2017-06-16 15:25:46 (edited by Luel 2017-06-16 15:28:27)

I am using NVDA with Firefox too and I have no problems.
If NVDA reads something like this:
that means coordinates.
The compass is:
explore separate&move=west
or the arrow keys.
I am using the compass to move.

Now how to check the alignment?
I just gained 100 alignment.

2017-06-16 16:56:14

You can check your alignment by finding your class name on the main page (it's in the sidebar, near where your stats are). It'll sound like "images/human female novice" or something like that. Click on it, and it'll show you your bio page. This will tell you your level, plus show the gear you're wearing. You can click on "awards" to see profile achievements, or you can click on "info" to see how much you've lost and won, your alignment, all that jazz.

And yeah, I can confirm with NVDA+firefox that the game is accessible. Labels are a bit weird, but it's accessible enough when you know what to look for.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-16 17:00:16

Oh, and sorry for the double post, but I should mention something, eh?

You can promote to new classes when you hit certain level/stat milestones, so make sure to have a look at that. Mostly this means bigger stats for now, but eventually classes will have unique abilities and playstyles to further differentiate them. If you want to remain a novice, that's cool, but if you have the stats to promote - make sure to spend your AP, you get 3 every time you level - then go ahead.

Humans promote at level 5, 15, 30, 50, 75, 125
Rhizards promote at level 5, 20, 30, 60, 70 and 120
Hounzalid promote at level 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 125
Eldron promote at level 5, 20, 40, 65, 90 and 130

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-16 18:51:02

So, I am on the quest to find black alcohol, and I must confess, I'm stumped. I think I've been everywhere and still haven't found it. Is there something I need to do, get, etc.?  The quest said that it's in the darkest part, but each time I use the flask on dark rooms, I only catch empty air.

2017-06-16 19:31:55

I have changed my class to Revealed.
I had to raise some stats before I could do that.

2017-06-17 01:15:14

For the Black Alcohol quest, here's what you have to do


Go to 70-44 in the forest. There should be a stream there.
If it's between 10 pm and 2 am server time, you will see a message like "The stream appears to be running black" or some such. At that point, use your flask, and you should scoop up the alcohol.
The server is set to GMT-5 as far as I'm aware, so take that into consideration.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-17 10:55:59 (edited by Luel 2017-06-17 13:29:22)

Where to fight on nine level?
And where to get better equipment?

Also, where is the forest with the Black Alcohol?
I got this quest now.

2017-06-18 08:28:22

The forest is to the southeast. Its entrance is at 86-89 in the South of Cajar map. Don't go into the area at 82-93. That's the Southern grasslands, and it's much, much stronger.

As far as better gear? Check out the armour shop in Cajar for a better helm. Check out the merchant's guild for a leather vest or even a studded leather vest (which has a tiny HP bonus as well). You should be dual-wielding at this level just at the moment, since their equipment balance is a bit wonky. I suggest a blood-covered short sword in your main hand and either a basic wand (if you're a mage) or another blood-covered short sword (if you're melee). Bracers of Speed are good for now, and your starting amulet is all you're going to get.
At level 15, there will be a bunch of quests which open up in West of Cajar, and you can earn a few armour pieces (helm and shield and amulet first, then chestpiece later), which are all definite upgrades.

As far as where to fight: the farm is safe, the forest is a bit more dangerous but you might be able to handle it. Alternatively, kill Hellhounds, pixies and bandits in West of Cajar, but be cautious of ants. They're fairly easy to kill, but they hit too hard for their level and need balancing.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-18 08:50:59

The only monster which killed me was Venomous Spider in the Cave.
I went there to deliver a letter and got myself killed.

I am level 15 now and I can handle everything so far as long as I have mana.
I did not try those Venomous Spiders again.

I got the Helm of Good Intentions from the quest.
I wonder what would happen if I choose differently.

2017-06-19 00:21:47 (edited by Soul Keeper 2017-06-19 00:28:40)

Been playing off and on for the last couple days, and something that keeps bothering me is the goofiness of the descriptions. I understand it might be boring to describe 200 something rooms, but that's no reason why you should be having my character do completely random things or not somehow integrating these random things into the game play. This is exacerbated by the fact that the builder seems to create in a specific direction, and expects the player to walk in that direction, so that if you start walking backwards through the area the descriptions are even more garbled.

I'm not asking for beautifully written 7-liners in each and every room, but I wish it could at least stick to the basic no god-modding, actual describing rules. At least don't make my character do stupid things without my consent, like standing in front of a suit of armor and whispering into its visor....

....OK maybe that one was actually funny, but still.

Also,,,, there are some items the game says I find after a battle, but that I don't actually see in my inventory. The medallion of nova is one, and the death essences in the mausoleum are another.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-19 01:38:11

The Medalion of Nova is in your profile, actually. It's a reward, but it by itself doesn't actually do anything except prove that you did that quest. Essence of Undeath can be found too, but they aren't an actual item in and of themselves. They're a form of currency which you can use in an area within the graveyard called the mausoleum. You can trade essences of undeath for gear. I've already pointed out to them that they need to make this a bit clearer.

