2016-09-09 01:46:51

Nah, Matt, you're out of luck. On the plus side, I've taken down the upgraded master stadium with level 70-75 manamon (including the two big mythicals). The rematches are a bit tougher, but type matchups might let you do it around level 75. I beat Seinarus largely with a Dormanoid at level 77 holding a headstone amulet so he couldn't be hurt by holy attacks. Takes a crapton of healing items, but it's very doable.
But no, there are no better ways to level up, I'm afraid. This is generally what I use level-up herbs for.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-09 01:49:04

I'm pretty sure, BTW, that Sheepit learns Hammerhead (fighting move) if it's not transformed, but Lamgurk definitely does not learn it.
On the other hand, just stay away from that line. The only, and I do mean only, earth move that entire line appears to learn is Mudslide, at level 40-something (46 as Lamgurk I think). No Tunnel. No Quake or Earthquake. Just Mudslide, which is inaccurate. Lamgurk getting Rock and Roll and Crunch, and having rather high attack, doesn't matter when its special defense is bad, its speed is meh, and its same-type-attack coverage sucks. Even Craggallem is better, and that's saying something.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-09 05:14:08

jade, blaizond at level 21 has the following stats,
hp 68
ATK, 59
def, 42 with 25 train points
SP-ATK, 45
SP-DEF, 50
SPE, 39

hmm.  not that impressive.  looks like it's tylavile for fire coverage. 

and I just listed blaizond's stats in pokemon form woops.

seems like the only good mutmo transformation is elvand.

may take sacrloon for a spin.  or that palidor evolution. 

testing out mange. while dumping all it's train points into defense.  granted, piledriver, shadow claw, stone fist, hoen blades, and black bite possible, may not be the best moveset, but it seems  steady in the accuracy department.  and having a move that can do set damage,  seems to come in handy, some times.  but that's my thoughts.

what earth moves does the gronk line get, right now, mine's got takedown, lazer arm, metal fist, claw swipe and snear.  hoping it gets some better stuff.  and I'm not sure what to put it's train points in.  if it gets meteor rush, I could put most it's points into magic attack, but other than that, not sure where it needs help because it seems kind of tanky already.

I may run decised, but  level it up as a burgin, so I can get bubble burst for the water coverage.  again just a thought.

blaah, I could drop fire coverage,  since the stuff fire takes out,  other types can take out as well. probably. all in the name of trying manamon I've not fully tried to their full before.  poor decised.  never should of transformed it as soon as I got it that first game. it missed out on a water move which  may not be great, but could shock the crap out of people who don't expect it.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-09 05:34:59

Meh, Deciced is more focused on attack than magic attack, I can't see Bubble Burst doing enough damage to make it worthwhile. They're gonna survive and smack you back with a much stronger super effective hit. Interesting timing for that, I'm giving Deciced a spin on my new playthrough, I discovered that the Bergan I had was above average to remarkable in every stat, and Ratsal was not pulling his weight, so I swapped. Only having Pounce and Splash at first was a bit of a drag, but equipping a power dagger gave him 55 attack as a mere level 15 Deciced, so even pounce did enough damage to wipe out feral Manamon pretty quickly. Once he got ice cutter, things just got better. Still replacing him with Polosses when I get it, but this didn't cost me a life tonic and only took less than an hour to catch up to my squad, so having an ice type to carry me until then will be nice.

To answer the question about Groller, it gets Tunnel somewhere in the early 30s. Not sure if it gets any more earth moves after that.

Currently partway through the arcade hideout, with Girmarine, Jimitron, Skiriel, Promoulder, Groller and Deciced, all between level 31 and 33.

2016-09-09 06:09:22

Gronk line gets Aura Master and Meteor Rush, and also gets Scourge Tail (I think?) for coverage. It will get Tunnel, but that's the only earth move it gets.

Deciced strikes me as another sorta kinda glass-cannon type. I think it gets Night Stick at higher levels, and if that forever remains a 70 power physical shadow move, like Scourge Tail, then ice-shadow coverage isn't bad.

