2014-06-01 16:11:13

this topic will talk about your fears.
i have fears of small things like gravle, rice, deart and mud.
also i have fear of darkness mixed with water aria.
if i'll be in a dark place, i wouldn't afraid, but if i'll be in a dark place where there is a water, i afraid of that.
i want to know what do you have fears of.


2014-06-01 22:31:15

My number one fear is bees and buzzing insects. god help us all if one gets in the window and there's no sighted person around to kill it. I dread summer every year. I tried to go hiking with my friend this past week, and nearly had a panic attack on the trail for the bees flying around. She let me hide against her shoulder while we went back down the mountain, because I was terrified. I think it would be fine if I could see to run away from them.

Another weird fear of mine is the image of skulls. This will take some explaining. As a child, I watched the movie Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin. the plot is that the boy goes off to school, but the animals misread his note as saying he's going to skull, so they go to the skull cave to find him. That movie has some pretty scary and sudden images of skulls, and ever since, if I'm reading an audiobook that mentions the word skull suddenly, I always startal, because the image flashes in my mind even though I haven't had sight for almost 13 years.

Other lesser fears are dead plants (I don't like touching them), disembodied hands, and the sound of pure sine waves.

Now that I've laid my weirdness out there for you all to judge...

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

2014-06-01 23:08:15

I fear losing the one's i love. I do not fear death, or dead people. Iam a little afraid of the concept of demons, and demonic figures. Oh yes, i am also afraid of prisons and the idea of being locked away with insane people.

2014-06-02 00:15:08

I have a fear of elevators. I couldn't imagine getting stuck in such a small space, and they do malfunction every now and then. I recently read an article about a guy who was stuck in an elevator for over 40 hours, and I think I died a little inside after reading it.
Actually, I can trace this fear back to reading the Goosebumps book, The Haunted School, as a child. in it. these two kids are looking for art supplies when they accidentally stumble upon a secret, hidden elevator. When they get into it, they initially are stuck, but then they get transported into this world where a bunch of kids who were long suspected to be dead are living. They live in a world of no color, and they're all very creepy. The book scared the crap out of me, and it doesn't help that I really don't like small, enclosed spaces in general.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2014-06-02 04:35:43

my grandpa also have fears of close spaces.
also he have fears of hight.
my father said that he imagening my grandpa sitting on an atraction in the amusmant park, which going up.
he says that if my grandpa was sitting in this things, he will never go down.
i mean that he would die of fear.
this is what my father thinking.
he also thinking the same thing about his mother.i'm also have fear of bbees, but i know about bees only when people saying that there is a bee.
also i have fears of anasthesia through a mask with a sleeping gass.
if the anasthesia will be over a hand, i don't fear of that.
i have fears sometime of my own imagining, and some years ago i have i can say fear of one song which i've hared and added to it some new things and thows things scared me.
also sometimes i have fears of an warning alarm.
because in israel there are periods when the enemy throwing a rocket, or how they calling that: "kasam".
but when i know that there is a bee, or if i hearing an alarm and don't knowing if it's a real or only training, i praying that the god'll help me in these situations.
and did you had fears in the childhood of your toy?
i had.
also now having a fear of a game which it's name is: "time of reaction."
it is a clock with cards with questions on them.
you have to answer in the time when a clock doing sounds like: "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."
and then there is a big boom.
it means that the clock opens.


2014-06-02 11:45:56

interesting topic.
I would like to ask how and why yu fear beard? I mean, it's just like thicker hair.
I fear very big trucks and heavy traphic on the streets. I hate to be forced to move close to big trucks on the street, because I never know if the driver have seen me or not.
I fear when workers are working on the street and when they are using lots of different, both small and big equipments which makes so much noise so I can't hear the traphic, and again, have they seen me or not?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-06-02 23:58:48

An interesting topic indeed. My biggest fear is forgetting who and what I am. It happened to me a couple years back due to some chemical assistance gone horribly wrong and it was bar none the scariest experience of my life to date.

