter eggs." I won't start a debate about that here, or anywhere for that matter, because, and if I may cite an earlier post of mine here in which I said FPS games generate the most drama, there are far too many topics addressing this game and games like it. The consensus of all of those posts seems to boil down to this simple fact: Redspot and similar games have their issues and their greatnesses, their supporters and their staunch opponents. I will not say my position here, but I will change the subject and say this: I used to know Sam a lot better before he got his group of friends and I got mine. The thing is, we're both students full-time, and so I can say that developing two major games while trying to finish high school sounds terrifying indeed. Although, I will agree, he does seem to be a touch unresponsive. I didn't quite keep up to date on his "Looking For Redspot Feedback" topic, but if I'm correct, he stopped replying rather quickly. That has nothing to do with his talent as a developer, mind you. I think his games have... potential. My final thought is simply that he's trying to cram a lot into a game that probably didn't need so much.
Sam, if you read this, I admire your skill as a developer, but as an older person and a writer who faces criticism with all of my work, you should at least try to listen to more of it. Good luck, by the way. You're doing great.

I have to agree with you that redspot was a lot more fun when it first came out.

2017-10-16 17:56:55

ok, I will address these points one by one.
1. The lag is crazy, to the point of an admin having to ban the use of certain guns until it got fixed. People will intentionally use this to their advantage, so welcome to lagspot. It's bad enough that sometimes certain things take 20-30 seconds to even go through and makes the game unplayable.
Crazy lag? From what I know, the lag wasn't as bad as it used to be when the update first launched. There are spikes every now and then, but that's basically it.
2. This newbie system is beyond stupid. We got it, the server rebooted two-three times and now it just needs to die in a fire, because it's getting exploited every way from Sunday. It might make sense if features were tested before they were added so that we didn't have to randomly reboot every 30 seconds while sam does a rain dance, but that's probably asking to much, so happy gathering folks, enjoy losing everything.
I agree on this point. Unfortunately, sam always shuts down the beta server when a major update goes live, and yes actually it would be far better if testing was done on that server rather than the main one.
3. The server crashes, a lot. When I say a lot there are times when it's a daily thing. See above about happy collecting.
Never really did to my knowledge. What you're probably experiencing is the strange wait times people have been having when connecting.
4. We've apparently lost an admin. I'm not sure which, but word is that an active admin has left the building, so good luck getting things fixed, because Sam is perhaps the most unresponsive dev... Unless of course you're his friend.
Not too sure about the admin thing, but I've heard similar things.
5. The readme shows just how unprepared this update really is. Frequency scramblers still spawn, although robots can't be used anymore, and the readme looks like it was written by someone who hasn't passed even the most basic of grammar classes. It also includes features that aren't there.
This readme was written by none other than yours truly before sam took it over, and I do not see what is wrong with it. Sure, it has odd typos, and I have to admit since sam took it over its been going down hill, but that's the reason I'm maintaining a version of my own in the articles room which actually contains information on most of the weapons in game, about all the hand to hand combos and achievements I've discovered etc.
6. There is little to no documentation on weapons, how to get them, achievements, etc. Unless of course you are beta and can brag about having written a weapon, which apparently is the case.
The reason there isn't much information about weapons in the offline Readme is because Sam would need to release a new client update every single time he added something to it. This is why the online version still exists.
7. There are still only very very few people who know how most of the weapons work, and they were the first to have many of the weapons to themselves, hello beta members, I'm looking at you. Everyone else was left to experiment, because bug fixing and documentation are two features that we'll never really see in the lifetime of this developer.
Many of the weapons actually aren't too different from one another. If the weapon has the words "pistol" or "Handgun" inside its name, you usually know what to expect. Same with words like "machine gun," "Machine pistol" or other such things. The exceptions here are store bought weapons which often have some great strongpoints vs. Some huge weaknesses, such as the berrett m82 sniper rifle slowing you down a lot, but being able to oneshot someone from very far away if they don't have too much health.
8. Sandbags are the most stupid feature yet, and they perhaps almost as broken as this lag. Some of them do not work as sandbags and are just simple barriers, while you can damage others... They're sandbags, if you hit a sandbag with a bomb it will probably blow up, but not these. The ladder sounds like sam built it from a couple of pieces of metal survive the absurd style, while the sandbags are ultra enforced concrete bags, perhaps someone can explain this?
This entry confuses me. I don't know what is wrong with sandbags at their present state. They do what their supposed to do, acting as barriers and shields from bases. If sandbags weren't in the game, the cap on base health item effectiveness would have to be removed once more.
9. Cheating... is still a huge issue, so once again if you know how to cheat well or are friendly with your local beta member, you'll do fine. Us mortals however are just well and truly out of luck.
Let me be very clear here. Firstly, beta members can *not* access the main server, and simply use the beta give command to get loads of items like what used to be the case. Second, admins have absolutely no commands that allow them to give themselves stuff, give another player stuff, get unlimited health, shields or air, increase their base health, instakill other players, or make frogs rain from the sky. The only things admins can do is kick someone off the game, or ban them from it.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-10-16 19:31:54

