2017-03-01 23:27:51

Again.. People just be patient the game'll come back online still today..

Thumbs up

2017-03-01 23:40:43 (edited by david_solomon1 2017-03-01 23:41:55)

I'm not sure what to think now.

Firstly, I never played the original Ultra Power, nor have I actually seen it's source code. So when I ask for code snippets I'd be taking the word of whoever posted them.

Still, blink_wizard's evidence seems pretty convincing, and even more so that the game goes down just after he posts a 100% verifiable way to test for shared code. Odds are it won't work when the server is back online, and we'll never know whether it never worked in the first place or whether the developer changed something.

I tried the /123 command last night just after blink_wizard's post and was convinced that it didn't work because the developer wouldn't have had time to change things. However, Now I'm not sure since taking out code during the character creation process would probably result in a complete client update, which looks like what is going to happen with the masonasons character creation code.

I think I will have to put this game down for now even though I had a blast playing the quests. I will pick it back up if it can be proven that it is not built upon stolen code from someone elses project. I personally don't support theft in any way, regardless of site rules. That's like saying, "Sure, feel free to steal cars, just don't let the cops catch you doing it." I also don't buy the argument that just because someone else has done something in the past makes it ok, for example, using kanami music in the tournament game or using stolen sounds and music in MUSH-Z. People worked hard to design those sounds in a lot of cases and compose that music and using it in your own projects is stealing, plain and simple. Call it piracy or borrowing if you want, it's just a redefinition of terms. On the other hand it can be difficult to tell when people are just using shared royalty free sound and music libraries, which I'm completely ok with.

Sorry Megadimensao, this looks like a great game. I hope your innocence is proven.

Thumbs up +1

2017-03-01 23:47:42 (edited by blindndangerous 2017-03-01 23:48:01)

If I can offer a suggestion.  Have a screen in the setup wizard asking where you'd like to  install the game.  I don't like to put games on my C drive.

Thumbs up

2017-03-01 23:51:43 (edited by Andy93 2017-03-01 23:53:50)

OK guys, lets put it this way. Those of us who love the game, lets keep our forces together, and lets tell the dev how much we apreciate it. ANd I am saying it even though I have not been able to play a single time, but what I heard is just awesome.
Those of you who do not like it, just move onn to another thing. Lets stop fighting and flaming here, for goodness sake. As lady Juliet, Ive decided to support the project and stand with them, I've decided to, if the server update works, play and have fun. And, I think aprone took a word of my mouth, something I wanted to say: Nobody can forbid me to play, and even if it gets banned of this forum I already know there website and where to get it. Heck, lets go a bit further, if they for some reason decide to discontinue the english version which I hope does not happen, I'd still  play in portuguese even though I do not speak it fluently. Who knows, maybe that would be my way to learn it.
Plus, of course I don't support code theft, but as many folks have said here I think they've not only put many hours of work here, but also they've already said it is not a clone. And, I, Andrés Pulgarín, born in Medellin Colombia South america,  have decided to believe them

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?

2017-03-02 00:02:49

the game still isn't working for me. but sometimes i'll get an odd message then when i press enter it'll either just exit or just go to another window and do crazy things

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 00:04:19

So, I didn't thought some Ultra power code is used in this game because of the following:
Very complex maps
The newbie system
The way you can change the language
The way the developers can improve the language translation directly from the server
The quests
You can eat food and drink
I'm not a developer, so I never thought it was possible to change, modify or add things which adds so many more features to a game.
I will not call it a clone, but rather some code which has been used and then being worked on to make an even better game.
I won't regret I reported Jimmydub earlier today for using the bad language on the forum.
I totally respect the developers for working so much on the game.
I totally dislike that they have stolen the Ultra power code, maybe they didn't know they wasn't allowed to use it, I have no idea, since I don't know how or where it has been shared. But, do you think they really knew they wasn't allowed to use the code when they have put that much work into this project? I really don't think so...
I have mixed feelings about this. I really like the game and totally respect all the work they have put into this. But I don't like the fact that they have used some code which they aren't allowed to use.
So... I'm sorry for my previous mistake about thinking they had made all this from scratch. It was simply because of all those extra things in the game. Thanks to Aprone to make this clear that this is possible... Thanks for Blink_wizard for making things much more clear, in a nice tone without calling people a fucker and other bad things. Having different opinions on things or trying to explain things to people who just don't get it does not give people the right to call others bad things. All siturations can be sorted out in a nice tone for sure.
Well, I look forward to see where the development of the game goes. I hope the best, that the developers will write it all from scratch so they don't get into trouble by using some code which they aren't allowed to use. But I feer that they for some reason won't or can't do that, and the project might die just because of that. But we'll see...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-03-02 00:29:36

hm.well slj everything's all going a bit out of hand but like aprone said he doesn't no what elements the games been braught out to us as. but after all aprone has so much support for the developers and even i've tried to get it working. for when i installed and went to check a patch i heard some music then a message of some sort not that i new what it was and i still got the server isn't working because then the text in the primary language and i didn't no what to do. but i'll probably be going to bed soon lol so while most people will still be up on there computers i'll be in bed. lol but i'll try and connect again tomorrow. hope the server will be working. aww ad as for caio he's stressed as it is lol after all he's trying at his best just like most of us. anyway have fun to though's who can connect.

