2016-09-14 04:46:36

First, before anything else - I'm sorry there's been such a long silence from me on this thread. Lots of reasons, and no excuses, so I'll just get right to responses:

First off, regarding the big milestone we were hoping for this summer...this is the reason I was so hesitant to talk about firm dates. On the one hand, we have no frame of reference to know how long things are going to take since we're new to this kind of project; on the other hand, we are constantly in situations where we have to wait on others in order to accomplish things. That's not a criticism - we're getting to work with some incredibly talented people in a variety of capacities, and I couldn't be more grateful. But it does introduce an element of unpredictability into our timetable. Anyway, things continue to progress, but slowly - due in part to the fact that we're trying to lay the groundwork to broaden the audience for this game beyond simply the niche audio games market. More on that later...

Jade, all of those are great ideas, and good food for thought for me and the rest of the team. Thank you!

Interesting to hear so many people recommending Indigogo over Kickstarter. We discussed this very question early on, and are still open to changing, but initially we decided to go with Kickstarter for a couple of reasons. First, while it's true that if you don't meet your funding goal, you get nothing - if you DO meet your goal, you pay less of a percentage to Kickstarter than to Indigogo or Gofundme. So if we're looking at a minimum price point at which we can accomplish what we want to, we'd rather do it on Kickstarter, because our target will be the lowest, giving us the best chance of raising enough money. That's the other point: we don't want to arrive at that awkward moment where we have half of the money we need to do what we want, but not really any good way to spend it since it isn't enough. With Kickstarter's "all-or-nothing" model, at least then we don't have to worry about putting ourselves - or our donors - in that position. Then there's the fact that Kickstarter seems to have the most visibility of any of the platforms, which is definitely a plus.

Anyway, those were just the reasons we discussed initially, but here in the next couple of weeks we will be discussing that more, and coming to a final decision, and we'll be sure to take your recommendations into consideration. I can't overstate how much we appreciate input from the community - that's why we posted this thread (and why we need someone more responsible than me to check it, haha...)

Oh and speaking of Kickstarter...we are close. We are working on something that we need to get done before we can launch a campaign...not telling what it is, but I will tell you I'm very excited about it, and I hope it'll be worth the wait.

2016-09-14 04:57:51

Oh hey by the way - our sound designer, Drew Becker, has recently redesigned his website (www.beckersound.com). If you go to the "Sound Design For Games" page, there is a demo reel featuring just a small sampling of the sounds he's been working on for A Hero's Call. Please feel free to check it out - you definitely hear a lot more variety in this reel than you do in any of my little demos, and it may give you an idea of the amount of work this dude's been putting in. So glad to have him as part of the team!

2016-09-14 17:32:34

It's so great to hear that you're still working on the project. Just a small progress is better than none progress, so this is great news...
Wow, Drew is really, really awesome. This is fantastic that he as a sighted person wanna join team of an audiogame and put that much work into this. This is so fantastic, and I'm sure people are going to love it more than they can describe by words. Have you found real voice acters as well, and how many? I'm so excited...
I look so much forward to the campaign as well, and I'll donate as much as possible. This game needs to be fonded. Keep up the fantastic job. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-09-14 20:19:45

Thanks for the kind words as always, SLJ. Yeah, Drew is great, and we're very glad to be working with him. As for voice actors - yes, we've done initial casting for a few characters, in order to get some promotional material ready for the campaign. Very excited about the talent we've found, and also very grateful that they're willing to do a little bit of work for free in the hopes of garnering enough attention to get the game funded.

2016-09-25 16:28:56

so, i take it then, that the project is still on? epic!

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-09-25 19:45:21

Why should it not be? You just saw Joseph's most recent posts. :-)

Just because a dev goes silent for longer than they originally estimated doesn't mean the project has died, as long as the silence lasts only a few weeks or months but not say half a year or longer. As far as I have got to know Joseph and Ian, I dare say they would at least be decent enough to properly explain the reasons for a hypothetical hault of the project if it did in deed happen. At the moment, this seems extremely unlikely to me, now that things are actually starting to progress faster than before. :-)


I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2016-09-25 22:47:11

Thanks, Lukas. I do want to ask for everyone's patience and (for those who are praying people) prayers, as one of our team members is currently going through a difficult personal situation. I don't know what sort of delays, if any, it will actually result in - but more importantly, it's really not a good situation for this individual, and I know he would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Oh by the way, in happier news, we recently gave the thumbs-up for a company logo. Not a big deal for those of you who can't see it, but it's still an important part of our branding, and an exciting step towards establishing Out of Sight Games as a legitimate game developer. And since part of our intent with this game, and future releases, is to provide an experience that can be enjoyed by sighted and blind gamers alike, and start bridging the gap between "games for the blind" and "games for everyone else", the visual aspects are definitely important. Anyway, we've been working with an artist to design a company logo and some cover art for our upcoming game, and he recently submitted what will probably be the final draft of the Out of Sight Games logo. I'll be sure to share the logo, with a written description, once we get the final file.

2016-09-26 04:34:30

I am so happy the game will have graphics.  I would love to talk about the same rpgs as my sighted friends for a change.
Hopefully I'll be able to do that with star traders two, but that won't be for a while either, so having more than one would be fantastic!  Keep up the awesome work.  I always think it's incredibly beneficial if a developer has had experiences with mainstream games.
I would so love to learn how to code one day.  There are so many mainstream experiences that I would  love to recreate in an accessible form of that I for some reason couldn't play.  knights of the old republic being chief among them.

