2017-05-29 08:16:28

At orin, thanks very much for the lengthy explanation about MCE.
One thing, you said that the developer of MCE is willing to add in helpfull things if they benefit us. What does this mean in particular, what do we need to do to give him some ideas on what we need, or, better asked, can we help somehow?
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-05-29 11:34:06

you can send email to [email protected] and give your suggestions

2017-05-29 16:45:02

Yes, that would be the email address to send suggestions.

2017-05-29 19:16:56

we are sanctioned, and i cant buy it, dont know how can i buy mce
i wish someone can give advice for it

2017-05-29 19:45:44

I have it's your plane and fsx. It works pretty well and I enjoy it, but I do agree that it can be really buggy. Had a good amount of flights where it's crashed or just messed up the approach or something like that. Robert does seem to be quite disinterested, I.E not adding new aircraft or updating the application in any way. right now I think it's possibly the best setup, but if MCE got a bit more BVI   friendly it wouldn't be far off at all. I have watched a lot of videos with MCE and I think it could be very usable for us.
I would be willing to try MCE in the future as it sounds pretty cool and I definitely want more aircraft to use. Mike does a lot of things for you that you don't learn about or get to attempt yourself as well.

2017-05-29 23:01:30

alright, I have got to know. Who is going to write the full flight sim tutorial for blind people. I would seriously enjoy it. I would even pay for it if this took too much time. Am I the only blind person who wants to fly. LOL I can buy FSX just dont have any idea how to set it up. As I stated a full tutorial would be greatly apreciated.

2017-05-29 23:27:50 (edited by DjkW25 2017-05-29 23:30:58)

Your definitely  not the only one who wants to fly, I personally have loved flying and the idea of it since I could first understand what a plane was. well to get up and running, I had to install fsx, which was quite tricky with steam. I asked a sighted friend to do it in the end but it maybe accessible with a screenreader.
It's relatively simple from their if you know what you're doing and you follow the I Y P setup guides which you can find on the website. Within a couple of days I was up and running and of course flying. The guide's are very extensive and very well put together, you should be able to get it setup using them and then there is a lot of info on using I Y P and flying with the sim if your new to it.
I'm not sure about MCE and setup though but I would imagine it's not as complicated as I Y P, but of course it can't do everything we need it to do right now.
Note if you do buy I Y P, the trial version doesn't have any support for the blind pilots mode, so you wouldn't be able to test it out. There are YouTube videos though, done by many different people, showing how it works with full flights and shorter demos.

2017-05-30 02:27:02

also, the thing about mce is, you can complete real checklists like before start, after start, etc and you can change the checklists to another
also all of the pmdg's aircrafts like 737 or 747 is supported by mce
as i've read, you can configure the fmc with it, but i'm not sure how this could be done

2017-05-30 07:37:10

I could record a small tutorial where I show you how flying works. not in all detail, but you will hear me issuing commands to my FO. I just require you to do one thing for me, suggest some departure and arival locations, I am out of ideas on that one xD.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-05-30 20:57:57

IYP you do real checklists as well.
they're just more condenced and friendly.

2017-05-30 21:05:19

ok, as i cant use MCE in win10 at least the demo version, i suggest you  to this:
for departure airport, ksfo, for arrival airport ksfq flight type IFR with croozing altitude of 36000
but please give a way me to get mce (i'm ready eaven to teach flying with it)

2017-05-31 19:18:26

Visualstudio, have you successfully flown with the MCE demo? If so, did you use the BVI mode?

2017-06-01 02:28:45

no i couldnt be aible to do that, because when i execute it in win10 it gives me the error that your time is expired
but i have flown with help of a sided person (she read things for me and i flew)
also something else is exist which cant be executed on win10 which is fs2crew
i tried to execute it with aerosoft airbus but it didnt execute
maybe i need to install a win7 on vmWare  in order to try mce with p3d

2017-06-01 17:20:42

I don't think FS2Crew is viable for blind people. Also, the whole point of using MCE is not to get sighted help.

