2016-07-26 02:13:38

these things i will sai are not required, but i'd like to see them.
1). shotguns, pleaseeeeee. we have pistols, machineguns, rockets, bombs, but.... at least one single shotgun please hahahaha.
2). a kind of minethrower?. i liked a lot the timed bombs in bk2. so you can for example, use the mine thrower, the mine would stick onto an enemy and after a few seconds, it explodes, maybe damaging all nearby enemies. of course, you must buy, find, or craft the mines. i hate unlimited weapons.
3). how about previous bk bosses?. i miss the death robot of bk1, that could be deadly in bk3 if you use all the attacks used in bk1. plus for example, throwing 5 bombs in a ro, or unloading an entire machinegun clip on the character.
i also miss kisenon and kurororororororo but i think those two are impossible to add right now.
4). if there are bonus stages, maybe a platforming stage with enemies in could be the perfect challenge?. fighting enemies at the same time we try not to fall is a good challenge imo. or some "chasing stage" with platforms and enemies. kind of like the volcano escape in super liam, but one stage like that in bk stile could be fantastic!
finally, some old music from previous games?. battle 12 for example hahaha. i mean, the battle music in yokotanku's dungeon.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2016-07-26 03:19:47

So to clarify, is the game fully translated? And is there a page in which I can order the English version?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2016-07-27 02:39:20

No, it hasn't been fully translated yet. It's almost playable, but I have difficulty translating the remaining parts because they contain lots of Japanese idioms, and I'm not sure how I should translate.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-07-28 01:49:50

I've noticed a bug in my version where stage 2.2 isn't translated even though there's a dictionary thing for it. I think I've seen it on a few other stages too.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2016-07-28 20:38:33

Hmm, my stage 2-2 translates fine, but that might be because I went through all the dictionary files and corrected the errors. Not errors with translation, but positioning of text. What has to happen, is that the text on the line before the tab in the file has to be exactly what the game says. No extra periods, commas, or even spaces. And no that's not what I want, that's just what the game needs to work. Once I proofread the new translation updates that came out a couple months ago, I'll pm the developer with the fixed files. And yes that will happen soon, summer school ends tomorrow so I can probably get my Bokurano Daibouken 3 walkthrough finished, as well as The Blank Game and translating all those menus.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2016-07-29 00:57:09

nice, i'd like to see bk3's walkthrough when your done  with it. what i want is enemys pushing you back in the pits, from the platforms, etc, shadow line does that, sometimes. same thing with main char, you can push enemys off of the platforms, into pits, etc. one think i really want is a rematch. yes yes, all bosses, in one stage, one at the time, you'll be limited with a couple of healing items, speed potions, etc. the next boss door would be locked till you kill the boss and, say get a key from his corpse, if you manage to win the level, you can pick a certain weapon from the missing weapons list. why? because weapon advisor gives really little info on where it is and clone generator is really, really, really, really big pain to grind out.
a stage builder of some sort. you can create your own stages after you beet, say hell mode, or bio. (beeten bio starting with level 260, finished with over 1190. smile.). you can play stages at any time eather from the data menu, or by pressing a certain key. that would be really cool! stages could have there own story, i don't know about voiced story, bk games never do that in less you count the small talk with the dude who shoots fire beam at you. but they play sounds, so maybe the sounds can be put in as audio story? or they have to be certain size or something, don't know.
an ability that will allow you to use some sounds from bk3 itself? like the boss sound, shock sound, etc. sounds will unlock as you play through modes, that way it will werth to play in all modes i think.
save the progress on the mode when they have been beeten so you don't have to restart the mode if you need some more medals then you thought.
leave carla's AI alone, that's the challenge of hole stages 11 and 12, to keep both of you alive while you cleer areas out, right? if you mess with her AI and make her smarter, that will ruin some fun for me and a couple levels from the game. i found funny to  shock her with volt stick, or to fire some boomerangs at her and watch how she jumps over them in 16-3, it gave me a laugh when i fired multiple of them at the same time and she got cut up when she touched the ground.
blinding cameras? if you are able to do that, make paintball launcher unavailable first time you play through the game, as it will make stage 21 pointless or super easy. really guys, if your listen to your tones from the sonar and watching where are cams are facing, you won't have trouble avoiding them. i made a text walkthrough on 21-1 and 21-2, i can do an audio recording of it where i can sneak through  the stage with out getting spotted if that doesn't help. sorry if this sounds harsh, but the cams arn't that hard. sure you will have a close call with one in eather 21-1 at 255-15 or in 21-2 at 460-0, but other then that, if your using your own camera and sonar you should be fine. other then that and carla's AI, all ideas sound fun to me. well, that's it for now.

