2017-02-23 21:25:18

Something I wanna add to those who didn't log in to Redspot lately, and might decide to be dummies then fall in to this later on: Message of the day: rule change! Takes effect starting now! 8. Absolutely no impersonation is aloud on this game. If you knowingly impersonate someone which I mean, come on, it will be an instant, permanent, and no warning ban.

My twitter

2017-02-23 21:34:00 (edited by The Dwarfer 2017-02-23 21:43:50)

Haha they're just excuses and complaints and the community being at fault. Isn't that right? When all else fails, insist that everybody else, is wrong. "Oh but it's just a game". "So we just log on and switch teams and steal things? That's how we play the game now?" Actually, yes. It's a criminal game. You can't just make up quick little rules about how you don't want it played because it would hurt your balanced little system that you decided to play by. And no, sticking up a rule that says you are not allowed to use a name someone else happened to use or imma hit the big bad ban button is not called hot fixing. But, "Just another thing to complain about". Don't like it? Stop complaining about my complaining and learn not to be so lazy and half way. "Next excuse please", I'd like to hear the developer's next one first. Then, I'll spend 10 or 15 minutes brainstorming mine. Let's all just keep making excuses. Too harsh for you? Good thing you're only young and have a lot to learn.
PS. If some of these developers spent time listening to feedback from players instead of flat deciding oh, I'm just gonna do things how I want to, and then crying about how bad everyone else is for complaining and not just going along with everything they say or accepting some weak little blow off of "It's just a game, not your actual life", I have a feeling we'd have a lot better games from them. But hey, so long as we have the lines blurred between I don't like the direction your game is going and I'm just a horrible bad person who complains too much and this community I'm a part of is so horrible, what can be done?

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-02-23 22:57:26

If people don't think it is a fix then they will the second they get banned from the game. Don't you think so?

My twitter

2017-02-24 00:08:17

An account system or at the very least a way to reserve  a name with a password would help fix the impersonation issue nicely. Even some IRC systems have a way to protect a name with a password.

2017-02-24 00:33:54

First, robots, fixed. IMpersonation, not rule, code, fixed. There is now a password system. My thing is, guess no one will ever realise that I don't code something in and keep it from people because I want only my team to know about it. Honestly, it's sad that you all think I'm a lying cheating bitch and that I code things to benefit only me. The barricade bombs? I know how that happens. It's simple. The bomb explodes in a dome, still 15 tiles radius as the change log says, and the scan is even more 15 feet radius than the explosion. It says nothing about height. Bug hey, guess it's free to assume that easter eggs are no longer aloud in games. The only thing unfixed right now is the M thing. Here, sec. There, done. The only actual bug is fixed. Also, I do think alec went a little far with his excuse thing, I simply asked for a well formed excuse that isn't like oh Sam is cheating and the games just unbalanced and he codes things to benefit his team... Those kinda excuses are stupid and will instantly make me never look at this topic again. I don't need a player base that doesn't even trust the developer with a team. Dude, I mixed up the redspot rules doc with stw's, thus leading me to think that impersonation was in there. So that's my fault. It was ment to be a rule from the beginning. If you use the name player123 and someone else comes on as player123, that's, well, there is no way to tell as you state, a name that someone has used. But we know blaze, SamTupy, Amine, Hamada, We know those names and who they belong to. Look what happened 2 years ago. These stupid fucks were impersonating me on a game, soon as I actually log on to try the game, I get perma banned. They didn't even check if it was me. I told them and it was reversed, just as people can tell me when there was a connection error, but dude. Honestly, I could go on redspot, go offline and online, and tell people it was a connection error and do it 50 times if I want. I tried to fix it, but even now I get ghost player complaints because of it. I don't... make up little rules to sute me. I don't code anything just to sute me. I don't do none of that shit. Am I expected to tell every game easter egg such as the barricade bombs for it not to be used against me? Are Easter eggs not aloud anymore in civilized society? Sorry, didn't know, will keep it in mind for the future. I will never again make a game ware someone has to find things out. Because apparently then it's a bug that's used against me when I'm trying to prove a point. Also, steve, are you talking about the machinegun? First, it's 15, and second, I never declined your idea. Some people really need to look at facts before they go post things like that. At least I've always provided proof. I plan to add a range extender. But I also said I want, to work on stw for a while. But I haven't been, instead I've been trying to fix up redspot a little. Tending to tasks? I only ban people if they go offline and are back with in 10 seconds. Let me remind you it was you guys who complained about offline online people for months. I was in it as well, but now what do ya want me to do. Remove the system and let everyone do it again and then just fix at a complaint, remove next time someone wants it done? I am glad that some people actually are willing to talk sensibly. But I'm serious, I will never, have never, and won't hear, people saying I do shit just to benefit the goddamned RTU. That's just pissing me off. I'm considering just focusing on stw so that you guys will drop the fucking god damned developer helps his team excuse. And remember, the RTU fell recently and is now regrowing. By that time, a lot of people knew about these little tricks anyway. But we still won, with, nothing. They would have done it with out me as well. It hurts you know, that it's impossible for me to play a game I created with out everyone saying I do things that normal players can't do to benefit my team. sad

