2016-12-10 16:02:58 (edited by ianhamilton_ 2016-12-10 16:11:05)

Simba I think rather than choosing only to do the US due to the US having a large population (although not the largest by a long way, India and China have many times higher population and many times more people who are blind), it was instead more than the USA had to be addressed before other countries, as there was a regulatory deadline involved for USA and not for anywhere else.

I can't speak for PlayStation obviously, but I'd personally be surprised if TTS isn't expanded further in the future. There's precedent, that's what happened with Microsoft.. Not just Xbox, but that's the pattern seen with other tech too, such as Windows Phone - address the country with the regulations as first priority, then look at expanding out to other countries.

Which of course is a great thing, proves that even if regulations are a bit of extra motivation to get things moving they aren't the sole reason why companies do this kind of stuff.

2016-12-10 20:31:02

No worries, no patronization taken. lol And I figured they wouldn't be the ones to deal in fighting games, but it'll be something to look into. I'm not looking to make a life out of speaking at these things, but if I can even get my name out there, no harm in it! big_smile And also, very true about why they started with the US, or at least North America, first. Here's hoping for many great things from Sony... as cynical as I've sounded, when Sony actually have updated it, it's been pretty big every time... so here's hoping they don't just do enough to satisfy the new addition to the ADA. Though I think it would've been more productive if that new regulation stated how much of any given hardware should be accessible. tongue

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-10 23:13:40

Heard back, as well as fullindie meetups there's also Vancouver Social Games, and VanVR.

Also EA Vancouver have a solid user research / playtesting facility, I could drop them a line if being watched and questioned while playing would be of interest.

There isn't any ADA addition, it's a separate law called CVAA. The law applies specifically to being able to navigate to and use communications functionality, and nothing else - so for consoles that means party chat etc. It's the same law that requires accessibility of telephones and so on.

Even though PS4's TTS doesn't cover as much as Xbox, it still covers quite a bit more than just communication functionality, so you can already see that they aren't just doing it for compliance.

2016-12-11 08:01:48

I might look into EA and that facility... but EA Vancouver doing mostly sports games doesn't hold much interest for me. but it's a start, I suppose. lol

As for the TTS, you're right about that. But again, why they coded it the way they did instead of making the screenreader more independent is beyond me... we'll see what the next updates bring, I suppose. I just wish they'd put out updates more often!

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-13 10:27:25

Another ps4 update and still nothing. sigh.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-13 17:19:26

The TTS updates only come out in the major updates.

2016-12-13 18:11:36

Did you read that somewhere? That's not entirely true.. even 4.0 didn't have any major updates. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-13 19:08:00

Well, that's not surprising that the TTS hasn't been updated.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
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2016-12-13 19:41:59

Not surprising, just disappointing. Here's hoping.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2016-12-14 13:17:26

doesn't look like it includes any new features for anyone, just some performance tweaks

2016-12-14 16:38:49

i'd like to know if there's been any more movement on eve accessibility. I only ask because I just saw an advert for it whilst scrolling this forum lol.

2016-12-14 20:35:02

@ianhamelton, true that. I also don't like them being so vague though... not that we have any clue, but would it seriously be so difficult to implement small tts / other accessibility improvements with each upgrade, even minor ones? 4.0 was immensely disappointing when it came out with nothing new. lol.

Discord: clemchowder633