2016-09-28 21:12:36

Speaking of entombed, I can't get it to work at all. I've tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling with no luck. I also tried disabling then reinstalling .net3.5also with no luck. Is there anything else that I might be missing that it might need?

2016-09-28 21:36:49

Hmmm. That could be it, though only partially. I've never thought about it from the view point of how it would affect character development, but thought that a fighting ranger made more sense than a fighting mage. Both the fighter and the ranger have overlapping fighting skills, if I develop those skills, both jobs benefit. But a fighter and a mage have very little in common skills, so developing one neglects the other.

I could be wring, twilight town might be between levels 3 and 4, but I know for certain that it does not show so early as between levels 2 and 3. Either way, once it's available to me, I take full advantage of it.

Whoever it was that said, spells are free, so cast like crazy, is wrong. Spells cost what I think are called spirit points, when you run out of them, you can't cast any more spells, until you've rested a while to recover them. Kind of like hit points, except that you don't die when you get down to zero.

2016-09-28 22:18:25

Oh, I didn't realize the ranger was in the demo version.
If so you can unlock the druid by playing a ranger/healer, and the druid is a really awesome magic job.

As to job combinations, as I said, it is likely that the reason your not doing damage if your combining magic and technique based jobs is that your characters development is all around weaker, a fighter/thief will be developing their physical stats twice as much as a fighter/mage, and so far worse at attacks.

This might also explain why your running out of mana to cast spells, since the amount of mana you get each level depends upon your intelligence, and once again, a mage/healer or a necro/mage will be getting twice as much intelligence as a fighter/mage, not to mention that with lower intelligence their spells will be doing consequently less damage.

As I said for a very easy combination, try a necro healer, or if you have the ranger and can unlock it, a necro druid.

For a technique based job, try a fighter/thief, since assassin is not available in the demo version.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-29 01:29:01 (edited by Chris 2016-09-29 01:32:39)

Necromancer druid is an awesome combo. It kicks ass! You get icebolt and lightning as well as the ability to summon skeletons and animals. You can also heal and reincarnate. The druid is available in the demo. Unlock it by playing a character with the jobs thief ranger or ranger thief. The order does not matter as long as the job configuration includes those two jobs. Adventurer is unlocked by playing healer ranger I believe. I may have those  two backwards. Regardless, starting new games with those combos will result in unlocking the adventurer and druid jobs.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2016-09-29 02:07:27

I'm not sure if it is, since I've been reading the manual. For that message, it was just used as an example.

If they are available, The adventurer or druid sound like awesome characters.

2016-09-29 03:35:07

Those are available in the demo. You can also obtain the goblin and crystal cards. The only one you can't get it the plague card because that is part of the bazaar which is not in the demo. Personally, I don't think the Plague card is all that great as it just lets you play the ratkin race.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2016-09-29 03:48:09

@Chris, the unlock combination for the druid is ranger and healer together, and for the adventurer as thief and wanderer.
Adventurer's are pretty dam useless owing to locate secrets being really not much good without pick locks, and even with pick locks unlikely to find you something helpful, but druids are absolutely awesome!

Druid necro is a really great combination particularly because lightning is a great offensive spell that hits multiple targets, and it's one drawback, that if it hits a corpse it creates a zombie is easily negated by playing a necro and using a targeted banish undead (or for that matter a targeted iceblast), on the zombie's head.

I've finished the game with a necro druid in the party several times, indeed probably the easiest time i ever had was when playing an  elf necro druid, a gnome healer necro and a half elf necro druid (I got very lucky with my rescued companions that time).
The ratkin race is intended as a major challenge with their morphing into giant rats. The only miner problem i had is that like the shaman's phase form ability, there was a really annoying bug that when polymorphing between different creatures all of a character's stats got set back to racial defaults.
this was fixed in the latest beta, the one that required weerd components, but not in the last stable main version, which is a shame since it makes ratkin a real pest to play.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-29 05:28:38

Thanks for the information Dark. It's been a few years since I seriously played Entombed. I'd recommend starting with necro first as you get 20 more mana points.

Speaking of the latest Entombed version, can someone give me a link to that? I want to back up the install file. I'd prefer playing that one over the official release version as a few bugs having to do with shape shifters and locked chests were fixed.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2016-09-29 09:18:41 (edited by pulseman45 2016-09-29 09:20:52)

@Figment: Healing spells can actually be directed to a given body part the same way an offensive spell would be, but it seems the player can't direct it to a character's torso, whereas any non-playable character can do it. When a healing spell is not aimed to a specific body part it will heal all it can but not as efficiently.
Though, I started another game on the 1.05B version, I may check if it was fixed. AS for the link to that version, I don't remember where I got it, but I believe it was by searching on this forum.

2016-09-29 15:05:40 (edited by Figment 2016-09-29 19:20:56)

I am hosting beta versions of Entombed installers in my Sendspace Pro account for anyone that wants them.

This was called version 1.05 test in the Google Entombed discussion group, it is actially version 1.05b:

I myself am using the 1.02i release, since I prefer to run released versions rather than test versions.

But, for those willing to run it, enjoy!

2016-09-29 15:14:21

the 2.0 alpha is actually entombed Ii I believe and is a very short concept demo.

the 1.5 test is I think the version that Jason tried rejigging the architecture, but also fixed several bugs, so while it was largely less stable and didn't run on most machines it did have that fix for the stat restore with shamans and ratkin, I probably ought to test it myself since I do need to reinstall the game on this computer.

Generally you are best off with the 1.02K  release as it is the most stable and the only really major bug is the problem with ratkin and shaman, which were the last two things added to the game in 2010, indeed you can play shaman quite successfully so long as you don't use their phase form ability.

Btw,  to upgrade to 1.02K use the update patch from the entombed update site, Download it here indeed that version might even have the ratkin fix in it's been a long time since I read the release notes).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-29 15:28:33 (edited by Figment 2016-09-29 19:19:19)

You may be right, it is less than half the size of the full game installers.

And the version 1.05 I have is actually the 1.05b version pulseman has.

I'll fix the previous message.

Unless he got it from my Sendspace account, I believe I have found the thread pulseman was talking about.

Here is a direct download link for version 1.05b from Driftwood Studios.
http://www.blind-games.com/newentombed/ … dSetup.exe

If you drop the file name from the URL, you'll get a listing of the files in the directory. There's only one now, but you also get to see when the file was created. Considering that this file is 5 years old, and an email to driftwood asking about possible future releases of Entombed has gone unanswered for a week, I suspect development on this game has ceased.

2016-09-29 19:41:44

Well jason added to the game constantly for three years, then in 2010, with a new job and two new children he had to put development aside.
Combine this with the fact that the game code, due to so much being added aparently grew quite eclectic and it's likely entombed is pretty complete, though the game is certainly far from being an early version and highly playable, it's just that extra functions such as scripting to create custom content or fundamental changes in the game's system weren't possible with the existing code.

Whether Jason will do a final bugfix I don't know, but in the mean time we still have an awesome game either way, even if one that didn't get all the planned expantions.

More recently (as of last year in fact), Jason returned to development and started work on Entombed ii. There were some very very veeeeery! early alphas which experimented with things like a ranking system and a different style of exploration which would more easily make for things like environmental hazards and avoidable fights, and development was promising, but where things are now I'm not sure, still I have a lot of faith in Jason and am sure we've not heard the last of things, though more likely with entombed Ii at this point.

Even with original entombed, back in 2007 the initial alpha was nothing to write home about, then around a year later boom! suddenly a major game with huge amounts of content hove out of the blue.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-29 21:06:36

I am just starting this game so I'm curious to see how my mainstream tactics of Final Fantasy and Disgaea carry over to this.       I'm sure not everything will transfer smoothly, and I'm sure there will be some learing to do, however, that's where the fun is for me.   My thing is,  Just learning audio games as a whole.   IT's neat but I plan to pick up this game when I can.  I'm only in demo mode.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-09-30 11:52:56

Entombed is based very much of the principles of a roguelike rather than a final fantasy style set rpg. So, rather than having specific characters and a story, you take a single character down into a dungeon with lots and lots of combat and randomness. Indeed one thing i really like in Entombed is that a lot of the tachtics involve thinking on your feet and deciding what your going to do with what resources, characters and situations the game throws at you rather than maximizing your options with equipment and over all tactics with a specific set of stuff.

Hope you like the game, any questions, please ask.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-30 15:31:30

AS it turns out, you were right about the twilight village being between levels 2 and 3. I could have sworn that it wasn't that early in the game. Anyway, I now return to the village before going down the lext level, instead of waiting until I need to sell off stuff to make room for new stuff to pick up. and while there, stock on better weapons and armor if I can afford them, and on healing potions and or scrolls, and if they have them, a resurrection scroll or two.

2016-09-30 15:41:44

@Figment, in case you know this I'm sorry, but if you don't, it might make your life easier. To go back to the village (after you unlocked it of corse) press f1, then f1 after you are done to return where you were before. the teleporter needs a bit to charge up so you can't use it all the time, but all you need is to walk around some time and you can use it again.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-09-30 15:57:28

I do like it so far.   I will probably pick this one up  when time and money allow it, for i"m just learning audio games and am in demo mode still with all my games.   Rght now, I plan to pick up this one, and a couple of other suggested games.  This one definitely has a lot of familiar influences, especially from Fallout and Disgaea.  But regardless, thats my opinion,    Definotely a great game overall.  I'm glad you recommended this.   And I'm surious on what E2 is going to come up with, and I haven't even beaten this one yet!

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-09-30 16:51:12

glad your liking entombed, and I can highly recommend the full version, just from the job and racial choice alone it offers so much more replay aside from the fact that it has another 17 dungeon floors to go down.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-30 18:21:26


No, I didn't know that, that will save be a lot of time, thank you for that.

2016-10-01 12:59:03

I may be able to get the full version today.   Just have to see.  Right now, I'm stuck between this and another title both of the same price.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
iTunes Spotify YouTube
My YouTube Channel

2016-10-02 01:09:18

If the other title is Manamon, I'd say go without eating for a few days and get both :d.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-08-29 00:08:32

Hello. I just recently started messing around with this game. does anyone have a good race choice for brawler/assassin combo?

2020-08-29 20:02:44

I saw early posts talking about a sequel. Did that ever get made? Also, can one still purchase the original game?

My opinions are my own. I try not to state them as facts and if I'm not sure about something, I do whatever research I can. I feel everyone should consider doing the same.

2020-08-29 20:14:56

49 no, since then the game became free.