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2017-02-24 00:44:55

Sorry, another point I missed. Steve, you said I can't go making up little rules to sute me and my ways or what ever. So, I mixed up rules documents and wanted to fix a mistake. Impersonation is supposed to be a rule in all my games, and it was not in a game when I thought it was. But no, I guess the only possible reason that I could have changed that is just because it benefits the RTU. It's plainly and obviously impossible, isn't it, that I realised my mistake at that time and wanted to fix it quick, with out having to release an update to fix the rules document.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2017-02-24 02:33:27

All I'm gonna say is, sam's age clearly shows here with is whiny behavior. Not taking away from the fact that you're a good programmer, but the maturity level leaves something to be desired.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2017-02-24 02:59:53

Wait, hold on stirlock, I have a question. Am I not aloud to complain as everyone else is? Am I not aloud to share my concerns like everyone else here? Do I not have that right as soon as I begin developing games or something? Damn, I must be really immature cuz I don't understand why I am not aloud to post my opinion with out my age distinguishing it from anyone elses. Guess abandoning topic, out of all things, I'm not just counted immature for posting my opinion? Just, not posting here anymore.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2017-02-24 03:12:22

These are litterily the last words out of me from this topic. I will work on making the game more nube friendly. But I wanna point something out. People say oh, all he falls back on is that we're all stupid complainers? After saying all I wanted is a well formed excuse and warning that if you guys keep spewing shit like that i'm a dev helping the team and shit, now my damn age? Scemes that's all you guys got to fall back to when I invalidate your points. I'm just immature because I'm 15 so that voids my words. Stirlock, me and you should get together and you should try explaining exactly to me in private why i'm so immature, ware you have to listen to what I say and when I make a valid point, you'll look pretty wierd saying that I'm immature. I'm not saying I'm write with everything here, We all have our opinions, but what you just did? Wow dude. That's pretty damn shameful. You call me a cheater at my own game then I simply ask for a valid excuse rather than this I'm a dev that helps the team shit, and I'm told i'm immature? Until I have a really good explination from the original poster of some of thie shit, I will probptly not reply to any more posts on this topic. I'm willing to listen to bug reports and the like, but for me, this topic is most likely over. You guys should look back threw the posts as a comunity. Not everyone said I cheated, not everyone said I'm immature because of my age, but some of you should really go look back at some of this stuff said, and look at how terrible this makes some people look. At least when I post, I provide proof, I put time into making sure I cover points of a poster, and you guys just fall onto your cushion? The cushion that is, i'm an under aged piece of shit who cheats at his own games and never fixes bug reports and helps his team with dev powers. And then you call me immature when I clearly, I mean, clearly, invalidate some of these points. Just, AI hope I find a better group of people to chill with some day that actually have the audacity to say you know sam, I think your right. Am I right on all my posts? No, certainly not. But in this case, you run out of everything to say and all you can think of that may help your case is that I'm immature because of my age? What would happen if I was a little older, would it be because I had unconfirmed brain cancer as a baby? You guys just keep getting more and more rediculis and I think you've shown your immaturity, a lot better than I've shown mine. Keep in mind I say this to you as a whole. Not every person did every thing, I'm adding all posts up when I write this. In the end, All you have to fall back on is that I'm an immature prat. This topic should be closed. But if it's not, this is my last post in it. Don't call me a rage quitter, I've tried making my point. But when all people have to say when they have nothing to outstrip what I had said is that I'm immature because of my age, I'm just done with this conversation. I won't be the immature one here and say I'm offended and call you a bunch of names and stuff, these are my last words, and now I shall just, cease to reply.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2017-02-24 04:18:58