Peach, your Blazond's stats actually don't look half bad. I don't know which moves he'll learn, but don't ditch him just yet. I'm pretty sure Tylovile is worse in everything except maybe defense.
I still feel like Manja is busted, but it's not as bad off as it used to be. I'd love to see someone actually use a Deciced competitively because sometimes when I see them, they do freakish amounts of damage. Super-weak to fighting though.

Sacroloon really isn't bad. If you want a one-shot killer, it's not your pick. If you want something fairly reliable that can stick around, give it a try. Funnily enough, at really high levels it learns Wing Slash (physical air move). It does get Heaven's Winds though, to cover both of its types at once, and to me at least, this is preferable unless you prefer to ignore its holy type and go for Wing Slash, Roar, both screens and Inner Healing, or something like that.

Just beat Dustin and my entire team is level 36 now. Pandourbit is surprisingly good, both tankish and with a high attack stat. Bad speed, it's true, and a lot of weaknesses, but when it hits, it hurts. Plus Soul Split, Copy, Roar, Unending Curse, Earthquake, Spirit Force, Stone Throw...all pretty nice moves. Really can't complain about this guy.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-09 06:34:37 (edited by Loxias 2016-09-09 07:33:17)

Hey Jayde, just found an error in your guide. It's to do with the box puzzle in the arcade hideout. After pushing it down 2 and right 4 to activate the switch, you say to push it 8 left, then north onto the teleporter, but that is not possible. You have to push it 1 more to the right, 2 up, all the way left (think I counted 9), then you can push it up.

Just went poking around on my old file to get an idea of some things I can expect in the future on my new one. Grandlan gets both Toxic Tail and Blaze Rampage via the memory tutor. Let's recap, that's a 90 power earth move, 60 power magic move (90 if you want to run off special attack), 90 power flame move, and 100 power poison move, eventually all getting the STAB bonus. Bwahahahahaha. Kinidul worries me a bit though. I blew all my levelup herbs on that file so can't check future moves without a lot of grinding, but his stats look like they're defense oriented. MayI remind you this is a flame type? Fire types in Pokémon were never known for their durability, and the same is true here. In fact his lowest stat at level 40 is magic attack at a paultry 72, and it's not even underdeveloped or lacking. In contrast, Polosses's lowest stat is in the high 80s, and my Galvana has 80 attack, but it's apparently "not so good". We don't know what else it'll learn, though, so I'm not giving up on it yet.

2016-09-09 11:05:43 (edited by arjan 2016-09-09 11:07:32)

I kind of wish the multi hit things like pummel would be better... It's way, way too random currently! It even has a chance to hit 0 times. Could be nice if it always tried to hit 6 times, but with each individual hit having 50 to 75% accuracy. That'd make the damage a bit random still, but it'd at least be useful.

2016-09-09 11:11:27

Hey guys!

How do i captured Polosses? I got him down until 1%. And then I use Giganet to captured him for 20 times. And he still got away.


Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2016-09-09 15:45:36

you used 20 giganets. just throw more. if you run out of giganets, then reset.  get him down, and throw the 20 again.  it's luck, so eventually you'll catch him.

I've spent 10 giganets on him, I've spent 25 giganets on him.  it's luck really.

and grandland gets toxic tail and blaze rampage?  well crap.  with tunnel, and the gift's laser arm, and, metal fist, and scurge tail.  got to love 5 moveslot sindrom sometimes.

least with that one.  though I'd probably drop poison coverage and go for scurge tail to blast other magic users.  this could be fun.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-09 16:44:05 (edited by Loxias 2016-09-10 00:25:25)

The gift moves were nice for levelling up Gronk, but I don't think I'll be keeping any of them in his final moveset. Toxic Tail will be a nice surprise to shadow types who think they can prey on Grandlan's magic type, so I'm keeping that around.

Successfully replaced Skiriel with Paladore on my team. The third one I caught had remarkable in everything except magic attack, which he doesn't use anyway, so needless to say I'm extremely satisfied. I wasn't going to specifically try for  this close to perfect, but the first 2 I got had terribly underdeveloped attack, so... yeah no, not keeping those. For what it's worth, he was much easier to level up to my team's levels than Feefeye was. He's now right up there as a level 38 Paladine, and i'm about halfway through the tower.

