2016-09-02 06:58:27

Wind force? I don't remember seeing it. I have all magic on mine I think. meteor rush, aura master, and tribeam. Tribeam is one I never really use because it's random on top of random. It can miss, plus when it hits, there's no guarantee you'll hit all 3 or even 2. It's bleh. Same with all the others like it, shred, pummel and so on. Meh.

2016-09-02 08:01:05

Hey guys. You probably know this, but if not...
You can go back to the master stadium again and beat all the leaders there even though you beat it before. Reminds me of Paladin of the Sky. Even though you beat the two final bosses, you can do it again and again and again.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2016-09-02 08:27:46

Hmm. Not sure how impressed I am with dramegon any time it comes up against another dragon type. They just throw draco breaker, which hurts like a ninny anyway, plus there's that yummy dragon weakness, which just makes it worse. I was using it mostly for water damage, and I'm sure there are better water types to be used. Hydrake maybe? Something else? Error is decent enough, but but the random misses that can't be planned around or accounted for just really make me wonder what the hell I was thinking to bring this one along. You have power surge, which is neat, but again, omg the misses! Doing zero damage on an attack is not really all that useful. Not sure what's better, this one or jimitron which is fragile and dies in one hit to a lot of stuff. Banyardan, I dunno. Seems like he just stops being useful later on in the game. Really I never use it all that much in the later stages. You got sleep spray, which misses, a lot. You got toxic spray, which misses some too and I don't usually keep stun spray. Being able to hit air types with earth attacks is cool, but omg, earthquake at 56? I think pandourbit gets it at 49 or something. As far as ranking which starter is best, between leafox and the water starter, I think I prefer the water one. Haven't tried the flame one yet but what I've read suggests he's kinda blah. I wonder why the higher level shops don't really sell anything different than any of the others? You get to the master stadium and still no shop that sells full revives? No discount on healing herbs?

2016-09-02 08:34:59

Few things here:

1. Banyardan gets Sharpen, Berserk Branch, Earthquake, Sleep Spray and Photosynthesis as (in my opinion) its best final moveset. You can sleep something, use Sharpen a few times to boost your attack, then whip out the big moves and do substantial damage. Crippling weakness to ice is a problem, and Fauntazaur is really quite good, so to me this one is at least debatable. I prefer Banyardan personally, but the only really bad choice of starters is Tylovile.
2. Erroir gets Sparking Tail and totally blows Jimitron out of the water. Erroir also gets Slash. Both of these run off Erroir's excellent attack stat. If you really want a powerful electric type, try Zapistan/Dussoket. Huge attack, plus Sparking Tail and Oblivion Slash, plus pretty decent defenses and HP.
3. There aren't too many dragons, but ranking them against each other (as in, saying they don't do well against each other) is kind of silly, because dragon is weak to dragon. The reason to use Dramagon/Dragomier is not just because you want an awesome dragon. It's also because being part-dragon means Dramagon is no longer weak to plant and electric, though he does pick up weaknesses to magic and dragon as compensation. If you let him keep Wind Force, he can also hit a lot of types from the special side. In total, I think dragon-air-water moves give him coverage against flame, earth, stone, plant, bug, fighting and dragon, plus he's got pretty balanced stats.

Playing around with Guerrerrol right now. It gets Slash, Power Kick and Alphadrain all below level 40. See, this is how you do it. Give your manamon good moves, and people will use them. I've also picked up a Trumer, and noticed it gets Tunnel very early, as well as Poison Dart. And it has a ton of HP and not-too-bad defenses. This one might have potential since I know it gets Rage Bug later, and Rage Bug hurts.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-02 09:08:53

