2017-05-29 00:43:58 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-29 01:05:49)

Hello, this time I have problems with the Mush-soundpack for Avalon MUD.

Namely, there is a very nicely up-to-date soundpack for that MUD, made for Mush-client, (so it is integrated into a separate Mush-client copy, like the ones for Alteraeon or Materia Magica), which I downloaded from here:

Its newest version can also be downloaded from here:

The first one is a german site, the second however is in english.

The main problem is, that the soundpack, regardless from which site I download it, is by default linked to a german Avalon server with autorun, with a different name and port number from the english one, where I am currently playing.
This normally resulted in my character not being recognized there.
I do understand and write german quite well, but I would still prefer to continue playing on the english server, would hate to restart, then start playing from the very scratches again, in a language even, in which I am still less competent than in english.

I prefer using VIP-client for playing my favorite MUDs, so I am familiar only with the very basics of Mush-client.
This means I could only redirect the MUD address from the german Avalon server to the english one, but after I did that and restarted the client, a bunch of errors were announced, and the soundpack didn't function right...in matter fact the most elements, including the sounds themselves, didn't function at all anymore.

I actually wonder why this happened, since as I could determine, all the files in the soundpack directory are named in english, and the copy of the Mush-client itself is in english as well, so I have absolutely no clue what causes those errors, and why doesn't the soundpack function on the english Avalon server too???

Any suggestions or advices regarding this issue?
(maybe the solution of the problem is quite simple, it's just my lack of competence with Mush-client, which prevents me from determining and finding it)

2017-05-29 01:01:50

the problem is that there are two games called avalon, a German and an English one, and they are totally different games. The soundpack you got is for the German game, and only for this one. I don't think the English avalon game even does have a soundpack to play with. Sorry, but that's how it is.
Hth and best regards

2017-05-29 02:44:02 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-29 07:42:02)

Damn...that figures...
Thx for the straight answer though!

2017-05-29 09:04:16

If you mean "Avalon the legend lives", ie, the game that has a page in the db, to be honest I never heard of any soundpack available, and indeed it'd be a little difficult as Avalon has a lot of very changeable and quite beautifully written text for even miner actions.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on with the game generally though.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-05-30 09:44:49 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-30 10:03:00)

Well Dark, after all the assistence you have given to me so far, I am glad to be of help this time for a change.

Your description of Avalon on this site is quite accurate, it indeed has a steep learning curve, (or however you defined it), and many aspects of the game, especially during character-progressing, are in a great deal indeed focused on player interactions.

The MUD has a somewhat longer tutorial phase, which includes 2 steps: The accolade and the school phase.
Finishing a certain number of given quests, or so called missions, is required to finish the accolade phase, then the school phase as well.
The minimum number of those missions is set for both phases, and after one succeeds in completing them successfully, one can "graduate".
That's when the real game finally starts, by deciding and choosing a guild to join.
However, to be accepted in any of the numerous guilds, an invitation of certain guild-leading players is required, and even after the joining happened, you will need their further assistence in progressing inside that guild, meaning they will assign further quests and missions to you in order to improve your ranks, since low rank prevents you from performing certain, often very important actions inside the game..
For example, you are usually not even allowed to trade on marketplaces, or in cases you still can do it, to get/keep the items you bought, until you reach the required minimum rank for it.
In matter fact, you cannot even enter your own guild's building, meaning access its rooms without a high enough guild rank. (this can sometimes be of great importance, for the sake of your own safety, or the safety of your pets, since both player, and pet killing is quite common in this mud)

This all may sound pretty harsh and strict for a newbie, but luckily there are quite a few very useful commands, which make the gameplay significantly easier, especially to us vip players, plus the community is alsovery helpful in most cases. (this is an important aspect, since there is a significant number of regular Avalon players, including guides and experienced players ewith newbie-aiding duties)
Since I am very much fond of cats, (adoring and admiring them both in real life and in games), there was even a generous player there, who gifted me a 6 feet long "kitten" pet, lol!

