2017-06-25 15:41:09

Hi folks.  I am new here.  I just recently started losing my sight to an extent where I can't really play non-accessible games anymore.  So upon searching for accessible games I ended up here.  This site seems promising, but I have no idea where to start, and just downloading everything of a particular genre seems like too much trouble.

I was hoping someone might be able to give me a few recommendations of games I might like based on what I enjoyed playing before I started losing my sight.

My favorite genre is JRPG's like Final Fantasy.  I doubt that I would find something with that kind of depth here, but I love the old turn based battles and class based character progression.

Other genres I enjoy are TCG's like yu-gi-oh, tactics games like disgaea and FF Tactics, turn based strategy games like heroes of might and magic, RTS games like Command and Conquer and Warcraft and MOBA's like Dota 2.

I generally like anything with a bit of depth.  I do not like arcade type games like side scrollers.  I would likely give anything with a fantasy or sci-fi basis a chance.

I also don't mind whether a game is free or commercial.  I just really want to start playing games again.

The game list is quite daunting for someone who has never played these kind of games.  A user rating system would really help newcomers determine what is a good point of entry. 

I would appreciate any recommendations.

2017-06-25 16:08:58

Paladin of the Sky is a good one to start out with. I've heard more than played it, but its an interesting game with turn based battles. You won't find a lot of games that really take your breath away as far as audio games. Most of the projects are small, one man or small team efforts, and are quite good, at least some of them anyway, but there are no AAA audio game development studios. Well, until perhaps now.

A company called Out of Sight Games is making a game that reminds me somewhat of final fantasy, as far as game mechanics, maybe not story. They have a few demos on youtube, and the thing is going to be fully voice acted. That game just sounds amazing, and I can't wait to buy it when it comes out.

We do have a lot of side scrollers here as they're relatively easier to code than other types, we're quite literally swamped in them. Oh and that segways into well, swamp. Swamp is a multiplayer FPS that's been around for a while now. It's PVE, except for forts, which, I've never played it long enough to get to that level, so I can't explain that part to you. It's basically kill the zombies, do missions, get better gear. You need a mouse to play, but you probably already have one if you are / were sighted. Another FPS is Road to Rage, this one's purely PVP, and a bit of a pain in the ass to install, since you have to download a big map pack and copy the maps / entities over after the game installs. Basically, if you don't do that, you can only join vanilla servers, which no one has.

A game that has been around for a while, and is not open sourced is Three-D velocity. It's a flight sim where you take the controls of a fictional fighter jet and defeat this brutis guy. If you've ever played FSX or anything like that, then this own't be in the same league, but its fun nonetheless.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2017-06-25 16:19:22

Ironcross32 is correct, a hero's call is going to be great. Another game you might like is manamon, an rpg in the style of pokemon.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2017-06-25 16:23:25

Thanks for the recommendations.  I love pokemon.  I will check them out.  I never expected a triple A title, I just want something that will scratch that video game itch.

2017-06-25 16:39:02

Hi Tensoon welcome to the forum, ---- hopefully your not planning on assassinating and absorbing anyone round here big_smile.

the idea of the db is to provide some information. You can to an extent get an idea of who likes what by the number of users who vfavourite each thing, but in general I can see the problem.

As Iron cross said, sadly we're still waiting for that audio final fantasy game, though I can we have made some steps into the rpg field a little recently.

Manamon from Vgstorm is a good place to start for rpgs, think pokemon in audio. Paladin of the skies was their previous effort and while it has a few more holes than manamon it is a fun game to spend time with.

Entombed is also worth a try, think a dungeon crawler with lots of randomness, also if you have an IPhone I can't recommend King of dragon pass highly enough, everything from rpg and strategy to story.

Sadly I have heard the adventure to fate games are  requiring an update to Ios 10 which is a shame since if you like detailed turn based combat those would definitely be up your alley.

Another idea might be the smuggler series. These are a bit more problematic to play since they're actually graphical games that have had screen reader friendly text added to them, but they can be good fun, think turn based elite with professions, war and lots of other addons.

Stratogy wise we have several options. Sound rts was an attempt at audio Warcraft and while not as detailed is worth a play, you should also try time of conflict a modern stratogy game from Gma games, though that one is a bit more difficult to grasp.
There are then various more conventional board and card game options, in particular here I'm thinking of jungle chess from Blastbay.

