2017-02-21 13:48:12

let's make a list. of 1st person shooter/action/ware games;

swamp, judgement day, raige of wars, GMA tank commandor, shades of dume and afew games more comes to mind, but  i don't play games for so long.

so let's make a list and i will add wrest of them here as well.

2017-02-21 15:09:55

You've posted in the wrong place. this should goes into general games discussions.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-02-21 15:37:32


socheat is I'm afraid correct here. This is about games so belongs in general game discussion.

As regards the list Turkce_Rap, you can actually already search the games in the database by genre. Go to "search games" on the front page, and find the combo box for game genre. Set to sfirst person shooter and bingo!
Judguement day and world of war are not first person shooter games anyway simply because they are not first person, as you cannot turn a full 360 degree circle in them. They're classified in the database as space invaders games, though I suppose you could call them 2D shooters if you wanted to be technical.

There is also a debate over whether you would call Gma tank commander a first person shooter, since while it's definitely first person and you shoot things, your driving a tank, making it a vehicle sim game.
off the top of my head current first person shooters are shades of doom, swamp, technoshock, road to rage, redspot, and possibly xtant, undead assault and blackspace  we are counting beta versions, pluss possibly colonel zeeg from gamevial, though its' a relatively simpler game.

There might also be some I'm forgetting too but those are the ones that come to mind immediately.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-21 18:55:50

Dark wrote:


socheat is I'm afraid correct here. This is about games so belongs in general game discussion.

As regards the list Turkce_Rap, you can actually already search the games in the database by genre. Go to "search games" on the front page, and find the combo box for game genre. Set to sfirst person shooter and bingo!
Judguement day and world of war are not first person shooter games anyway simply because they are not first person, as you cannot turn a full 360 degree circle in them. They're classified in the database as space invaders games, though I suppose you could call them 2D shooters if you wanted to be technical.

There is also a debate over whether you would call Gma tank commander a first person shooter, since while it's definitely first person and you shoot things, your driving a tank, making it a vehicle sim game.
off the top of my head current first person shooters are shades of doom, swamp, technoshock, road to rage, redspot, and possibly xtant, undead assault and blackspace  we are counting beta versions, pluss possibly colonel zeeg from gamevial, though its' a relatively simpler game.

There might also be some I'm forgetting too but those are the ones that come to mind immediately.

Well i made this topic here with confusion, it could be moved where it's belong to.

2017-02-21 18:58:19

we mighht correct to the topic as all kind of games we could call shooting or war games or action games such as i've mentioned before.

2017-02-21 20:36:16

I'd also add Lone Wolf if you include Tank Commander.
And Sarah and the Castle of Witchcraft and Wizardry as you can move in any direction and can fire off magical spells.

2017-02-22 01:56:40

@Turksrap, what do you mean by "shooting action games?"
Would you count a pure arcade game like duckhunt? and if you would count fast action arcade games, why only those with guns? how about something like pipe 2 blast chamber?
I admit I kept the action games category in the database, but it's not one I'm happy with, since hell something like rhythm rage is an action game big_smile.
Generally it's a sort of catch all for anything that isn't an arcade game and doesn't fit anywhere else, but again not really a perfect one hence why I prefer categories like space invaders games etc.

@Phil, again, lone wolf is probably less of a first person shooter than tank commander is owing to how you control a sub in complete vectored movement and  targeting is based on firing solutions.
Sarah also seems more of an adventure game to me, though it's certainly first person and you target and shoot spells etc so who knows.

Generally in "first person shooter" when I've used the genre classification in the db I mean something like mainstream fps games like call of duty or indeed the classic doom that shades is somewhat a homage to, ie,  play a single character running around with a gun, able to turn a full 360 degree circle, having to target and shoot things, complete with cover, obstacles, strafing and all of that sort of fun stuff, still since the very term "first person" is a bit confusing in audio anyway it's pretty flexible.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-22 02:38:50

If Psycho Strike can call itself a first person shooter, I guess even Packman can be an FPS, eh? All exaggerations aside, I completely agree with Dark, in that an FPS generally has certain qualifiers, and I really don't like this tendancy for people to try and label game(s) in multiple genres just for exposure. Sarah, for example, just because you can walk around and "fire" spells, does not qualify as an FPS. She has no gun, ergo no shooter. Lonewolf and GMA Tank Commanders might be shooters, but they are clearly vehicle themed, so don't really fit as an FPS shooter, either. This is underscored by the fact that it's implied that you are commanding a crew aboard both of those military vehicle games, rather than playing a single character. You might be the driver or captain of the vessel, but your vessel is operated by an implied team of gunners, engineers, and what have you.


Spill chuck you spots!

2017-02-22 03:54:20

Ironically I had to treat the wands in the Sarah game as guns as there was no wand function in the game engine.
I made the wand like a sawed off shotgun with a wide spread of shells that would guarantee a hit if you were facing your target.
I do plan on developing a FPS named Cops, a temporary name,based on my DOS Cops game where you can ride in a police car but have to leave it to confront the criminals.

2017-02-22 17:04:22

@Kay, since when was psycho strike aa first person shooter? I thought it was pretty clear psycho strike is an action side scroller with  bit of stat management on the side.

@Phil, it actually doesn't surprise me that the gma used guns as a catch all for anything you aim and fire, it was developed with shades of doom in mind after all. But hay, nobody said every! good game has to be an fps. Actually I think a lot of the hype in the community about fps games is more people not knowing what fps actually means, hence why people want to assume every game with a gun is some sort of fps.

then again, in audio the perspective question which is where the very fp in first person shooter comes from is a little off anyway, since pretty much any audiogame with full 360 degree movement will be first person, if in a genre which in the mainstream often isn't, such as racing games or flight sims.

your classic side scroller or space invaders game has a far more personal focus than  mainstream version since your effectively hearing things from the character's perspective at the center of the sterrio field as things move around you, rather than seeing the character on the screen move relative to  their environment.

either way, for sake of consistency I still would only tend to say something which has full 360 degree movement, and features a single character with a gun (or guns, counts as a first person shooter, ---- hell I developed the first person adventure games category just to cover stuff like Sarah, blindscape etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)