Some of the most helpful commands for me, (mostly related to orientation and pathfinding), are the following:
find or zoom plus location -automatically leads the player to his chosen location, usually a city or town, but works with some places inside, and even outside of cities and towns, like for example some shops, buildings, or forests even
zoom home -automatically leads the player to the center of his home city,
(these commands work only in cities known to you, which is only your home city in the starting phase)
shops -shows the list of shops in cities known to you, locating them inside the city, plus telling some closer directions regarding their surrounding
shopping -automatically leads you to nearby shops in the area, or actually a city quarter, in "one after another" order, each time you type it
cities/towns -lists the cities/towns known to you, and provides more information about them when entering their names

As for the starting, tutorial phase, I found the following commands the most useful:
remember -reminds the newbie player to his current quests or missions
next -suggests the newbie player his/her next task or action
advice -provides new players with advices regarding their current task or mission
zoom school -automaticcally leads the new player back to his-her school

Normally there are also all the usual "help" files, and the pretty active newbie, or so called "novice" chat, (can be accessed with the "nn" command", where new, so called "novice" players can always ask for assistence.

2017-05-30 15:45:22

@Caccio interesting.

The reason I asked about Avalon is that I've tried three times to get into the game. Each time I've done the academy and school missions (well accept for the militia one since that is dependent upon killing other newbies and there haven't ever been any around) and liked them a lot.
Still, I quite enjoyed the spy course, really enjoyed the herbalism course and loved! the disciple course.

I love the way activities seem to be detailed, and the standard of writing in Avalon  some of the highest I've seen in any textual game.
I also really liked the way different things were  unless you had certain skills.

the problem is that after the academy I got really! stuck.

The first time I couldn't decide upon a guild so ran out of newbie time, particularly since I took a long time to get through the academy.

the second time around I finally settled on bard, where upon a bard player told me to go and practice a bunch of skills, so that is what I did for several hours, just practice practice practice over and over again without any idea what I needed the skills for or  the heck there even was to do in the game.
I probably should've continued, but   I was rather distracted by falling very much in love with a certain lady I am now married to and arranging a trip over to the states, which finished up with me being engaged to said lady, so needless to say my endeavours as a bard sort of got a bit forgotten.

Most recently earlier this year I tried again, and this time had decided upon loremaster before I began, since I liked the idea of the crafting.
Well first off everything seemed to be going well, and I got the badge for writing your description, however then the player who was helping with this had to go off line, so that was that.

I go on again and say "Excuse me please what do I do now?"

And am told to read the badge list file. So I aske "could someone please help me with one of these badges?" to be told "well which one are you ready to do?"

I say "I don't know" since at this point I have no cash to buy items, no ability to feed myself and no dam skills to use, and am just told to read the badge list file again, which isn't much help.

so I am sitting there like a spare part, waiting for someone to give me an idea of direction, since I cannot buy items without cash, I cannot get cash without skills, there are no quests or things to do , and none of the help files are really specific, but while other players aren't rude, nobody seems to have time to give me instructions or quests or what not and I don't seem to be able to do anything in the game until someone does

After three days of logging in for half an hour each time and sitting around like a fool waiting for someone to actually help I gave up since it was frankly depressing.

It's a shame I loved! the newbie stuff, and the descriptions and some of what I read in the help about activities sounded amazing, but everything seemed so focused around other players  if you didn't happen to be online at the same time as someone who was willing to help you get started was literally nothing you could do.

this isn't to say that people were unfriendly, the community seemed extremely nice in terms of questions, the game just seems so restricted that unless someone is literally prepared to mentor you to the point you can unlock enough of the game to actually be able to go and do things on your own, you end up pretty stuck.

I'll also admit that the help files for Avalon don't really help either, since while there is help on every subject under the sun, very little tells you how! to get started.
For example when you look at the help on a skill, it will tell you what a skill does, but not under what context you might need to use it, indeed since nobody told me how to dam well learn skills mostly looking up info on the skills I had din't help either.

that is why the db entry sites the learning curve and player interaction, since it struck me Avalon is probably a very good game once you get going,but getting started is a matter of basically being lucky enough to be online at the same time as someone who will  get you far enough along to let you find something interesting to do in the game, which I'm afraid I did not manage.

