2016-08-31 04:19:10

Try using NVDA in future. SAPI is not this game's best option for voicing, in my experience.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 04:47:56 (edited by ambro86 2016-08-31 04:50:39)

Hello, as I see many people that want an expansion or a sequel of this game. Just for asking: I don't know if is a money problem or the fact that Aaron after writing this game for about one year now is tired to continue to write on this game? If is a money problem, the developer can make the expansion payed, not 40 dollars, but say, 5 or 10 dollars. Personally if the expansion is quite long, for example, play new areas and the improovements Jayde talked I would be happy to buy also the expansion.

2016-08-31 07:52:15

You're all wondering why Aaron is not responding in this topic. Maybe he's tired of reading what people have to say, maybe he's tired of seeing people try to tell him what to do? Maybe, like everything else that is come out for the blind community, you guys are being completely disrespectful, as usual?
The game was just released, in July. That was last month. Even if Aaron was planning on making a seaqual, or an expantion pack, don't you think the man deserves a break? He spent nearly over a year making Manmon, and all you guys want is more. It takes a lot of work for a developer to make a game, and no one ever thinks of that. All everyone thinks of is how they want more, and more, and what? Yes, more.
There are some respectful people on this forum, very few. I give you guys all the props I can for being respectful, and thoes who enjoy the game as is, you're awesome. To the ones that can't enjoy the game as is, and need more, need seaquals, and doesn't respect Aaron and the way he feels/ or doesn't even begin to think about how your comments can be affecting Aaron . . . . Just please give the guy a break. If he wants to make a seaqual he will, but give him a break. He needs time to recover from what he's done. Manamon was a big project, and quite frankly it's the best Audio game I've played in quite some time. That's just my oppinion though, go ahead and spit on it... lol That's what I'm expecting.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2016-08-31 08:10:56

I totally agree.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-08-31 08:37:56

StaindAddict, SLJ, I resent the hell out of what you're saying. I urge you to set me straight if I've misread your message, but to me at least, it sounds like you're basically saying "shut up and deal with it. To do anything else is disrespectful". You seem to imply that the only people who respect this game or the developer are those who are willing to take it as is. That's ludicrous, there's no two ways about it.

At multiple times in this thread I have said that I respect both the developer and the game itself for different reasons. That was true then, and it's true now. When audio game creation doesn't pay for itself (which is to say, you will spend more man-hours making a game than you'll earn trying to sel that game), a large project is due some props at the very least for having been completed. I haven't lost track of that. I haven't lost track, either, of the fact that doing such a large bunch of work is often draining, and often means the developer just wants to go do something else for awhile. There's nothing wrong with this.


1. This doesn't mean that the problems with the game don't exist
2. It doesn't mean that pointing out those problems means I, or anyone else, is disrespecting people; it's all in the tone and the message, the act itself is not disrespectful
3. It doesn't mean that it's my fault, or anyone else's fault, if Aaron doesn't want to come in here and see the hundred pages of feedback about his game; that's Aaron's business, nobody else's, and I refuse to be blamed for it

Can I say that I've always been totally gentle and kind? No, I can't say that. I've endeavoured not to be rude, but I'm told I have a fairly abrasive aspect when I'm being critical, and it's not personal. I have tried to be thorough above all else, because it is my firm belief that the only way for any developer to learn from his mistakes is to have some of those mistakes, where appropriate, explained to him by some of his player base. Again, this doesn't mean I'm being disrespectful. It is my right as a player to speak up about issues I find. It is my right, as both a player and a forum member, to voice my opinions, findings and questions about a game I enjoy (or, as the case has been in the past, a game I do not enjoy).

I would love to see a sequel one day, but that might be a pretty big project and I don't expect it anytime soon. What I'd love to see more are game balance tweaks, and I know that wouldn't be nearly such a big load of work, so I'm sort of hoping that Aaron decides to take some of the suggestions (from here and elsewhere) in stride in order to improve his game.

To demand would be disrespectful. To ask, though, is well within my rights. I ask. I do not demand.

I do think it needs to be said, however, that as paying customers who have now essentially given up some of their money to a project, we should not be cowed into being quiet. The only way some goofs are going to be made better in future VG-Storm titles is by learning from the player base. If Aaron wants to go on making gamss that people snap up, especially at forty-dollar price tags, he may have to step up his game, so to speak, lest his player base shrink. This goes double for game support. I am fairly patient, but it is pretty easy to scare off players when obvious imbalances or bugs exist and when a forty-dollar price tag does not guarantee professional support.
When we are asked to pay a certain amount for a game, we come to expect a certain level of quality, PR, support and the like from that game. If we don't get it, it leaves a slightly bitter taste, and brings forth all kinds of doubts, most of which have been voiced here by various people.