Erroir blows jimitron out of the water so long as sparking tail hits. However, jimitron is carried a little bit closer by the breeze of erroir's missed attacks, which is definitely a problem. I like accuracy. Jimitron definitely has that. I can reliably count on his moves to land. But he is also reliably killed in one or two hits to just about anything, which is also a problem. I don't like having to think, if this lands I'm golden. If it misses, I'm in trouble. Really hope he bumps the accuracy on some of those up a bit. Btw what does the accuracy number mean? I thought it was like a percent? As in, 100 accuracy means 100%. I think earthquake has that, but I don't have the game open atm to check. If that's so, why then does earthquake still miss, especially on groups? Sleeping things is cool, but again, only when it hits. I get that banyardan is best used to put things to sleep and then open up until you kill whatever you're fighting. But you're relying on a lot of randomness, starting with whether or not the move lands, and then how long does it stay asleep? It could be right away, or it could be in 5 rounds, and there's no way to know how long it's gonna be that I know of. Also, is it just me, or is the freeze that comes from psycho trick kind of, er, pointless? It says they're frozen, and then the next line, when it's their turn, it says they're no longer frozen. That's not even one round. Bleh.

2016-09-02 10:27:06

If I have healing items, and if I'm not facing an ice type, I've got that time with Banyardan. All of its stats are above average, if only by a little, so if it misses once, you use an herb, or try again, -then use an herb and start your Sharpen spree. It works more often than it doesn't. And though Earthquake comes very, very late, it does eventually come. There are a good many water types and earth types in the game for Berserk Branch to wreck, and not a whole lot who resist it.

Regarding Erroir's misses, you're right of course. Missing sucks. But on the plus side, the foe will miss often as well. I don't like this, but that's because I prefer strategy over luck more often than not. A trend I've noticed, though, is that a lot of manamon seem to have better special defense than defense, so physical attacks usually seem to hit harder because they're hitting the weaker stat.

It is possible for freeze to wear off on the same turn it's applied, and that might've been what happened with your PsychoTrick. If it's a regular occurrence though - as in, you can fairly easily cause it to happen and it's guaranteed to occur on a Psycho-trick freeze - then that's troublesome.

I found a bug actually. If a manamon attacks Hydrake or Thornita with a multi-hit move, and hits multiple times, it will continue doing damage after it's dead.
Example: Rhinodyo is at 1% health and uses Trample on Hydrake. It hits, Hydrake takes a bit of damage, Rhinodyo takes some Thorny Body damage and ought to die. But it doesn't. Trample hits again, Hydrake gets hurt, Rhinodyo takes more damage. This is most definitely a bug and not intended behaviour, though it's pretty rare and I'm not at all surprised it slipped past the bug-testing phase.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-02 19:17:21

Found what I'm quite sure is another bug.

So, I decided to really and truly try Simulon. It really is pretty awful to start with, its attack stat is just terrible. By the time it evolves for the last time at 45, its attack is mediocre instead of awful, and both defenses are quite good.
So here's the bug. This line gets Tunnel, but if it uses it, the move will hit over and over and over again. In other words, if you use Tunnel once, you'll be locked into using the move over and over without a choice once it hits. This is not how Tunnel is supposed to work, and it's not how I've seen it work on other manamon, so I really don't get it. It's either a hidden Simulon perk (which I seriously doubt) or it's a bug (which is what I suspect).
Apparently Simulon gets a move called Stone Avalanche or something, and I want to see if it gets anything else besides. That, and I want to know how good Stone Avalanche is. This might be one of those manamon best suited as a wall with some attack capabilities, sorta like a poor man's Fiendour with more weaknesses.

Took Guerrerrol to level 64, and the last thing it learned is Gammadrain. Fair warning: a plant-fighting type royally hates the move Toxic Storm. In raising Guerrerrol, I realized something. The Master Stadium really isn't kind to plant and/or fighting types. Plant types can't stand the first or second tamer, and as for the third one, both Arctana and Submenno are fast and will tear them up with ice attacks. If they're plant-poison, Squarpha also messes them up. And if they're not plant-poison, Turoison can screw them up a bit with Toxic Storm+Rehydrate combo. Really not very nice. Too bad we don't see stuff like Eksponge and Fingon in that fight. And then the fourth tamer is sound-based, so there's a bit of a reprieve there. The stadium master doesn't, at last count, have anything actually weak to plant on his team, and there are a couple (Dragomier comes to mind) which will wreck plant types.
Fighting isn't too much better. I'm coming more and more to realize that having a fighting type really isn't a huge deal. Your go-to types appear to be magic, water, earth, electric and maybe air. Ice too, but that's mostly for Irroadium.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-02 20:01:31