If your a turn based battles fan you should also try crazy party. Half of the game is an arcade minigame Mario party style challenge, (which is surprisingly fun), however the other half is a ccg battle game with some rules based on pokemon. Though there is no actual story, there is lots of deck building and strategy and the chance to challenge others online in battles.

There was also recently a game called Echo quadrent, a turn based space management and exploration game which I have not added to the db yet, but which you can find out about in the new releases room.

Another place to look,for both strategy and rpgs is into the world of online and text games, since while in audio not as much is available there are some very good browser games and mmorpgs.

in the first category, puppet nightmares is highly worth a look, think evil twisted pokemon an anime type story about battling evil puppets and some adult aspects (puppet can go to the brothel to breed for example), also  more detailed Darkor, though bare in mind both of those might take a bit of doing with your screen reader.
Core exiles is also worth a play, an online turn based space management game.

Another possibility is what are called muds.

These are real time textual games played across the internet and usually take the form of rpgs. To play them you need a mud client such as vipmud from gmagames, and then you just connect text is sent from the mud to your screen, and occasionally used to activate sounds on your computer.One mud in particular, Alteraeon deserves a special mention since it has it's own custom sound based client and effectively enough sounds and music that it is virtually a full online audiogame worl, someone did describe it as the closest thing to accessible world of Warcraft, and while probably not that extreme it's worth a look.

Alteraeon though isn't the only mud out there (especially if your willing to play games with text), and other great muds exist too.

Some of my favourites include the puzzle orientated Frandom, the combat heavy but still occasionally fun Erion, it's more serious big brother Aardwolf, and Cosmic rage, a great space based mud with full vehicle combat, alien races and lots of different activities.

So, lots of stuff to try out, hopefully this gives a bit of an overview and some ideas where to start.

Any questions, please feel free to ask.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-25 16:55:55 (edited by Mayana 2017-06-25 17:00:00)

Well, if you'd like turn based battles and different classes, Entombed is the best option. It's a dungeon crawling rpg and you can read more about it here.
You said you like strategy games, so I recommend you check out games from Aprone, like Castaways or Pawprints.
If you want another multiplayer game, there's Survive the wild, a game where you have to survive in the wild (hard to guess, I know. It has quite a few maps, quest and items.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2017-06-25 17:00:15

Thank you for all the recommendations.  I have a lot to look into now.  Other than the MUD's mentioned, are there any games that play like MOBA's?  Games that are team focussed like Dota, league of legends or counter strike?

2017-06-25 17:09:30

We're still waiting for a true shooter that does more than just have people running around pointing at shooting. A real shooter is still a ways away, especially if you want one like dota or CS.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-06-25 17:16:30 (edited by JasonBlaze 2017-06-25 17:20:05)

manamon and entombed are  a good start.
there are also some really great japanese audiogames out there, but since you need an extra tool, I am not really recommend those games for now.
team focus hmm?, on a quite fps game called redspot you could create a team and do some fun stuff, but the game has an unbalance issue a bit... and I am not sure the developer willing to fix it or not.

2017-06-25 17:49:45

Nothing in team based multiplayer shooters as yet,  it's worth noting that many muds do have some fairly extensive multiplayer options, albeit primarily in text, for example several multiplayer space based muds will let you cooperatively fly a spaceship, one handling guns, one navigation, one repairs via engineering etc.

Remember as has been said most audiogames, --- -well actually all! audiogames really are created  small companies, often just one developer working on his/her own, and a lot of the tools and other shortcut  such as game creation programs that  for graphical games aren't  to make audio ones.

Nevertheless, the situation now is much improved from what it was a few years ago and will probably continue to make progress slowly.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-25 18:06:48

I would honestly recommend staying away from red spot and survive the wild, because while they do have their good points, there's a lot of immaturity and drama surrounding them with both the players and admin team. They are fun for a while, but not worth it long term.

Manamon is cool, but its a blatant pokemon rip off. There is a lot to do in manamon, and its definitely worth it, however I figured I'd recommend that since if you are a huge pokemon fan, that might be a little annoying.