2016-08-02 05:15:10

and allso  ad more nice tracks   and plese main  thing is  translet that read me to english plese

2016-08-03 05:39:45

One thing I would like to see is more intelligent spawning of enemies.

For example, security carts should be able to spawn at more than just coordinate 0, as long as there is a floor to support them. There is a stage where carts and other enemies only spawn at coordinate 0, so if you use ladders to climb higher than 0, you are basically in an empty stage unless you need to climb back down.

Insects should be able to climb ladders and spawn higher than coordinate 0 on stages.

The higher vertical coordinates of a stage should not be empty.

I would also like to see enemies able to fall properly.

As an example, stage 5-4. The minidemon boss is at the top of a tree. If you are able to push him out of the tree, instead of falling like the player, he slowly falls to the ground. He also seems to stay in the air and not fall if the player is not in the air, so he can get stuck at coordinates like 40, 10.

I would like to see enemies be able to fall and take damage like the player does, so if they could spawn at higher coordinates, you could use more strategy to defeat enemies. If an insect could spawn at coordinates 20, 20 in a level, and there was a platform edge at 25, 20, you could use a weapon with the ability to push the insect back until it fell into the gap and would take damage when it hit the ground.

For translating idioms, maybe you could try to put the text into google translate and see what it translates as? This would not be a perfect translation, but might give you an idea of an English equivalent.

2016-08-03 06:29:15

Insects fly, so that wouldn't make sense... and google translate has been attempted. Idioms don't cary from language to language... that's why they're so tricky to study. If I didn't work at a Japanese company where I had to use the language every day I likely wouldn't know half the idioms I do.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-08-03 11:05:04

bk 3 v2 will awsome

2016-08-03 16:42:57

I know some of the insects do, but the ones that launch needles sound more like they hop.

Regardless, they should be able to fly to different levels of the stage if that's what they're doing.

I didn't expect the idioms to translate perfectly by any means. I just thought perhaps they could suggest an equivalent. The only things that I've seen absolutely not translate are human noises, such as when laughter is emulated in various ways via the synth, or cries of pain or surprise.

2016-08-03 18:35:26

To be honest, maybe I'm speaking a little over my own head about this one. the times I've tried Google generally doesn't give me anything close to a suggestion to an equivalent, because it has trouble even putting the sentence together correctly. And some Japanese idioms make use of words that aren't translatable into english, especially ones that involve puns or other types of word play. I personally like it the way it is but allowing airborn enemies to move in all planes might make things a tad more complicated.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-08-03 18:44:17 (edited by david_solomon1 2016-08-03 18:46:08)

It definitely seems like a matter of personal preference. I don't like being able to climb up to a higher level of the stage and then effectively have nothing to do accept hold down an arrow key while I can hear enemies below me. This means that in order to train my stats, I must stay on the lower levels, whereas if enemies could spawn on higher floors of the level, I could explore and gain experience at the same time. Plus I think it makes some levels too easy and makes enemies spawning on those levels pointless if all you need to do to remove the difficulty of the level is climb a ladder.

I like that in stage 8 level 3, the minidemons can climb trees. This mechanic should be used a lot more in the game to make the upper coordinates of a stage more exciting.

2016-08-03 19:11:12

Not sure how you're getting away with it that easily... but there are stages where you have to definitely do more to avoid enemies just by climbing one ladder, as there are places areas where there is no route to go across the whole stage that far up. The security carts spawning where they are is on purpose... you're supposed to avoid those and not fight them.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-08-04 14:24:50

As for the enemies' climbing capability, I avoided using it too much because the algorithm was very complex and sometimes they went in completely wrong directions. The Each AI scans the entire field and decides the tree or ladder to use in order to reach you, but it seems to misbehave for some reason. It happens very rarely though, as the field gets more complicated, you may see more enemies stuck at the unreachable positions. If I could implement, the limit would be somewhere between stage 8 or 9, unless the cause of the bug is spotted and fixed.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-08-05 03:59:04

@AssaultFreak: It's been a long time since I played the game, but I'm speaking of levels much earlier than the stealth missions. For example, the first time you enter the flying building before it launches into the air.

There's at least one level early on where basically, all you need to do is hop through the enemies provided you don't want to fight them, climb the ladder at the end, and you are home free from there. No enemies to fight, no hazards to jump over, just a couple of doors to explore. I understand that it's an early level and thus isn't meant to be overly difficult, but this is why I suggested enemies spawning on different levels. The way I see it now, it'd be like Double Dragon 2 only having enemies on the first level of a stage. If you could just climb higher than the first level, you have nothing to deal with accept for drop-offs and other hazards, which would have made that game exponentially less fun. In that game, there were often areas where you'd have to deal with enemies and hazardous traps all at the same time.

Anyway, with Yukio's post I understand why it doesn't happen now. I hope that bug can be sorted out as I really think enemies spawning at more than just coordinate 0, or being able to climb or fly to higher coordinates, would make the game more exciting.

2016-08-05 08:20:01

True, it may be easier to avoid enemies. But what you forget is that there's no point in avoiding them because that's a lot of wasted xp that has to be regained by grinding later. but I agree, that would definitely be more exciting... though trust me, if you play the game on higher difficulty modes and try doing the same later on, it's not going to work out nearly as well for you. I think early levels should be easy, and many other games also give you the option to avoid enemies or climb to areas they can't reach you. But both are good.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-08-05 19:49:41

I have played on higher difficulties, up to and including Legend of Ain. Just not recently.

I agree that avoiding enemies makes for more grinding later. If my suggestion were implemented, it would actually make grinding and exploration possible at the same time in more levels. But it all depends on whether or not Yukio wants to do this, and whether or not the bug preventing it can be solved.

2017-09-03 08:13:43

I know that Yukios been pretty busy with the game translation/college life and all that, just curious as to the state of bk3 2.0. Is this still planned to happened? Or are you absolutely sick of dealing with BK now. Either way I love all the work you've done with translations, thanks tons!

2017-09-03 10:10:49

It is still being worked on, though slowly and steadily... few people realize how much work translation actually takes out of all of us working at it, and though not in this post, constant demands for things to be translated / fixed or how other people throw out requests for games to get translated as though they can be done so easily get to me. lol Not many slow down enough to realize the amount of time the three of us who make up the translation team put into it.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-09-03 11:14:59 (edited by nyanchan 2017-09-03 11:27:55)