It is of course entirely the problem with Avalon is more a problem with me, I freely admit I am not the most sociable of players and would always rather be off on my own doing quests or activities or other things than  having to interact with other players, whether that is having other players attack me, needing to rely on others for different things, or even to ask  someone to get me started.

I don't mind a little trading or an odd quick question on a newbie channel, but I freely  admit I am a bit of a loner in games, which is possibly why Avalon is maybe just not suited to my tastes if even from the start you cannot progress without needing to rely so much on someone else.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-05-30 16:01:20

good, i can download it?

2017-05-30 16:12:48

Nope, it is a mud it is played online with a mud client like cosmic rage.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-05-30 19:49:12 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-31 02:33:36)

It is indeed strange Dark, how our different expectations from MUDs reflect in this example.

Namely, by now I reached to the point you did by your last try, and obviously got more lucky with my guild-"mentor", who seems to be quite active online, and has provided me with several of his expectations right away, tasks and duties to perform for my guild, which are in matter fact those quests and missions, which you kept waiting for so long in vain.
Plus I also got some suggestions from an NPC too, which appears "in our dreams", (meaning visits us right after each login), and which keeps suggesting us to write our own story-book, meaning its 1st chapter for the start, which also involves completing certain tasks, so further missions and quests you desired so much.

While you would probably be satisfied and content in my place now, me, who doesn't like to be constantly told, or even ordered what to do for progress, but prefer choosing my actions and activities myself, make my decisions depending merely on my current mood or intuition, without restrictions of any type, I actually dislike this quest/mission driven nature of progressing in Avalon, as well as its rank-dependent limitations of performable actions.
True, I like communicating with other players, interacting with them either ooc in chat, or in-character inside the game-world itself, I am also grateful for their assistence when needed, I welcome all their useful hints and suggestions, but those above mentioned restrictions and limitations, are seriously spoiling my fun of free, independent gameplay, which is of primary importance to me.

So as you can see Dark, those same aspects of this MUD you were missing, and wishing for, will probably drive me away from it pretty soon.

2017-05-31 00:16:04

Actually Caccio I think our problem with Avalon probably has the same source, namely the need  for total player input on progress.

For you it means too much by way of structured quests and tasks, for me, it meant no chance to explore or act independently, though it is likely true that if I had a mentor who got me far enough to progress I'd be probably be considerably happier with the game, although I would much rather do things myself than be reliant upon someone else.

Btw, I did see the mosaic tasks you mention, but the only one I managed to complete didn't really do very much, namely going to a certain village, two others I attempted, one for reading a certain help file and one for revoking divine protection just plane didn't work, and all of the others involved things like learning skills which once again I just plane could not do without other players.

For your needs though, I did get the strong impression that after the newbie phase you got far more independence and autonomy around the game, indeed I was primarily interested in Avalon myself not for quests or exploring, but  for it's farming and crafting, especially given what Mirage said in This topic about crafting muds and indeed This other topic about the game more generally.

So you might want to persist with the game at least until you finish the newbie phase.
I actually regret Avalon a little. I love! the writing, it really is one of the best described worlds I have seen, and I have very much enjoyed the newbie academy every time I went through it, just for the different activities, need to invoke spirits on the disciple quest or use  to find herbs and poisons on the herbalism quest etc, however I just wish there wwas more of that in the actual game itself and less of waitind, watching everyone else have fun while you are forced to wait on someone else's pleasure to even do anything basic in the game.

Really, I have far too much of that sort of thing in real life big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-05-31 02:20:24 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-31 03:27:19)

Yeah, I completely share your opinion about this matter, I hate being forced to just wait passively, until I will finally be given the chance, to start playing the game the way I prefer.