Ooh, glad to hear more updates are on the way and that meteor rush is being changed. I guess you've kept up a stream of emails? No, Oristar doesn't get Wind Force, unless that's also changing, which I suppose it always could. But Meteor Rush swapping over will make life easier.

Hmm. Simmulon doesn't have any ability that locks it into moves or something, does it? I never really looked... I otherwise don't understand why Tunnel would randomly do that with Simmulon but nobody else.

2016-09-02 20:07:56

I've seen the bug you mentioned in a previous post. the mon makes the dying sound but keeps doing damage and taking damage and playing the dying sound. On a move like shred that hits more than just two or three times, this is actually kind of funny. I'm guessing banyardan's plantness is what makes it less usable in the end game. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong but I just see too many things that take it out with one hit. I'm curious about other manamon but I just could not be bothered to grind them up.

2016-09-02 20:51:46

Jayde, the guide says there's "nothing of interest" in the mayor's house. I'm afraid that's not quite true, unless a rare jewel, an antique jewel, a pile of 10000 gold, and maybe another item or two don't interest you.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2016-09-02 21:20:57

Oh dear. I must've missed those and/or forgot about them. They ring a faint bell though.

I've been experimenting with Sansurgion...and guys, this one's not bad. At level 50 he's got 155HP, 111 defense and 118 special defense. Attack and speed are 86, special attack is 98 (though it doesn't really get any good special attacks to use). Learned Pollution Solution at 50, and it's also got Ooze Blast and Takedown. This might be the best poison type in the game, unless you folks know of something that eclipses it. Poison is kind of a bum type, but this is another "poor man's Fiendour"...won't utterly destroy what it hits, but doesn't die by being flicked either.

Myaneko...I'm sorry, but it's brutal. Loads of HP, nice speed, crappy everything else. And it gets so many attacking moves off crappy stats. Its only saving grace is Retribution.

At this point, I'm just testing out manamon to see their stat spreads and their movelists where possible, rather than restart yet again with no further ideas. I've only got a few left.

Trumer appears to be a bust. Nice HP, everything else is average, and insect-poison makes it weak to all kinds of stuff.

Stone Avalanche is a nice move though.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-02 21:59:56

Guys, there's been a new update. And the changelog is more descriptive as well. This might be a good sign for the future. Dare I hope?

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2016-09-02 22:23:32

Can you imagine if most if not all of the luck were taken out of the game, or at least made much more insignificant? I'd love to see my attacks miss a lot less frequently than they do. But I also know that a lot of the strategy for beating irroadium revolves around luck. If paralyzed, does he skip enough attacks? If confused, does he hit himself enough? If you're using ice attacks, do any of them freeze him? If so, how long does he stay frozen? And then, for anyone on your team not immune to shadow, how many oblivion attacks missed and gave you the time you needed rather than hitting you and killing you outright? That's all luck. You're certainly not going to brute force your way through him without a lot of grinding. Like days and days of grinding. I prefer strategy over luck for the simple fact that you can control strategy. But currently, my strategy for beating irroadium is luck, which is definitely a problem tongue

2016-09-02 23:03:15

A few more findings:

First, Duskond. Oh, Duskond, the possibilities were here, but they just didn't play out. I got all excited when he tried learning a new move at level 49. It was...drumroll please...Fear Feed. When he's already got both Scourge Tail and Night Stick, which are both 70-power physical shadow moves, by the way. Both of Duskond's attack stats are very respectable and his speed is decent, but his defenses are fairly low (especially special defense), so this one's going on the heap with the others. If I want a shadow type, which I don't, I'll stick to Mortrex. Duskond is just way too simple a one-trick pony. Elvond destroys it, balance-wise.