I do not like to say anything empty or avoid constructive arguments with obscure statements, so I'll write down what I'm just thinking right now.
As for the answer that you probably want to know the most, it's "Yes, something will be released, but I'm not confident enough".
A little bit of implementation-related things first. Since I wasn't coding the game with translation considered when I first released the Japanese version, the source program had to partially be rewritten. I think I've done most of it though, very small snippets of codes sometimes require fixes, replacements or reorganizing. That's why you are sometimes notified about the software updates. I've just recently switched my project management to Git and split the V1 and V2 source codes by branches, but both are currently conflicting because I have already implemented some elements on V2 source, which still doesn't have translation-related fixes that I previously mentioned. I haven't tried auto marging though, I highly doubt it will work because the changes are massive in particular functions. The only choice left is to complete the translation first then start migrating the V2 changes to that source code manually. For this reason, while I'm working on fixing translation bugs, I cannot code anything related to V2. Under this circumstance, I cannot announce any release dates or plans other than the translation project currently going on.
As you might already know, I'm an audio game developer but also a University student who is researching internet and accessibility at a lab. Also, I'm developing utility applications with one of my friends and I'm writing most of the backends of them with C++. Although these do not necessarily mean that the time I can develop was completely stolen or I am less motivated to game development itself (I think I actually have time more than you would expect), things I want to or need to do is increasing.
While all of above are great opportunities for me, it is also true that I'm starting having a dilemma about audiogame development. As I gain experience without losing interest in audiogaming, games I feel like developing are growing so crazy that I cannot even imagine how much resources and time is required to complete them. These kind of thoughts usually screw up my mind; I'm unable to evaluate if they are really fun once completed, or more basically, if they are realistic in terms of playability, implementation, cost and any other perspective. Although it is obviously possible to post a topic here about one or more of that, it must be personal evaluation eventually because that is what a developer needs for keeping his or her project ongoing in my opinion. I haven't talked about this here though, I've tried initiating some new projects in last few years. Sadly, at least three of them are stopped or almost abandoned. And still, incomplete, inadequate and sometimes ununderstandable memoes are scattering everywhere on my harddrive.
Talking specificly about BK3, I have to admit that I feel like leaving from the series and shifting to new one. This is mostly because there are too many things that don't make sence in the story line or character settings. Although I understand the idea that the story is not the main element of games or it's like a tiny bit of spice, I cannot see it colapse anymore. That being said, I remember I've stated that I am going to release the V2 X and disaffirming what I previously promised is a thing that I hate the most. I haven't lost motivation to release V2 X, but not sure if it will be paid or reach the level such that you might be expecting.
I ask myself: "So, you said you wanted to shift to another series? Then, does it mean you will develop a new RPG? Action? FPS? Multiplayer? Racing? Fighting? Flight sim? Gunfight? You have some ideas?". And that rewinds me to the previous paragraph.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2017-09-03 15:01:49 (edited by cj89 2017-09-03 15:04:35)

Yeah, I honestly can't begin to imagine just how long some of that stuff takes. You are far far from the first or last person to run into the problem of resources, honestly. I know everyone and their dog have said this by now, but the stuff that all of you Japanese devs have given us are still leagues ahead of basically anything we have. If it means I need to wait longer then I can live with that.

2017-09-03 17:06:09 (edited by assault_freak 2017-09-03 17:16:26)

A very honest statement and well written one, Yukio. And one which explains, at least to me, why Japanese audio games are so good. This is a thought process that, from the evidence provided, doesn't always seem to be part of the thinking of some of the developers in this community, who are simply concerned with releasing as many games as possible and often let things fall short in terms of quality because of that. Do what you need to, and take your time. The BK series has been a great one, and especially 3, even though the story isn't a perfect one with things that don't make sense, it's still a very entertaining ride. Story can indeed be the main element of a game if one wants it to be, but most people who play BK 3 realize that the action is what it's about, and the story is definitely good enough to make most players want to keep playing, I would imagine. It's certainly deeper and more imaginative than anything else in this community at the moment, and isn't just about robots and monsters. On a basic level, the BK 3 story, though simple, does have some good messages in it.

As for resources and the like, as CJ89 already said, it's a common problem. But the fact that you're thinking about these and considering them when you think about what games you are wanting to make, it'll help you not to reach further than you can, and so can make realistic goals and deadlines for yourself. Whatever the next big series from you is, I'm sure that it will be amazing, as well!

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-09-05 14:52:18

well written statement and I think you have a very realistic look at things which is awesome to see as I feel this thinking allowed you to create something leagues ahead of other games. To be sure this is not knocking any of the developers here as they have written great games as well. I have always been a fan of bosses and as such i think you have created the industry standard for audio games in that department. I felt this game could have been written any number of ways with the story line as is. eg. RPG, action, and possibly even one on one fighting. The worst that could happen is to be pressured into something you don't feel committed to so take your time.

2017-09-05 14:53:36

also someone mentioned shotguns but isn't the box gun in this game? it was in the second.