I just wish to know the benefit of this topic. What really needs to be done in order to solve everything at once?
Guys believe me, talking about maturity and how mature someone is, is rather shameful nowadays. You all have parts that show you as immature, you all fail, you all do mistakes, you all can't do what the other can do. So why do you just sit on a chair, judge a person, and close your browser. Of course you might ignore what Sam replies, because what matters for you is what you said, consequences of what you did are probably not important. Never, I mean it, never try convincing, forcing or do any sort of that matter with people for the next gamers generation, I mean as long as all of us have different opinions, this can convert the problem into adversity, and the game gets a dislike because of the crap was far behind. But if you do it with games and other developers like Sam, make sure that if you ever tried to create a game, there will be its bugs, and above of all, yyours (the developer's mistakes) which can't be in one day solved. But well, all of you pretends to be mature, and all of you has played several games, and so all is thinking they play Redspot better, and also thinking Sam is not mature. OK, you are mature, then why can't you design a game better than Redspot or at leest nicer? If Redspot isn't what you want, why can't you design your own one and post it to the community to see? If Redspot wasn't the best of now, why couldn't you run into another game and play it? And forget about all of this discussion. But it seems troublemakers are a lot, nothing more, nothing less. You just want to compaire Redspot with like the past of Ultrapower, Beyond the Bullet or whatever.
I actually don't know what to say, even commenting about maturity seems to be shameful because I am sure that you all talk but you don't know how old someone is, at leest not all ages.

2017-02-24 05:20:24

I urge, you, Sam, to read your last couple of posts. Therein lies the answer to your age question. Examine the diction you use and the word choice.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-02-24 05:26:34 (edited by blaze 2017-02-24 05:29:38)

So Mr. Steve, basically what you're saying is that if any game that stored any sort of long term data that you collect over time didn't have passwords of some kind, it's perfectly ok to log into people's accounts, take they're shit and transfer it to you, and that's not considered unfair at all. That's basically what you're saying. Logging in as another player in order to fool the game into thinking you're someone else and just walking out with their items is playing the game properly? Wow, sounds like a fun game to me. There's a reason why we have lockpicks and are able to break down the base's doors; probably so we can get people's items by actually playing the game how it was intended. Saying that using an exploit to steal everyone's items is the proper way to play redspot is the stupidest thing I have heard all night, and I think we're just arguing for absolutely no reason now. If someone did that to your team, you would be mad, as, hell. I know you well enough to know that you would probably break your computer in anger, so have a bit of empathy will you?
One more thing. I never said there was anything wrong with you leaving the RTU or deciding you didn't want to play redspot. As far as I know, no one ever did. I didn't have a single problem with you at all until you start spewing this brainless shit about how it's ok to play redspot in unbelievably unfair ways. If you had left politely and not joined the Connor bitch session, I would have continued to accept it with no problem whatsoever. Honestly, I might follow Sam and just stop posting here because the excuses and points that are being given have no logic behind them, and they're just shots for no reason. Next excuse, please.
Edit: I do have to agree, Sam, that although your points are valid and your messages meaningful, your word choice really isn't great. I believe what stirlock was getting at was not that your points mean nothing because of your age, but your language makes them sound more bitchy than they may have intended to sound. Just something to keep in mind.