Regarding the tile text, or story tiles as I call them? I completely, 100% agree with you. I've always hated them, and I always will. Were it up to me, they'd all have been gone years ago. It will get a bit less silly as you climb in levels, generally, but you'll probably find at least a few examples in almost every area. When you reach either the Southern Grasslands or Lower Sewers (not the regular sewers, but an area beyond a boss at level 65), you may see fewer of them. I wrote many (though not all) of the tiles for those two zones - both were, in fact, sort of my pet projects when I was staff there a decade ago - and it shows. But yeah, with you all the way on story tiles. They're stupid and pointless and I'd rather just have descriptions of the area, even if they're not terribly interesting.

If you had chosen differently in that quest, you would have gotten a Helm of Ill Intentions instead. Slightly different stats.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-19 02:04:43 (edited by Soul Keeper 2017-06-19 02:06:22)

Glad to hear they at least get a little better, even if I don't entirely agree with the story tile concept, haha. I did have another question I forgot to ask though, in regard to pets, how developed is the system? Are there pets available outside of the cajarian pet store? Do they have any form of progression, upgrades, etc? How powerful can they become?

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-19 18:10:07

Sorry for the double post, but is there a quicker way of getting back to town? The farther I get from the center of basically everything the more annoyed i get at having to walk back through useless encounters or giant stretches of pointless nothing like the crossroads. I did get a portal gem from a quest, but apparently you can only ever open one portal with it, which I didn't realize, so I basically wasted it.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-20 00:54:55

Okay, two things.

First, pets are pretty basic. I'd not bother, were I you. They'll probably overhaul this one day, but at this point they're basically just meat shields that can do some damage if trained properly. Issue is, if they do damage in a fight, they'll use some of the experience from that fight to level, which means it's experience you yourself don't get. Kind of silly.

Regarding the gem/getting back to town, you're only partially right. If you used your mystic portal gem to get back to town, then there's a portal sitting in the town square waiting for you to use it. If you use it (to return to wherever you made it), then the portal disappears. As your level and wisdom increase, you will be able to hold more portals open. If you want to know which portals you have open, just return to the Cajar town square to check that out.
Alternatively, you can buy items called Town Portal, which will do the same as a mystic portal gem but which aren't limited by your wisdom. You use the item, it creates a portal to Cajar and you go through it, leaving the portal open in the town square. They're available from Mandy's in the southeast quadrant of the city.
Mystic portal gems, by the way, can shatter if used too much. I've had one last months, and then I've had one explode after the third use, so it's kind of random.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-20 12:17:29

I forgot the link to the page with the descriptions of spells.
Where can I find it?

2017-06-21 06:27:36

If you can open the collapsible menu called "links", it's in there.

Alternatively, it's at the following URL:

My main character in the game is Karakarn, so if you see that name, it's me. Other characters I own are Airyn, Mrysswyth, Ordeith and Eldred, so if you're on and need help, feel free to hit me up in chat or send me a mail.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2017-06-21 07:47:17

OK it's just ridiculous how unnecessarily large this crossroad's area is. Just got here today, and after searching for a good three hours I give up -- where is the Eldron commander?

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-21 09:17:15

Thank you for the link.
It seems I cannot find the menu "Links".
I wonder why.

2017-06-23 03:14:38

Here's a list of the people in Eldron Crossroads:

Commander Kaihtara is at 60-75
Izel is at 60-59
Nasira is at 61-68
Aliya is at 47-83 I believe
The Aura Well is at 34-81
Javen is at 27-90
The entrance to the Spirit Shelter is at 64-56, or maybe it's 63-56
Be careful if you go that way. Once you're in Spirit Shelter, you will find links to areas called the Eldron Forest. Pixie Hollow and Eldron Brook are probably safe at your level, but Forest Bramble, Harpy's Thicket, Fairy's Woodland and Letali's Forest are going to get you killed. Quests will send you into the Spirit Shelter area itself at some point, but it's perfectly safe.

This issue of NPCs is a fairly big one. I've mostly memorized where people are, but even I forget sometimes. I'm working with one of the writers on the game to improve the accessibility of the help system. The game's also going to have a wiki eventually, and NPC coordinate lists are definitely going to be part of that. In the meantime, I'm happy to answer your questions.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-01 03:17:49

I just signed up here
How can I go to his grandmother's house?

2024-05-07 23:51:18

sorry for the res, but does anyone know what happened to this game? Was thinking about it the other day.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2024-05-08 04:09:51

Looks like the domain is being sold.

2024-05-08 06:14:15

Folks, try this link:
I am not sure, because it is a long time since I played, but I believe this is the same game.
I remember trying to register a year or longer ago, but I was not receiving e-mails for some reason.
And no, they were not in spam, so I have no idea what the problem was.
Maybe I will try registering again.