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 00:30:32

okay guys, the update is done! you must first uninstall the game, then go to
that will open the downloader and install the game!

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 00:32:12

I'm sure if you want to you can just move the game out of your c drive and put it somewhere else

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 00:57:37

I'll check the update as soon as pocible. @Aprone I agree with your point, Aprone. The thing I have a problem with is people haking into the game
and ruining other's fun. I think the saying don't do to others what you wouldn't like done to you comes to mind here... Those who want just enjoy
the game and have fun. Those who don't just well, don't play it.
As for if the developers stole or not the source code well, if they did I bet they didn't know that Mason didn't want it to be worked with. Oh well,
game on, people.

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 01:00:43

And a randon question... Where can quests be found and how do they work?

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 01:03:36

type /quest help

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 01:06:43

we said, and we made it:
the update was released, with security improvements, a lot of security improvements, and with modifications in the installer.
we ask everybody to rebuild the account's character, because all account was deleted.
but we have a backup, go to our teamspeak server, and wait in the english channel, and we will restore your account.

but, first of all, download the game in:
and uninstall the old game.
than, create your account, and go to our teamspeak 3 server, and we will do the restore for you.

download the game now!
with a lot of security improvements!

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 01:14:57

So what did you do in your little "security" update? Change the packet's decryption key? That's it? Nice update, dude. He's clearly trying to hide the fact that he built the game off UP's sourceocde. So right when I login to the server, this guy decides to fix his "security." O, nice job. You know, you're lucky I had another class to go to, because I was about to get my backup of my projects folder and try to login with a pure btb copy of the code, just to prove that its a clone. I was even gonna record it. O well. Well, all I have to say, if the admins don't do anything about it, I'm gonna be really upset, considering that I received that long ban when I tried to do something similar. Its like putting someone in jail, O we know, you robbed that bank, but its ok if that other guy does it, we won't do anything to him!

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2017-03-02 01:39:27

@BlinkWizard: While I understand you are upset, insulting the developer like this (even though there isn't any swearing, it still looks quite spiteful), is not helping anyone, particularly as English isn't even the dev's first language! If you can get anything else that could help us though, we'd very much appreciate it. If not, then just be civil and perhaps take the game for what it is, and let other gamers enjoy it if they wish, myself included. For the record, your game had nowhere as much expansion at the time of release as this one does. Yours seemed to be much more like a clone, the evidence, unfortunately seemed very much stacked against you from the start, what with the ultrapower drama, at the time, being rampent. For the record as well, my moderator hat is off, for the purposes of this message. I'm not against you in fact I have some reservations about this game as well, as some of the stuff looks a little like ultrapower and even, at points, 2d platformer. So it looks like this sarga continues.

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 02:48:23

I cannot log in to the server nor play the game!

73 Wj3u

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 03:18:43

try now. its back up

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

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2017-03-02 03:38:15

OK, here goes. To start.

First off, for those who are simply interested in playing the game. that's great. I understand the excitement in finding something new, a game for instance, that has pretty cool features and content you can enjoy. I also understand playing it, and I don't have an issue with that, to a point at least. I recommend reading through to the end of this post anyway. Also, its agreed, this game is not necessarily a *clone*
Ivan (blinkwizard) decides to point out the fact that there are some similarities between this and BTB, including showing us code that looks like it could be coming from ultrapower/the version of BTB he had released open source. (post 115, and 150).
One of the developers decides to tell us that it is in fact, not using UP/BTB's code and that he's just using the moving_sound client handler. (post 163
Now if this was true, why in hell would these commands work? For those who've never played them, all of the following worked in BTB/UP.
/me msg
/where playername
/pm user message
/r replys to the last person who sent you a message
And probably some more.