Aprone's games are cool, and they usually require strategy of some kind. I'm sure you'll find something you like there.
I did like tomb hunter as well.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2017-06-25 18:17:34

Ah, forgot about Aprone's games there Ironcross.
I personally would be much kinder to manamon since firstly, it is accessible, secondly the world is different and thirdly the manamon themselves are pretty original in terms of cries, appearance etc, albeit many of them are definitely pokemon enspired, but the difference between ripoff and inspiration is I suspect one of opinion here big_smile.

I can't speak myself for the drama on survive the wild, though for me it was the bugs that put me off the game, still better to make your mind up if you fancy an online world.

I've also heard very good things about tactical battle and it's various map packs, though I haven't really had much experience with that one.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-25 20:14:06

Manamon is cool, but yeah, I think its less inspired work and more a rip off. I still play it however.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
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Become united

2017-06-25 20:42:10

I am definitely going to look into a few MUD's. 

The last thing I want to ask for is a genre I don't expect to actually find.  Are there any single player games with multiplayer options similar to Heroes of might and magic?  A game with a lot of different factions that have tactical turn based battles and separate town building and resource management.  Similar to Civilization or Age of Wonders too I think. 

I never played one of those two, but I think they have a similar idea behind them.

I used to love slowly expanding my empire in might and magic.  Playing with necromancers and raising everything I kill to join my army.

2017-06-25 22:37:17 (edited by Lucas1 2017-06-25 22:38:17)

If you don't mind some adult language and concepts and like muds, I'd recommend Inferno MOO, a post-apocalyptic mud that's been in development for about 14 years. When people look at this, it probably strikes them as just a p0rn game, but the adult nature is just what sticks out most. The game actually has in depth crafting, equipment and combat systems. There is kind of a team aspect, as for endgame areas, sometimes you need a team to go fight tough monsters. There are also corporations, which are basically teams. Each corporation can have a headquarters, which can be a hangout location for the corp, and/or a place to store gear that the corp can draw from. The world is massive, with many different areas to explore, monsters to fight and equipment to choose from.
Inferno MOO is actually forked from a game called Hell MOO, and you could play that as well, but the community is smaller and, from my experience, not as toxic in Inferno. They have also made Inferno MOO a bit more forgiving. For example, when you reroll, you only lose experience points you gained from combat, not from doing quests. In Hell MOO, you lose all experience. They also replaced the orphanage, which was the starting area for newbies to kill things, with a factory full of defective clones, so you're not killing kids.
Now, inferno MOO is an adult game, and there might be some cursing, sex and the like, but you can stay away from it for the most part if you want to.

2017-06-25 23:01:13 (edited by defender 2017-06-25 23:01:49)

Don't forget Tactical Battles, a turn based game with several different user created maps, some of which have quite a few factions to interact with.
It also has multiplayer.

I actually do suggest that you try Shadow Line, it's a Japanese game that will need some setup to get translated, but there are some good resources for that in the articles room on this forum, and the types of people that play those games the most in this community are also extremely willing to help new players out most times.

Muds like Materia Magica and Alteraeon are the best options for teamplay that we have right now aside from Swamp, but the playerbase for that game went way down after it became payed, so it's hard to find teammates, let alone ones near your level.

Technoshock is pretty good, especially with the Skynet sound mod, and operation blacksquare is also a thing, but it's pretty freaking hard, though it does have a decent little story and great sound design.

We also have Shades of Doom, but it's sounds are pretty crap just like Technoshock's, and I'm pretty sure their aren't any mods for it. It's still pretty fun though, if a bit simplistic, and it has a fun little story.

2017-06-25 23:41:37

Wow tactical battle has different factions? I'll have to check that game out myself.
time of conflict has the ability to but I don't know how many people have built campaigns that involve them.

one game which is continually getting updates currently is warsim. That is a kingdom management and expantion game with singleplayer rpg options and even randomly generating enemies and races. It gets literally weekly updates so goodness knows where things are going with it now.

There are lots of expantion/empire building brouser games, but usually they tend to revolve around who can minimax fastest and kill the competition, though some of them have none competitive survers such as space odyssey, though I will say a single player 4x game is something we're waiting on, especially mix of 4x and rpg, indeed I remember my brother playing one of the might and magic games and really fancying the idea of the thing myself.