Not sure if anyone's picked up on this, and forget if it's been mentioned, but wild Zintrabats have been using Wing Slash on me, so yeah.

2016-09-10 05:18:33

Just found a bit of a bug. Spoilers ahead:

When the Amica Town explosion triggers, it seems that if you do not press enter quickly enough after it says not again, when you do press it, the game will get caught in a loop of playing the explosion sound over and over again, and will never advance to the rest of that scene. Pressing enter will not manually advance it, so the explosion will simply play over and over until you die, not from any explosion, but of old age. Probably not a big deal, most people will press enter quickly enough, I just happened to pop into another window when it happened, figuring I had a few seconds to kill while I responded to a message, and was greeted with this bug. I performed it a few more times to make sure that time was the factor.

2016-09-10 09:46:12

Wing Slash? They can't have Wind Force? Bah.
I suppose beggars and choosers and all that, but still. Bah.
Wonder what level the Palador line gets Power Punch. If it's early enough, it might really help them level, giving them a reliable fighting move.

Neat thing with the bug you found. I've never had that problem but I'm sneaking up on that point in the game, sorta, so I'll be aware of it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-10 11:44:14

My Paladine got Power Punch at level 47, when it transformed into Tenshaino. So yeah. When it transforms and gets Power Punch, it gets really good. Before that though, it's kind of a pain to level it, because a lot of times it gets killed before it can even do anything because it's so slow.
I have been using Orystar this playthrough, and I'm kind of impressed, especially with Meteor Rush now being a special move. I've also noticed wild Zintrabat using Wing Slash, but mine didn't learn it, so don't know what's going on there.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2016-09-10 14:29:53

Sory for my bad English, I'm French.

I'm in the shadow kingdom, and at the end, I must fight a manamon irodium or Something like that. And it's impossible. How to do for this fight?


2016-09-10 14:45:25

how can get the Chingle back? i have deleted him!

2016-09-10 14:54:53

@gamer95440: Irrodium is definitely doable, but it can be difficult. It's best if you have a manamon with an attack that he is weak to. Irrodium is dragon and shadow type, so find types that he would be weak to. Ice and holy are the ones I can think of right away. It also helps if you have an attack that does damage each round, such as unending curse, to negate his healing. Good luck. I recommend bringing at least 15 strong herbs or mighty herbs, and at least five revives.
@Hayri Tulumcu: Sorry, but if you deleted Chingle, it's gone. One of us could probably trade you one, if you really want one.

2016-09-10 15:54:41

Ok, I will try. If someone has otherts ideas, I'm here.

2016-09-10 17:31:24

hmm, zinterbat using wing slash? maybe it's one of those  types where they get a move before you transform it?  so if you transform it too soon you're screwed?

and hey mehh flying coverage is better than no flying coverage.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-10 17:55:37

Yeah, I just tested this and you're right. Zintrabat learns Wing Slash at level 25. So basically I should have waited just one freaking level to transform it into Orystar and I would have had air-type coverage. Oh well, now I know.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2016-09-10 18:46:15

Hello guys,
I have completed the game many times, but can't complete my manapedia as what regards capturing DR Muretz's manamon, the two I don't have out of the 3, as well as capturing the 3 mythical manamon with giganets. I was able to capture Zeogneos, Iroadium and Tabalus. I'm curious to know about the 158th manamon so if someone is able to upload a save with all manamon captured, I would be really grateful.

2016-09-10 18:53:29

Sounds like he forgot to add Wing Slash to Oristar's level up move list while he added it to Zintrabat's. Unless it was deliberate, there are other mons that transform with an item who miss out on some moves. Not to the extent they do in Pokémon, but Frorgerel, for instance, loses out on lightning bolt if you transform it too fast.