2017-02-24 05:34:01

I'll just say this, someone's age is no indication of their maturity. You can be 12, have your life all planned out, on the honor roll at school, top in sports, got a gf, whatever all that, willing to discuss deep and meaningful things, not someone who makes rash decisions, but weigh them carefully. You can also be 40 and be reckless, feckless and not giving two shits about anything or anyone that isn't yourself. Sam has shown immaturity in the past, however we all make mistakes, without this vital learning process, we wouldn't be able to better ourselves. Are you all claiming you haven't made mistakes, because if so I'll call you a god damned liar to your face because we all have. Not only this, but we all will continue to do. Just hopefully with less severe ramifications. So, throwing that term around, take a good look at what you've done, have you made every correct choice, hell no, not likely so STFU about it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-02-24 05:40:37

Hmm, seems this topic has become a discussion among complete strangers, well as far as I'm concerned anyway, about judge of character and what not. See, the purpose of this topic was to discuss the flaws in a game, I do not give the first bit of anything about the maturity level/age/whatever of anyone, and why mine has been called into question I don't know. But seems all this is now is a drama fest of Oh but you make mistakes too, Sam's not all bad, see, I now have a problem with you because of (insert reason here) and just no. I came to talk about a game, but now that that's not the point of the topic, I'm out of here.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-02-24 05:48:20

I've decided to stay fairly quiet on this topic, just watching as it progresses.
There is in fact a lot that I would like to say, but I'll keep it to the more important.
Right now, it seems as if people are going so far to claim there maturity, and attempt to come up with something that was better than the last persons reply. No names mentioned... I honestly doubt much, if anything, will come of this topic. Try and remember though, what can actually help, versus what's gonna just fuel the fire. I wrote my overall opinions on some of the posts here, but I, like others, don't see much point in going on with it.

2017-02-24 14:37:03

Lol, this entire thread is a huge shitshow. Stop being so dramatic everyone.

2017-02-24 15:00:28

I have just been banned from redspot because of the horrible and hanus crimes I have committed against the players, the server, and the developper. And do you know what this horrible, unforgivable deed, this nightmarish act of destruction and death, this terrible showcasing of rule breaking and game damage was? Wait for it! wait... for... it... oh the tension is so unbearable... being called away for food. And I, connor, this skoundrel, this highwayman and robber, this gangster and mobster, this murderer and arsonist, typed in the /afk command just before a few bombs happened to impact my position. These bombs hit me about two seconds into the afk timer, so I did not bother to move. Thus, they did not damage me. I am so, so, so unbelievably sorry for the deadly sin I have committed, to answer the call to family lunch at the wrong moment. Oh yes my friends, I shall now burn in hell for this one instance of iniquity. Oh I cannot believe how foolish I was to answer the call of life, and nature, to take in vital compounds my body must subsist on, and I so terribly appologize for being a human being and sometimes needing to step away from a game god damn it! what is wrong with this admin team?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-02-24 15:35:27

I know I mentioned this topic got derailed earlier, but now it's off the rails and impacted against an explosive tanker, sending it's remains skywards and out into the distant sea.

     Kind of not interested on who did what to change this topic from problems some people had with the current direction and balance of the game to maturity levels of the people, but since the Dev seems more adamant on addressing that over ignoring it and continuing a discussion on changes and possible blaances (and the diction used) that's kind of giving credit for whoever started that. 

     Ignoring that massive shit show, I feel like we needed more balancing with movement and weapons before releasing this base building stuff from what I've seen recordings of.  We didn't even have set clips for weapons before for crying out loud, one of the things that balances out a game's firearms to be less silly.  The fact I can gather a bunch of shotgun ammo and rapid blast someone while chasing them is really dumb. RTR had a shotgun that could two shot people, but had only one shot before reloading.  Considering the game consists of spam the strongest weapon with lots of ammo behind it, setting clip sizes and varying reload speeds may actually have people switching to other weapons in a firefight.  (also requiring one to stand still or reload slower/move slower while reloading could help in this too). 

     I'm not going to comment much on the base stuff again, I already displayed my displeasure of its current form.  The few defenses of the system I noted involved someone having to wait for the other team to be off line, to then spend 2-3 hours locked down in that spot as 5 people kept attacking their base with what sounded like him defending it on his own.  That honestly sounds far from the definition of fun being forced to sit there and continuously fend off people because no one else i know was active and my base isn't protected while I'm off line. 

    Admittedly, base building/defending could be a fun game match mode with people shoved into teams and having two bases, and everyone either set to gather materials and other supplies on the field, defend the base, or kill the other teams for cash rewards.  Would not need to cap the hp and other supplies of bases as this mode has an end to it, and the other team is sucking if they cannot breach your base when everyone started at the same point on match's start.  Considering someone mentioning there was an account and password system being setup, maybe we could actually implement actual game modes and match making along with upgrades and other rewards for winning? 