And unfortunately that is exactly the phase I am in currently, since the only obvious way for my progressing seems to be following orders, in this case completing quests, tasks, missions assigned either by other players, or by some dumb NPC characters even, instead of performing actions or activities chosen by myself, like in Clok, Geas, or Discworld MUD for example. (that is also the reason why those 3 are my current favorite MUDs)

It's like this: I did get that pet "kitten" from a generous player, that's all fine and very nice, however, I must regularily feed it, for it will start losing health, and starve when it falls to 0.
And time after logging out also counts, so all the time I spent away from the game is "frozen" only for my character, but not for its pets, who could either be found and killed by other players, or just starve due hunger if I don't log in frequently enough.
I adore cats, and this one is of great use in combat too, so would really hate if that would happen, but I fear I am just unable to prevent it in my current situation.
Merely because I still havent reached the required general, or guild rank for certain elementary actions, like buying food for the cat on the market, (it doesn't eat or drink the most of the stuff available in bars), and even when I can, by some wonder, still buy food for it on the market, I am of a too low rank to hold and keep that food, so I drop it onto the ground the moment after buying, and also lack the high-enough rank to pick things up from the market ground, including the food I bought myself there, lol!!
So basically, without the assistence of the Avalon community, an aiding interaction of some other friendly player, that pet "kitten" will most likely starve quite soon, or get killed by some hostile player due the lack of safe shelter, (guess what, I am still too low ranked to be provided one, not allowed to enter even the rooms of my own guild yet), so, unless I will do those NPC, or player-assigned quests required for my further progress, a bunch of missions I am not interested in at all, I will have to just camp passively and watch my pet dying, without a chance granted to save it by myself on time!
(hell, it is probably already dead by now)

Of course I could still completely ignore all those current quests and missions, after all none of them is obligatory anymore, and just venture out into the wilderness to explore, and fight creatures at will, so play the game the way I prefer, improving my targeted skills in my own way, meaning by performing chosen actions or activities, (Clok, Geas, Discworld), but I have not enough gold for a single piece of important equipment yet, not to mention armor, weapons, and skills, known as elementary prerequisits of survival...I surely wouldn't last long without those out there, especially in such an unrestricted PvP featuring MUD, even inside cities and towns!!

2017-05-31 02:31:01

@Caccio, I didn't get a kitten, but I did notice the similar problem, namely that other players want to ehlp but the game restrictions prevent it.
The  mentor I mentioned who unfortunately couldn't get  actually far enough to do! anything in the game, did deliver me a pick and some material when I said I fancied crafting, however I couldn't use or equip either of them, and sure enough when I logged in again they were missing.

I wouldn't myself mind the game being restricted  to what I can do if I could do missions and quests and things for npcs, since then I could go out and  do them myself, and look forward to unlocking more of the game and seeing what I could explore at higher levels etc, it was the need to sit around like a spare part until one of the other players had time to actually help me out that I found so discouraging.

it's actually a shame since I do get the idea Avalon is a great game once you get into things with lots of things to do and as I said some of the best writing I've seen in any text game, but if I need to essentially beg others to get me started, then no thanks, talk about making a new player feel useless  and like a burden to everyone else, which is actually quite a paradox given that other players were anything but unfriendly, though in fairness to them I can completely understand why essentially having to give their time to shepherding a newbie through a massive list of tasks wasn't exactly something they were keen to embark on.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-05-31 19:46:36 (edited by Caccio72 2017-05-31 20:29:58)

Well what else to say Dark...I actually regret that sharing game-accounts is illegal and forbidden, since this time I would gladly let you "borrow" mine for a while, merely to find out, if Avalon is really all about only quests and missions, or sooner or later one can still reach a point, from where he/she can play the game my way, without being dependent of others in his/her progress, without his/her actions and activities being dictated by others, instead of letting us choose them for ourselves, making our own decisions about our preferred path of progress?
You could just complete all those currently assigned tasks for me, and maybe find out the answer to this question after it, at some point perhaps...

