2016-08-13 01:55:28

I don't know why I can't download the game.
I really wanna play the game and if the link is still down then I don't know When it'll be fixed.

2016-08-13 15:24:03

Never, ever put dropbox link. it will be broken because the traffic is high.

2016-08-13 21:17:38

speaking of broken links,
both of them are broken.
the boat simulator and the train simulator as well.
can you re upload the train simulator and the boat simulator?
I haven't played the train simulator nor the boat simulator and I want to see what the manual says before I play the game.

2016-08-14 17:46:27

I still can't download the train simulator.
I don't know Why but the link is still down.

2016-08-14 19:54:46


I don't know what DropBox error 404 means, but after 10 days, and many messages, I believe that the developer no longer cares.

Speaking for myself, I have to wonder about a developer who uses what is apparently a podcast server to host their web site, and dropbox to host their files. It all just seems very temporary, like they don't plan to stick around to support their games.

Just my thoughts about the whole situation, and my reasons for giving up on them and their games.

2016-08-14 20:28:05

it's not that.
it's just that I haven't downloaded the train simulator and haven't played the game.
and I think NickAdamson is already working on tube sim.
so if I cannot download the train simulator and both links are down, maybe they'll be back up.
I've already noticed that the boat simulator is also down as well, and I really haven't played the train simulator in the first place.

2016-08-15 02:09:35

Hello I really would like to try the train simulator. If someone could post a link that would be great. I find that it should be legal because this program was free and could be easily considered shareware. Thank you.

2016-08-15 02:11:16

Another question perhaps a bit off topic. How could I get a hold of the tube sim beta or the development information so that I can know when it will be released.

2016-09-06 15:00:13

I really want to play this game,but I can't download it.

2016-09-06 17:52:48

Anyone that wants this game, it's in the games archive at http://www.agarchive.net/.

2016-09-06 18:12:46

Theres something wrong, both the games oth the train and boat simulator instal files are corrupted lol

2016-09-06 22:12:34

Maybe, this is same, like my GMA dice problem was.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2016-09-07 05:48:38

I haven't yet had a chance to try the train simulator, but if the installers for it and the boat simulators are corrupted, you should let the admins at the games archive know so they can remove them.

2016-09-07 06:25:54

oh,trying for download,thank you.

2016-09-07 14:43:52

good afternoon everyone
I was saddened at the comments I read above.
I am, as most of you know, the head developer of Nathan Tech and have been it's managing director for 3 odd years.
I'd like to lay your fears to rest, and explain why, in my words, "The hell the links are broken" smile

Ok first off, number 1.
Our website has changed. WE are no longer on nathantech.podserver.info and are now on nathantech.net

Second off, I'd like to clear up this... ah, thought? that I had lost interest in the game.
That is, let me assure you, completely untrue. The reason the links have not as of yet been fixed is simply, time.
I am a 16 year-old who has just started AS level qualifications at a new college. Not only am I settling in at the college, but I am having too deal with new support from people I barely even know.
Added to that, I am the leading host of Cosmic Rage, the space based multi player game from Nathan Tech.
That being said and done, I will not make excuses, the fact that the links have been broken for so long is simply disgusting.
I as a gamer would want to give the developers a firm *boot* outa the door.

So, that being said and done, I would first like to point you towards http://nathantech.net and ask for a mear 5 hours more.
I type this on my lunch break at college, and thus do not have access too the install file to fix things.
Let me assure you for one, that the Original, *original* install files work perfectly fine and there is no kerruption.
Once again I apologise for the extremely long wait and the obvious frustration you all feel at this.
If my memory serves, the boat sim is available on nathantech.net and downloads correctly.
My main focus when I get home tonight will be updating each website, both the newer nathantech.net one and the older .podserver one.

AS for podserver being a podcast server, that's something I find highly amusing as back in 2013, they were all about free website hosting.
Either way, I hope this message will allay your fears somewhat, and to explain deeper, the reason for the broken links is that my external hard drive died in july, giving me the uphaul task of recovering the files.
That is nearly done, and the links *will* be fixed before the day is done.
Once again, my apologies to those who have waited and I hope you have a great day.
Nathan Smith
Managing director.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-09-07 19:06:19

hello everyone!
I have officially fixed the link for the train simulator. It is on

thank you so much for your patients.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-09-08 01:46:26

Hey there.. I'm sorry but the link to the train simmulators not working yet..

2016-09-08 03:39:28

Maybee we can fix it or is it temporary for some reazon.

73 Wj3u

2016-09-08 13:15:39

That's odd.
I'll go check it again but it was working earlier this evening.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-09-08 13:18:26

Hi again
So I just checked and yeah, it broked. *extremely annoyed face*
That was my attempt to avoid dropbox usage, so meh!
I'll get you guys a DB link this evening and modify the site accordingly *hugely frowning face*
sorry about this!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-09-08 22:32:34 (edited by visualstudio 2016-09-08 22:33:48)

although the link gives 404 error, i've downloaded it from agarchive and i can give you some comments for this:
first, an emergency thing should be able to occur when something happens, not just you press z and the train stops
secondly, in this game, you just move!, no turning around, no broken rails, etc!
third, i can help you to simulate the subway console if you want
forth, the train should not be at it's fastest speed all the time
fith, the headway (the way that train move's in it), has an end, and you must as a subway driver, leave the train and wait for next train to drive it
sixth, implementing the train console is not an easy task, because you need to implement tuns of signals
seventh and i've forgotten, the train must be able to hang and you must work with the console to refresh the console, because of the received signals or something else
eighth, you must be able to check the train, for example the breaking system, etc, in the console
ninth, subway has a system called public addressing which tell's passengers what's the next station
tenth, emergency events sometimes does not require to wait immediately!
eleventh, weather you want or not, in most of the times, the train stops automaticly due to some signals
and, if i remember something about subway driving, i'll tell you

2016-09-13 15:30:11

hello everyone
I have finally, *finally* got the train simulator download working.
In response to visual studios, it is not a subway train, subways are american. Though I appreciate your ideas.
A lot of that is in version 2, but has not been finished with yet.
nathantech.net is the URL

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-09-13 19:07:41

Hello. I can't download the game because the nvda sad error 404. Sorry for my bad english. Regards, Karlitos

2016-09-13 20:43:02

To anyone getting a 404 error when they try downloading this game from Nathan Tech's web site or drop box, go to the games archive and download it from there. That download works.

2016-09-13 23:38:42

subway is the american name for metro
both are underground trains and they have signaling system which help's to control them
also, it would be cool to be able to check the train for example, the signals, break, and other things, and set them accordingly when we want to start driving