    ....Or people will end up pushing for items and hp to be saved on log off and everyone's complaints about this game would continue.  Not my decision to make. 

    And because the other crowd needs to be addressed, starting a silly discussion on maturity levels and attacking the dev randomly isn't the way to go.  neither is complaining and continuing to play the game.  If you really want the dev to be spurred into action for change, the easiest thing to do is to stop playing the game if you have complaints that are not being addressed by other players.  A bit counter productive to your argument if you say this game has worsening problems, but still play the game.  if you're not happy how things are, just delete Red Spot and let the server be dropped down to just the RTU and the rare random person who logs in.  A situation like that would forward a stronger message.

2017-02-24 18:02:30

connor, what's the point of your post?

2017-02-24 18:03:39

my point is to deeply express the injustice that goes on with the admin team. The fact that they generally do not seam to want to talk about bans, or at least hear banned people out, enhances this by a lot.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-02-24 18:06:32 (edited by TheGreatCarver 2017-02-24 19:44:26)

connor142 wrote:

I have just been banned from redspot because of the horrible and hanus crimes I have committed against the players, the server, and the developper. And do you know what this horrible, unforgivable deed, this nightmarish act of destruction and death, this terrible showcasing of rule breaking and game damage was? Wait for it! wait... for... it... oh the tension is so unbearable... being called away for food. And I, connor, this skoundrel, this highwayman and robber, this gangster and mobster, this murderer and arsonist, typed in the /afk command just before a few bombs happened to impact my position. These bombs hit me about two seconds into the afk timer, so I did not bother to move. Thus, they did not damage me. I am so, so, so unbelievably sorry for the deadly sin I have committed, to answer the call to family lunch at the wrong moment. Oh yes my friends, I shall now burn in hell for this one instance of iniquity. Oh I cannot believe how foolish I was to answer the call of life, and nature, to take in vital compounds my body must subsist on, and I so terribly appologize for being a human being and sometimes needing to step away from a game god damn it! what is wrong with this admin team?

I will say that that is rather ridiculous. I was playing the old RS, and had to log out and then back in again because my internet was laggy as all heck. What do I get from Sam himself? "Do that again and it'll be an instant ban!" And when I explain the situation, I get: "Yeah, right, you cheater."
As for all this "attack Sam" business, I truly think he wants to help people. So let's give him a freaking chance! Maybe Sam's being "immature", as many people like to put it, because he's being driven nuts by people who just want to complain? Is that such a remote possibility? Can we all stop complaining and going off the wall bat crap crazy and actually try to solve a problem? Please? Let me also say that I am not, in any way, accusing all posters to this thread of being winy complainers. I just am saying that this discussion is going off the walls! I am also not in any way trying to defend Sam or any other member of the RTU, I just am voicing my opinion as a slightly neubish RS player. Thank you and good day to you all!

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

2017-02-24 18:08:19

@carvernoah309 agreed fully, and thumbs up for that post.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-02-24 18:15:35

connor142 wrote:

@carvernoah309 agreed fully, and thumbs up for that post.

Thanks. FYI: I had to edit my post a bit, so hope you read the edited version as well.

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

2017-02-24 20:17:36

Connor, I know how you feel, buddy. Got banned for dumb reason as well.

2017-02-24 20:38:41

Spiraling Wyvern, you bring up some good points, but here's why I think these changes were never made. We keep circling back to what my point has been all along. Most people just don't know how to play the game well. I will admit something. Over the past week, I've noticed people getting smarter and better, and as a result, rs has become much harder and more enjoyable. However, the amount of people that still do shockingly dumb things like mindlessly rocketing at close range, not checking before grabbing, running away in a straight line, not using their bikes to move faster and a host of other things still make it hard for me to believe the game is unbalanced. All the people who aren't on the RTU who play well don't seem to be complaining about how unbalanced the game is. From what I'm reading, it doesn't seem like you've ever played. The shotgun, although wide spreading and hard hitting, fires slowly, and ammo for it spawns in small packs, so spamming it isn't going to help you. It also only hits 20 tiles away or less I believe, so you're going to have to switch weapons at some point to finish off the guy if he's a runner.  I use the shotgun to slam people's shields if I can get close or damage them hard, grenades or rockets to nail people from afar, crossbow, throwing knives or, if I can get a little closer, machinegun as other ways to wittle  away at they're shields or health if they're getting away, cyanide for a quick kill if they have a lot of shields, you get the point. I think some of the weapons are just there for color, but many of them have their uses, so please don't be like everyone else here and talk about stuff you don't know. all weapons lag a bit as well depending on their damage, so no control hammering. I think weapon lag and availability of ammo balances the need for reloading weapons, since all that is is a form of weapon lag, which rtr did not have.
My agreement with you about how fair it is for bases to be constantly alive is mixed. I don't have the time to stay up all night messaging the RTU and checking up on the base to make sure it's still there. In fact I just announced to them that I wouldn't be logging on to  redspot for a while because of just that. I think the definition  of fps has always been log on for half an hour, kill and get on with your life, and I'm starting to think rs has gone down a different path from a traditional fps, and not one that is healthy to people with lives. Once I finish my redspot fast, I'll have a talk with Sam about ways to make it so this thing isn't so much a competition of who can constantly stay online and guard. I'm thinking bases who's teams were deleted, that is, everyone logged off, become transparent, meaning nothing can hit them, or even better, are moved to a separate map, called storage.map or something, where obviously no one will ever be able to access. I'm thinking to retrieve your base, when you create your team again, you'll type in the door code for the base to get it back. That sounds pretty fair to me.
Because here's the problem with resets guys, and I said this in post 111. It ruins the game for the people with no lives; the people that actually want to have all that health and all those items and spend half a million years to get it all, and they've spent all that time only to have their work just, deleted. I believe there are other ways to make the game fair to people who are just starting out without ruining the game for the veterans. We have to try to appeal to both sides as much as possible. No one ever commented on my ideas in post 111 about separating teams from solos or newbie flags for people so they have an item collecting grace, both things which I think allow people to get better.
Here's my disagreement part. Again, there's always a balance between the features of the game and the willingness of people to actually try. The night the RTU got revenge on the thieves, yes, it was two against three or four, but the only, and I mean only reason why we were even allowed to get close was because they slackened their defenses massively. One of the guys was doing a fine job keeping me away, and he had lots of stuff, so I pretty much didn't have a chance. That is, until he slipped and didn't check before placing a barricade bomb, undoubtedly trying to undo the damage we were doing to their wall. I'm betting the guy had half a million air because, well, RTU stash, so the fact that he didn't even put his mask on before placing it knowing that I was being a determined son of a bitch was a stupid move in deed. He learned very quickly that the damage over time effect from 13 cyanide shots, well, it really doesn't feel good to the lungs. The other guy was even dumber. He fricken starved. Guys, we had over 4000 food in the fridge when we were raided. That's enough to keep a two man team fed for weeks of play. The only conceivable way that could have happened is if he was being extremely careless, since he was in his base when it happened. Once they were both dead, as I mentioned in post 111, the guy I gassed kept up the defense. I'm pretty sure he ate everything in the fridge, because a stat ping revealed his health to be 133k. If he had defended the base properly, there would have been absolutely no hope for us. All he did was sit in front of the computer and fire uselessly with his base turret, and he was terrible at scanning with it, so he rarely hit anyone. The one time while his base was being hammered on that I saw him come out, I think it was to get rid of the fire, but buy that point his base had about 25% of it's original health, so when he went offline for some unknown reason a few minutes later, destroying it was nothing.
I'm starting to wonder how many examples I'll have to give of noobish things people do before it is realized that skill is lacking on rs. There has been a noticeable increase lately which makes me happy, but it's still bad enough for people to continue to use the excuse that the game is wildly imbalanced when there are countless examples to disprove it.
To summarize, my belief is that weapons are fine as it is, and if you haven't even played the game, then case closed in my opinion. I agree that it is a bit too much to ask for people to always be online to defend a base, especially since it goes against what has traditionally been the nature of an fps. Changes are being planned in this department, and for my sake as well as everyone else's, I really do hope they happen soon. Do remember, however, that there is always a line between the balance of the game and the skill of the players, as I've said countless times and will continue to say until someone sees sense and stops using that as the excuse why they suck.