Another game which I'd highly recommend is castaways. This is a single player settling and town building game with population growth, and even missions.
A sequel is currently in beta which has more serious multiplayer pvp options, but both are worth a try.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-26 01:03:40

I'd say if you're gonna do the adult MOO thing, Hellmoo is the place to go, not inferno. Hellmoo is active, and Inferno, almost no one is ever on, though it has been a year or so since I have checked. Hellmoo to me is just better. I was there for like 3 years, and inferno didn't hold up. However, it is not everyone's cup of tea, and unless you like that sort of thing, its best to stay clear, because its very in your face, adult content.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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Become united

2017-06-26 08:41:57

Alright.  I have a lot to look into now.  I am quite glad some of the options mentioned are free to play.  I did not expect these games to be as expensive as they are.  I am not from the US and the exchange rate makes some of these games extremely expensive.  It is also pretty cool that most of the premium games have demo's so I can decide whether I like them or not. 

The lack of demo' versions of regular games are what made me come here in the first place.  I can still play the odd RPG if they have high contrast visuals and mini-maps, but most of them do not have demos.  I spent a fortune on Persona 5 a couple of weeks ago and I really can't play it.  I can navigate it, but it has stealth mechanics which makes my slow and sluggish navigation fall a bit short.

Thank you for the recommendations and warm welcome.  I am sure I will be dwelling in the shadows of this forum from now on.  Like a true Kandra, you should not expect to see me around much, but know that I am here.

2017-06-26 09:31:07 (edited by JasonBlaze 2017-06-26 09:44:30)

Oh boy persona, I really Love the series,  I manage to beat p3 and p4, Its hard, though, you have to stick your face to the screen, lol,
That game is kindda diffrent from others rpg games, you  just not worries about your   main stats, but your sosial stats need to be increes too.   I like The sosial links systems, I really wish someone will make something like that on audiogames, big_smile

2017-06-26 10:28:34

@tensoon I had a similar problem, though in my case it was the lack of stuff that could be played 2d and without text, particularly in depth side scrollers  were somewhat rpg like like some of the later mega man x and Metroid games, ---- then they got all 3d and annoying which is why I looked into audio and text games, which finally gave me the chance to play a lot more rpgs.

Most audiogames on windows have demos, and a lot of online games and muds have donation systems. Even as far as games on Ios  the majority of the more expensive options such as King of dragon pass have demos, indeed if your looking for a semi rpg, semi strategy game with really deep gameplay that is a very good bet if you have access to an IPhone.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-26 10:41:59

Unfortunately I do not have access to an iPhone.  I am using an Android phone.  When I got the phone I did not require any accessibility software.  I will buy an iPhone once this one breaks or I win the lottery.  iPhones cost more than some 4k TV's here.  It's that exchange rate again.

2017-06-27 03:16:41

ironcross32 wrote:

I would honestly recommend staying away from red spot and survive the wild, because while they do have their good points, there's a lot of immaturity and drama surrounding them with both the players and admin team. They are fun for a while, but not worth it long term.

Manamon is cool, but its a blatant pokemon rip off. There is a lot to do in manamon, and its definitely worth it, however I figured I'd recommend that since if you are a huge pokemon fan, that might be a little annoying.

Aprone's games are cool, and they usually require strategy of some kind. I'm sure you'll find something you like there.
I did like tomb hunter as well.

Totally agree with iron cross. stay away from Survive the Wild and Red Spot, I don't even recommend you play them for the same reason. For online games I Recommend you play Swamp, Road to Rage, Crazy Party, Undead Assault though it's still beta but fun to try, and won't forget mentioning QuentinC's playroom which is a big multiplayer game that has a quite good collection of card and dice games, also it's fun for chatting and meeting new friends and having fun. Regarding rpg's, I won't add anything since folks have done well job detailing. A Hero's Call is coming which will be pretty great also.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-06-27 14:54:55

@Tensoon, yep, Ios isn't cheap, though I did get an iphone myself  in 2012 and  haven't regretted it, ----  although I hate the way it handles media and stay far away from itunes.
There is always the option of an Ipad if you don't fancy the phone, which can I believe run most  games etc.

android does have some accessibility options as well, though the list of available accessible games for android is rather limited at the moment.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)