There ya go, all right there. How about the sounds? Lots are from BTB. Take the auction end, boundaries which come from 2dp, notify_text, jump, the notify and a lot more. Not saying that you can't find these sounds in different places across the net, as well as in other audiogames, but some are quite specific as to the function, take notify for example. Now for the inventory system, ranking, keys, do I really need to continue?
So you can see, we're most likely dealing with BTB's code, I don't think that's the biggest issue. What I find to be the source of the problem we find ourselves dealing with is code theft. One of the developers actually said they had Sams permission, I would be interested to see what he has to say about that.
I like the way Aprone put it. but, lets change it up some. You work extremely, extremely hard, with help from others of course to get the money that buys your dream car. Unfortunately, you get your car stolen by guy 1. It's this new model that everyone loves. Perfect mileage, everything. So, the thief takes it home, paints it, makes some other touch-ups, all that. He ends up selling the car to, lets say, guy 2. Well, guy 2 could not be more happy. Meanwhile, judging off his original success, guy 1 decides to spend the money on some kick ass tools, mainly meant for more stealing and selling. See where I'm going? Guy 2, we're talking about the people perfectly happy playing this game, those who don't really know much or understand what we're talking about and have their mind set on playing it, nothing else.
How about you then, in this case Mason? I really don't think you'd turn around, like many are doing right now, and say "play the game if you want to, that's fine." - "Keep the car man. I don't need the car back, much less any credit, thanks. After all, even though I know its my car, guy 1 upgraded it, so hell, its yours now.". What I'm really getting at. Those who understand the situation seem to pass up the idea that at the end of the day, its creator should truly have the say, that also includes Colton and all the other original devs

Thumbs up +1

2017-03-02 03:40:39

And, for the server, I have now Team Speak but what it's the name of the server?

73 Wj3u

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 03:40:59

Did people miss the bit where Seto, or Ceto, or whatever his name is, basically congratulated whoever apparently hacked the game? That's not kosher, whatever the game's roots.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Source code is the issue here.

The code snippets that were shown are actually not terribly noteworthy because they're pretty basic. I'd bet a lot of games would share similar syntax in places.

That said, I'm not coming down firmly on one side or the other. If the game is using the Ultra Power source code, then it can no longer be supported here. If it's not, then the people whining and yelling and throwing fits ought to calm down and realize that the few similarities being seen here are, in and of themselves, not enough to make a clone.

Aprone is absolutely correct regarding the "from scratch" comment. Doing something from scratch means you did everything yourself, from day 1. I think that we can safely assume this game wasn't built -entirely from scratch; the developer has admitted as such. Honestly, the question at this point will be to determine just how much of the code has been borrowed. Too much, and it gets the source-code clone label and can't be supported here on the forums.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 04:10:38 (edited by blindndangerous 2017-03-02 04:11:02)

Going along with Jade, if you're using that as an example, you may as well say that many things are clones of each other, as swamp, redspot, survive the wild, and probably others use those exact same slash commands.  Maybe not all of them, but a lot of them serve the same purpose.

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 04:27:12

Let me tell ya this. I'm glad that I can be in! ya want me to be honest? that's the kind of games I enjoy too much. A game in whitch killing is not just the main object, I feel really nice inside! keep it up, mega dimensao!
Would be bad to know that Ultra power's source code was stolen, but hmm. Honestly I'm enjoying it so far

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?

2017-03-02 04:35:48

What gets me is this.

Megadimensao claims the game is not using code from BTB, or Ultra Power, aside from a shared class that he supposedly has permission to use.

Blink_wizard says it is, and presents fairly solid evidence. Yes, many games probably use shared commands like STW and Swamp. A game that was built from scratch shouldn't have hidden commands in it like /123 to reboot or a piece of code in the character creation class that prevents creating the character masonasons. He also presents raw packet data using a decryption key that he built into his clone of Ultra Power.

Even more suspiciously, the moment this evidence is presented, without giving anyone a chance to test it that I've seen thus far, the developer suddenly takes the game offline for most of a day to do security updates.

Mostly, the arguments I see in favor of the game are "The game is awesome and the developer put a lot of work into it, so just don't play if you don't like it."

That's pretty condemning stuff. If the issue was one of simply liking or not liking the game, the argument in favor of the game would work fine. Unfortunately, the argument is whether or not this game should be allowed on the forum. The more I look at the evidence, the more I wonder. I won't choose sides though unless blink_wizard can actually prove conclusively that the game is a clone, which it seems like he can do given enough motivation and time.

@Andy93: For the record, "I don't support theft, but the developer put a lot of work into this game" is a poor argument no matter how you cut it. That's like saying "I don't support theft, but the guy who stole this car for me did a really awesome job of fixing it up."

Thumbs up +2

2017-03-02 04:37:11

I also enjoy it but the hack of the server cannot connect me. Onestly, this is not a clon! Is! Not! A! Clone!
I appreciate you're work Megadimención.
I don't know that I cannot connect, but this motherfucking (sorry for language) drama is trying to destroy my computer and my phone, seriously!

73 Wj3u

Thumbs up

2017-03-02 04:59:19

@David. this time, I'm not just wanting to argument here. I'm liking what I see, I love here, its nice, this is the kind of game I'd like to play, where I can just turn off PK and explore. That's it. I honestly would like to see this game progresses.
OK here's a question: some times, and I think it only happens to me, each message I send gets a bit messy. Example: helolo guguguys, how everythithithihthing isis  going? I'm not typing like that, it is quite borring.
Can anybody explain me what is going onn, and how to fix it? or, if that's a bug, can you solv it please? thanks

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?