2016-09-03 05:07:00

For the record, the stat guy tells me its health is perfect, strength is near perfect, defense and magical attack are reasonable but a bit lacking, magical defense is reasonable/closer to great than not, and speed is not so good.

2016-09-03 05:51:15

Okay, thanks kindly.

Team is ready, by the way. They're all at level 12. I decided on a Harry Potter theme for fun, regarding naming.

Hermione the Mondevol
Grawp the Feefeye
Voldemort the Ghoulad
Krum the Reefe (remember when he half-transforms himself into a shark?)
Peeves the Pandourbit
Draco the Drabao (though I may change the name to Norbert or Norberta, for the Norwegian Ridgeback, since thst'a bit more obscure).

I can't host, Jason, so you'll have to let me know your IP and if you're still able/willing.

Thanks for those stats on Bellaard. Makes him sound like he's a bit slow, but hits reasonably hard. Physical defense is a touch on the weak side. But at least now I know.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 05:57:56

Alright, I'll PM soon with connection info.

2016-09-03 06:18:52

Righto. Thanks for the trades.

Now I'm going to speed-run through till the first stadium. It might take me an hour or so. Once I finish it I'll be able to trade back, so I'll try and have six you can have in return.

Sorry for the pain in the neck.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 06:20:21

No problem. I'll be here.

2016-09-03 07:15:26

Game clock reads forty-eight minutes, eleven seconds, and I've got a team of six and the first stadium beaten. Whipped Hydrake with Skirial (got a critical hit with Wind Force and one-shotted it).

All ready to go then.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 07:16:28

In that case, reconnect. Same IP.

2016-09-03 07:48:31

Thanks a lot for all your help. I just don't like having to start with the same old manamon. Half the fun for me is in using manamon I like, rather than being stuck with Wormer/Owlaw/Jiminar/Cacone/Squirmunk/Chingle/Murkit/Vibrogen/starter. That's not exactly a bad spread of manamon available, but I've either exhausted them (the starters) or they're not good (basically everything else). I know Fiendour works. I know Mondevol works. I also know Dragomier works, to a point at least. As for Garganchan, Pandourbit and Submenno? Not sure. I've played with all of them except Garganchan, but that was back when I knew less about the game (Pandourbit was one of the first manamon I ever used, and I had it trained so, so, so badly). I'm really excited to see this thing bust out Spirit Force and Earthquake with high attack.

Charge Tackle went from 10 power to 30, and accuracy of 90 to 100. This is much better. Power-up Punch in pokemon is guaranteed attack boost, and it's 40 power, but that move is arguably too good, so we'll see if Charge Tackle ever gets used. Early on (my Feefeye just learned it at level 14), it might actually work.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 07:54:42 (edited by Jason SW 2016-09-03 07:55:22)

I'm glad I could help.
Yeah, I like doing that also. That's how I did my last two playthroughs, using a team of Manamon not normally available until much later in the game. Keeps things interesting. I started my first playthrough on July 20, so I've had over a month of fun with Manamon. Almost done with my fourth playthrough, and even thinking about doing a fifth. Haha.

2016-09-03 08:39:28

To be honest, this playthrough will probably be my last unless or until teachable moves is a thing, or unless the manamon themselves are updated a great deal. There are really only a few manamon I don't know a lot about right now, and the grand majority are in three camps. The "good" pile, the "one-trick-pony" pile, and the "everything else that doesn't work" pile. Unfortunately, that third list is kind of a long one.
One-trick ponies aren't necessarily bad, by the way. They're just limited. There have been lots of them in pokemon over the years (just look at Jolteon as one example, or Forretress). If your team has space for such a manamon, and it fulfills a role you need filled, then by all means use it. Jimitron as an electric special attacker, Fyrate as a fighting type with reliable attack and some high-powered moves, and Eksponge as a special attacker are all examples of the one-trick-pony trope.
The "everything else that doesn't work" pile is, of course, at least somewhat up to personal preference. A player here on the forum liked Snowmonno and used it during his playthrough, and that's cool, but I find he dies far too easily. Hell, maybe there's someone out there who would actually use a Viralite competitively, but I wouldn't dare. Most of the manamon in this list are only here because there's one thing wrong with them, one thing which could be fixed. Tylovile, for instance; give him a special-based shadow move, give him Fire Stream or even Torch earlier on instead of Blaze Rampage, and he fixes up nicely. Or give Snowmonno 25 extra defense/special defense. Or give Fingon Drench and/or Hydrofang instead of just Waterbomb and Storm Rush. Little tweaks would turn rejects into winners. I'm not even kidding. Haha.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 11:13:57

Hello, everybody, can anyone tell me what the statue in the Mineruff tunnel uses for? I completely red the Jade's guide and he said the statue was important later, but he didn't mention how important it was. I'm really appreciate your answer.

2016-09-03 13:47:46 (edited by pulseman45 2016-09-03 13:48:44)

I don't know about what you think about that, but since Enchandithol has a clearly better special attack stat I also like to call it a one trick pony even though it does get some interesting move in the physical department. I was going to drope it from my team, but now that Meteor Rush is a special attack I think it finally became the offensive beast it was supposed to be, and I'll probably keep it. Thanks to Aaron for that update.