2014-06-03 00:45:42

One of my biggest fears is tornadoes.
Another one is going under water.
I also fear very small places, especially ones where I can get stuck easily.
I don't nesisarily fear bugs, though they really creep me out and I prefer to stay away from them.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2014-06-03 12:05:43

When I was a child I was frightened of toilets. I think it started with this creepy Toilet Man monster from the film Look Who's Talking. It really freaked me out though and I used to literally run away from the toilet when it made the sort of gurgling sounds of the chain flushing.

I also get really nervous of wasps and other flying insects. I just don't see why they need to get all in your face. I've not been stung yet so I'm strangely worried that I'll have an allergy. I don't have an allergy to anything else though. Strange thing, the mind!

2014-06-03 21:09:55

Haha agree with ya there, I never know if the insect buzzing around me is a fly (which I can safely squish), or a wasp (which I may try to squish but then get stung). Its quite the connundram.

2014-06-04 13:21:12

I'm also the type of person who gets a bit scared of bees and such. I can usually tell when it's a flie as they make slightly more high-pitched buzzing but I'm still not a fan of them.
To be honest, I can't really think of much that I fear right now... smile

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. -Abraham Lincoln

2014-06-04 14:13:44

Well, this is turning out to be an interesting topic. People seem to be afraid of all kinds of things I never would have imagined people being afraid of, and so it is interesting to read about various fears.

As for myself I hate getting lost. I would not classify it as a fear as such as I don't generally panic, but I feel very uncomfortable taking a walk and suddenly not knowing where I am. That is one reason I am not as in dependant as I would like to be, because I don't want to go anywhere I have never been before alone. I lack confidence in my mobility skills to get through the situation and am afraid of getting lost. Even though I am aware I can do it when the chips are down.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2014-06-04 14:51:05

well a very interesting topic. generally I fer almost everything that has been mensioned here. elevators a little bit, bugs very much and gtting lost. I also hate spiders. the tthauht of a spider inside a room and aspecially when I'm sleeping gives me the heeby jeebies.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-06-04 22:52:32

Hi, I have a feer of emergency alarms. One day, we were going in the elevator, and I just decided to press keys 1 through 4 for fun, I pressed, 1, 2, 3, and I pressed the 4th key, then the alarm went off. I just swaired and covered my ears. Wish I would be able to get away from it.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2014-06-05 05:43:39

yeh, with me hapened thing like that, burak.
i was in my grandma's house in grandpa's birthday, and i found there an metal cupboard with a key in it.
i thought that maybe it'll be a secret room or door which leading to a fantacy world, but when i've turned a key, an alarm goes on.
i rn away from the room, but still the alarm was.


2014-06-05 16:48:09

Lol! Sounds like you activated the fire alarm? smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-06-09 00:43:09

hay i have fear of chickens since a rooster have bited my arm hahahahaha.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2017-06-26 22:28:03

Hey all, people, i know some of you don't like when the old topics are recovered, but that's the moast interesting topic about fears, so, let's add something new? who posted may have another fears today, and who's not, post!
I have 2 fears: Insects. I hate summor cause of thees nasty little bugs. I hate gardens and villages, and ofcourse places with much flowers for bugs to fly to. Why do i fear them?
When i was 4 years old, and i liked to went from the house alone, without my mother, i did. One time. There was a tree near our house, to the left of it. I decided to just touch it, explore it. Suddenly i felt something nasty and big. Well, nasty sticky ball. Wasp nest, as you all i thing understood. 2 wasps had fly out on me, then i ran to the door of our house, but one wasp got under my jacket and i suddenly squished it with one of my fingers, and damn! i get stung. It was damn painfull. And  a weak ago, we with my mother went to the store, and there was one of them. I ran away so fast, i never i could imagine i could run so fast. My mother and father don't like me being feared from insects, but well. They say: they are so small, and you are big. What they could do to you! sure they are bsighted and can get some thing and squish them without getting hurt. Ok, the first fear is done. Now, on the second one.
Nightmare stories on night. Death files, blah blah blah, creepy things. It all just scares me when i'm watching it at 1 am. I want you guys to know something i'm feared of really much, on youtube.com in the search type:
You also better ask for sighted to watch it for you. It's really, really, really scary. especially the sounds.

