2014-08-24 17:49:18

@Arqmeister,  I use Visual Studio 2010 every day for doing C#.
I've been using it for a very long time so have the benefit of knowing many shortcut keys and knowing when VS is likely doing something even though my screen reader might not be reporting it.
I use auto complete a lot, as well as go to definition and the refactorings like rename symbol and extract method.
I also like the hot keys for commenting / uncommenting and auto formatting code.

I can still use the debug watch window, but it's a pain, so instead I've focused on a good logging API.
It turns out that a good logging API can actually be more helpful than the debugger in many cases, such as applications where you're running a loop many times a second, AKA games.

If you decide to use C# and Visual Studio feel free to email me and we can setup a call to discuss it.

~ Ian Reed
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2014-08-24 18:19:48

Thanks ian.

2017-01-13 08:25:02

Just moved from MS Visual Basic to PureBasic.

From reading these posts it has moved on quite a bit since they were posted.

Found the language easy to understand and recieved a lot of help from their forum.

In just over a year with no programming training I am now capable of writing my own custom gadgets etc and am mow delving into MIDI stuff.

VB does, I believe have a role to play in getting hobbyist programmers started, but for me PureBasic really is the thing each programme I write I move cross platform with very few problems and even localising my efforts is getting easier.

Since starting with PurBasic I have not touched VB at all!