2016-09-03 17:13:58

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I absolutely love in some ways at least, the Irrodium fight  this is the kind of difficult boss that I feel audio games have been lacking for a long time .  I felt like every member of my team had its own job to do during the fight,  and while at some point it was incredibly frustrating, it gave me a real sense of a life and death battle .  Naturally I'm not counting the Japanese games when talking about this,   The closest comparison I can think of is entombed ,  and while I enjoyed that game immensely at the time, it never gave me that form of satisfaction   Because of how much it was missing in certain areas . .

2016-09-03 17:34:55

I'd still love the ability to turn off the Music please, the Music is great but I Always prefer running with my own Music thanks. This is something I would just  love to see.

On Another note, a custom Manamon World and monster creator would be Worth shelling out Another 40 bucks for. Pwease?
You get your manamon to a certain Place in the first World, then you can choose to go to other Worlds and continue to fight with your current party, gather new Manamon, complete quests and fight other trainers in a similar fassion as the game set in Tangeria.

Of course this is only a Dream sad

Honestly though, the Music thing isn't a Dream and I kindly request the option to turn it off.

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2016-09-03 20:06:24

hi all,
A  question:  someone here stated that the 158th manamon used an attack called final endever. I own said manamon and have looked at it's stats and abilities and haven't seen such an attack. So how can I use this attack if it has it?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-09-03 20:10:44

Final Endeavour is analogous to Struggle in the pokemon universe. It's what you use if you've run out of other moves, or if all  your moves are disabled (via Stifle, Restrain or both). It does damage, but you get hit with recoil. It will never run out of use points, but it's only available either when all your regular moves are out of use points or when they're all disabled. Hope that clears things up.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 20:22:50

Hi all, when i traded my merkat for the furroodi as i had a second merkat, as i didnt realise the traded manomans potential i released it so assume wont find that type again?  I  have just explored the graveyard and about to go to 2nd stadium

2016-09-03 21:14:34

@wlomas: If you're refering to Feruddae, it can be found in the wild, though not until about half way through the game, a bit after Brightwater City.

2016-09-03 22:19:45

So I've only gotten  5 stadium keys so I don't have access to the high low or mathmon game in the arcade, but I think the only game worth playing to get good credits is the slots. I shot down 120 ships in spaceman and got like 270 tokenss for it, I memorized like 14 or 15 manamons in the manimon game and got like 300 tokens, got an average reflex time of 206 ms in manaflex for like 30 tokens, and shot 8's and 9's and 10's in manamon's eye shot machine for 83 tokens.  The slot machine gives the best payout for your time, and every play only costs like 2 credits and credits aren't that expensive. If you get 3 eagala you get 2000 credits, and 3 squirmonk gives you 1000.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2016-09-04 11:39:31

hi all,
A note about psychotrick. The freeze given to foe manamon by psychotrick is the same as freeze given by any other spell. It does not always ware out after 1 round. I once froze erodium for 6 rounds with psychotrick. I almost had him dead when he unfroze and blasted my party.
Also, erodium's using magic dragon on dragon types is not a coincidence.  Every single time, he never, ever fails to use magic dragon. Not only that, he has some crazy ability that alows him to somehow know the weaknesses of all my manamon and specificly employ attacks that do super effective damage against them. Example, benyardin gets an ice attack or fire attack every single time,  martiagle gets an electric attack etc. The only manamon who he can't do this too are mortrex and fiendour.  This allowed them to survive more than the other members in my party.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-09-04 13:13:54 (edited by Mayana 2016-09-04 13:14:43)

I found some items that are not mensioned in the guide. In Avalette City, in the house with the news paper, there are 5 incounter downs, in the northwest part. It's not a hidden item, you can hear it.
In the house in the same city, the one with the phone and the guy who wants to trade a autoson for a monter, there is a max up restorative. Go to that guy, then to his west side so you are under the north wall. go west, when you can't hear the wall anymore, go one step north, it's there.
I know it's not really important, but still thought I would mension it, it might help someone.
If those items are mensioned already, I'm sorry if I didn't notice.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-09-04 17:47:34 (edited by FeatheryPeachKitsune 2016-09-04 17:58:52)

I've got to give my level 60 tylavile props.  it took out mathew's final manamon the level 66 mortrex,  with a combo of ash rain, and a few blaze rampages.  but I dumped most of his training points into attack some in defense and some into special defense.  but  he resisted everything mortrex threw at it.  so  between the three starters. I'll take banyardon or tylavile over fantazor.  but again personal prefrence.

I think,  after seeing 157 of 158, and currently owning 126.  once I grind up the rest. I may save that file and put it aside.  I may do a run with, blazend, elvand, banyardon, fiendor, mortrex and dramagon.  so I've got a complete game, then a game where I run through stuff for fun.

wonder if I can give blazond the Mt, cinder torch to get it to use torch.  or can that actually be held by another manamon  say  an unded or ghost type to give it fire coverage.  or even a water dragon.  it doesn't specifically say it can only be held by fire types.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-04 20:19:08

hi all,
Does anyone here know what moves the fire and electric mythicals get? I asume they get better moves than the ones they come with?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-09-04 22:06:13

If anyone's interested, there's a gronk as the new unknown gift.  comes with darring comback, laser gun, and takedown, along with clawswipe and snear.  level 15.  perfect speed.

and a revive as well.

I just noticed something, there's items that power up poison, flame, water, plant, standard, electric, holy, sound,  air, ghost and undead moves, but nothing that powers up magic, dragon, shadow, rock, steel, or earth.

at least not that I've found.

they're probably maybe hidden like the razor tallon that powers up flying,  but if so.  no clue where they'd be.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-09-05 00:18:37

"Nearer my Tabalus to the." ... Oops?