2017-10-15 13:12:26

So I thought of this after seeing this youtube video from Aprone.

So I was thinking could this program be adapted to allow you to write anamations? For example lets say you have one half of the window green and the top blue for sky and you wanted to have a small car drive buy on screen You could write out something like this.
def car()
move: car(1000,5000)
So you tell the program what the thing is and what sound it has so when that car moves acrossed the screen it makes that sound. I don't know if I am even making sence hear or not.

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2017-10-17 03:32:39

Yes, it probably can. This is actually how game frameworks are generally designed, taking user input to trigger animations and sound effects within a given set of rules to create a "game". Developers however can, and do, often create scripted sequences, cutscene's, or animations within games that run without user input. In fact, you could create an entire film doing this with no user input at all, which is generally how pre-rendered animated 3D film's like those from Pixar are done. There's also [Machinima],  which makes use of game environments to record performances, although it can also involve scripted AI characters or events which can somewhat blur the lines between program scripted scenes and live performances.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer