2017-10-01 12:18:38

Hi All. Has anybody experience with Fifa 18 on PC? is the carriere Mode playable for blind People?

2017-10-01 15:54:06

hey, let's  ramp this topic up and make it the official fifa 18 accessibility topic.
I'm downloading it as we speak, and i have a crappy internet speed, So for now can't provide  a lot of information. I wish we had a menu guide. Maybe i'll try to make one if i find a way to do so. but for now, I have two links for you
1- fifa  automatic and manual controls explained:
2- all fifa 18 keys. (note that for keyboard, there is a configuration that  let's you use keyboard only. this is not listed here.)
this was for pc, you can easily find  gamepad controls as well in that site.


"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-01 16:15:13

another important link:

setting tactics is very important, specially defending settings. It will help you by making the AI defend for you. more information later when i  read more into this.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-01 18:49:48

How did you guess this was what I was going to ask next? I'm interested and listening :-) Karen Stevens

2017-10-01 20:11:56

Heya Karen
as time goes on, I'm going to add info to this topic and also ask for your help i believe.
First subject that I need your help with and  I'm going to talk about is about  two  defending modes.
Currently there are two defending modes in fifa games. Tactical and Legacy.
In tactical mode, your defenders are slightly  controled by the AI. You have to switch to your defenders, manually position the defender exactly in front of  the attacking player, and with the good amount of timing, tackle or  steal the ball away from them.
In legacy mode,  all defenders  are controlled by the AI, and  you can make a defender automatically move towards the attacking player and automatically tackle the ball away.

Well as you have probably guessed Legacy mode is the best way for us to play. since all we need to do is to wait for the aposing team to get into our defending area, and press a button or two to try and automatically win the ball back.

Now, Legacy  defending mode is removed from online play years ago, which is fine, since EA wants all  players to be on the tactical mode when playing competetively.
It seems to still work on the offline modes, (I still have to confirm this for fifa 18) But the competetive community is trying to persuade EA from removing it  completely from the game.
I just want EA to also hear our words as well in favor of  keeping the legacy defending mode in the game. So later on if  you make contact with Fifa developers, please mention this subject to them as well.

also still downloading.... only two days to go!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-19 08:07:17

Ok update:
The menus are a nightmare to navigate. The gameplay is good for now, But for Fifa, You really need to read the UI to have fun.
A lot of fun in Fifa game is about reading tournament stats, team/news/player/table stats, being able to substitute players, change tactics and rolls, and go on.
I've sent Karen a mail a few days ago about adding  clipboard support to the PC version. I also found out that  xbox has an sdk for  outputting speech to narrator, And i also found about the tolk library.

I've not received a reply from Karen yet, But I've tweeted to Rob Hodson (He's a Fifa developer, but I don't know  on what part of the game he works). He said that he would  pass my feedback to  the right people.

If you guys want this to happen, E. being able to read Fifa's menu items, Please send a tweet to @EASPORTSFIFA and @RobHodson_  and of corse the EA accessibility email is there.  They won't implement any features for like one person, There needs to be more players interested.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-19 08:21:55 (edited by ea_accessible 2017-10-19 08:27:27)

I got your email, thanks. It doesn't hurt to send messages out to more people, but the most effective way to have new accessibility features supported is to email me at [email protected]. The volume of feedback was instrumental into getting changes into Madden, and it's very helpful for other titles, too. I'm the EA Sports Accessibility Lead, so am deeply involved with all sports titles, including FIFA. For non-sports titles I still pass feedback and recommendations along, so it's still useful to send me feedback.


- Karen Stevens

2017-10-19 08:33:06

If guides or manuals would help you enjoy the game, I may be able to provide you with those, similar to Madden. Would the game be playable for you if you had these? I haven't had time to analyze fifa yet to know its game play limitations - that's on my agenda next week.

2017-10-19 08:37:22 (edited by hadi.gsf 2017-10-19 08:38:36)

I think if EA finds a way to make their game menus speak it would be a breaking point in video game accessibility. I know that gameplay should come first, But if you can't  set a game up all by yourself then there is no point of an enjoyable gameplay. I mean there is always friends and family who could set your games up, but they are always not available and such.
This should be also a sort of hard task, Because we have consoles and then we have PC. Self speaking menus will never be possible - at least not for games like Fifa, because there is a huge numbers of players and stats. The only option that remains is implementing workarounds, like the tolk library  and The copy to  clipboard implementation for pc, and  the narrator sdk for xbox. for PS4.... who knows what can be done, I really do not have enough knowledge for that.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-19 08:43:46 (edited by ea_accessible 2017-10-19 08:44:24)

My goal with the madden guide is to make it so those with vision issues can still set up the game entirely by themselves and can play it by themselves, with no outside help. It's true this will never cover every single number and stat, but the first goal is to get people in the game. This helps open discussions on future improvements.  If it isn't currently possible to play FIFA even with guides, then that needs to be top priority in fixing, first.

2017-10-19 10:42:08

ea_accessible wrote:

If guides or manuals would help you enjoy the game, I may be able to provide you with those, similar to Madden. Would the game be playable for you if you had these? I haven't had time to analyze fifa yet to know its game play limitations - that's on my agenda next week.

I'm sorry, I totally missed this post.
I think writing a guide would be awesome, but there are some points. When you  check fifa's menus, There are  tabs at the top of the page that expand when you go on them. IT's sorta confusing, I think you'll figure it out though once you see them.
The most simple way of playing would be the kick off mode. IT then drops you into a page that you have to select sides,  then  teams.
The tournament mode is a bit more  complex.
Take a look at the game, See if it's possible to write a guide for it, Specially the kick off mode. Then  if possible the single player tournaments. when it comes to online then things go very complex.
There is also another single player mode  called  career mode. That is unfortunately very complex and not playable even with guides.
so to sum it up:
kick off mode: accessible with guides, But team selection should be tricky. There are too many countries/leagues/teams, But i assume Spain and England leagues are the most played, and the international teams.
Tournament mode: Might be accessible with guides, But you wouldn't be able to see the table and such. Also things will get complex if your players get injured.
career mode: Not playable  even with guides.
online modes: Also not playable i believe. It's hard to set up a season and invite your friends in.
When you check Fifa and have questions let me know, I'll be watching this topic

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-12-10 00:51:01

Hello guys!
Does anyone know how to configure legacy defense mode in fifa?

2018-02-03 11:21:51

i play fifa for a very long time. I have not tried fifa 18 yet.
I will buy it soon. I play it with the pc and with the nvda addon.
yes, you are right. The menu is really complex and the kick off mod is currently the best we can play.
It would be really nice if fifa were playable for us.
Greetings Kevin