2017-08-19 13:53:50

Hi everybody - long time since I've been around here!

Was just wondering if anybody could help. I used to be around All inPlay a lot when I was younger - they were the first online multiplayer games that I ever played. I read the forum thread this year, where it was suggested that the company may have been sold and the new owner unfortunately passed away.

I was wondering if by any chance anybody is still in touch with the original developers. If people would be interest, I'm considering hosting these myself and opening up membership freely so that everybody can take part. Obviously this exclusively depends on whether the developers would be happy for this to happen and the source being readily available, but the sounds as well as the uniqueness of these games were the things that set them apart - it'd be a shame if these were forgotten about.


2017-08-19 16:02:47 (edited by jack 2017-08-19 16:04:18)

Great idea as these were awesome multiplayer games. My guess is that maybe you could track down the original guys behind the project on social media or what have you and explain to them your position. I was almost gonna buy a subscription till I heard that it's pretty much gone as far as we can tell. It was  sold to for-the-people.come I believe before the owner passed away.

2017-08-19 18:14:08

From what I've heard, from the current owner, he would not be wanting to release these games to be played for free.  I'm under the impression that he intends to get the company back on its feet.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2017-08-22 16:21:50

I, too, spent hours at all in play, throwing around the holdem chips, lol.
When Jennifer died, the site went dead.  I liked Jen as a person, but her ownership/management/leadership skills struck me as weak.  The site was a shambles in terms of the coding, the structure, the way that it was handled by hosting servers, etc.  Her family has since said that they want to get the site back on its feet.  However, they had significant issues finding a programmer willing to recode everything correctly, and the site itself had to also be recoded so that it could work with the updated hosting servers.  we have heard nothing in months.  I'm on the all in play mailing lists, and I have seen no traffic from it in a very long time.  So, I am thinking that most likely their ability to get things in order fell through, and that all in play is gone.  That's a shame.  And despite her lack of management skills, I know that Jennifer would not be pleased.

2017-08-22 17:02:17

Do you know what it would take to get it all up and running again? I would be willing to host it if possible. I have a stable server running.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-08-22 20:38:45

Basically, they couldn't afford to pay a programmer worth their salt who could understand the antiquated code of the games to be able to reprogram them in an updated language.  THe couple of programmers they found gave up halfway through the project, never completing it.  When I go to their site, I receive the CPanel site, which tells me that the domain is now dead.  Like I said, it's a shame, and Jen would not be happy.  Thing is, though, while the site was running, while they had our subscriptions, they should have been rewriting old code so that this wouldn't have been an issue.  Several of us kept telling Jen that she needed to get a programmer, but that never occurred, even though several experienced programmers in the blind community, actual members of the site, offered to help with the coding.  If she had pursued that years ago, the site would probably still be going strong.


2017-08-22 21:12:53

JLove, that is similar to what I've heard as well.  A few years back I offered to help All in Play when they were having trouble with their hired programmers.  The people she hired were all taking advantage of her.  In phone conversations she explained what they were hired to do and how much they charged, and it was clear they were squeezing her for every penny they could because she didn't understand what reasonable prices should have been.  I tried explaining that, but from what I understand, one of her hired programmers claimed that I was the one who was wrong, and she ultimately believed them.

Since Jen's passing I've tried on multiple occasions to help the new owner (her son/step son I think) but I don't think he's all that interested in getting my help.  It's very possible I'm still viewed as some sort of know-nothing con artist who accused their trusted hired programmers of cheating them.  Lol, oh well, but it is a shame.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2017-08-22 21:22:32

Several experienced programmers in our community offered to do some work for free, and the rest at severely discounted rates, and she still never took them up on it.  That's why I said that her leadership/management/business skills were weak.  And she didn't have a clue about what coding truly entailed, or the prices actually charged, and therefore, she was an easy mark to be used.  A great person, abysmal businesswoman, lol.  Elles was her husband, I believe.  The person that was helping them after she died was named Steven, but I suspect that he just got overwhelmed with the immense size of the project, and I also think he got discouraged at not being able to find a competent programmer willing to help them, so he just gave up.


2017-08-22 21:50:04

I don't think finding a "competent" programmer was the issue, I think the issue was finding someone who they perceived to be competent.  It's like people who will only take their vehicle to an official dealership to have even a simple oil change, even though the price is far higher because it is the dealership.  I've known people who wouldn't even type a paper on a laptop that wasn't a macbook, because it was in their head that anything not labeled with that particular name brand was trash, and beneath them.