And then I made the mistake of wasting twenty minutes of my life trying to train Viralite. Just to put this in perspective, guys, he's level 44, has 100HP, 36 defense and 38 special defense. I don't care how many abilities you have that let you dodge stuff (he's got two, but one requires that he get hit), but one hit and this ghost-air type is dead meat. His highest stat is 86 attack, which is fairly decent, but he has exactly one good move to use with it. Fly. For other coverage, you've got Toxic Spray, Soul Ripper (30% accurate instant-kill move that's undead type), Magic Lights, Knockout Venom and Bizarre Illusion (causes berserk if it hits, which it often doesn't). All luck-based. All on a manamon who's even more fragile and apt to die than Myaneko. Which tells me something, and it's not pretty. There's a very good reason Viralite aren't commonly found on tamer teams; you see a few, but they die fast and they usually pose no threat. Boost this guy's defenses to about double what they are now, and he might become a world-class annoyer; as he stands though, he's just begging for a hit of anything that isn't standard, fighting or earth to rip him to pieces.

All that said, however, I do appreciate the update, and the fact that the change log is a little more descriptive than in days past. Thanks for the update to Charge Tackle...this might make it more usable, but I'm not sure. Meteor Rush being a special attack is all kinds of good for Orystar and Enchandithol (I think Enchandithol learns it), though it will hurt Grandlan a little. His special attack isn't as good. That's okay though. When you make tweaks to moves, not everyone can win.

Starting to run out of manamon I haven't tested either this run or in runs past. BTW, Loxeas, for whenever you see this, you were right. Garganchan is not all that bad. Slow as dirt, but hits like a truck and actually gets pretty good defenses on top of that. Kinda reminds me of Pandourbit that way, but with better coverage.

If someone's got a Bellaard handy, particularly one that isn't heavily trained or that you'd be willing to mention how you trained it, could you tell me its stats (including level)? I'm trying to see where it actually figures in. I remember it being decidedly average at almost everything, but I might be wrong about that.

Only things I really haven't played with too much are Sluggugg, Magmazire, Blazond, Deciced, Fingon, Junanchel and Mortrex. Well, I've used Mortrex before, but only got it to level 40-45 or so, and that was when everything it bloody well learned was physical even when it shouldn't have been. Would love to take another one for a spin eventually.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-02 23:50:51

Just picked up the update. Thanks, Aaron, for 1, reconsidering Meteor Rush, and 2, being more detailed in the change log. I know we've been on your case for the latter a lot. It was definitely not my intent to be annoying or rude about it.

As for Bellaard, I've never trained one past simply transforming Chingle, but I do tend to groan inwardly when I have to face one, because they seem to be fairly bulky, can inflict 2 statuses, and attack with 2 types (3 if you count the fact Heaven's Winds is also part air). They're absolutely wrecked by undead, but other than that, I've rarely been able to one-shot them.

2016-09-03 00:21:45

Does anyone know if Fingon learns anything after Storm Rush? It got Hone Blade, and I'm hoping and praying it eventually gets Hydrofang or something like that...but the more time goes by, the more I don't think that's gonna happen. Fingon's got nice stats too. Nothing utterly mind-blowing, but almost everything is over 100 at level 52, without training, and HP is in the 140 range. All it would need is Drench and it would be a very, very solid water type. HydroFang+Hone Blade would be even sweeter, though it's coming off the lower of the two attack stats.

Sluggugg is busted. I was kind of blown away at first when I saw that special defense, which is pretty sweet. Then I saw it had like 66HP. At level 44. Sorry, that's just way, way too little. It does get Flame Blizzard at level 39 and Black Bite earlier on, and it also learns Toxic Spray, but you can't live if you don't have HP.

Not trying to be overly mean with any of these, just detailed and very straightforward. Submenno, the more I see of it, is impressing me. Decent attack, Frigid Touch+Hydrofang+Powerfang, can't be hurt by water attacks (so it would team well with something that hates water), plus it's fairly quick.

