2016-09-06 23:28:36

So, unless I'm being a ninny about this, there is a possibility of having three dream teams in this game: one for outlasting everything with defense, resistances and immunities, one for killing everything as quickly as possible, defense be damned, and one for beating irroadium. I'd like to try and put together one of each, but the grinding involved in doing that properly would have me tempted to throw things. There are some of them that just make grinding a very unpleasant experience. Grinding pandourbit, for example, is an exercise in frustration. It starts out with soul split and copy or something. Real deadly stuff. You plod for a while and I think you get smoke and mirrors or something. Confuse the enemy. Think, "hit yourself!" Think, "hit yourself!" Think, "hit yourself!" Then you work your way up the ladder for a while to get stone throw. After a bit more grinding comes unending curse. Yet more grinding and killing birds with stones or something and you get spirit force. And before you know it, you have earthquake, at level 47 or something. Plus I think it's the slowest one in the game, so everything you fight will always get to hit you first, sometimes they get the first two turns, and if they use a move that makes you recoil, give them another turn on top of that. Won't find a slower character in the game except maybe the feefeye line perhaps? Yeah, I'm trying to find a team that just wrecks things fast, because the alternative seems expensive. I could use herbs to get rid of status effects and outheal what I'm fighting, but imo that's boring. I like eliminating the threat quickly.

2016-09-06 23:31:36

Profanity? It says "damn" or something in a few places, but I think that's about as profane as it gets.

2016-09-06 23:47:04

and hell and effing hell one time. It was somewhat edited out.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2016-09-06 23:56:25

I think, I saw   the word bastard in there,  but don't remember where,  probably the shadow warrior stuff.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-07 01:33:34

Well a little is all it takes for some people. I myself don't care as long as it's not every other word.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-09-07 08:25:05

Thanks Loxias for your answer regarding the update installer. the item just seem so important and special, so I was wandering if it was used for other things as well.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-09-07 13:25:27

Hi all, so after 1,,5 hours of putting in game-time in to this title, i am now at the 2nd stadium. spoilers ahead!ok so i have moved the first box defeated the 2 tamers, including the lady with the 3 leonra so i assume that as i have gotten the 2nd box moved incorrectly, going out, and in again to the stadium will reset? not using jades guide, excelent though it is, as want to figure this out on my own. and as i have not brought it, assume, when i go to fight mole the stadium leader, that it then will say please buy this title?once purchased, if i save before i battle him, will the game just carry on?Assume also, that as i have put in so much quality and fun time already, that more fun hours of game play are ahead? having spent more time with this title its appeal is growing on me, but just want to clarify, that if i did sway to purchasing, that i'd be aforded many more hours it seems, of entertainment?thanks to all

2016-09-07 13:29:10

To the person who is not playing, owing to being a christean, i too myself, am a christean but as this is only a game, and not as it were, real-life i see no harm in playing it. no-one is going to say thou shalt not playeth this title i'd just enjoy it for what it is, i know to some people religion is important, of course as it is to me, but a game, is a game, we shouldn't be reading harry potter then, playing swamp and other games to me, personally, i feel that as it is not something you are actuabbly attempting in real life then no harm, but glad you have made your personal decision.

2016-09-07 14:30:29

i meant have been playing this title for 11,5 hours

2016-09-07 15:26:53

1: I don't remember if the game reset the boxes if you leave the room. At some puzzles, there is a person you can interact with to get the boxes reset. I don't remember if this room have such person or not.
2: The full version will give you so many hours of gameplay. So, if you like what you see in the demo, you'll love the full version.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-09-07 15:44:55

cool so i assume that the areas from 2nd stadium on are more complex? thanks for the info on the boxes. if i push the box and it doesn't move then, do i have to start again? is there a trick to working out which way i should push the boxes i.e. up down left and right, or, like any good puzzle is it just trial and error?

2016-09-07 16:12:16

For the boxes, you need to push the box in the teleporter. if you mess up you can go outside and back insie. and no, if you push the box and it doesn't move there's nothing wrong, that just means that you should push it some other way.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-09-07 16:15:40 (edited by Loxias 2016-09-07 16:17:25)

Jayde: Yes Garganchan does learn Blaze Rampage, I want to say around level 52? It was somewhere around the early 50s anyway, but I transformed Foefum the instant it transformed from Feefeye, so transforming it will not screw you out of learning any moves, at least none that I know of. By the end I think I had Earthquake, Power Kick, Blaze Rampage, Trample and Charge Tackle, unless I ditched Charge Tackle and kept Flame Blizzard for doubles purposes, I forget now, but either way, yeah, you'll get all the moves you need. Oh BTW, Flame Blizzard can be learned via the memory tutor once it's transformed, not sure if Foefum can get it, might be just Garganchan.

2016-09-07 20:01:48

I knew that about Flame Blizzard. Thank you for the info though. I intended on transforming Foefum instantly, that's why I asked.

To the person sorta stuck in the second stadium:
Your goal is to push the boxes onto those weird humming things. If you don't want to read my guide, just work it out with trial and error. And as a previous user said, leave the stadium and come back if you get a box stuck in a corner or something.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-08 03:31:05

I'm curious has anyone played around with blaizond much?  I know the master stadium tamer's one has  I believe blaze rampage and flame blizard, but I was wondering what the rest of you thought.  so far I like it, though I  for some reason like elvond better.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-08 04:07:31

Blazond appears to be a one-trick pony. Does the whole flame-type attack thing pretty well, but gets virtually no other coverage that I can recall (correct me if I'm wrong on this)...and I believe it has bad special defense, which is problematic against water manamon. One-trick ponies are okay, depending on their stats and their potential, but personally I'd take Merembear over Blazone from my limited experience. Merembear may not actually hit as hard, but at least it can use Roar to jack up its attack, gets Torch naturally, and also gets Slash for a little extra coverage. Plus Hot-blooded is sorta neat for additional scorches. The one detriment of the Mutmo transformations is that they don't appear to have abilities. Elvond is good. Duskond is busted. And Blazond...I'm not sure. Peach, mind telling me what the stats on yours are, including its level? Will help my research.