What do you think, is that MUD totally this quest and mission-driven all the way, or from one point it can still be played without those mentioned restrictions and limitations, as independently as Clok, Geas, or Discworld?
I mean, is it worth for me to struggle completing all those currently assigned, to me so annoying bunch of tasks, for if that's how the MUD will continue to function all the way, I should better spare that effort, and quit playing it right now?
You know my game-priorities by now, so what do you suggest, is Avalon MUD worth my time, can I hope for a more free, more independent gameplay in its later phase at all?

2017-06-01 02:29:55

I am not really the person to ask there Caccio since manifestly I never got onto those tasks and missions you mention.

I would cautiously assume that, after looking at some of the help files for the game and given some of the comments I received from others that the game is extremely open ended once you get going, though open ended with the proviso that you still take part in the games' major community as a hole, eg, if you want to farm and craft and labour you still need to economically deal with other players and your city, or if you wanted to do politics, collect taxes etc, you manifestly need to deal with npcs.

Indeed I am surprised you mention npc missions, since other than one for the city's ruler which I achieved very quickly I really couldn't find much at all, one reason why I seemed to end up standing around waiting on other players pleasure.

I'd suggest myself you ask other players about what they are doing at a  more advanced stage of the game and see if that idea appeals to you or not, with particular reference to your interests in open ended gameplay and such.

One thing I will say for Avalon is that the community did! seem extremely friendly as far as  and basic information about the game went, it was just finding someone to assist with those smegging badges and knowing  what I even needed for them that was  major issue I ran into.

As for sharing accounts, well officially it is I believe against the mud's policy so might get you kicked off, especially as theoretically your account is being paid for by someone else.
Even on a practical basis, I'd rather not do that because it is likely I would miss some of the commands and information which you have already grown accustomed to in your current state of progression.

Maybe I should dig out the username and password of my last char and see if anyone is willing to  help me get to the stage you are at.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-01 12:18:31

hi all,

as for a soundpack for avalon and for vipmud, i probably have enlightning news. i am making one ... it isn't very huge yet, but a fun project to edit and to add to when i can.

the link is:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/930 … ndpack.zip

It isn't probably very informative, but it adds various sounds to various elements of the game. there are around 100 triggers build in.

With great thanks to the cosmic rage soundpack, the materia magica one and from alter aeon.


greetz mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2017-06-03 18:03:56 (edited by Caccio72 2017-06-04 03:14:41)

Thanks to one of the helpful newbie-aiding guides, and a fellow blind player called Josharian, )Ihope I remembered his nick correctly), I found out the answers to my most important questions, and received further informations about the main characteristics of this MUD.
For those of You who happen to care, I shall try to summarize those here:
Avalon is an extremely quest/mission-driven game.
This means, that players must finish quests and missions assigned to them in order to progress, meaning to learn even the most important skills and activities of the gmae.
So, the most of the important actions and activities cannot even be performed, until one completes the quest, or quests referred to them, and learns those skills and activities as their reward.
The same sis the situation with weapons, armor, and important equipment for adventuring: One must complete the regarding quests and missions to get them either directly as reward, or a more significant sum of gold to buy them for himself/herself.
The phases of players progressing are divided into, and traced by so called "chapters", which contain the above mentioned quests/missions, which were given to players either by their guild-superiors, or automatically assigned by certain NPCs, adjusted to the players current general, or guild rank levels. (ranks are the gauge of progression in activities in this MUD)
After successfully completing all the quests, missions listed in the current chapter, (there are round 10, or even more quests/missions even for the 1st chapter), one can "write" and add that chapter to his/her character history, and move on to the next level of progressing, by requesting and getting all the quests, missions for his/her next chapter.

