2016-11-30 22:17:56

Hello guys,

I want to tell you, that someone has just hacked me a while ago. I thaught it's the BlindExtra add-on. Now, with some of my friends, viewed the hacked for hacked me, and it wasn't him.

So, I can surely tell you, BlindExtra isn't a hacking add-on, it doesn't countains any viruses.
Enjoy using it! big_smile

Email: [email protected]
Discord: StormProductions
Telegram: https://stormproductions.t.me/

2016-11-30 23:07:17

As I was talking with some spanish friends, I will give you those messajes please note that it's in spanish, I was talking in Klango.
Aunque no puedo discriminar al autor porque es iraquí...
Buenis, al contrario no le noto ninguna amenaza.
¡atención atención!
Ahmed anuncia el cierre de Get xtra y blind xtra.
Hace unos segundos acabo de leerlo, Ahmed aduce que fue por las acusaciones que se hicieron durante este mes y que él no ha hecho otra cosa que trabajar de gratis para todos, mientras unos lo acusan otros lo han dfendido, sin embargo afirma que él no lo sabe absolutamete todo en términos de hacking y que ninguno de lso programas que provee ontiene troyanos.
Bueno muchachos, ahora sí estamos viendo en acción el poder de los foros de los gringos donde fue difundida la noticia de que este complemento en específico para nvda estaba reventado de virus por todas partes.
¡a los gringos no les gustan los carcks!
¡alguna duda?
Lo que no he podido captar es que si Ahmed está más molesto porque se sietne poco valorado o porque realmente la mayor cantidad de usuarios de get xtra son anglo parlantes. Digo, es esperar que masivamente después de ser propagada la noticia del virus muchos muchísimos por no decir casi la mayoría inmensa desinstalaran todo lo relacionado a get xtra.
Bueno... otro proyecto que se va al carajo... y voy a decir esto de la mejor manera, todo por causa de los cieguitos que con su cuetnita de crédito y paypal pueden costear programas y la envidia profunda que sienten cuando otros usan esos mismos programas sin pagar un penique...
al final me parece que ese es todo el problema de gringolandia.
¿qué les parece a ustedes?
bueno amigo, también leí eso y a demás pide que lo defendamos ya que hasta el momento no hay nadie que lo ayude según sus comentarios, pero ahora cómo.
habría que demostrar que los ispanos somos usuarios de estos grandiosos proyectos... aunque ahora veo la inactividad del GetExtra y es por esta maldita causa.
pues ni modo, seguro lo pescan y lo mandan derechito al bote como a muchos que hicieron buenos proyectos, claro sin desear mal alguno...
y totalmente de acuerdo en cuanto lo de la facilidad de pagar plata por estos programas, pero te olvidas de todos los que son filiales de organizaciones con ánimo de lucro que les ofrecen estos programas gratis (como dice una canción de genny rivera o marisela) ¿A cambio de qué?
No se si estoy de acuerdo, pero como soy panameño (no e tenido relaciones con Panamá con el MA) pero en mi totalidad es una buena persona, quizá los de Ee. Uu. Le prohiven dar productos del Medio Oriente?
O no veis, no entiendo como uno de ellos lo acusarían por religión no mas, pero si en el futuro habrá una única religión estarán comprometidos, pero bueno Señor Iraquí...
Sinceramente yo sí pude disfrutar el complemento (y muy bien disfrutado) del señor Amed Star. Me da mucha pena porque este proyecto tiraba para mucho más. Nunca me dio errores el antivirus y incluso windows defender que es el principal no me advirtió de nada. Hay gente que simplemente le agarró el ataque y lo desinstaló, pero bueno, allá ellos con sus gustos y prejuicios...
Otro proyecto tirado a la basura como dice kin (perdón si escribo mal tu nombre) pero coincido con vos en que si nos piden ayuda va a ser tarde para todos
creo yo que todos los que instalamos el complemento lo disfrutamos, pero es increíble como uno solo basta para hechar a perder algo tán grande, como lo es este proyecto.
pudo haber facilitado más cosas, pero esto es todo.
los primeros que quieren jaquear todo son los gringos ademas los virus de los gringos no quieren joder computadoras si no obtener datos que es lo que importa y por lo que se paga mucho dinero el propio windows 10 recopila toda la informacion que puede para embiarnos publicidad

73 Wj3u

2016-11-30 23:35:01

Hey all! I used BlindExtra Add-on and I didn't have a problem, so I don't think it is a virus. Join Using it!

If you want to get in touch with me, e-mail me at [email protected].
We can also get in touch on Telegram.

2016-12-01 00:29:44

How do you explain
this then? What's even more telling is the fact that as far as I'm aware, he's not reached out to this forum or anywhere else to attempt to reasure/ debunk the claime that he's developing and distributing malware

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2016-12-01 00:35:56

I wouldn't be so sure, Storm. Look at your own broken tts config thread. The last post is what was found through the source. And Exodus is right. In fact it's a bit ironic that he's been making post after post on his site claiming it's not a virus in every possible way he can, and he's not made a peep on this forum, only to announce new releases. Speaking of which, Ahmed, if you read this, please consider getting better spam filters, I'm seeing a lot of completely unrelated blog posts on that site and it looks like someone or something may be spamming the hell out of the site, no offense.

2016-12-01 04:50:55

Uh, I'm not shure because you don't read post 2?

73 Wj3u

2016-12-01 05:09:01

Well, if you could provide a basic translation to post 2, then that would be helpful. It doesn't have to be word for word, take what's important out of that whole discussion and that's sufficient enough.

2016-12-01 05:20:01

OK, I will, and opinate.
attention attention! Ahmed announces the closing of Get xtra and blind xtra. A few seconds ago I just read it, Ahmed argues that it was for the accusations that were made during this month and that he has done nothing but work for free for everyone, while some accuse him others have defended him, however he states that he does not It knows absolutely everything in terms of hacking and that none of the programs it provides contain Trojans. Well guys, now we are seeing in action the power of the forums of the gringos where it was spread the news that this specific complement for nvda was bursting with viruses everywhere. Gringos do not like carcasses! any questions? What I have not been able to capture is that if Ahmed is more annoying because he is not very valued or because the majority of users of get xtra are Anglo speakers. I say, is to expect that massively after being spread the news of the virus many many, if not almost the vast majority would uninstall everything related to get xtra. Well ... another project that is going to hell ... and I will say this in the best way, all because of the blinds that with their cuetnita credit and paypal can afford programs and the deep envy they feel when others use Those same programs without paying a penny ... in the end it seems to me that that is the whole problem of gringolandia. What do you think about it? Well friend, I also read that and others ask that we defend it because so far there is no one to help you according to your comments, but now how. It would have to prove that the ispanos we are users of these great projects ... although now I see the inactivity of the GetExtra and it is by this damn cause. Because no way, sure they catch it and send it right to the boat as many who did good projects, clear without wanting any harm ... and totally agree as far as the facility of paying silver for these programs, but you forget All of which are affiliates of for-profit organizations that offer these programs for free (as a genny rivera or marisela song says). In exchange for what? I do not know if I agree, but as I am Panamanian (I have not had relations with Panama with the MA) but in its totality is a good person, maybe the ones from Ee. Uu. Do you offer products from the Middle East? Or do not see, I do not understand how one of them would accuse him for religion no more, but if in the future there will be only one religion will be compromised, but good Lord Iraqi ... Sincerely, I was able to enjoy the (and very well enjoyed) Mr. Amed Star. I feel really sorry because this project was pulling for much more. I never gave the antivirus errors and even windows defend that is the main one did not warn me of anything. There are people who simply grabbed the attack and uninstalled it, well, there they with their likes and prejudices ... Another project thrown in the trash as kin says (sorry if I misspell your name) but I agree with you that if we Ask for help is going to be late for all I think that all those who installed the add-on enjoyed it, but it's amazing how one alone is enough to spoil something as big as this project is. Could have facilitated more things, but that's all. The first ones that want to check everything are the gringos besides the viruses of the gringos do not want to fuck computers if they do not get data that is what matters and for that he pays a lot of money the own windows 10 collects all the information that can for embiarnos publicity

73 Wj3u

2016-12-01 07:34:05

Ok, so basically now we're at blaming the English-speakers, as the Spanish community calls us, the gringos, for this whole damn thing? Ok, first of all, this is not about money. In fact I would've totally let this go if this same addon was released and actually communicated with nvda and wasn't some separate subset of programs. Second, all we did was expose the fact that there were tons of security holes, and this program wasn't even an addon, it was an addon that eventually turned itself into a subset of programs. Ok, let's face it, get extra actually was useful. It reminded me of download.com and other mass download databases, but without ads and other clutter. You could even download windows installation images from it, which was extremely useful in the event one had to be downloaded quickly. But Blind Extra? there unfortunately are too many things wrong with it to make it safe.

2016-12-01 07:35:48

Btw, unless that was private, Ahmed Star *did not* announce the closing of his addon. It's still up there, if you folks wanna download it, go right ahead.

2016-12-01 11:07:40

Well he did last Sunday, but he changed his mind and deleted his post several hours later. I advice not to use the add-on to be on the safer side, because in all cases these are cracked TTS voices and programs which should not go into this forum.

2016-12-01 11:12:53

It's not blaming, however I see it at both sides, Oh let me think about this since I didn't sleep soomuch.

73 Wj3u

2016-12-01 23:00:02

so all this guy want's to do is help people? Give people a shot at software that they would otherwise not get a chance to use. Why is all his code obscured then, why does blind extra have so many compiled batch files that could be doing literally anything, why does it strip python code from the voice files it downloads, Why is the python code that we can view unreadable and why does it need admin privelages do anything. No NVDA addon ever has had to do these things, an until we get solid, relyable answers to these questions This addon will never touch my machine, I'll stear  anyone who asks me away from it and I'd recommend all of you act the same way.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2016-12-01 23:18:32

It does weird shit, its no good, use at your own ris motherfuckers, caveat emptor, nahmean?

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-12-01 23:33:27

What the blazes are we talking about?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-12-02 03:09:37

Don't know, but if the spanish people will...

73 Wj3u

2016-12-02 03:17:25

We're talking about blind extra. If you want evidence on this, look at the broken tts configuration thread.

2016-12-02 03:49:28

jack wrote:

We're talking about blind extra. If you want evidence on this, look at the broken tts configuration thread.

Actually take a look at this.

http://addons.nvda-project.org/addons/b … ra.en.html

hope that helps a bit.

Follow me on  my podcast twitter and feel free to listen to my music. Also subscribe to my youtube channel. Thanks.

2016-12-02 05:03:42

ya know, if that addon really does have remote capabilities, what's to say the guy didn't just use storm's AG account to post this topic?
just sayin'...

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-12-02 06:10:21

That could be a possibility. Wait, wait just a damn minute. First Storm posts that his tts configuration is broken, and now he comes back not only to tell us that blind extra's not a bad addon, but to enjoy using it? Hmm, sounds suspicious to me.

2016-12-02 08:42:32

I'm really glad I ditched this add-on months ago, long before the hacking accusations came to light. I actually wonder what kind of crap the so-called Blind Extra uninstaller injects into your system. I don't know why I did it, but I actually ran that thing awhile back. But since I haven't noticed any suspicious activity in my accounts or with my bank, I suppose I got lucky. I definitely get an uneasy feeling whenever this thing is discussed, though. And topics like this aren't helping. Usually, when people desperately, yet vaguely defend a shady program/person/entity with little more than a badly and hastily put together testimonial, as is the case here, it spells trouble. Alarms should be blaring in all of your heads now, lights and sirens blazing.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2016-12-02 17:49:58

K guys this is freakin scaring the heck out of me.
I happen to have that addon installed, and I was one of those who removed the addon once from the addons thing, and it messed up my entyre NVDA, obliging me to re install. So now I'm wanting to remove crap extra and, guess what? the remover is no longer in the website! ain't it suspicious? My God, I dono what to do now

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?

2016-12-02 18:25:01

That settles it. I'm uninstalling the addon from my Windows VM's. Thank God I'm not on a physical Windows PC.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2016-12-02 19:28:37

Sapi breaking can be caused by infovox or acapella broken uninstallers. I don't know, but this  thought seems very wierd to me: A guy using all those sapi voices as a cover. Why doesn't he distribute something pretending to be a game or something more simple? Those sapi voices actually work, too.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-12-02 20:21:51

As I'm no, I as my spanish friend sayed in the last posts.
Well, that's a good question ... although the possible answer can be found in the last version of the extra blind, since it enclosed both projects in one place.
Is Luis easy, closed it by accusations and lies of the gringos ... are gringos, what can be expected from good? I agree Another project thrown the fucking trash.
I just talked to him a few moments ago, but all he told me was to remove that post from the NVDA community.
You see, getting other hand, getting the oposit, getting the inoposite, oh no...

73 Wj3u