2017-06-26 22:43:42

I'm not afraid of dying because I believe that this life on Earth is not all there is. Does that mean I believe in the afterlife many religeons believe in? No, I simply believe that when we die, we are simply done with these physical bodies and are moving on.

I fear falling from a height, but not the height itself.

I fear being burned alive as one of the worst ways to die, but am not afraid of fire.

I fear drowning, but am not afraid of the water and am a pretty good swimmer.

I fear traffic in that there are so many things to distract drivers that it's always a question of whether they see and are aware of me. I don't like the new hybrids that are super quiet. How am I supposed to hear that and know not to attempt crossing the street yet? But at the same time I hate vehicles that make a lot of noise, drowning out the noises I need to hear.

I fear firearms of all types, there are too many stories about them going off unexpectedly.

2017-06-27 00:40:08

Everything, probably.
I get the bug thing. Lots of sighted people are afraid of stinging insects, but at least they can see them when they aren't loudly buzzing. And can actually kill mosquitos. (Umm, anyone know how to resurrect pepperment rosemary and lavender? It's like the instant the last pepperment flower turned crispy, the vampires broke through the wards.)
Unpleasant or unwanted interactions with living things in general. It doesn't have to be legitimately threatening. This is just one reason 4AM in October is so wonderful.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2017-06-27 00:56:34

I fear going to a bathroom at night, sometimes a run away after flushing. Addittionally i fear bugs, butterflies cause it doesn't make any sound and firearms too, i don't know, i fear it falling upon my head.

2017-06-27 01:33:45

To this day, the only thing I truly fear, is my own mind; it makes everything a lot scarier than it really is.
True story: I was afraid of an every day item, or at least, an every day item that is used by blind and vision impaired individuals, which had a dying battery.  It was making all sorts of psychotic buzzing noises... I was certain it was some sort of critter that had managed to sneak into my room and was getting ready to... I don't know, do whatever it is that critters that buzz loudly and freakishly do.  ON and on it continued for nearly half an hour; I imagined it leaping out of the darkness that blanketed my room at me, enraged and hungry and ready to bite and sting and poison and goodness only knew what, given that I didn't yet know what it might even be!  Being age 12, I decided the most sensible thing to do at 3 in the morning was to put on as much protection as I possibly could; this included a number of pairs of socks on both my hands and feet, a pair of shoes, a tight fitting pair of heavy pants, a few sweatshirts and a jacket, and a hood I managed to use to cover pretty much all of my face.  I knew I wasn't waking anyone up; as I said, I was 12.  If it turned out to be something really stupid i'd never live it down.  I then proceeded to pinpoint the sound to a drawer I hadn't opened in quite some time, but just in case, I listened carefully for a few minutes.  I then opened the drawer and began, attacking, my dying, struggling, once useful but no longer necessary, talking watch!  Rather fiercely!  It wouldn't shut up!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2017-06-27 01:40:30

The strange thing is: blankets works as a supreme shields when were afraid of ghosts at night big_smile

2017-06-27 01:42:52

Lol. Talking watches could make some freakish noises when they had a dying battery. I seem to remember rather violently throwing one against a wall when I was around that age. Not because I was afraid of it, but because the damn thing had been going off without my pressing any buttons, then making unearthly noises for the rest of the day in school. A bunch of kids snickered at me, and my teacher yelled at me, illiciting even more uproar from all the kids who threw erasers, rubber bands, and other such detritus at me every day for "disturbing them" by doing things like use my Brailler, as though I had a choice. Actually, I may have been 9 or 10 when this happened. So finally I stuffed it in my backpack and hoped for the best. Then when I got home, well, I'll spare you all the details. Anyway, talking watches have disgusted me ever since. Of course, as I got older, I realized that they are actually rather annoying, especially when you get a bunch of blind people in the same room who have them all set to go off on the hour, but each watch isn't perfectly synchronized, so for about a minute straight you've got about 17 watches going off all within seconds of each other, layering into the world's most awkward, cacophonous, demonstrably blindy symphony.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2017-06-27 02:10:35

Yes! That's what I fear!  NFB conventions!  I'll never go to one!  NEVER!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.