Loxeas, I hear ya about Bellaard, that's half the reason I wanted to see the stats on one. When I made my so-called dream team, I traded my gift Chingle away as one of the manamon in order to get my six back, so now I don't have one anymore, or else I'd just find out for myself.

At this point, I'm considering level 50 a good arbitrary place to train to. I can get there in no time at all most of the time. I'm also figuring that anything above 100 in a given stat at level 50, untrained, is quite good. Anything above 80 is decent and/or serviceable. Anything below that is a potential liability. As far as HP goes...I'd say anything about 130-135 is pretty good, and anything below that, particularly if coupled with low defense/special defense, leads to problems.
This is very, very rough as guidelines go, but it's telling me what's good and what's not. When I see a Fyrate with 116 attack at level 48, for instance, I know that's pretty good. Or when I see a Viralite approaching level 45 with less than 40 in -both defenses, and barely 100HP, I know that's one for the scrap-heap.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 00:48:47

Here's what I mean when I say I don't get how to grind up some mon efficiently. Here we have a deciced, level 15, and I want to level it quickly. that's easy enough for a while, stick an exp pal on it and kill stuff in the area before the master stadium. But that starts to drag on as it gets into the 40's. so we have tangeria sea, where everything is ice and water, so that means I do ineffective or neutral damage only. We have the tangeria tower, which is nice, but killing hundreds of things per level surely does get old in a big hurry. We have malorene valley. The air stuff dies in one hit, so that's nice. But we have redonkius, one powerkick and I'm dead. We have miterosier, one hit from white lance and I'm dead. There's bearran, which I don't have anything to kill it quickly so it's just tit for tat until something dies. It's why I just go ahead with what I've already got instead of trying out others or just waiting around for people on here to share their findings of what works and what just doesn't. Kinda curious about enchantethol, meteor rush, toxic tail I think and daring comeback, but blah! it has to be leveled up. Some I just know about from reading here and seeing on playthroughs. Snowmonno is just, no! Lots of hp, gooooooood! No defense, baaaaaaad... Viralite can cause problems if it's not killed quickly, but it's also pretty easy to kill. So I don't even bother with those. Ghoperto looks like another one of those that can cause problems if not killed quickly, but is likewise pretty easy to kill. Does it get anything besides sing and night terror, and fly? Promolder seems like another nono. Oh, that yummy weakness to plant and water, so it's just another easy kill.

2016-09-03 01:07:17

@Jayde: I have a Bellaard on my first playthrough save file, but it's trained. I think it's level 75 or so. I could reopen it and get the stats on it, if you think it'll help you.

2016-09-03 01:24:26

If you can mention how you trained it (since the game will tell you), then yes, that will give me an idea of what to expect.

Promolder/Craggallem is actually not half bad. Needs a stronger stone move, but being immune to electric, resistant to standard and air and poison...well, that gives some handy tanking options, especially early on. Craggallem's not ungodly slow (I think Pandourbit is slower), but yeah...double weakness to plant and water is very dangerous. You bring it in when you know it's safe, you take it out when you know it's not.

It's quite tedious trying to raise manamon before you finish the master stadium. Once you have access to the postgame there's a route with level 60-65 manamon on it, plus if you have something with Oblivion Slash (Tigrath, Dussoket, Irroadium at level 75), you can do the EXP trick. You can literally get 17000-18000 exp for one of your weaker manamon. It starts being a bit of a drag after around level 40-42 or so, but it takes so much less time that a little more grinding, or taking it through the master stadium with an EXP Pal for a few easy levels, becomes potentially worth it.

Just tried out Titomaton. It's...meh. I can't really complain, since it does get Superspark and it uses its decent special attack. It has a lot of HP and special defense, and it's surprisingly not slow (Jimitron is faster, but Titomaton has about 95 speed at level 50). Only thing is, it's part steel type. This means it's even weaker to earth, plus it's also weak to fire, and the only steel move it's got so far is Iron Tackle, which comes off its pathetic attack stat. Really wish there were a couple of special-type steel moves to let more specially-oriented manamon shine. Ditto physical sound moves. There aren't any at this point. Either way, this one's not bad, but I still think I like Dussoket, Mondevol and even Erroir better.

