2016-09-04 21:47:23

Can omeone can explain BK1/bk2 plot quite detailed?

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-09-05 04:15:21

The hero has a dream about a great famine.
Surprise! There really is a famine! Food is disappearing, and as the hero goes out to see what's up, he discovers that this has a lot to do with it being stolen and hoarded, most notably thanks to the Brat Boys / Gakishounen.
In the park, the hero runs into Yamijin, who comes onto the scene by means of gleefully attacking a group of children with a sword. I don't remember exactly what happens next... it ends up that there's a race, the hero saves some people from Brat Boys holding up in their homes, and then a manhole has something to do with accessing Yamijin's laboratory... I didn't quite understand if this was because it's in the sewer system or some such, or if at some point the Hero got a hold of one of Yamijin's warp panels.
In any case, the Hero gets a little information and rescues a child who was lost in there. Their escape is kinda hilarious but I only remember it having to do with red water and the child finding it amusing while the hero screamed a lot.
The Hero returns home and... I don't remember the order of events, exactly. There's a warp panel in the trash, or we recovered a warp panel... I don't remember sad.
But it turns out that Yamijin captured and brainwashed the hero's friends, who beat him up when he finds them. He manages to knock some sense into one of them, they fight some Grand/ground cruisers and escape again.

Something at this point convinces the Hero to go look for Yamijin's other hideout (I don't remember which information he gets when... I think we read Yamijin's email conversation with Yokutanku by this point).
This involves going through Heyer City. I don't remember much plot happening here (maybe there was a Super Brat Boy somewhere? Someone might have said something about a break-in at a museum?); it's mostly full of NPC conversations and minigames and the Department store.
When the Hero tries to leave Heyer City through the northeast gate, he encounters Megazaurus, a clone of a terribly powerful dinosaur-type thing. When he finally manages to defeat it, in its last breaths, it recognizes the Hero as a worthy foe and gives him the key to Yamijin's house. (Yamijin is very upset. Megazaurus was kinda his Trumpcard.)
The Hero eventually finds the way in, but Yamijin has long-since run for it, so he just steals some hardware and reads some information. We definitely know about Yokutanku at this point, and that he's the true mastermind behind the famine. And he expresses interest in eating the Hero after some of Yamijin's emails.
The Hero heads out the back and winds up at Flame Town, which is in a state of misery as several Super Brat Boys plunder with impunity and everyone is starving. So, the Hero does what he does best and beats up all the Gakishounen, receives thanks and aid from the citizens of Flame Town, and heads up the mountains... I did not get the impression that we knew why at this point, but I might have not been paying attention or missed a conversation or something. (It will be clear later?)
At the top of the mountain, the Hero fights a Death Robot, and may or may not retrieve something useful from its remains.
The Hero eventually finds the house of some guy who BK2 will refer to as Analysis Bastard (until he complains and it changes to Analysis Maniac), who prepares to analyze the stuff that the Hero retrieved so far. An Ultra Brat Boy comes in at this point, but the Hero sends him running away crying.
With that done, the Analysis Bastard figures out how to make a warp panel out of what the Hero brought, and it leads to Yokutanku's fortress!
The Hero arrives and is immediately attacked by Yamijin. After the fight, the player is given the choice as to whether or not to finish him off. BK2 and 3 more than imply that the canonical version is that he let Yamijin live.

Now... I kinda... haven't actually finished BK1. There are a variety of challenges in the fortress, and the Hero eventually encounters a querky mini boss squad who apparently die or go into exile or something, since they are never referred to in BK2/3. (Kisenon isn't that difficult! The AI is very predictable and his KillingYouBeam takes forever to charge! ... But I still keep doing something careless and haven't actually beat him. sad )
All I'm really sure about is that the eventual boss fight against Yokutanku ends with the fortress collapsing. If you spared Yamijin, he'll swoop in and rescue you both. Otherwise, you probably die in the collapse. Since I haven't beaten it, I don't actually know how this resolves the conflict, but presumably Yokutanku is compelled by the Shounen Spirit™ to stop this food monopoly thing, since BK2 opens with him at the Hero's house raiding his fridge and this is played for laughs.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-09-05 04:39:40