2017-06-01 20:48:23

you are right, but when you cant eaven test the demo (which doesnt run on windows 10), then you have to get help from sided people (which dont  tell you some statuses of airplane)

2017-06-02 15:40:01

The demo does run on Windows 10. I know this because the only machine I use simulator on has it, and the demo installed and ran fine.

2017-06-02 17:35:38

but i couldnt run it
neither me, nor my friend
both of us couldnt run it

2017-06-02 19:28:32

Sorry to hear that, but both Orin and myself can run it under windows10 as well as many others. You might want to do some research and find out why.

2017-07-03 03:38:33

how about eurofly? it works very good under windows10.

2017-07-04 12:09:34

eurofly is not real at all

2017-08-21 12:10:23

So I have a few questions and maybe also some comments.
Visualstudio was talking about Prepar3d and My question is how do You start the Game and access the menus and options? I'm using Jaws and can't access anything. So I'm wondering how can it be used either with ItsYourPlane or MCE. So any help will be very much appreciated since I have a Copy of Prepar3d.
Regarding FSX. It seems to be a bit more accessible but for some reason when I start the Game, select a Plane and minimize the window to start ItsYourPlane demo it says there is no Aircraft loaded and FSX crashes... So I want to try ItsYourPlane demo with Prepar3d to see whats happening and of course also try MCE.
Now in regards to ItsYourPlane not being upgraded, Orin said Robert seems not to care about it anymore which is not true. Take a look at ItsYourPlane Page and see what is writen there.
Robert is having Health problems and sadly Licenses for ItsYourPlane are not being issued anymore and hopefully at some point ItsYourPlane will become  open source.
So for Me right now ItsYourPlane is not an alternative since it can't be bought, so I will try MCE and hope You Guys can tell Me of other alternatives to make it possible to play either FSX or Prepar3d.
As for Flight Gear I will try it but as someone already mentioned, since its open source it would be cool if someone with programming skills would do something to make it accessible or if suggestions can be made to people developping the Game.

2017-08-21 16:32:10

Hello again.
Just installed MCE but neither Jaws, NVDA or even Narrator can read the wizard screen. Any suggestions?

2017-08-21 17:19:30

You have to use screen review to read the izward screen with NVDA.

And it's been a few months. I don't think IYP will become open source now. Emails to Robert have gone unanswered. And, even before that message was put up, Robert only maintained IYP and did not add new features ever since 2014, I suspect when his health problems started..

MCE is making slow progress, and their specialty is the complex aircraft made by PMDG, Quality Wings, etc. The issue with those is the FMC.

2017-08-21 20:26:40

Thanks for the reply. Although I don't normally use NVDA and Am not familiar with it I will try Your suggestion.
I would like to use a copy of Prepar3d I have but I can't pass the first screen because no Screen Reader seems to read it although I guess there are Blind People using it...
I want to see which Program is the best and will also try X-Plane to see which one I will end-up buying.
FSX seems to be more accessible but Prepar3d and X-Plane seem to be more realistic.
Another question I have is FSX Steam edition can only be played Online or when I buy it I get a copy of it?

2017-08-21 20:46:39

about p3d:
i use nvda to access it, i have version2, which is fully supported
when you start it, press tab until you focus on the change button then press space and then select your aircraft from the data grid, then press enter on your aircraft
then press shift+tab until you focus on flight planner amt press enter, then create a flight plan (write icao code of the airports, because it cant read list to select it then select your runway and gate, then press enter and select your destination then flight type like ifr or vfr, then select the way of navigating like gps navigation or vor2vor and with screen review, move up with insert+numpad8 then go right, if you found ok, press insert+numpad slash and then choose yes, otherwise if you didnt here ok, move up again with insert+8 then navigate again
i didnt tried x-plane, so i cant say anything about it
if you have any questions, ask
also, guys you can use this to fly the plane in fsx/p3d