Ugh. Slowly, slowly getting to the point where I've trained everything up into the mid-40s or thereabouts to see how good it is. It's a slog, but you know me...always digging for information.

There's one main difference between Ghoperto (two, really). One is Avenging Spirit, which is an awesome ability. The other is that Ghoperto actually has decent defenses, and probably won't die in one hit. You can use the Sing+Night Terror combo with Fly, it's true. If this think had Spirit Force, it'd be just about perfect. I was dubious when I first saw it, but its stat spread, while not insanely good, is certainly not bad. Hits respectably hard too.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 02:01:53

Righto, so I need another favour of the so-called babysitting variety. Any of you game?

I'm going to be going on a plane trip from Ontario to Alaska starting tomorrow evening. All my packing is done and everything, so tonight I've got some time. I can use Manamon to keep myself awake during a couple of layovers I've got. But rather than just grind like I've been doing, I want to do a new playthrough with a team consisting of a few old favourites and a couple of new hopefuls.

So here's what I need:
1. Someone who can host, as I can't
2. Someone who will be around a bit tonight and would be willing to first receive and then trade me back my manamon

The team is going to look like this:


I would love to use Mortrex on this team, but by the time Spirost evolves into Aperishian, it'll be tomorrow and I won't have the internet. Not unless one of you good people is willing to trade me a particularly well-bred Mortrex you aren't using in the process of that babysitting thing. By well-bred, I mean no bad stats...doesn't have to be perfect, but the higher the better. It'll be way way too strong, but I'll box it until I'm at a point where I can use it.

I intend to nickname and breed my manamon so they're unique, and to attach items and equipment to them. They will probably be level 5, but I might make them level 10 so my actual grinding is minimized in a new playthrough.

Any takers? You folks must think I'm ridiculous, but this is honestly my best bet for staying awake and doing something semi-enjoyable.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 02:37:38

Yeah I'm not quite to exp trick territory yet. I mean I can do it sort of with the mon I have access to, but that only nets a few k at a time I think, not quite the same tongue tigrath seems like a ninny to me. his oblivion slash was missing all over the place and didn't seem to be able to kill stuff in one hit like irroadium did. but omg... you get him at level 70, and he's kinda just there until he hits 75 and then the real fun begins. So, mondevol is nice, how about between dussocket and error? Which one wins out?

2016-09-03 03:06:10

To me, Dussoket wins out. Bigger attack, better defenses, plus it gets Shadow Claw and Oblivion Slash, as well as Sneer to lower defense and Charge of Fury for some fun if you're weak and want to hit really hard out of nowhere. Probably the best straight-up electric type out there. Mondevol tanks better. Jimitron is faster. Erroir might (key word, might) hit a little harder. But Dussoket does all those things quite well, which makes it the champ in my book.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 03:25:15

I thought I'd have both mondevol and erroir on my team, and it kinda worked, but it seems like I could do better. Erroir does hit hard, er, when his move hits, but he seems kind of fragile. Not as fragile as jimitron, but still kinda fragile. And, he's fast! Plus power surge was kind of nice when I went through the group fights throughout the game.

2016-09-03 04:53:29

If you're still around, Jayde, I'd be happy to help you out with those trades.
I'll be available for a while, so let me know. Also, getting those Bellaard stats now.

2016-09-03 04:58:50 (edited by Jason SW 2016-09-03 05:00:55)

Bellaard is level 72.
Health: 222, trained 0
Strength: 172, trained 12
Defens.: 132, trained 93
Magic attack: 168, trained 89
Magic defense: 150, trained 79
Speed: 119, trained 72
(Keep in mind, this was my first playthrough, and this was the Chingle I got from the bellmaster, so its stats probably aren't the best.)