The Hero is enjoying a meal with his three friends/nakamas/roommates, Yokutanku and Yamijin, when a gang of Brat Boys bursts in to attack. None of the Hero's weapons from BK1 are on hand (and the Brat Boys ultimately steal most of them), so all he has to fight with is a weak plastic club that takes several hits to break toy cars... so someone (I don't remember if it was Yokutanku or Yamijin...) summons a slime to help the Hero fight them off.
(The remainder of stage 1 is cleaning up the mess that this fight caused and serving the meal.)
Since the Brat Boys were up to no good and did... something, the Hero sets out to see what they're up to and shoe them from Crystal City once again. (Only the hammer and Pachinko slingshot were not stolen from the Hero's arsenal, which is why they become your weapons after 1-1).
(And a ton of slimes acid a hole in some guy's house, but he just stands around watching the Hero fight them off, because the pachinko slingshot looks cool. And thus, he receives the name of Pachinko Mania. You may recognize him from BK3 telling the Hero that he is considering running for Mayor.)
The Hero eventually corners a group of Brat Boys and takes a silver key from their leader, and mysterious chips from some of the stronger ones. The Hero is now very confused, but there's no time for that, because a sudden outbreak of monsters and Brat Boy attacks is causing trouble in the city! Mostly because there's an enemy generator in the park. And a couple more elsewhere.
I don't... actually remember why the Hero goes to Heyer City. ... I'm good at forgetting that particular detail, apparently.
But in Heyer City, the Hero witnesses someone with a gun come in and take a plaza full of people prisoner. Some gunfire and rockets later, they and the Hero are taken to a prison somewhere.
(There are no cutscenes for most of this section tongue. We can assume that the Hero isn't exactly captured so much as brought in by a hostage gambit? But that the Hero is definitely breaking out of the prison, not breaking in to rescue people?)
The prison is guarded by big robots. After breaking lots of them, releasing lots of people, finding lots of keys, and carefully leading all the prisoners safely outside, the Hero is totally sick of this stuff and follows a lead somewhere. But decides to take a detour through the forest (Megabird is not pleased).
The Hero finds a strange base deep in the forest, guarded by the same sorts of robots from the prison. The Hero fails to avoid setting off the security alarm, but fights his way inside anyway, and discovers a room full of mysterious chips like those found on defeated Brat Boys. There's also a machine, which displays the names of various monsters when the Hero inserts the chips into it. The Hero tries to activate/take the hardware, only to be attacked by a Death Robot. After defeating it and taking its stuff (didn't it drop a pistol? I think it dropped a pistol.), the Hero heads back to Crystal City to regroup with the others.
But when he arrives, he finds his home swarming with an army of Brat Boys. Lots and lots of Brat Boys. After a long and grueling battle, the Hero is the only one left standing.
From the shadows, one Ultra Brat Boy who did not join the fighting reveals himself, and explains that the Brat Boys were originally hunter-gatherer types who lived in the mountains, until Yokutanku's food monopoly plot forced them into the cities. Hunger and Culture Clash did the rest, and thus began the conflict. Having seen the Hero's action and character, and realizing that some of his companions are being manipulated by the mysterious chips, this Ultra Brat Boy (Killer, I think is his name?) decided to wait and see how things played out, and finally to help the Hero put an end to this destructive conflict.

(And it turns out that the Hero arrived just in time for his housemates to survive the attack. )

(Only not even halfway through, but must finish later.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-09-05 05:16:25

the non-cannon ending to bokubou 1, if I remember correctly is basically something like this
ending scene happens as normal, with yokotanku saying he'll stay behind
but yamijin of course doesn't show up to take both of you away because he's dead, so yokotanku I assume is killed, however you survive
there's a small monologue afterwards that I don't remember but I assume it's all about all the people you've killed, and the last lines reveal that your character disappears, never to be seen again
I'd have to replay the game to make sure though

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-09-05 05:40:15

(BK2, continuing from stage 10)
UFOs are attacking Flame Town! The Hero frees the Ultra Brat Boy called Super Attacker from the control of the Chip of Mystery! The Search and Destruction Robot is terrifying but actually really slow and predictable!
The data they need to analyze is encrypted with some sort of advanced 256bit scheme which Yokutanku and Yamijin cannot break, so the Hero decides to go find the Analysis Bastard. On the way, he runs into mass-produced Death Robot prototypes ("What do you mean prototypes?" "I'll explain later!")

("I guess I'll go ahead, since I found this little door-chan here..." *missiles fly at him* "See? I found a missile-chan!" Also I'm not sure how to translate the use of -chan on random objects.)

I kinda don't remember the order of things so well. Is stage 13 Flame Town, or Electron? Let's go with Flame Town, since it's on the way. And being ravaged by robots and UFOs. Flame Town always seems to get the worst of the enemy attacks, ne?

After a long and grueling journey involving a mountain covered in troublesome pits and stealing some weapons from an enemy helicopter, the Hero reaches the Analysis Bastard, whose computer turns into a bossfight when he tries to read the data which the Hero recovered. If we haven't been to Electron yet, then we're going to Electron, because it's the most technologically advanced city in the region.

Electron, too, is under siege by mechanical monstrosities, but they are doing OK, thanks to their master hacker, Bito/Bit, who takes control of enemy turrets to use on the less easily hacked enemies. (Also a stop at Yokutanku's fortress is in here somewhere. They wind up having to destroy it because the enemy is doing nasty things there.)
The mastermind behind the robots and the mysterious chips and all the like goes by the name Punish, but a few bossfights later, the Hero lays siege to Punish's base of operation (and trashes some more buildings along the way).
When the Hero finally reaches Punish, the mastermind goes on a rant about cleaning up all the bothersome things in the world, and somehow works from "flies are annoying" to "computers are better than people, therefore computers should control and/or disassemble all the people". (The Hero finds the use of flies as an example rather confusing.)
Punish considered the idea of using a Chip of Mystery to control the Hero, but concluded that it wouldn't work on someone with a spirit like that, so he clones the Hero instead!
But, naturally, the Hero beats up the clones, wipes out Punish's machines and monsters, and destroys his Mother Computer.
Punish freaks out ("I AM ADMINISTRATOR OF THE WORLD!") and summons the Search and Destruction Robot 2.0, then sets the base to self destruct in 5 minutes.
When the Hero defeats the SAD, hecatches up with Punish before he can escape, and pulls a Chip of Mystery out of him. Surprise! At some point, the robots he was working on put a chip in him, or something like that, and he wasn't really a crazy megalomaniac after all! He was really just an engineer named Charles, who was trying to develop extra-powerful machines and software to improve the world.

The Hero invites Charles to join his ever-growing community of ex-bosses, gets elected mayor of Crystal City, and they all live happily ever after. If by "ever after" you mean until the PEACE organization declares the Hero "True Devil" and starts blowing things up. But there's an English version to explain that episode.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-09-05 10:05:09

Fantastic! They must be very useful for English players. Thanks!

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-09-05 10:54:28

Bk1 plot, as far as my pethetic English knowledge and skill of gatherring from the aweful translator:
It first started with the protagonist living peacefully with his friends in a house, (htere's something about his parents and why he ends up living like that in bk3 so i'll just skip it now). One day, before the day of tragic, three four something goukishounens break into his house and atemp to steal food. The hero fends them off with the help of his friend. He has a weird dream about great famine the following night and decides, after considerring the breakthrough and his dream, to go search for the cause.

He discovers in shock that his own city has been populated by goukishonens and slimes. Upon enterring a house, he finds a powerful goukishonen attacking people and defeats him, saving them in the process. He continues his search around the playpark. Upon seeking information, a mass attack happens. A child was kidnapped and a big slime appears, mainly to distract the hero. It's likely that Yamijin discovers the hero's plan agianst him at this point, or just places that thing to distract police and alike. Unfortunately for him, the slime is defeated by our almighty hero again. A police approaches him and tries to ask for the situation, which he promptly explains. The hero then continues his search through the other house.

