2017-01-03 21:42:50

Hello everyone,
Today, while I was trying to load Sappi 5 from the Synthesisers on NVDA, I received the following message:
Synthesiser error dialog. Could not load NVDA synthesiser. OK button.
Does anyone know what is going on? I would really appreciate if you could take the time to look into this problem.

2017-01-03 22:39:25

It can be from 2 problems:
or you do not have a sapi 5 voice,
or I have a question:
Do you have blind extra and an acapela voice?
Or do you had these?
I can help you but post one of these problems or it is another I can not help you sorry.
Sorry for my bad english.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2017-01-04 10:42:17

Truth is, I had blind extra along with Acapela TTS voices, and I uninstalled them. After that day, sappi 5 doesn't work anymore.
Normally, if you do not destroy the sappi 5, it is on every windows computer of nowadays.

2017-01-08 21:45:02

install it  iff you want i can giv tyou samantha voice m s i installer

2017-02-12 18:07:18

Has anyone found a solution to this?

2017-02-13 15:23:24

I heard many people having the same problem as you, after they had install blind extra, and remove it. It is dangerous to remove the add on. I saw the topic somewhere awhile ago, one person has the same problem as you, but I don't know, since now I forgot where the topic, or where the discussion is. Sorry mate. But it is because of the blind extra add on.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-02-13 17:00:21

Have you disabled SAPI5 within BlindExtra itself before uninstalling it? I hear that should fix the problem.

2017-02-13 17:15:55

I have uninstalled it completely. Should I reinstall it and do the process?

2017-02-13 18:04:03

I believe that should fix that. Don't know if it does work, but then again, I haven't installed BlindExtra, nor am I interested in installing it, but I hear that that process does work.
Try it!

2017-02-14 05:25:38

I don't know if that's the best course of action. There were some very serious, and proven, accusations that the add-on contained hacking tools. So I would be extremely wary even reinstalling it. It wouldn't hurt to try using the Sappi repair tools that used to be available on Jim Kitchen's website, if you haven't tried that already. I don't have a link to them at the moment, but if you need them, I can try to see if I have them stored on one of my external hard drives. I'm honestly not sure if I grabbed them or not. That, to me, sounds like a much safer course of action, rather than possibly putting yourself at risk by reinstalling the add-on.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2017-02-14 23:34:19

@turtlepower, I don't think the sapi repair tools would do anything, since the problem resides on NVDA, and not any other application. So I guess, I'll take the risk of reinstalling the add-on, disable the sapi five option in blind extra add-on, and hope that it'll get fixed. If that doesn't, I'll keep NVDA inactive for sometime until I find a solution, and use JAWS as I'm doing now. The reason I use JAWS most of the time is because of its solid performance in Microsoft Word, which is where my work is focused most of the time.

2017-02-15 00:36:35

Oh, I see. When I heard about the problems that were caused with Sappi voices after uninstalling the add-on, I assumed it meant that the entire structure of Sappi 5 got messed up. I mean, I suppose I'm glad that's not the case, but it makes it all the more malicious that people have to depend on the Blind Extra add-on to keep their Sappi voices. Sounds like the guy was testing the foundations for a possible ransomware attack, if you ask me, and wasn't completely sure how to pull it off. or maybe he was dropping subtle hints that this is what he intended to do.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2017-02-15 10:31:34

Sapi repair tools couldn't help in this case. Because I had the issue once, and in my speech properties, all I see is a blank combo box that I can't select any voices. Afrim, is that the problem you're having?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-02-15 18:43:02

@turtlepower, I have read on the NVDA forums that the blind extra add-on was marked as unsafe add-on by the community. They stated that the add-on could undertake action on your PC, even as far as sending messages on skype to friends. To be honest, I blocked blind extra from first running on startup, particularly the infovox server, plus I didn't use blind extra for a long time on a daily basis. I even disabled it because it was getting me angry each time I restarted NVDA with popups. So, I'm taking the risk of getting hacked, although I dont know whether it will stay more than five minutes installed on my copy of NVDA.

@Socheat, that's exactly as I have stated in the first post. The acapela voices do not show up, nor have they left any sign of their existance on my NVDA's add-ons or anywhere  where they can be found on my system.

2017-02-15 18:59:50

OK, I reinstalled the add-on again, loaded it, and tried to disable the support for sapi five, but anything I do with it displays an error message. So, I don't know what the hell can I do. I'll look at the registry editor if I can find anything to delete related to blind extra there

2017-04-16 14:35:27

OK, after quite a lot of constructive and relatively hard-working research, I managed to successfully fix the problem with a version of Blind Extra given to me by someone on another forum. I'm really happy now. I could start using NVDA regularly again.
If anyone has a similar problem, please leave to me a forum e-mail, and I'll help you with content.

2017-04-16 19:11:01

@afrim I've sent an email to you regarding my problem. hopefully it works when you've given me the steps to repair my sapi 5

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2017-04-17 16:41:15

Hello all.
I am really curious.
Is blind extra or get extra working?
I have these but I can not get to work.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2017-04-17 16:51:36

What is specifically your problem? I couldn't get it.

2017-06-19 10:48:52

hi everyone, I just downloaded a voice which is using sappi 5 but cant get it to work with nvda, I tried removing blind extra but no good, if anyone could tell me how to fix this that would be great,

2017-06-19 10:57:50

Is it happening because of the same reason, I mean, do you encounter the dialog "Synthesiser error dialog. Could not load NVDA synthesiser. OK button.", or is it happening because of another reason?

2017-06-19 12:04:32


2017-06-20 11:45:52

@Josh, I am very sorry for the late reply, but I wasn't home, so I couldn't provide any help for you.
Anyway, download the Blind Extra 4.0, which is the only version of this add-on that can change the registry keys that cause NVDA to not work properly if you uninstall the add-on.
To get back your Sapi 5, install the add-on, and then go to Blind Extra submenu, where you'll need to click "Disable Sapi 5". If that doesn't work, reenable and then disable the sapi 5 support again. That should fix the problem.
Hope this helps.
The link is here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ac0ukccqimqqb … addon?dl=0

2017-06-21 01:59:08

i found the blind extra sub menue but couldn't find anything there about sappi 5 maybe I'm missing something

2017-06-21 08:50:37

Hello Josh,
you're right, something's missing. That is a voice. Download one, or if you cannot download any voice with that Blind Extra, I will send you one. But I can't do it on the forum, since it's illegal. In fact the add-on is no longer legal and cannot be found anywhere publically. I will send you an e-mail.