2016-08-18 21:35:09

I was trying out different mons on my way through the game just to see what might work and what was just extra. What I found was that a lot of the moves were just different names for the same thing. fly is tunnel. Am I wrong? Rock 'n roll is snowball. Right? Just different damage? A lot of the moves do big damage, but lock you into doing them or put confuse/berserk on you at the end or make you skip a turn or kill yourself etc. A lot of the mons are just there to annoy with paralyze or scorch or poison or some trap damage that just soften up the meat for another one. Then the equipment seems mostly useless with gains in one area but an equal penalty in another. More strength in exchange for less speed and so on. Definitely a lot to think about but some of the stuff is just distractions.

2016-08-18 22:42:48

That's pretty much the size of it I'm afraid. Pokemon did much the same thing.
Honestly, I'd love to see some more quote-unquote repetition. A 95-power special-type ice move, or a physical sound move, or some higher-powered plant attack that isn't named Solar Cannon.

Ah well. At this point, the game is what it is, and I guess there's no point harping on about it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-18 23:35:15

I can see the manamon metagame  taking off.  everyone just bashing on each other.    but then again.  with humans  fighting humans,  there's the  reason for sleep, paralize, etc.  personally I'm still fond of paralize, poison, and burning stuff.  mostly burning stuff. because,  I've not been a fan of outright poison types.  though I agree if we had herbs or something that lets us teach different moves, I can so see fantazor with polution solution...

I was the same in pokemon, I was a fan of toxic in the early generations.  well was a fan of status period.

though in the later generations. I just want to over power everything.

and yeah, that laser in floor 5 annoies me.  you've got to take a hit to get south of it.  then you're good.  I was the one who didn't know that untill I was told.  but to be fair, the wall not being there is kind of hard to hear over the laser noise.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-08-18 23:49:32

hey @Jayde, I sent you a PM, regarding your walk through. i know there is no notification for it so just wanted to drop a line here to let you know, 'cause I know personally I'm terrible at remembering to check them on a regular basis.

2016-08-18 23:51:51

I think there are more potential things that need to be added to manamon. First, dormonoid should get something other than black bite. I trained him to level 69, and that attack at that level is really annoyingly pitiful. Second, mortrex definately needs something after level 60-70 to increase his damage output. At the upgraded stadium, it takes 2-3 hits of super effective damage to take out a manamon, which results in poor mortrex getting his butt kicked. Another thing, I think that the number of insect, undead and ghost type manamons are smaller compared to other types of manamons.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-19 04:31:02

Right, guys, I've made a decision.

Domestress is neat, but she's simply not pulling her weight on this so-called dream team of mine. So she's getting the axe.

Current team, minus Domestress:
Tarboo level 47
Dussoket level 47
Lamgurk level 47
Hydrake level 47
Elvond level 47

I want to replace Domestress with something that fulfills the following criteria:
1. It's something I haven't tried before, and something I haven't written off like Effigem
2. It's something that won't increase my type redundancy; example, Squarpha is water-magic, but I already cover both water and magic pretty well
3. It's not a mythical

This leaves us with a few noteworthy choices, and I want your feedback. Ultimately, the decision is mine in the end, but I'll take your opinions and findings under advisement.

Candidates Shortlist

Have on.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-19 07:48:55 (edited by ogomez92 2016-08-19 07:51:55)

I'm not familiar with most ofthese, though Virilite seems like a good choice, sansurgian seemed a bit weak when I had to fight it on my previous save. smile I played chiperdo for a while but ended up switching him for something else, not sure why I think I found that it didn't have good enough moves at its level.

Btw, spoilers
You didn't mention how to get Domestress in your guide I don't think. Did you forget to include the area? I think you have to climb a tree somewhere in a forest iirc.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-19 08:05:13

I have been meaning to write a little spotlight for the rope where I mention that area, plus a flame mythical, and just haven't gotten to it. Will probably stick it just before the fifth stadium when I write it. The only reason I have Domestress is because I bred one with awesome stats on a previous playthrough, traded it away at level 1, then got it back after I reached Hazeldale doing the walkthrough. That's also how I have Tarboo and Dussoket when I shouldn't have either yet.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-19 11:13:46

Jayde,  would it also be possible for you to include a list of manamon and the spells they learn after level 45-50. This might be potentially helpful to players in deciding whether to train a teammate or ditch him.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-19 11:25:09 (edited by Jason SW 2016-08-19 17:51:17)

Just for the fun of it, I started a new playthrough with Murkit, Leonra, Jiminar, Myaneko, Houndorf and Blaizond.