Wherever Jen was hiring those programmers from, she must have had it in her head that those were the only trustworthy ones.  Probably some specific programming firm or something, who knows.  I know for a fact that they were given offers of help by at least 1 "competent" programmer, and probably quite a few more, but she wasn't interested.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2017-08-22 22:38:00

It's a shame, though, because now the only site we have to play poker on is Blind Adrenaline.  And yeah, it's fun at times, most of the people are okay.  Of course, there's always a few that aren't, but that's anywhere you go in life.  My main problem with that site is the owner.  He's extremely controlling, to the point of dictatorial.  And there are times that he can be a straight up asshole.  I joined BA shortly after its inception, and things were more pleasing.  We used to have a lot of fun there; it was much more laid back.  You could find three or four tables going at once, and at least one of them was high stakes.  We'd play until 2 or 3 in the morning, sometimes later.  We had high stakes SAGs, sit and gos, of 500k, a million.  Then, for absolutely no reason, he decided that everyone should lose all of their chips and start over.  Some of us had millions.  None of us were pleased, and we all voiced our opinion that it would set the site back hugely.  He didn't listen.  And from that day forward, he lost a huge chunk of his membership.  He as gotten more and more controlling.  He has this attitude that we should all play poker as though we're professionals at the WSOP.  My view, and several of the other players there, is this:  As long as I am a paying member of the site, and I am spending my own money to play poker, then I should be able to play poker any way that I please, and I certainly should not lose my several-million chip stack for absolutely no reason.  That was my biggest gripe with the reset.  Today, that decision to reset everyone so many years ago is still having ramifications.  Very, very rarely will you find a table above 500-chip blinds.  SAGs are most often 10k.  Every great once in a while someone will get up the courage to put up a 50k, and 100k is virtually unheard of.  Now, contrast that:  With all in play, the site was exceptionally laid back, and as long as no one blatantly disrespected someone, or was caught cheating, etc., they were allowed to play any way they pleased, and chips we earned, we got to keep.  Jen didn't constantly insert herself into players' game styles, or insist that players should play a certain way, should only raise a certain amount, etc.  At one point I had approximately 169 million there.  So it's a shame to me that a site where the focuses were on having fun and enjoying social camaraderie is no more, and we are left with but one choice where we're constantly waiting for the next stupid decree from on high.  Lol.  And I happen to really, really like holdem.


2017-08-23 01:40:49 (edited by Orin 2017-08-23 01:50:56)

Che should go back to Rail Racer. He was less controlling then.

Edit: I'm curious, when did Jen die and when did the demise of FTP happen? FTP was my first ever voice chat site, as I'm sure it was for many of you.

2017-08-23 02:53:38

Lol, ain't that the truth?  I cannot fathom treating customers that way.  The first thing that they teach you is that the customer is always right.  So many of us told him that a chip reset was going to cause lots of folks to leave, and we were right.  He didn't listen to us.  That's my main beef with che...he doesn't really care about his customers.

2017-08-23 03:25:43

Well, he was pretty controlling when I had interactions with him on Popmundo back in the day. He doesn't have much patience. Because of those interactions, he said he "refuses" to interact with me in any online game.

2017-08-23 07:43:36

Wow. Sounds impossible to get it up and running again. If we could get the sourcecode we could do something, but then it might be better to rewrite it all from scratch.
I thought The Playroom had Poker as well? Now I haven't played Poker and I'm not sure about the rules etc. But if the game is that much addicting, it would be interesting to take a look at it later on.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-08-23 16:10:16

What I enjoyed even more than the poker was the social aspect.  Sitting at a table with a group of others, laughing, talking about anything and everything from music, to books, to religion, to politics, to sports.  From the most inane thing, to the thing that'll break your heart sometimes.  And between those conversations, you're talking shit to one another about the cards, who's got the most chips, and who's getting their ass busted before the night is through.  That's what makes a site like that pleasing.  And when you've got a dictator like Che, it casts a cloud over it.  And that sucks.  What makes it suck even more is that it's absolutely unnecessary.
Yeah, I wish that something could have been done for all inplay, but I doubt that there is any way to get a hold of the source code, and as you said, that code is so antiquated that I suspect it would most definitely have to be rewritten.

2017-08-23 16:38:09 (edited by BigGun 2017-08-23 16:41:26)

Quenton C's playroom is just a huge thing with no changes. Last change, but really good change was long long long time ago and I am shoor that nobody want's to translate there 100000 character message into french just to get no answer. Still, there is ba card room, old, rusty, dusty, with an angry guy who wants to poke his nose into everything that he wishes, not to menshen that thing with chips, and what about rale racer, I know that it's off topic but, cant help not referencing it. So what's better a guy who doesn't no a word in English, with only his 3 friends as admins, I only see one of them online at one time, and that one time is all most never, and an old BA card room, nobody on there, with a guy who as I have all reddy said, want's to poke his nose every where and wants to do what ever he likes, regardless of what players as his customers say. Guise, isn't it better to start from absolute 0 or, better to say, from berr earth and start from skrach? we cant expect anything from chee or quenton, but we can expect something if not anything from the new devs that are both part of this forum and devs in general can make an accessible version of there  card room very easyly.
Kind regards, Aleksandar
ps: we cant get all in play running so we cant compare it as of now. and JLove, it seems that you have bin faster in typing then me,  lol

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-08-24 07:34:10

There are a lot of people playing the Playroom, so there you'll get the social experience from them who speaks english. There are a lot of people playing RS Games as well, but I don't remember if they have Poker as well.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen