2016-12-28 08:47:14

Ahoy all

I am considering putting a copy of office on this bootcamp running win10 and was wondering which is the more stable one out of the 2 in terms of accessibility with jaws 18,and one that works more smoothly, I.E less slowdowns,complications and so on.
What I am looking for are your experiences with using either or both ms office 2013 and 2016 with jaws, both good and bad.


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2016-12-28 09:40:32

Would like to know the same for NVDA.

2016-12-28 10:19:15

in my opinion ms 2013 is better since it doesn't lag out as much as 16 when you use jaws although ms 2013 has it's own problem it's better in my opinion.
it's bad that we can't buy ms 2010 anymore, that were the best office at least for jaws

2016-12-28 10:56:06

I'd personaly go for office 2016, because it's faster, smoother and it has some good options, such as the right appearance of headings within the search section (ctrl+f). Also word gives you now the opportunity to convert PDF documents to docs.
In my experience, office 2016 opens up quite faster than office 2013. However, it's not that Office 2016 doesn't present any problems. Two are the major problems I'm facing at this time: 1. The improper report of indentation with both JAWS and NVDA (most notably with NVDA), and
2. Word has this quite strange behaviour that when saving changes to large documents that exceed 250 pages, and inside those 250 pages are different writing styles as well as images or other ilustrations, Word will crash upon closure and you may not be able to properly save your document, nor recover it if word fails to complete the process of saving the document.

This almost made me throw away my computer last week. Besides these problems, office 2016 is a great swete with wonderful features. And in addition, I'd say that finally, after 5 years, Outlook is at last! a working e-mail client which doesn't lag, nor crash.
This is all I can say for now.

2016-12-29 09:33:22 (edited by grryfindore 2016-12-29 09:34:35)

Ahoy there,
@sito, What problems would those be? as regards to 2013?
I dunno about 2010,though I have no clue whether it was the version of jaws I was using, the ms office that I was using or the OS, but my worse experience has been with 2010. word would lag so much so that I couldn't write, sometimes when opening excel files it would just read the title of the window, but nothing at all of the inside content and so on.

@afrim, I don't really have use for 250pages word docs, at least so far I haven't needed to use one,and no matter what version of Office suite you are using, with a file that big, word has always had issues hence I don't tend to use it for files that big. I either try to find a alternative, or copy paste the stuff into it, so that at least should be fine.
The quicker response with no major accessibility problems as compared with one another, and smoother over all experience is what I am looking for.

For that matter, I think its high time I actually learned how to format stuff properly in word, I have actually wanted to learn that for a long time,and what's actually proper format for x y z situation but so far I haven't come across any resources or person who could help me with that.
Slightly OT, I know.

No NVDA users that have experience working with both or any versions of the suite,then?


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2016-12-29 11:48:44

Hi Gryf,
First of all, I'm so glad you don't have to work with big word documents. Sometimes it is a pain in the neck which may cause a lot of stress.
Secondly, I don't get the point of learning word formats. What are exactly your problems with formatting and using it? Does your problem reside on fonts? Styles? effects? indentation?
We could help.
Finally, I am using Word 2016 with NVDA, as well as JAWS.
With NVDA, it works pretty well besides the indentation issues I mentioned in the previous post. I may file an issue on GitHub for this and see if they can resolve it.
If you are planning on installing office swete 2016, I recommend installing the pro version as it may not experience the problem of saving large documents I mentioned earlier.

2016-12-29 13:19:13

Ahoy there.

@afrin, I suppose I'll go with the 2016 in that case. Lets hope it does turn out to be better than 2010 I tried a few months ago.

When it comes to word formatting by which I mean a proper way documents are to be written in. What looks good and readable, what doesn't.
Styleing, indentation, the works.
Think of me like a newb or worse at these.

Right now, all I do is open up a word processer, write whatever I need to down save it and I am done. but I am sure its not exactly what you'd call presentable. because I have no clue on what kind or how much spacing to give, lines to be left, style in which things should be done and so on.
I.E things writing notes and having them to be not a pain on the eyeballs, writing e-mails or letters in some country Writing a cv,although that's a different topic of its own I am thinking. smile


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2016-12-29 14:26:20

Alright, I understand. I could help with that as much as I know. Though a good idea could be starting a new discussion on this forum about what we are talking, and people can share their knowledge on your discussion. If you have attended any University course, you much likely have had to learn this stuff.