2016-09-04 06:06:07

Were more voices added in this update?

2016-09-04 06:14:08

blindndangerous wrote:

Right now, this is not possible.

I didn't even know there is shift-tab combination. In any case, comma or period key function goes in only one direction.

2016-09-04 06:16:50

firefly82 wrote:

Somehow the escape key is working like the enterkey when you are using the a or e key in the main game screen.

Please explain in more detail why do you think that ESCAPE key is working like ENTER key.

2016-09-04 06:18:19

baruch wrote:

Were more voices added in this update?

No. What other voice would you like and why?

2016-09-04 06:28:21

Really any other voice you can get. Try a female voice maybe? This voice I can't understand at all

2016-09-04 06:43:03

OK Lazycat, this will maybe be painfull cause of my bad language but i will try to explain:
When you are in the main game screen, where you can walk, fight or examine your soroundings, press for example e. This will open a menu called equip. This menu looks like the normal inventory menu. Select an item, some kind of weapon or armour with the arrow keys. When you are ready, press the escape key and you will see that the choosed item will be equipped or wielded. If you would press enter on the selected item you get the normal infotext about the selected item. Thats why i said, that it is a little strange behaviour for escape key.

2016-09-04 07:14:57

firefly82 wrote:

i will try to explain:

I see now. That's what I said before is backwards way to use inventory. First the inventory should be opened with i key or slash key, then an item should be selected with arrow keys, and then one of the actions performed on it. I guess I'll have to disable access to those action keys directly from the game.

2016-09-04 07:35:47

A little question:
Could you implement how many percent of the map is explored within the message "I see no path for further exploration"?

2016-09-04 10:32:03

That's exactly what I said in my last post.  I use E and A because it's faster to use those menus, find what I want and use or equip or throw it than to scroll through my entire inventory.

2016-09-04 22:43:17 (edited by LazyCat 2016-09-05 06:11:55)

baruch wrote:

This voice I can't understand at all

That's the default voice and so it's probably the best one overall. Have you tried changing speech rate with F1 and F2 keys? Anyway, I've added nine additional voices for the next update, some male some female. You will be able to cycle through and select different voices with F9 key. And also there will be additional option to change voice pitch with F7 and F8 keys.

2016-09-05 00:48:15

can someone clarify the use of a save? i thought, from what i know about saved games, is that you can save more than one, and return to that saved game as many times as you wish. is this different for brogue? because, when i save, it kicks me out, then i press o to open the saved game, and if i die, that save disappears. so my question is, can you save more than one game?

Why didn't the Romans find algebra difficult?
because x is always 10!

2016-09-05 01:10:31

Hi zub0. thats a major point of this roguelikegames. If you are dead, you are dead. And your savegame will be deleted. Sometimes i wish it would be different, but i can accept it the way it is.

2016-09-05 01:10:38

Hello folks! Lazycat, there's only one thing for me to consider this game perfect as it is. Can you add a way for us to know what is the path taken by a fleeing monster? Monkeys tend to steal my things countless times and I lost track of them competely.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2016-09-05 02:03:00 (edited by LazyCat 2016-09-05 06:10:26)

zub0 wrote:

then i press o to open the saved game, and if i die, that save disappears.

It's a standard kind of thing for roguelike games, it has to do with what is called "permadeath". You can cheat it though. When you save your game there will be file called "continue.broguesave", so copy that file to some other folder, and then when you want to load it again just copy it from that other folder back to Brogue folder.

2016-09-05 02:16:15 (edited by LazyCat 2016-09-05 02:18:33)

Haramir wrote:

Can you add a way for us to know what is the path taken by a fleeing monster?

I don't know how could that be made to work. You can use TAB key and then again the next turn to check what general direction it is going for. Note that you will not be able to catch a monkey unless it gets cornered, which is often not possible, so what you want to do when there is a monkey near by is to throw a couple of darts at him to weaken it a bit, so then you can kill him easier in melee combat when it comes right next to you. And if he still manages to steal something and escape, than the best thing you can do is not to run after him, but keep throwing darts until you get him dead.

2016-09-05 04:27:27

Oh good!  So I've been doing that the right way then.

2016-09-06 07:08:44

Hey Lazycat!
I played a little arround yesterday and an idea came to my mind.
Maybe you could upgrade the selection with > and <. Your could use the upper numberkeys to change between different selections for example when you press 1 you can cycle through stairs. 2 doors and bridges. 3 traps. 4 items. And so on.
What do you think about this?

Oh, another thing. There is a txt file with the first 1000 dungeon seeds. But i think they are not correct. Am i wright?

2016-09-06 07:19:05

I wouldn't do that, it's not really that much to cycle through in the first place.

2016-09-06 08:30:19 (edited by LazyCat 2016-09-06 08:31:37)

firefly82 wrote:

What do you think about this?

Like blindndangerous said there is not much to cycle through, so that would unnecessarily complicate. By the way, number keys are already taken for cursor and character movement on numeric key pad. Anyway, what I could do though, is to make comma key cycle through doors, bridges, and don't know what else, but leave period key to do what it does now.

firefly82 wrote:

There is a txt file with the first 1000 dungeon seeds.

You are right, they are not correct. It's from some earlier version.

2016-09-06 08:38:22

Lazycat wrote:
Anyway, what I could do though, is to make comma key cycle through doors, bridges, and don't know what else,

Yes, absolutely OK this way.
Point is i had to store some items on a upper floor and hat a little trouble to find them again.

2016-09-06 12:57:27 (edited by Haramir 2016-09-06 13:11:31)

Hello folks. Nice, since this last update, I managed to make it to floor 11!
What if we create a topic to share recording, tips and experiences about the game?
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2016-09-06 15:56:34

That's already been done, their are lots of topics all around the web for this.  Farthest I've got is floor eight, mainly getting unlucky with the things I pick up.  But I most of the time drink the potions I get, and read the scrolls I get until I get a second one, so I end up enchanting my dagger and protecting y leather armor as I have nothing better at that point.  I really need to find more strength potions, get my strength up for when I pick up other weapons, but I refuse to use the seed picker, as I like the random generation.

2016-09-06 16:16:28

@Haramir: HAHA, good idea. I thought about the same. So lets create a topic in the general room and we can discuss some things.

2016-09-06 19:02:04

Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for this game, I am enjoying it a lot. Rogue likes are among my favorite games to play, so this is awesome. Thanks for this.


2016-09-09 17:56:22

Well, I learned that if you use a staff of obstruction, on a path that you were supposed to go down and then continue to play the game on autopilot (which I do for the first two floors or so) the game will freeze.