I personally haven't had much of an issue levelling up my Paladine. Granted, it would've been a much bigger pain in the butt had I not had Dustin helping me out with 2 on 2 wild encounters, but that is available right where you catch Paladore, so speculating as if it was not is irrelevant. It was a lot easier than levelling up Feefeye for whatever reason. Once he learned White Lance at level 35, naturally he became much more self sufficient. BTW, if you're having trouble with him being slow, buy a holy ring and equip it, it gives him 15 speed, which at this point in the game is actually pretty significant. My paladine outspeeds plenty of stuff at the same level with absolutely 0 train points put in speed.

To the person asking about Irroadium: Go read Jayde's guide, he has lots of tips in there for things that work. Also do a search here, there have been lots of posts about it, including at least a few people detailing how they beat it.

Caught myself a Kinidul with at least reasonable potential in every stat, good enough. The defensive fire type thing still raises an eyebrow or two, but 1) he does have some moves to take advantage of it, and 2) Unlike in Pokémon there's a lot more equipment to help negate weaknesses, such as the broomstick I just got. Also, have I mentioned this guy, just like his 2 siblings, has infinite usage points for all moves? Unless you're facing Irroadium, Zeogneoss, or Tabalus, that is. That's a pretty serious perk. Interested to see how this guy pans out. Learns Restoration at level 50 though, which in most cases for this guy is actually detrimental, so he's got the moves he's got for a while.

2016-09-10 20:08:46

I'm now back to that point in the game where I need to build up a new team, to fight irroadium. All ice and magic types I guess? Dragon types are out. Period. Because no, kill it this way! So like orystar? Mondevol? Arctana, the ice mythical and snowmonno for trap damage? Pandourbit for when snowmonno dies? All leveled into the 60's? Trying to think of things to make this fight easier. Also, I'd love to see misses not cost usage points. I mean it already costs you hp in the form of a skipped attack and an extra round for the enemy to pound on you and there's no status that controls it. So you have 5 usage points for oblivion slash, and you spent 4 of them on misses, doing a combined total of zero damage. But you still have one left right? It's gonna hit this time! I just know it! So really you have to spend gold on revives, healing items, and skill drinks, just to cover misses. You have some earth type that can take an ice type out with one hit. Yeah it's neutral damage, but you don't care. You're just that good. You're feeling like a real badass now, licking your chops and talking a lot of trash. Your team is nice and overleveled and you're feeling a little lazy. Whoops! Your one hit missed, and you got hit with frigid touch, and died. What were you saying? Your who can what? You've got an air type coming up, and your earth type has a gravity magnet equipped? You mean the one that just died? That one? Oh dearie. Guess you'll be switching to an electric type now eh? Martiagle! This guy's gone in one hit if sparking tail doesn't miss. But it did miss, and its first move was fly, and it was a critical hit. With your electric type out of the way, you get an idea! You have an earth type, with a grav... Never mind, he's still dead. So you make do with what you have left instead of making quick work of your opponent. You're losing members of your team when you shouldn't have even been taking any damage. That's one thing I haven't trained for. Putting all training points into defense and hp for a little wiggle room for when misses crop up. Is that really a thing? Planning to miss? Can it be done to any effect?

2016-09-10 20:19:57

Just found another bug.
I was facing a Viralite that decided to use fly against my Jimitron, so I was like, what the hell, I'll use electric shield because it's not like I can do anything else this turn, and it... missed. Whoops? Electric shield is supposed to be used on my side of the field, not on the flying Viralite.

2016-09-10 20:37:29 (edited by derekedit 2016-09-10 20:50:17)

You'll see that with electric shield on mon that are immune to electric as well. The move does not affect pandourbit. Kind of strange to see. The first time I saw a mon use that I thought it was one of those where it would shock you for a portion of the damage you did to it, which would have been neat. When I saw the repeat explosion bug, I wondered if the game was just going to end on a sort of crash, since you, er, can't progress until that cutscene is done. That would fail. You have to do quite a bit to get to that point.

2016-09-10 23:50:37

As I don't feel like going through tons of posts, what's the story with updates? Has Aaron basically said that there won't be anymore? I love the game so was just curious. I thought I remembered a while back someone saying that he found it very costly to keep maintaining the game. (I imagine a lot of that is voice work and libraries.)