Manamon is a game I enjoy quite a bit, despite many issues that bother me. I can and will be patient, in the hopes that some of those issues will get resolved. If enough of those problems are ignored in subsequent weeks and months, I will simply know, for myself at least, that a VG-Storm title with a given price tag may not be worth paying for, and I will thereafter wait and not jump the gun on new products. I will wait for the opinions and findings of other players to come first, so that I know what I'm getting myself into. Unfortunately, Manamon has done for me what PsychoStrike did for a lot of people before me. It has made me kind of wary, because some of the trends I see are just too troubling to ignore.

With all that said, all that out of the way, it doesn't mean I can't like the game for what it is. It doesn't mean I'm disrespecting anyone. It doesn't mean I'm demanding anything. And I'm probably one of the more vocally extreme people in this shread, so get the hell off my back.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 11:15:16

hi, I downloaded the game. and after installing if i run i get a error message saying that: the .exe file is not a win32 application. I am using a computer running windows xp.
any help would be appreciated.
thank you

2016-08-31 14:20:29 (edited by pulseman45 2016-08-31 14:26:21)

I think I heard about BGT not supporting Windows XP, so you may have to update your system. I may be wrong though, but I'm pretty sure that's the problem.

2016-08-31 14:24:09

I don't think the game will work on XP, but I could be wrong.
Why don't you think about what you say before you write it. I'm not trying to be on your back, I'm simply telling you how it is. Manamon is worth $40 because Aaron thinks it is. HE put a lot of work into it, and it took him a long time to create/develop.
There are no bugs in the game that are making the game unplayable, or Aaron would be fixing them. All the bugs that you especially, bitch about, are all bugs you want gone because you don't like them. All these suggestions  you have, all these ways the game can be more balanced, all these things you constantly post about, it's up to Aaron  if he wants to implement them or not.
OK, maybe there are a few bugs  in the game, but it's nothing crazy. Maybe grammar errors, or stupid things. At one point, if you don't remember, Aaron was putting updates out for Manamon like every other day.
I don't know, but this is my oppinion, that you are the types of people that have stopped him from looking at this thread. You're not giving the man any credit, and that quite frankly is disrespectful. And, yes, you're very rude.
So, yes, whether you like it or not, what I'm basically saying is deal with it. You paid the 40 bucks, and you got what you ordered. If Aaron doesn't want to make anymore updates, that's his choice.
I'm done talking about this.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2016-08-31 14:41:43

At stained addict, people are untitled to their oppinions. While jayde has a way of expressing himself that you may not agree with, he is not crossing any lines. For the record, i saw your email to dark about this topic, and as a mod, i'm taking your concerns seriously. The bottom line is, people want this game to keep getting updates and support, and i'm one of them. I think that if a developer can't take criticism then they shouldn't be developing for anyone but themselves. Aaron probably doesn't respond to the topic because he is taking a bird's eye view of the topic to possibly find direction in how he wishes to proceed with development.

2016-08-31 15:13:16

Hi all, slight spoilers aheadok so i have been to hansha village and have offered to get the mans engagement ring. when i go though back in to the tunnel and fight the tamers that are present, i see 2 ladders; by one is a sign that states the hole by this ladder will go deeper in to the cave system, and taking this ladder puts me back on skeyen path. now, the only other ladder, it seems, go up and out back to the village. what am i doing wrong? do i need to explore the skeen path again? from reading jades guide this bit is unclear to me. i am not reading to much of the guide enjoy the exploration aspect of this title. it is growing on me. What please, do i now have to do to progress the story? i can't go south of the ladder when in the tunnel, or indeed, when on skeyen path no tamers are present. thanks to all for any possible assistance Will

2016-08-31 16:07:09

StaindAddict seems to have jumped the gun a bit, I think. Maybe you aren't familiar with what real bitching looks like. Read the first few pages of this thread, where people are talking about how Aaron simply ripped off of pokemon and tried to call it an original game. He did nothing of the kind, as far as I can tell. You'll also find people bitching about the price of the game. Luckily, this drivel is buried deep beneath the other chatter, which is as it should be. The criticism of the game from the people who have played it all the way through seems legitimate. The storyline has some holes in it. Big ones. Some of it seems hastily put together. That's neither a knock on Aaron nor a general complaint about how much the game sucks. It's a fact. There are scenes in which the writer seems confused about how old the characters are supposed to be. No preteen would dare to have a discussion with a grown man about how he and his wife are stigmatizing their daughter for the decisions she's making. No preteen would even be of that mindset. It is a stretch, to say the least. There are other examples but they've been posted elsewhere. There are spelling and grammar errors throughout the game. Big ones. Of these there are many examples: "she stepped back a step", "a burst of energy bursts", "goodbbye", "sculded", and many, many more. This doesn't make it the worst game ever produced; it means there are spelling and grammar errors in the game. This is not an opinion, it's a fact that people have pointed out. This game has a lot of potential; a lot of opportunity for the story to be expanded on. To see it go by the wayside would be tragic. But ultimately whether or not anything happens to the game is his choice. I haven't seen anyone demanding anything, but rather stating their opinion.

2016-08-31 16:28:24

totally agree.  bitching, we are not. stating our opinions, we are.  and to say otherwise makes you sound like a brown noser.  shrugs

and hello starwalk mountain.  somehow I don't remember the manamon there being 20 to 30.  I seem to remember them being 30 to 35.  but  I could be wrong.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-08-31 16:32:54

So, erm, not sure how I'm going to fight irroadium with dramegon, or really anything with dragon type. He just uses magic dragon and that's that. You must have gotten really lucky to be using draco breaker at the end of the fight. Alternatively I could just bring a bunch of revives and keep bringing it back until he runs out of dragon attacks tongue

2016-08-31 16:40:56

I'm really not looking forward to irroadium... haha
I'm doing rather well so far, got the same five team members as earlier, wondering what I should add as my sixth for better coverage.
Currently have leafox lvl 28, eagawk lvl 28, montor the evolved ghoulet which I can't remember the name right now and hydrobird, all 28.
I'm having a tonne of fun so far, like the rest of you.
Just wiped the floor with Cage, pooor guy only got close to killing my tanky robot, but didn't even finish him off.

2016-08-31 17:19:09 (edited by Loxias 2016-08-31 17:31:58)

I don't know where the notion that making suggestions and expressing opinions is disrespectful came from, but it's very misguided. As a paying customer as well as a person living in a world with free speech, I have the right to make suggestions, share what I think is good and not so good, about the things I buy. It doesn't mean I dislike the developer or the game as a whole. In fact, if I don't like something at all or don't respect the developer, I wouldn't spend time giving in-depth feedback and suggestions. I certainly don't expect my posts to be taken as demands, or for everyone to agree with me, or for Aaron to be reading this topic24/7 and responding to everything. All I ask is that my suggestions be read with an open mind, if they are and they're still disagreed with, that's cool. I'll find the game a bit less enjoyable without my suggestions, but I'm one person. When I emailed Aaron, I made sure to convey that I'm not trying to attack him and that I did enjoy the game and appreciate the work he put into it. He's probably dealing with a lot of feedback, positive, negative, and nasty, and yeah he did just finish a huge project. So I can't blame him for stepping back for now.

Jayde, whenever you want to borrow Peggisen, either say something here or drop me a PM, I'll be home after 4PM today and tomorrow so can arrange to do that any time then.

2016-08-31 18:30:42

Thanks, folks, for mostly getting where I'm coming from. I was polite when I emailed Aaron. I try to be polite when dealing with him directly. Yeah, there have been times in this thread where I've been a bit terse or sarcastic, but I think mostly I've been pretty straight-up. Some of the issues I have brought up are opinions. Some are facts. Of course it's up to Aaron whether or not he deals with them. But if he doesn't, that tells me a lot about him as a developer and allows me to better decide where to spend my money next time.
A good point was raised, too. If I didn't give a damn about this game, thought it was trash, totally disliked Aaron...would I really be this invested in the thread? I'm one of its more prevalent posters. Why would I waste so much time not only playing the game but also making a guide if I didn't think there was something worthwhile about it?
Half the damn problem is that it's so, so, so close to being great. Right now it's good, and a few fairly small changes would totally catapult it upward.

Loxeas, I'm gonna bite the bullet and do Shadow Kingdom today, so by the time you're home, I should be after your Peggisen.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 19:31:34

jade when i've been to the village and go back in to the tunnel, where please, do i go? when i see the ladder the sign near it states the hole by it goes deeper in to the tunneling system. when i find the ladder it takes me up to the skeyen path where i was originally amfushed! now, i cannot find any other tamers near the ladder. when i go back up to the path no tamers are insight. what please, do i have to do? your guide i have not read all the way through out wish to expore og my own, though what a great piece of writing i must say! to everyone else who has not dipped in to the guide, it is well worth a look. the guide though states i go south past that peyen path ladder hope you can help

2016-08-31 19:36:46

Wlomas: you're not looking for a ladder right now, if that helps. Do as the guide says, and you'll eventually find another one, but the one you want to take is not near the sign. The sign points out a path.

Jayde: Wait, you intend to do all of shadow kingdom, then come back and get my Peggisen and go back? Or by today do you mean later on? haha.

