2005-12-28 21:27:28

I'm a member of the team that runs and organises the free,

browser based, no java, text based, multiplayer society simulator and

roleplaying game Cantr. www.cantr.net

It crossed my mind yesterday that,

considering the almost entirely text-based nature of the game, that it might

be usable with audio software.

However, I know virtually nothing about

audio software, or making games accessible. I think it would be great to

make this game accessible, if at all possible. So I'd appreciate any

suggestions of places to go for tips on making something broswer-based

accessible to blind users, and especially any feedback from anyone who wants

to have a go and try the game out with the relevant software.

I can think

of a couple of issues to do with the interface, which is mostly through

graphics as links, although all the images come with clear decriptions, but

I'm sure it's more complicated than I think, so I'd appreciate any


2005-12-29 00:47:18

I'll give it a go and let you know.

Discord: clemchowder633

2005-12-29 10:10:04

great, a new game to try, i'm always lookin for a good text based game, to

fill my spare tme.

i'll let ya know.

be ever aware of the silent tread of the angel of death.

2005-12-29 13:01:12

in my

if the game is browser based, no java, and just text-based, it's

accessible. so, i think it will be accessible, i will try it out.

2005-12-29 20:10:00


is accessible and has been for a few years now. I have playing it for a year

now, I'm currently digging crap up off the street.

Dam, I wish they'd

make a mud out of this, it would make it real time without refreshes and