As for me, I just entered the jungle. My team is from level 30-33 at the moment (Drabao is lowest, Mondevol is highest), and it's very hard to level Feefeye because he seems to die in two hits of everything, and he can only reliably kill stuff that's weak to fighting. His PowerKick is brutal, and I love it. And I know he'll get better. It's just a tough time right now. Both of his fire moves (Flame Breath and Broil) run off his weakest stat, and don't hit all that hard. Drabao is also a bit of a pain to level, but at least his special defense is good and his Dragon Burst reliably two and three-shots stuff.
I have seven level-up herbs right now. Just to see how it'd turn out, I decided to take each of the manamon who will transform for a spin with them. Garganchan ends up with something like 121 attack and 57 speed at level 39. Submenno has defenses in the mid-60s at level 39, so I'm hoping they continue improving apace or he's going to be a bit fragile. And Dragetull really doesn't get a big stat boost when he transforms. I mean, he's not bad by any means, but he's not blowing me away either. Will probably be a more significant bump when he becomes Dragomier at 55. Really do wish there was a way to get DracoBreaker and Blaze Rampage earlier in this guy's career though. I'm hugely looking forward to Wing Slash for a little bit of STAB, anyway.

Once this run is over, I'll have very little left to do with the game, so expect my posts to become far, far fewer in this thread.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-08 04:27:33

That's my biggest complaint about grinding with some of these. It really is a slog. Some of them have only bite or headbutt and I'm grinding on things that either resist that damage or I'm killing things fast but getting a little bit of exp at a time. Wish there was a way to get exp from one and give it to another. Like jimitron. I'm not going to use it all the way through the game, because there are better choices. I used it until I could catch something better and then boxed it. So now that's just wasted exp, plus now I have to grind an erroir or mondevol to match the level of my team. Grinding one character isn't so bad but grinding an entire team takes some patience that I don't seem to have. I saw someone write in here or maybe it was on twitter that it was possible to power through the game with one or two and leave the rest as fodder. Not really sure that would work out too well just because of the number of types of damage you need. Seems like that would make the game much harder than it needs to be.

2016-09-08 06:34:37 (edited by Loxias 2016-09-08 06:40:19)

Yeah no, I cannot imagine beating this game with 1 or 2. You probably need at least a team of 5, maybe 4 if they're the few that get a lot of coverage and you also have at least 2 that do well in the Irroadium fight. The reason that works in Pokémon is because you can teach Pokémon lots of moves of different types for coverage, plus it's overall just not as hard of a game. 9 out of 10 Manamon don't get enough coverage to make that viable, and some who do are slow and won't last against multiple enemies who can hit them super effectively.

After not playing for a few weeks, I've started up a new game. I just got my second key and have Girmarine, Skiriel, Jiminite, Granate, Groller and Ratsal between level 22 and 24. No, that is nowhere near my final team, in fact I only plan to keep 2 of them around until the end, but for now, they provide backup I would otherwise be lacking, since the rest of my team members won't be showing up for a while. My final team is going to be Fauntozaur, Grandlan, Paladine transformation (forget how to spell), and the 3 lesser mythicals. It seems like no one has really given 2 of them much attention, so I'm curious to see what they do. As for the ice one, well I'm already using the other 2, and I haven't actually tried it yet, so why not? Galvana's going to be a bitch, though. My team's probably going to be in the high 50s, and you get him at 40. I suspect all the levelup herbs I save up are going to be used once I get tired of grinding it.

2016-09-08 10:01:21

Tenshaino has some decent attack and pretty good defense. HP isn't wickedly high and speed isn't super-high either, but it'll wreck stuff if it hits. I'm not sure if Power Punch will cut it, but it's better than freaking Rookie Kick.

I really, really hope Galvana gets Superspark or Sparking Tail or something. It does seem to have pretty tankish stats, but do let us know how you fare. Grandlan, with the change to Meteor Rush, lost a little power because now his best magic attack runs off his lesser attacking stat. Polosses is awesome when he gets going, the best pure ice type in the game, bar none...but then, he is a mythical, so that's to be expected.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-08 15:48:01

Yeah, I'll probably be sticking with Aura Master (think I saw it learns that?), but that's ok, Oristar and especially Enchantethol needed the help, whereas Grandlan still has his Earth attacks, plus everything else he learns that also basically gets STAB because of Grandlan Clay. So his Meteor Rush is a trade off I'm ok with.

2016-09-08 19:41:32

A previous post got me to wondering: are there any mon that get screwed out of moves if transformed too early? If so, how many and which mon? What moves?

2016-09-08 22:29:43

I know Frorgerel doesn't get lightning bolt if you transform it too soon, only Friggle will learn it. Beyond that I don't know of any.

2016-09-08 23:47:01

Hey @Jayde and everyone else.
Are there any other places to train post-game other than Crescent Walk or the Master Stadium? I want to level up enough to do the stadium rematches, but grinding is taking way to long.
Thanks for any help,

2016-09-09 00:21:53

I don't think so. It would be nice if there were another post game area with level 80-85 mons, and/or having the master stadium scale up the more times you beat it.
For example, each time you beat it, the mons in there are increased in difficulty by 2 levels. Something like that, anyway.

2016-09-09 01:46:23

does anyone know the music that is playing in the fields ruins? I like it and want to find a link to it on youtube or something.