2016-08-31 19:44:38

oh ok, i thought i had to go past the ladder that takes me back to skeyen path but following those instructions are not getting me anywhere, sure i'll work it out eventually but just got confused as just see the 2 ladders; one back to hansha village and one up to the path, but assume, as the sign states, i am looking for the path that leads further in to the tunnel.

2016-08-31 21:06:42 (edited by Jayde 2016-08-31 21:07:52)

Loxeas, it's a moot point. I just wiped Irroadium off the map with my own team. I thought I'd try while I was there, and I won. Only Elvond survived but he was doing big enough damage with Magic Wave, and Irroadium couldn't kill him in less than three hits.
The original plan was to clean out Shadow Kingdom with my own team (including Octoross), then get your Peggisen and run back through it. Annoying, but I can live with it. Turns out I didn't need it though. Now Elvond's level 60.

My guide states that after you get the cutscene in Hansha Village, you can head east past the rockslide, which is now not there. It then states that you should ignore the ladder and head sorta east past it. Remember, I'm expecting you to follow walls here, but if you have to detour around the ladder, you might have to stop following walls. If it helps, you're actually going to start going south away from that ladder which leads out to Sqien Path.

Speaking of the guide, it's updated through Shadow Kingdom now. Only one big area left, really, then the Master Stadium, then the postgame, and I'm done.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 21:47:35

hi all i am now past where was stuck, but one last question from me; how i find out what type of creature i am fighting? either as a foe or in battle so can put the best of my team to work? thank you

2016-08-31 21:55:04

If you've caught a manamon you're fighting, you can press the t key to see what type it is, and then juggle your team accordingly. If you haven't, you're going to have to work on the fly and figure it out, I'm afraid.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 22:24:41

Just got home, but I see you managed without Peggisen, nicely done.

2016-08-31 22:27:47

I've read through the guide, playing through the game as I went, just to see if there were items that I missed. I know there are some areas of the game you refer to as a slog, and you also say you tend not to use the encounter downs. Imo nothing can make an area feel like a slog like getting stopped with a battle every 15 to 20 steps, give or take, plus the tamers. I liken it to sitting down to dinner and having the phone ringing off the hook with calls that range from vitally important to surveys and calls from telemarketers and tech support scammers. At least, that's where most of the slog comes from for me. Between a couple playthroughs, I think I've gotten most if not all of what there is to pick up. Still, I wish we were given some item or ability to scan the areas to see for sure what we might have missed, both hidden and obvious, and where they are, just to be absolutely sure for the sake of completeness. Btw there is a little alcove in the rune tunnel that has some stuff in it. It's hidden, and if you're trailing the west wall you'll notice where it breaks off. I wasn't sure if that was left out intentionally since it's something people will definitely notice if they're paying attention. Also, omg I wish there was something that increases the exp you get from wild manamon. After I've beaten all the tamers in an area but think I still need to grind some for the next stadium, it just seems like it goes so slow. How about something like an area that becomes available at some point after you've beaten a number of stadiums or caught a certain amount of manamon or something that has tamers that appear at random, and it's always scaled fights. Or maybe I'm just being a ninny about this and that would make it way too easy.

2016-08-31 22:38:10

I haven't left any hidden items or areas out on purpose, even if they're obvious, so I'd appreciate knowing what you're talking about so I can stick it in the guide. It means I missed something. Heaven knows it's possible.

Guide is now complete up to the very start of Ascendance Path. I still haven't filled out the Manamon Available entries for a couple of areas, but I'll go back and do that at some point.

So it turns out that a level 49 Fyrate and a level 49 Redonkeus have nearly the same stats. Redonkeus might be a bit higher, but not by leaps and bounds. Did not realize this. Was also wrong about Redonkeus's ability, unless you can have multiple. The one I caught has Panic (increases damage when below 1/4 health) when I thought it had Heavy Hitter. I must be getting confused with Remullion.

For me, areas that are sloglike are the ones where either 1. you're going through a whole ton of the same terrain, 2. the mechanics repeat a lot or 3. both 1 and 2. Orianda Fields Ruins has both problems. Even if I used the encounter-down items and stopped encountering stuff, I'd have to deal with the repetitive task of "go down the sewer, go through the sewer, go up, go through the crackly crunchy field, go down the sewer, go through the sewer". And after the fairly long Tangeria Tower...I got a quarter of the way through and went "dear god, when can we be at the next stadium already?".
Funnily enough, I don't have near the same issue with Starwalk Mountain. It gets a little long, yeah, but not near as bad. And maybe because you feel like you're actually exploring, instead of just plodding through sewer, then field, then sewer, then field again. I dunno. Personal preference thing, I'm sure.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1