My manamon may not have the best stats, but I tried to get pretty good results, Nothing below reasonable, and at least one or two "well developed" stats.
A few observations so far:
Blaizond is stuck with headbutt until about level 11, when it gets fire stream. Houndorf gets snowball at ... Level 19.
Also, My Myaneko's defenses are pretty low for its level, but it also has tons of health. At level 16, it had over 100 health. I was sort of surprised, since the stat guy said the defense stats were strong points.
I don't know if this is useful information for anyone, Jayde in particular, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

2016-08-19 11:31:17

That is a little helpful. I'm curious as to Blazond's specialty...whether it's better at physical or special attacks. Getting Fire Stream early seems very, very strong, which I like, but if this thing has reverse Tylovile syndrome (high attack, no special attack), then Fire Stream is going to suck, and it's going to scream out for Blaze Rampage, which it probably won't get till a ridiculously high level.

Enes, posting movesets for all manamon is a huge, huge undertaking. It requires dozens of hours of work. Frankly, I'm going to focus on the main guide first. After that's done, I may take a manamon break for a bit, but I may be interested in this project later, or if multiple people are willing to help me compile the list.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-19 12:57:45

Hi Jayde, I'm wait your walkthrough until shadow kingdom cause I stack there :d

2016-08-19 16:41:10

Hey Jake!

I have a question. When i come into the door. First i push the 1ST letter N once to the North. And then i go all the way to the left side and push letter E 8 times to the East and push down twice.

3RD I push the letter P down 3 times and East 2 times.
Finally, P push the letter O down once. And then push the letter O until I hear cracking. But I didnt hear anything after that.

My questions is. The letter P below the letter N correct? And the letter O below the letter E. Right?

Sorry for asking too much.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2016-08-19 17:02:40

Put the letters next to each other from left to right, as if you were reading them. I didn't know you could do it vertically, one above the other. But if you did it vertically, and you heard a loud cracking noise, go check out the door, see if it's unblocked.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-19 17:04:30

Those stones just have to be in a row (going left to right or top to bottom) and they have to be touching. It doesn't matter exactly how you achieve this or where you place them in the room as long as they're all in order and touching. You could spell the word "open" backwards as "nepo", and it would still work. If you trace your stones you should be able to figure out which one's in the wrong place. It might be a matter of just pushing it once to get them all in a line.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-08-19 17:09:47

hi all,
A question: At any point, can any manamon in the game get erodium's godbeast form's oblivion spells?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-19 18:25:25

Do you have any audio demonstration for that?

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2016-08-20 02:01:49

Coming back to something that was mentioned a while back, about opponents using Sing over and over when you cure sleep in battle. Remember that, unlike in Pokémon, you select your move when it is your turn, not at the beginning of the turn. This is why if you're slower than your opponent, they get a move in before you can pick your move. So what's happening here is, you're put to sleep, you use smelling salts or whatever to wake your Manamon up, then your opponent gets to pick their next move, they see that you are awake, and sing again.

You've probably noticed I haven't been posting here much lately. I've been taking a bit of a break from the game after playing it twice, I do intend to play it at least one more time though. Ghoperto and Titomaton are 2 Manamon I intend to use, and I still kind of want to try the Paladore line. I emailed Aaron with some suggestions that cropped up a lot in this topic, to make sure he saw them and to hopefully start a dialogue where he doesn't have to feel like we're all dogs nipping at him. He said he feels like that line would be too good with a stronger fighting move, so I want to try it out, really try it out, and see how I feel about it. Tylavile will be my starter, as it's the only one I haven't tried. I'm aware it's not as good as the others. Undecided about my last 2 team members, probably stuff to cover the weaknesses of these guys, whether I've used them or not.