2016-09-26 14:25:58

KotOR is probably one of my three biggest influences, when it comes to game design. Obviously this is our first project and isn't going to come anywhere near the scope of something like that (which is arguably one of the definitive console RPGs of our generation), but those are the kinds of experiences we want to give blind gamers - because those are the kind of experiences we feel like we're missing out on.

As far as the graphics are concerned, I can tell you right now that the intent is to have the game playable to the point that a sighted player doesn't feel like they're having to relearn everything. It's easy to talk about game accessibility for the blind - but the truth is that traditional audio games are not very accessible for the sighted because they are so unused to processing information that way. So we don't expect a visually stunning game - the graphics won't be anything to brag about, most likely - but we want to be sure that a sighted gamer can sit down and play without feeling like they're at a serious disadvantage. I think we're well on the way to getting that accomplished.

I should mention that this discussion about visuals represents a development in our overall philosophy and mission with our games that has really taken shape over the last couple of months. Of course if we didn't want to do anything with graphics at all, and release games just for the blind, we could finish more quickly, and spend less money. But I think the time, and cost, is an investment worth making, especially if it can start to bring together these two gaming audiences who have been separate for so long. Maybe if you and your sighted friends can talk about the same RPG, that's a tiny step toward helping bigger developers realize that it's not that impractical to make games that are accessible to a wider audience.

2016-09-26 22:02:16

I'd love to be able to play something like the mass effect series, or things fro the tales series.  So many good JRPG's like star ocean or xenosaga.  Or even KH, even though I can mostly play that except for tiny pieces here and there.

2016-09-27 06:11:44

hello, this is so exciting! I really hope you get throug h with this. Last tiem i got excited i was disappointed as the developers didn'
t get enough for their kickstarter and scrapped the entire project. I love rpg and will be happy to play what ever you give out. One question, considering it is turned base, will it be anything like tactical battle?

Why didn't the Romans find algebra difficult?
because x is always 10!

2016-09-27 16:56:04

And one more thing here: I'm still waiting for the coop in audio games. It's something we're missing a lt and when it's nothing ground breaking on video gaming scene it's something what can give a lot for us.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2016-10-01 00:13:21

There really isn't much similarity to Tactical Battle, despite the fact that Ian adapted a lot of ideas from that game in the creation of the engine for this one. The combat in Tactical Battle involves movement and positioning, and leads to much longer and more involved fights - this is rightfully so, since the battles are all that happens in TB. In this game, when an encounter triggers it's understood that everyone is already engaged in combat, so it's just a matter of each unit performing a skill on their turn.

2016-10-01 20:19:56

I hope to get my hands on it whenever it's done.  Coming from the mainstream scene, losing my vision, and playing RPG's, this seems like the kinda thing my friends, that are sighted, and myself can possibly get into.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
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My YouTube Channel

2016-10-01 20:25:28

Sounds like we have similar backgrounds. What were some of your favorite mainstream games?

2016-10-07 16:11:23

I know it's not very exciting for our blind friends, but if you have any sighted friends and family who are interested, the logos we contracted have now been shared on our Twitter, @OutOfSightGames. We did also include written descriptions, as best as we could with the character limit, so check them out if you like!

2016-10-07 23:48:04

To list a few:
Final Fantasy IV + The After Years
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon QUest
Rockman Dash (AKA Megaman Legends)
Guitar Hero/Rock Band
Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Super Mario RPG
Megaman Series

These stayed in regular rotation for me.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-10-08 05:26:23

I didn't have a SNES when I was a kid but I had a friend who did, and playing Super Mario RPG was one of my favorite things about going over to his house. And I don't think it's possible to make a fantasy RPG without inheriting something from Final Fantasy.

2016-10-08 05:59:15

You got that right.     Square and Nintendo merged together to make SMRPG.  Now, if they could make that game accessible, I'd about be married to it, that and any of the FF games I listed above, which is completely possible, ujust time consuming.     And I forgot to mention Chrono Trigger. LOL  How could I forget that one.

BTW I sent you a PM.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-10-08 12:43:13

Ah Chrono Trigger. If only.

Devin Prater
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2016-10-08 18:49:23

I listen to the OST of those games often....  SO many memories...

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-12-04 20:56:19

maybe there is news about the game?

2016-12-05 13:30:46

I do the same question.
how it is the development of the game?
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-12-29 15:46:49

Hey all,

Sorry I've been quiet through December - it's a ridiculously busy time of year for me. Great news - we have everything we need to finalize our Kickstarter project! We Long story short - we had a great idea (I think) for a physical product to include as a donation incentive, but were waiting on a quote from the people who would be producing part of what we needed, so that we would know how much it would cost. Well, we now have that quote! So as soon as all the team is back from traveling all over the place for the holidays, we will do a final review of the Kickstarter campaign and submit it for review. I don't know how long Kickstarter takes to review projects, but it can't be too long - I guess we'll see. I'll definitely be posting here and on Twitter when the campaign is approved, and will provide links and so on.

2016-12-29 17:06:15

Awesome. Thanks a lot for the news. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen