2016-09-13 08:27:38

Bearing in mind that I am an amateur developer, writing freeware programs for home computers, not mobile phones or the internet. Are there any types of games that are under represented or unavailable to blind gamers?

2016-09-13 10:04:52

Generally the major lack in accessible games can be somed up in one word, complexity!

We have lots of very good arcade style and quick reaction type games of the hear and react type, ---- though Rithm rage is the first legitimate rithm action we've had with more complex gameplay than boppit, however there has been a propensity of space invader games where a player hears a ship on the left or right sterrio, center and fire, arcade run around closed arena style games, and also adaptations of traditional games such as blackjack, solitare, hearts, monopoly etc. Same in effect goes for sports games.

Of course there are a few more complex games such as first person shooter or adventure, rpgs, a few more complex vehicle sims, military stratogy or civilization building, however those are areas where we badly need more representation, indeed to get an idea, you can use the "search games" function of the database to look at games of different genres and you'll see how many of which type there are.

I personally would love to see a huge complex rpg with a massive world to explore and detailed combat system, (though Manamon has gone somewhat to redressing that balance), or a major single player civilization building game where you could make and manage things in extensive detail, however both of those would be pretty huge projects.

If you fancied going the Rpg route you could look at adapting a none traditional board game, possibly with a fantasy theme and enough randomness to be replayable. I've always fancied games like talisman or dark tower but have been quite unable to play them due to lack of an accessible version.
Similarly, lots of people including myself would love to see a ccg, complex card game of the none traditional sort too.

If on the other hand you wanted to create something with more of an action flavour, you could either look in to creating something in either the action or adventure genres as a first person game, or if you wanted to go heavily into arcade action consider something that could be done with the Ios analogue control. After all, games like Guitar hero, dance dance revolution etc are not accessible, and the potential to use a hand held device for more complex manipulation tasks is always a great way of raising a game's challenge.

Just avoid the "hear it, hit it" type of gameplay and you'll probably be okay big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-13 11:23:50

yup, probably something like dark said
huge complex rpg game smile
or maybe something like harvest moon, (if you ever heard about that one)
it's kind of life simmulation/ farming simulation, you could grow a diffrents crops and cook/sell it, , interack with town fokes, marry one of the girl on the town, and lots of other stuff
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvest_M … _to_Nature
or something like rune factory, it's harvest moon also, but  with rpg mechanics

2016-09-13 11:30:45

Thanks Dark.

I have an itch to write a single player space based RPG. Its also a challenge to develop efficient, non-visual interfaces, that add to the game.
I think I can do complex too.

2016-09-13 17:30:10

Hello folks! I'd love to see some games like the ones made with the rpg maker such as To the Moon, Mad Father, Desert Nightmare, The Crooked Man, etc. Most of these games are free, so, take a look at this stuff when you have some free time.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2016-09-13 18:49:40

Hello I'd like to see more fps multyplayer games.

2016-09-13 20:33:10


Well, What audio gaming scene is missing? most type o games to be fair. smile
What I want to see is something like classic side scrolling beat em up in style of D&D: shadow of mystara, Cadillacs and dinosaurs or many great examples from 90s I spend many hours playing in the arcades.
There are many games I wat to enjoy, especially medroid style games like Shadow complex or Dark souls series.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2016-09-13 22:52:48

@Freeman69, a space based rpg game would certainly get my vote, particularly since thus far mmorpgs and space based muds are about the closest we've got, I've always longed for something space based with a real exploration feal and alien galaxy to explore. indeed I loved the 2D metroid games like Metroid fusion, zero mission  and super Metroid which my level of vision could just about handle.

Are you thinking more action or turn based? and which platform?

Depending upon what your considering mechanics wise you might want to look at some previous offerings to get an idea of how certain mechanics have been represented previously, eg, movement in first person if your thinking that way, and the best way of mechanics like audio map overviews and menu review if your considering something more turn based.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-14 09:25:47

@Dark. I am thinking turn based, as this seems the best way of introducing more complexity. I would be using BBC BASIC for Windows, so it would be for a PC.
I am influenced by old games I enjoy playing including, Alpha Centuri, Birth of the Federation, Homeworld, Freelancer, X 2 and even Sea Dogs.

Escape From Cyberdyne was a first attempt at using speech and sound and investigating types of interfaces, but I will still be learning and trying new things.
You probably won't hear from me for a while, but I will return with something.

2016-09-14 10:02:58

That sounds awesome. I'm afraid I've not tried cyberdine since       I couldn't get the google drive download to work, (it winjed about me using xp).

oh, and yes I will be getting the so called upgraded windows machine later this year now that there are actually interesting things that require it rather thajn just because "microsoft don't support it" and prefer to break backwards compatibility and bugger up the interface than actually make something as good as what we had previously.

either way I'll be looking forward to seeing the game.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-14 10:39:19

Here's quite a long post but man I think another idea would be awesome, like Lirin's:
I'd love to see  propper side scrolling beat em up with combos and such, a bit like Final Fight. Right now we have beat-em-ups that let you mash space as fast as you want to punch, where as final fight actually had a sort of small timer so it wasn't like a super human punch. Also, our beat-em-ups don't really have combo systems currently, or even special attacks. It's more like pick up an item, use number row, and use weapon of your choice. But in the arcade, it's like one button for attack, one for jump and you can press attack and jump to do special attack, or you can use directions with attack button to do different things. Also if you pick up an item, you can then press the attack button to start swinging it around and it will either disappear if you are knocked down, or, in the case of a gunn, if it runs out of ammoe. Sometimes, if you are knocked down the items literally fall on the ground again, meaning that you can either scramble to pick them up or enemies can do the same. Or, sometimes they might even break.
Also, how about another mechanic? What about knocking down shelves by punching them that make loads of items appear?

2016-09-14 12:36:48

@Aaron, crytically the problem and the major difference between Streets of rage, golden axe, final fight, alien vs predator, and even more modern games like dragon age as compared to audiogames like superliam or the zompocalypse demo is one of perspective.

Audio 2d games have mostly worked on effectively a one dimentional plane, ie you hear it on the right and move up to it. Even the jumps through the air have been effectivelygiving your character the property to move along that one dimentional plane whilst not effected by ground based dangers such as pits for a short time while the bup arrow is pressed.

A true 2D game like street fighter or mario would as we've said before make far more of the second dimention, indeed in games like guilty gear or night stalkers, character's movement through the air can be a deeply complex thing.

What made the walk along beatemups difficult, is that they were, as one person described, 2.5 dimentional. I'll try and explain.

If you imagine your keyboard as the playing area of a game like final fight, and your character always facing either right or left, with enemies appearing on the right or left. If you begin on the letter a you could attack right to an enemy on the letter s, or you could move upwards to the letter q, and attack enemies on the letter r, or downwards to the letter z and attack enemies on the x key. You could not directly turn either up or down, you are always facing left or right and can only attack left or right. when you hit jump, you would move up into the air above the a key and could say attack an enemy on the s key with a jump kick, but you couldn't attack an enemy on the q key above you.
Now however is where things get complicated, and where the tactics come in.
suppose for example you are on the a key and see an enemy coming up the upper row above you, and one just above you on the q key. Well what you might do is hit diagonal up and jump, and jump from the a key to the w key, then use a special attack that hits on both sides to take out both the enemy on the q key, and the incoming enemy on the e key. Now however your at the top and enemies are coming up from the bottom row, from the x and c keys, so you need to move down and get to one side to hit them.

This is what made the walk along beatemups so challenging. both you and enemies always had to maneuver into a position where you could attack effectively, using jumps which would sometimes put you temporarilly out of danger. R bear in streets of rage 2 for example is a tough boss because though he has a very short reach, he runs in small diagonals around you, plus has the ability to jump from somewhere above or below you right onto you in a diagonal pattern when he uses his body splash move.

I'm not saying this would be impossible to do in audio. It's possible you could use pitch changes for the steps of enemies coming in above or below, though whether audio representation would be fine enough for you to be able to track as many enemies as some of those old beatemups had on screen at once, especially when your talking about enemies with different ranges of attacks  or charge moves I don't know, however bare in mind when your saying "The audio beatemups are lacking" your raising a far more complex problem than just "where are the combos"

Indeed I actually wonder if for an audio brawler, we'd be better with something in full first person view so that you can more easily distinguish all the sounds and positions of enemies around you, their distances and likely range of attacks as compared to your own, something like a more complex form of a blind legend though with mouse movement aiming and controls like those in swamp as opposed to the swipe method.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-14 13:25:03 (edited by Lirin 2016-09-14 13:26:11)

More easily Z axis. It's a big problem very oftne to line up with the enemy especialy in small indie games.
Also, it'd be something epic if a game like guardian heroes will be developed in audio form. It's also 2.5D but the movement system is a bit differend. You can still move left and right but there's a button to switch between three lanes. Adding to it RPG eements, speels and large selection of items it would be extremely fun and avesome.
FPS? well, this problem exist in audio games for ever. For me, making a First person game in audio without using 3d binaural audio is something like making a fighting games without ability to attack your enemy and maybe this is why I never enjoyed Swamp and probably never will with full respect for Aprone.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759