2017-06-06 18:34:13


I've never had this problem before, but I want to see if anyone else has run into it.
As I'm sure you know, to use Steam you need to use the Jaws curser a lot. I just put steam back on my PC after my system crash, and when I rout Jaws to PC curser, it only reads graphics, and it won't read me any options. Before, it would read me the options like Store, Library, and everything I needed to know. Now, it just says graphic this and graphic that. SO, every time I want to use Steam, I need to have someone sighted help me. Has this happened to anyone before, and if so do you know how to fix it?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-06-06 18:39:22

Right click your steam shortcut and go to properties, and in the "target" field, right at the end after the quotes put a dash then type the command no-dwrite. Also, it might be a good idea depending on if it's just your pc or if it's a fmilies, but if it's you who uses it the most, you can put a login command in there as well.

2017-06-06 19:01:28

Hi there,

I have the log in command set in the property box where you told me to write that command. After my log in and password, it says -nodrite. Isn't that the same thing?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis