2009-07-14 23:48:59

Once again due to the laziness of your news posting person, several games have come up which will all be reported at once! Various solutions to this laziness problem are being considdered, ---- threats to feed said mod to the Audiogames.net dragon, giving one of our ag.net house elves a litle poking fork, having said lazy individual turned into a vampire and so eternally craving human blood, ---- that sort of thing.

Until we come up with some course of action though (or until that lazy git Dark gets his act together), multiple posts of doom will be forthcoming!

First up in this batch is Braillesoft's new arcade style offering, crocodile dentist. It seems there's a reptile with some bad teeth, and you, and several friends (or the computer), have to pull them. The only problem is one of those teeth is particularly sore, and when it's pulled said crock won't take it kindly! You can read more and download both the windows and packmate omni versions of the game Here on Braillesoft's site just make certain you've got all your fingers left after playing.

Next up, ---- as all our loyal forumites will know, is the new game from QuentinC Magic blocks, an entertaining version of tetris in audio with many sounds, multiplayer capability across the internet, and all the scoreboarding competative goodness we'd expect. You can Downloaderate it here and Go here for the score boards

Pluss, if you want to discuss the game with his Developerness, the man himself, This forum thread is provided for your discomfort and inconvenience.

Lastly, it's back to the dungeons of Entombed see index As a new version rolls around with a litle more bug squashery, opluss addition of new arrow types, and job specific weapons.

But take care sinse the dungeons of entombed are distinctly 3D, ----- Dark dysmal and dangerous!

to leap streight into 3D action (or not), you can Downloadify the new version here

Delightful engamation!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)