At that house, he stumbles into Yamijin, who tries to steal food from citizens. The hero chases after him, but the dark brat Yamijin escapes in the last moment using his warp pannel. Right after the hero leaves that house, he's contacted by the same police, informing that the warp panel to Yamijin's hideout is under the city sewer. The hero follows his pursue by enterring the sewer and activates the panel, battling a grand cruiser and saves the kid. They then teleport back and end up in the water clocid in the hero's house. The saved victem leaves and the hero's friend congratulate him for his success and return. The hero then pays a visit to the kid he saved, and gets a huge appreciation from both the kid and his mom. He then returns home, only to find a letter noting the kidnapping of his fello housemates. As a trap, Yamijin leaves a trap to lure the hero into his another hideout, which proves wrong, as the hero passes through and destroys all of his traps, including his memory wiped friends. For that, Yamijin activates his latest creation, a giant, enhanced grand cruiser. The hero effortfully destroys it and teleports away with his friends, whose memory has returned.

After some assurance and confirmation that his city is now safe, the hero finally makes a grave decision to risk himself investigating this famine. He seeks news from local villagers, and finds out that A nearby city, ark heyer, has faced the same fate. Though well-equiped with better weapons and shields, nothing shows up, so he decides to leave through the north gate. Immediately after, he encounters a robotic dinosaur, Megasaurus, which is in fact Yamijin's trumpcard (as cae_jones said). After defeating the beast, sensing ultimate will in the hero's mind, the dinosaur gives him access key to Yamijin's last hideout. Then it's the matter of fact that the hero has to search where the hideout is.

Luckily for him, a goukishonen, sent by Yamijin, has a dual with him. Sensing the hero's great heart, again, the bad brat gives him Yamijin's location, which the hero enters. He finds a password and uses that to gain access to Yamijin's computer. That is the time when he knows the truth behind it all: Yoko tank (yokotanku) is the head of this plan, and Yamijin is his right hand man. Yamijin comes back to his hideout and sees the hero, but chooses to escape rather than fight. Enraged of what damage they have done, the hero destroys everything in that hideout and follows Yamijin to Flame town, searching for Yoko tank's whereabout along the way.

In flame town, he saves the villagers from starvation by driving all goukishonens out of the city. One of the people thanks him in return by telling him where those bad boys come from. Ultimately, the path doesn't look as easy, as the flame mountain is truely full of flame. It's a volcano!

To prevent the hero from following him, Yamijin places another trumpcard at the end of the path out of flame mountain. It's a death robot! (I find this stupid bot easy to beat, somehow).

Luck is on the hero's side again, as he finds an important looking chip implanted in the bot's body. He goes around a village near flame mountain, trying to have someone read that chip. The hero finally comes across an engineer, who reveals that the chip is actually a warp panel, presumably to Yoko tank's hideout. But the battle never ends, when the highest rank goukishonen finds him outside the engineer's house. The hero ultimately defeats him, and activates the panel to pursue Yoko tank.

And so the final match with the darkness person begins, with the dark man with weird laugh losing horribly. You have two options here, to kill him or to save. If you kill him, that's it. if you help him, he then finally comes to the point of understanding of the value of forgiveness, and admires the hero. (I'll focus on this ending from now on).

Leaving the defeated Yamijin behind, the hero then continues his search for Yoko tank. He defeats his security forces, including their leaders, Kisanen and Keroro. He rematches against the clone of his previously fought people and monsters, including death bot and megasaurus (but not yamijin or any unique bosses around the hideout itself). The rematch causes the final door to open, leading him to face the true cause, Yoko tank!

Yoko tank reveals to have sufferred from cannibalism. The disease causes him to be hungrier and hungrier over time. He seeked medication, but to no avail. He then decided to be proned to his condition, defeatedly letting it consume his humanity. His purpose is to eat everything, including, if possible the hero himself. Angry, the hero start the final, vengeful battle.

After defeating Yoko, the tank angrily activate timebomb switch in order to kill himself and the hero at once. Having only two minutes, the hero ultimately defeats him once again. The two then sit back and watch the suicidal clock ticks by, counting their death. At the very final moment, Yamijin with his repaired grand cruiser save them. The hero then decides to have them join his team and become his housemates, which they greatly accept.

