2017-09-27 20:00:09

Hello everyone, just an FYI that I'm no longer on Madden, instead I'm now the EA Sports Accessibility Lead. My vanishing acts lately have been due role changes, but I am going to continue pushing for accessibility across the board. Hurricane Irma did push back the update release date for Madden features, but hopefully it'll come out in a week or so - I won't have a confirmed date until right before it happens, unfortunately.

Ross, who's a member of this forum, is visiting EA Tiburon as a guest speaker for an internal accessibility awareness kick-off on Friday, and will have a chance to check out the update then. He's free to report back his impressions.

I will continue to work on the Madden guide and the next section will be for simplified gameplay (aka the way people normally play), using the new rumble features. I'm currently juggling many balls, so it's just taking a bit longer than I'd like. I'll keep updating the madden thread as I go.


- Karen Stevens

2017-09-27 20:19:06

Thanks for the update, Karen!

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-09-27 20:35:37

Just for context, where Karen's post says "ea sports accessibility lead" you could instead put "first full time accessibility person at a major games publisher.. ever"

Pretty important landmark!

2017-09-27 22:38:55

Thank you for the update, and congrats on the new position.   This is good news, because it will be nice for other sport games to get the same accessibility  attention.   Best of luck.
On a side note it would be nice to get a NBA street volume to remake. wink

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
" GamerTag is. ItsTBlaze & Twitter @TBlaze97
"One Love"

2017-09-28 07:38:40

Thanks for the update. I'm so excited for this. Keep up the fantastic job. It means so much to more people world wide than you might imagine. I look forward to hear Ross' first impressions.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-09-28 09:30:56

Wow seriously grats! This is really exciting stuff

2017-09-28 22:54:37

Hey, Karen.
Congratulations on the position.

2017-09-29 06:59:45

So I'll ask this here:

For he Madden update and other EA updates does that mean Narrator on the XB1 will read the menus and such or does it already read them, as I've been going off memorizing them here.

Also grats on the position but I still have a longass laundry list of isues with EA, I'm cautiously optimistic but I doubt it'll be as amazing as everyone thinks, I'm cynical, EA will find a way to screw it up somehow...

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-09-29 09:49:44

I have been playing FIFA for over 10 years on the PC.
  I used to remember the menu items and counted how often I have to press arrow up or down arrow. Now you can with a nvda addon a little read the menus. But that is not a good solution.
will FIFA be completely playable and free of barriers for the blind?

2017-09-29 11:38:27

Congratulations on the new position, Karen.  Looking forward to seeing how much extra you can do in your new role.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-09-29 14:45:22

This update is not going to include talking menus. Karin detailed what the update will include in the other post.   We need to be a little more positive, because this is not going to be a   Overnight thing. Also it's not going to depend on just one developer.   Every step forward is a good one no matter how small the step.

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
" GamerTag is. ItsTBlaze & Twitter @TBlaze97
"One Love"

2017-10-01 19:28:56

This is indeed going to take time, but worth it. Ross was an awesome panelist who answered many questions asked by the studio. He also got a chance to play Mortal Kombat with some of the team, in front of an audience. He also got to try out the new Madden rumble features, which will hopefully come out next week. People stopped by to watch him play Madden, too.

I apologize for my delays in the guide. Tomorrow I plan to work on game play instructions. I'll be at a conference for most of next week, so there will be more delays later in the week. I'm not giving up on it, I just have a lot more to do since the role change.

Thank you for your patience.

- Karen Stevens

2017-10-01 19:46:30 (edited by ea_accessible 2017-10-01 19:46:43)

Also, If any of you live near Orlando or Vancouver and would be interested in visiting a game studio for play testing and developer feedback, please let me know. Thanks - Karen Stevens

2017-10-01 20:54:12

Wooo. So interesting and gratz to Karen!

Not a Madden player here, in fact I don't have a console, but i'm excited about changes that they're making for it

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-10-02 16:23:28

Completely understand, and no thank you for your patience.   Some of us understand that there are a lot of  moving  parts, and these things take time.
Oh how I wish I lived in Orlando.*Smile*

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
" GamerTag is. ItsTBlaze & Twitter @TBlaze97
"One Love"

2017-10-02 17:04:41

I have heard tell of this text guide in many locations... My question is this: Is this something I could find and take a look at now, to get an idea of what's to come? Or, is it yet to be released for the sake of certain features?
  If it's the former, could someone possibly direct me to it? If it's the latter, I will be looking forward to it. My thanks.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-10-02 17:35:15

Dragomier - see post 163 in this thread. http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.p … 51#p327751 . The user manual starts here, and is multiple posts. http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.p … 60#p330360