2016-09-03 20:53:28

I'm posting this here because I'm not certain that asking if anyone has a copy of an old game qualifies as a General Game Discussion. Moderators, if I'm wrong, please move this thread.

While looking up Judgement Day to see if it's a game I might be interested in, I ran across an entry in the games database for JfW Hangman. I know there are other versions of the Hangman game, such as Jim Kitchen's version, but , apparently, this version is specifically for JAWS because it communicates directly with it. The database entry also said that it was open source and came with its Visual Basic source code.

I'm starting a project that will need to be able to communicate directly with JAWS, so this game with its source code interests me as something I can learn from.

Does anyone happen to have a copy of this game? I'd really appreciate it if you could make it available to me, or to the games archive.


2016-09-04 10:21:14


Yes,this is about games so the topic will indeed be moved to general discussion.
The Offtopic room is for anything not! about games.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-04 14:51:10

Thanks,, Dark, I was thinking that General Game Discussion meant talking about playing games. Now I know.

2016-09-04 16:17:12

Nope, offtopic is for anything not about games, looking for games still generally comes under the heading of general games discussion, though if you want to start discussing code in detail you might consider asking in the developer's room more specifically.

Btw, Feel free to check Jfw hangman if anyone has a copy, but I'd personally recommend if your thinking of making a project to output to screen readers using something like the Toke library rather than specifically tying yourself to one screen reader such as Jaws, that way your not restricting your number of potential users.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-04 18:22:02

I would, but this project is to create a bridge from SAPI to JAWS. The idea is that once it is installed, JAWS will be listed as a choice in the list of available voices when seting up SAPI. After the one for JAWS is done, I may consider making a similar bridge for NVDA. But since I'm a JAWS user, it gets priority.

2016-09-04 19:53:05

I think a lot of people would find such a project useful (I know I would). There's literarly no reason for you to use the JFW api directly over Tolk, as from the programming point of view they work exactly the same way (load the library and call the say or say and braille functions), Tolk just does the detection and calling the right Screen Reader for you behind the scenes.

As for JFW hangman, I don't think I have it. Even if I did it was written back in 2003 with JAWS 5 in mind. And even though the way the JFWAPI library functions hasn't changed much since then, the function names did so you wouldn't find the source very useful now. In fact, I doubt you will find many projects targetting JAWS specificaly now as everyone is either using Tolk or accessible output  which is the python equivllent, but they may ironically be your best bet in finding usable example code as they are both open-source projects.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2016-09-04 20:50:17

Ah, that makes sence in terms of needing something specific to Jaws, though other screen readers might also find that sort of thing useful.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-09-05 00:10:56

I was under the impression that screen reader API's didn't have a way to let the application know when they were finished speaking, whereas SAPI does. This becomes important when you need to speak some text, then do something else only after you know the speech has finished. A good example back in the day was Entombed. When using Jaws, during a battle, the moves would fly by, while the speech describing what was going on lagged hopelessly behind. Whereas, when using a SAPI voice, the game could wait for one move and its outcome to finish speaking before proceeding to the next.

2016-09-05 00:27:03

Yes, that's exactly why Aaron doesn't want people to use their screen readers in Manamon.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-09-05 07:09:21

Yes, I'm sure Windows Eyes, System Access, Super Nova, and others, would find an SAPI bridge to their particular screen reader would be useful, unfortunate, or fortunately, depending on your point of vies, I only have access to JAWS and NVDA, and even if I had access to the others, I'm not very inlined to install all those screen readers on my system.