The readme clearly states:

"Huge thanks to Connor Moser for allowing me to use his audiogames.net forum article found at http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?id=18883 for redspots main documentation."

I don't honestly know what to say about beta members receiving that unfair advantage. No matter what, this will be a problem, in more games than RS in particular. A steadily growing number of aspects in the game are more or less eastereggs or just undocumented e.g. combos or achievements. However many of us have no problem answering questions over chat. I remember being online when the dev himself was handing over a bunch of combos in general conversation. As has been stated time and time again, beta members nor admins have the ability to give themselves items on the public server. I myself have done this as well as helping many people get to sky island.

2017-10-16 19:34:57

Dragomier wrote:

I have to agree on a great deal of this. I think, to put it simply, the game was fun when it first came out, and while new things keep the game interesting, I think we got a bit too much. This game has turned into a bit of a strategy game, and while yes, that's what an FPS is at it's core, this game strikes me as a lot of resource management... if you're on a team. Because, unless you get lucky or you're crazy good, it's much, much harder to go lone wolf than it is as part of a team. That's from my own experience, anyways.
  I also have to agree on the fact that this game has a lot of guess work, or as I've heard it put, "easter eggs." I won't start a debate about that here, or anywhere for that matter, because, and if I may cite an earlier post of mine here in which I said FPS games generate the most drama, there are far too many topics addressing this game and games like it. The consensus of all of those posts seems to boil down to this simple fact: Redspot and similar games have their issues and their greatnesses, their supporters and their staunch opponents. I will not say my position here, but I will change the subject and say this: I used to know Sam a lot better before he got his group of friends and I got mine. The thing is, we're both students full-time, and so I can say that developing two major games while trying to finish high school sounds terrifying indeed. Although, I will agree, he does seem to be a touch unresponsive. I didn't quite keep up to date on his "Looking For Redspot Feedback" topic, but if I'm correct, he stopped replying rather quickly. That has nothing to do with his talent as a developer, mind you. I think his games have... potential. My final thought is simply that he's trying to cram a lot into a game that probably didn't need so much.
Sam, if you read this, I admire your skill as a developer, but as an older person and a writer who faces criticism with all of my work, you should at least try to listen to more of it. Good luck, by the way. You're doing great.

back you up 100% on this. Time for redspot to be put in the real time strategy category.
if you meen gost, Known as erroe, I think that he was never an admin, so he couldn't have left because he was never there. big_smile
And, this part of the post is for absolutely Sam, and for other game devs who's game goes into the same corridor as this game.
Do! Not! complicate! Stuf! Witch! Don't! Need! Complicating! ANd! Don't! In! The! Name! of! this! community! and! your! playerbase! Don't! Add! Something! That! Isn't! Properly! Tested!
Sam, if you make one more mistake like you did a milion times with this game, I will just give up on you. Now when I try to think about what Sam really did. I guess that most client/server ideas were by Mason, all other shitty stuf was his doing. In short, he did nothing do be classed like a god. And, who's backing |Sam on everything. His beta testers, friends, and maybe fellow developers. Blah! How could we have ever supported him!