I thinkhis ending somehow notes the hero's wealth. If he has what it takes to feed someone like yokotanku (yoko tank) everyday, he must be extremely rich. On the other hand, this might mean Yoko's own humanity overcomes his disease, making him being able to control his hunger.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-09-05 12:19:08

Leftovers: some facts about bk 1 and 2
1. I'm not sure what "nyan" means in Japanese, but it sounds like the cry of a cat (or was that nya)? If it's so, then "orewa yamizinndanyan" would mean "i am the dark catman" as yamijin (yamizinn) means the dark man.
2. Yoko means something i can't translate, but tanku sures mean tank, which describes the antigonist's large body, as large as a tank that is.
3. The difference between bk1 and bk2 death bots are: bk2 bots are more enhanced, but are easier to beat acordding to many people. (I find it harder for some reason, despite weapons). Bk2 bots have target shooter as one of their attacks, when bk1 doesn't have (thank Yukio). Bombs in bk2 are even faster and are as powerful, making fighting these things (especially 2, 3, 5 at once) a great pain. (I really wanted to throw a limeball at Yukio for doing this). And for some reason (again), looks like the creation of annoying death bots is part of what becomes search and destruction robot 2.0.
4. Cats are hard to kill in bk2, but easier in bk3. Those cat and dog sounding mobs I can't remember the names probably got their concept from cats and dogs as well. Yukio actually shows a lot of obsession over cats in his games. (I like it).

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-09-05 17:34:00

I think 'nyan' is a mix of  the sound a cat makes, and a verbal tick of sorts. It's not uncommon in anime and manga for characters to have some distinguishing word or noise they add to sentences just because. (You'll notice that the ninja in the stage 7 shops kinda talks funny, even if you're using Google Translate. I can't tell if that's because he's adding some ninja sound, or if it's because he's talking in archaic Japanese... since I haven't actually studied pre-modern Japanese even though that's a common subject in Japanese schools...)
(Also, Digi Charat's protagonist is a catgirl who often ends sentences with -nya, just because she's a catgirl. I'm not saying that Yamijin is supposed to be a cat-person, any more than Yukio for going by Nyanchan... it's just what it reminds me of.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-09-05 18:21:03 (edited by assault_freak 2016-09-05 18:21:42)

Nyan is a verbble tick, nya is the sound made by a cat. The way yamijin talks doesn't imply anything about him being a cat... just that he's a little, quirky, if you observe the way he speaks in general, not just with that trademark at the end of his sentences.
@Cae, the Ninja in the shop speaks in more archaic Japanese. A lot of his sentences end with gozaru, a very old way of saying "to be", equivalent to desu or da in colloquial Japanese. The grammar is also slightly different, but can't think of a way to explain it right now since it's early in the morning... and I've never studied it. I just understand it based on all the Jidaigekki I've watched and my love for Japanese history. Great plot summaries, by the way!

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-09-05 22:39:05

Thank you for the explanation.:)

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-09-06 06:11:30

Sorry for doubleposting, the water place that the hero and the kid end up in in my bk1 plot summery is actually a swimming pool in the hero's house. Another thing to add to his wealth. Having giant size swimming pool in a house is obviously not common.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-10-29 13:37:06

Yes, I always was curious why Yamizin speaks so strange: Quiii hiiiichiiihiiihiii!

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-10-29 14:13:36

rofl agree
can't hold my laugh when he talk lol

2016-10-29 16:52:01

Yamizinn reminds me of my dad's joke everytime he laughs. So love that game man.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-10-29 18:11:51

I love the plot summary. I hope in a few months time someone will do a summary of bk3, because instant translate stopped working and I'd love to find out what happened. But I don't want it just yet because cae and marter just did bk1 and 2.

2016-10-30 11:01:58

Hi all.
Great plots. I really enjoyed them. But, the plot for bk1 had a lot of spoilers for me. smile thanks for them, and i will try to make a plot for bk3 too. I know the major events, thanks to yukio's dictionary.

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2016-10-30 17:03:54

A draft of a TV Tropes article for Bokurano Daibouken. Contains spoilers for all three games.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-10-30 17:56:22

Can you submit that to tv tropes? That would be quite interesting if an audiogame gets featured there.

2016-10-30 18:00:10

What is tvtropes?

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-10-30 18:21:03

Oh, I forgot to add "Crowning Soundtrack of Awesome".
I think someone tried to submit Shades of Doom to tvtropes at one point? Weird things happen when I google "audiogames tropes".

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2021-05-19 05:44:56

i can't seem to coppy the password i need to activate the computer in the house near the teleport rock. anyone please tel me what it is?

2021-05-19 10:54:28

Spoiler post!