This all may sound interesting, meaning players making their own history of progress, and by doing so, and influence the gameplay, or maybe even alter the overall game-history this way, (after completing some quest, or mission of greater, or even epic importance for example), however to gamers like myself, who prefer a free, open, and independent type of gameplay, this aspect means an unwanted limitation, a restriction which spoils the most of the fun while playing.
True, teorethically one can freely venture out, and explore the wilderness any time, fight creatures at will, loot their corpses, randomly find and collect useful stuff, slightly improve some skills, provided that he/she learned them by that point, (by completing the required quests or missions, and skills are mostly be learned and improved by quest-NPCs, or eventually taught by other, more experienced players), and during his/her journey, probably even acquire additional quests, missions from NPCs met on his/her way, but all the prerequisits to be successful at this, so a more significant game-progress, requires completing a large number of those chapter-listed quests and missions, since without them one can't buy even the most necessary equipment for elemental survival, and would certainly not last for long out there, especially in an unrestricted PK MUD like Avalon, even inside cities and towns.

All those are also the main reasons, why I finally decided to give up playing Avalon MUD.
However, I hope this description of mine will still help those, who were undecided about Avalon so far, by making their final decision regarding it as well.

One more thing: After completely finishing the tutorial phase, (meaning the accolade and school period, then being accepted into one of the guilds), there is a quite short, time limited period, granted for players in order to decide, wether they wish to continue playing the MUD, and if so, in which way:
Namely, there are 2 ways to keep on playing Avalon after the mentioned period is over, the 1st one is sponsorship, the 2nd one is subscription.
In case one wishes to continue playing, he/she must choose from these 2 options, and decide for one of them, after that "granted extra period" ends.
Without any of those 2 methods activated, new players will remain frozen at their last location, unable to take any actions, until either their subscription, or sponsorship will be obtained.
While subscription is a quite simple, 'pay-to-play" method, sponsorships are supposed to be requested, or more like asked from other, superior guild-members of ours in charge, who, as far I figured out, actually volunteer to finance, a.k.a. sponsor our further free gameplay, normally for a determined and limited time period, (counted in months), probably payed with the in-game currency guild-funds.

I must admit, that I was already granted a month of sponsorship by a guild-superior of mine, so right now I feel really sorry for quitting this MUD, due feeling as if I had let that generous player down, but there is really no use for me to keep playing a game, which doesn't meet at least a few of my primary expectations.

2017-06-04 01:16:12


I have also stopped playing avalon mud as I've realised it is very quest heavy.

I do agree with dark, the descriptions of tasks can be quite amazing.

You can help your guild and the people are friendly but having to wait around for someone to take you on a quest can get quite borring.

At least with a game like alter aeon you can do your own thing in your own time.

I'm gone for real :)

2017-06-04 11:46:06

Again, I would love this hole quest thing if! it were actually possible to do the quests myself, but as Brad said, having to wait around until someone has the time to actually give you one of these quests so that you can getstarted is just plane annoying!
I love quests, but I would rather a game like Alter where I can do them at my own pace, in my own time and when I! want rather than constantly feeling like a beggar.

maybe  I will give Avalon another go at some point in the future myselfsince the writing really is beautiful and I suspect if I could get into the point of doing quests and exploring I'd be okay, but I have been a little too disappointed to want to try again, especially when there are other  with great quests to do  can! be played at my own pace.

thumbs up for a great description though Caccio.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-06-05 01:24:49 (edited by Caccio72 2017-06-05 05:17:04)

This is still an irony Dark:
Me, who dislikes obligatory quests for my progress, get them the very moment I join a guild, then quit the MUD because of them, while you, who were missing and desiring those quests so much, quit the MUD due waiting for them in vain!

As for myself, my current 2 favorite MUDs are Discworld and Geas.
I already informed you guys about Discworld here, while Geas is a very similar MUD to Clok, in some aspects even better than it, plus it has recently more active, regular players online, I just regret I was unable to find a soundpack for it so far.

2017-06-05 15:06:05

@Caccio, yes it is ironic, though I will also say that even if  did happen to be lucky enough to be online when another person could give me quests, I don't know if I like the idea of basically serving basically being an underling.

If I do quests it is because I! want to participate in the story and  significant and heroic things, not particularly just be given tasks to do by other players like an errand boy.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)