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-16 20:16:50

@13 I'm sorry but you're not helping. Shouting at sam in all caps to go and fix what is broken immediately won't make magic happen. I'm not a game dev myself, however from what I've seen from other devs making, administrating, and updating online games is a constant learning experience, and never mind that sam was exceptionally young when he released his first multiplayer game stw. I say give it a bit more time. Things will doubtlessly improve. As was said many times, redspot isn't for everyone. If you have the patience to sit down and learn it, good, you have the potential to become a great player. If you're one of those types who needs everything handed to you after a few tries, please find something else to play. There's a lot more out there than there was say five years ago.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-10-16 20:54:29

First please don't use exclaimation marks to make your point, it just irritates most readers and doesn't actually make your point better than just writing a single cogent sentence would.
Secondly and most importantly, I am probably one of sam's biggest critics. I knit pick at a lot of things, and I honestly think there's a lot that needs changing, but what I will say is I've seen the code for redspot, I've been in a channel with sam when he's debugging things. Sam is a good coder in his own right, and he learns dam quick. Please do not conflate his handling of issues with his development skilll; while i understand it might be easy to draw conclusions, his skills as a coder can stand on their own. There are just a lot of choices being made that make the game hard to play. I've witnessed him and Mason work on RS together, and I've witnessed Mason specifically say he hasn't used bgt in a really long time--during which Sam was fixing bugs and adding features.

2017-10-17 08:29:43

It comes down to this. BGT is basically going the same way as VB is. While I love BGT, I don't see any future in it. However, it's hard to switch from one language to another, when you know it so well and you just want to get things done. However, that's another topic for another time.

The problem with Redspot is that Sam hasn't been keeping the code up to date, so it's pretty much impossible for me to do anything to the game to help, etc. This is something I've been trying to fix.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2017-10-17 09:38:55

Apparently, BGT might actually have a future...

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2017-10-17 09:54:32

hey, at 15. what does it matter is he uses exclimations to write his point? as long as we understand him it shouldn't matter which simbols he uses. and it's not relevant to the topic anyways so i don't see why you bring it up anyways.

2017-10-17 10:02:11

@17, I seriously doubt it.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2017-10-17 14:18:55 (edited by Ethin 2017-10-17 14:20:14)

I agree with 19. BGT doesn't have much of a future at all, considering how limited it is and considering the fact that it hasn't been updated since... what, 2011? Or maybe it was 2012. @17, mind telling me just how you came to that conclusion? Phillip has basically declared it abandonware, despite the fact that he hasn't gone out and explicitly said so to my knowledge.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2017-10-17 16:12:59

Rumor has it the codebase was sold to someone interested in maintaining the project. I'm definitely not banking on this, after all we've heard such in the past which turned out to be nothing, however given the number of games that use it, it'd be cool to receive an update. At least allow a man to dream.

2017-10-17 16:51:29

@19 and @20
Cartertemm is right. NO there hasn't necessarily been anything confirmed, but there is still a roomer around. Besides, even if it turns out not to be anything, so what? Even though BGT is pretty limited when you compare it to other languages, it serves its purpose very well. BGT was the first language that I learned thoroughly, and I am more than satisfied with what I have been able to accomplish with it. When I want to experiment with something quickly, it is my go to language every time. I plan on using it until it becomes too outdated to be used anymore.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2017-10-17 17:46:35 (edited by kianoosh 2017-10-17 17:47:25)

Yes. I also heard some stuff that philip told one of my friends that he sold his code to someone else, and that person made an update to it but do to having college and beeing bizzy with programming another software they couldn't publish it. Let's hope anyways!

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2017-10-17 21:32:42 (edited by marro 2017-10-17 21:33:31)

well guys,
so players who are gone because of uka don't worry because:
The Take_one_hit_of_this_dab base was destroyed by an internal explosion! (the uka base) So enjoy without uka i think. I hope you are reconsidering starting to try the game again.

kind regards and have a nice day,

2017-10-17 22:32:13

Yeah, I'm pretty sure said rumor is true. ... I might be understating my certainty, a bit. tongue
Also I'm pretty sure the last update was, what, 2013? I bought the single license circa March 2012. There was a BGT coding contest, and IIRC people were asking if there would be another before Philip abandoned it. I'd have to check to be sure, but an easy test would be the last modified date on the installer.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.