2016-08-20 02:17:24

Okay, that's bull. Sorry, but I'm calling a spade a spade.

Dramagon gets both water and dragon attacks.
Leonatar gets earth and standard attacks, plus good speed, plus a move to drop defense, plus a move to pump its own strength.
Martiagle gets high speed, high attack and some pretty freaking powerful attacks. Plus a freaking plant move for coverage in case it comes up against a Promolder or something.
Tarboo line gets Hibernate, Subliminal Audio Wave, friggin' Earthquake, Steel Horn, Stunning Call (causes paralysis), AudioBlast without a MegaMic, and has nearly 300HP at level 60 with no training points put into HP. Sure its defenses are bad, but it even gets Call to Arms, which helps shore that up a bit. Now, you can't have all those moves, but that's a ton of options.

So there are a lot of manamon who do it right. Give the player a lot of options. Play to their strengths.

And yet...and yet Palador is perhaps too powerful if he gets something like Power Kick?
Bull, I say, bull. This is nothing more or less than theoretical fear. If you give a manamon two types, give him decent moves from both types, or the secondary type (the one without the good moves) becomes a liability.

Analytically, Palador is not all that fast, and its special defense isn't all that great. This means that it can die in two hits to stuff like flame, water, electric and the like, plus it has a horrible weakness to magic. If it can support its holy type well (and White Lance is pretty awesome), then it should support its fighting type equally well. Why would you have afighting type on your team, with all the attendant hassle that entails, without giving them fighting moves? We aren't talking about undead, the type that trumps almost everything here. We're talking about fighting, which is resisted by several and completely evaded by ghosts. Even a moveset like White Lance, Daring Comeback, Power Kick, Restrain and Inner Healing is not overpowered. In fact, that's the definition of a balanced moveset.

Please, please, please. Don't use inconsistent logic.

I would love to see Aaron's blow-by-blow analysis of why exactly giving a fighting manamon a fighting move is "too powerful". What scenarios could he bring up in the game that would make Palador overpowered? What would be wrong with rolling a holy attacker and a fighting attacker into one manamon, thus freeing up your party for one more slot?

Anyway, I digress, and apologize if I've been a bit rough. I'm just sick and tired of the "it's too powerful" line when it's backed by nothing substantive. Be afraid of it if and when it proves itself too powerful, and not before.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-20 08:40:10

What item would best augment my mortrex's special attacks? I currently use the sword of the undead, however I could use a power bracelet or a haunted hat. However, the speed penalty on the hat worried me so I didn't use it.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-20 10:46:45

Just to make sure, after the Snowstar Stadium blows up, there is no way to get the 6th stadium key, right? I managed to beat the 7th stadium leader and got the continuation of the storyline, but I'm still puzzling over the missing 6th key.

2016-08-20 11:41:30 (edited by ogomez92 2016-08-20 11:53:04)


What is that really weird cutscene you hear when you first enter san-cot city? I never heard that on my first playthrough (maybe it was introduced in a newer update?). I know the guide says that it will make sense but it doesn't (I already played that part on my first playthrough).
I'm really curious as to what this is can someone please give me a hint?
I've read the guide further and apparently it has something to do with Octoruss... but I don't see how. That string of weird disturbing sounds just doesn't make sense.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-20 12:12:35

Listen to that scene in Tangeria Tower again, more carefully this time. You might notice a funny similarity between sounds you heard in that funny cutscene you can't understand, and in the Octoross cutscene in the tower. I didn't get it because I regularly skim cutscenes once I've read them once, particularly if the writing bugs me in some fashion, otherwise I'd have understood it right off.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-20 12:30:33

nods  I will, when I get there. I' m grinding a lot on this second playthrough, getting a bunch of manamon up to good levels and making sure their stats aren't terribly underdeveloped or lacking etc. smile

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-20 15:13:17

Does anyone knows if drabao apears in a certaim part of Orianda fiels ruins? I have captured 135 epecies now, but I cant find this one, and in Need it to get Mukmo.
I have been a long time searching there, but the only things that get was feruddaes, niamanjas, fistes and feefeies