2016-08-13 20:47:18

2 giganets won't help.

I had no fewer than 10 giganets, and that's how I caught all 3 mythics.

hell, I caught polosses with 29 percent health, and 6 nets,
kinadil with 2,
and that last one with, like 8.

but all but kinidal took, resetting, to do it that low.

that's the same advice they give in pokemon, get 50 ultra balls, lower helth, sleep paralize, and chuck balls. same thing.

and for that shadow dragon, thankfully there's no fleeing manamon, otherwise youd use the gamanet on one of them,  but that one is the most logical place.

so yeah.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-08-13 21:03:26


If you're talking about setting up a DMZ on your router, then yes, that would be very risky, unless you really know what you're doing.
If you mean forwarding two UDP ports to your computer, I don't see what harm that could do. The game only listens on those ports when you choose to host, so I think it should be safe.

2016-08-13 21:18:10

The only problem I can come up with is if someone scanned the BGT executables and somehow came up with a way to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability in the engine.
I don't know what Philip and/or the AngelScript developers have done to prevent this sort of thing, but I'd guess that they know what they're doing.
And again, this is a game. Games don't allow people to log in to your computer in any way. So unless a malicious developer implemented some kind of backdoor into the program, I can't think of a good reason not to host.

2016-08-13 21:29:43

The general idea here seems to be not so much that there should be absolutely no trading whatsoever, but rather that the way in which it's done is kind of clunky. For the tech savvy among us, no problem. You open up a couple ports and go. If you're not, well, you get to experience the awkward feeling of asking for help setting it up in addition to the awkward feeling of having to beg someone to trade with you. I'm not crazy about the way it's implemented. You get to either open up a couple of ports in your router and hope it works, or dmz the damn thing and drop any firewall you might have up because it's just easier. Also, in an unrelated note, I've officially completed the game, I think. Big thanks to the help I've gotten from people on this list. Spoilers or something:
Got all mon collected, beat the really religious tamer guy, and the doctor. Observation: It was a really fun game, but the story toward the end is just, meh. It's like the author simply ran out of steam, and just ended it. I am whelmed. Neither over nor under, but simply whelmed. I hope there will be more content coming at some point. A continuation to the story? Hidden items in the game? A way to grind that isn't painfully slow or doesn't involve jacking the master stadium up to impossible levels and losing your ass to get a few thousand exp here and there? Gear that does not simply neutralize itself with an x percent boost to one thing and an equal value reduction to something else?

2016-08-13 21:56:27

Greetings all.

Agreed with post 2030. I've also completed the game, gotten all manamon I desired including all 6 mythicals and watched the launch. Haven't fought the doctor yet; I guess he's back at the graveyard? If not, where should I search? Just the area should be fine. Also, I've been visiting my old haunts and I revisited one of the islands in the sea with a house. Is it possible to provoke the bird like you could with the first promolder?

Secondly, I truly regret killing my Father and the next playthrough I'll comfort him instead. My Sister was fully justified in asking for her life to end and my character is fully justified in feeling depressed.

Finally, if there was a remort system where by you could start over and you get to keep everything. Consequently, all you'll get is an additional starter and prices in the markets would increase because now you're a seasoned tamer.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2016-08-13 21:57:20 (edited by Jason SW 2016-08-13 22:24:11)

I noticed that the VGStorm site uses PHP scripts. A PHP script could be written to implement some functionality of a server directory. The notion of public versus private servers could be implemented. Public servers would call out to VGStorm HQ to have themselves listed in the directory, and then ping occasionally to keep themselves in the directory. The DIRECTORY would assign them with a unique server ID, and a secret authentication token for them to authenticate with the directory in future calls.
When someone joins the server, it makes another call to the script, passing along the token, and asks to be removed from the listing. Then, clients poll the directory script for a list of public servers. When a client wants to connect, it sends the directory a request for the server's IP address, passing along the server's unique ID, and then tries to connect.
True, this system could be broken by an attacker, but not without some significant work on their part.
IN this system, all of the work is done by the game, so unless someone made the effort to break the system, the user would never see the IP address.
It could be better if there were an actual server listening at VGStorm, and have everyone connect to eachother through it, but Aaron might not want to pay for the hosting, deal with updates and security patches, and all of that.

2016-08-13 22:36:56

hi all,
Ok so a question. My characters are roughly between level 55 and 62. I noticed that the tamers in the path to the city  with the space station are like level 70. They also one shot alot of stuff in my party. Is there anything I could do to grind my team up 10-15 levels without  constantly dieing and rematching the stadium?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-13 22:43:34

next possibly very stupid question time.
I ran up lader in the grass, pushed the bolder onto switch, got up to the tree bridge, pushed bolder again,  ran down, pushed bolder back onto switch.    ran back up tree bridge,  and down, across the water, and into this cave.  I'm running around the cave, but the only thing I've found are dead ends and a guy who said he shouldn't of eaten before coming into the cave.  I also notice on f2,  outside, a ladder with no way to get to it.  is there a way through that cave tunnel. and if so?  roughly where? because, I. can't seem to find it.  and I feel rather stupid about that fact.

as to where to grind, ascendence path seems good, that field outside the ruined city past the gangeria sea sounds good. and  the sea is good for electric and grass types.  just my 2 cents

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2016-08-13 23:34:03 (edited by Loxias 2016-08-13 23:37:19)

Enes: If you don't want to fight the master stadium over and over, you can fight the feral Manamon on the route you're having problems with. They range from roughly level 60 to 67, which should be a bit more manageable, and they don't have tamer AI, so they'll be less likely to instantly go for the move that does the most damage against you.

Looks like there's an update out. Other than Tri Kick being fixed to being physical, I haven't spotted anything else on my immediate short list of things I hoped would be addressed. It now apparently warns you if you're about to trade away equipment or a held item to an in-game trader though.

2016-08-14 00:14:51

I just added Manamon to the BlindGamers.com games list.
I hope someone more knowledgable than me will write an informative review with links to guides and play throughs.

~ Ian Reed
Visit BlindGamers.com to rate blind accessible games and see how others have rated them.
Try my free JGT addon, the easy way to play Japanese games in English.
Or try the free games I've created.

2016-08-14 01:31:13

I also can't help to think: A couple places were reduced to ruin during your adventure. There could be some extra game content that featured the rebuilding of those places. It seems kind of weird to me that in one place they're talking about achieving glory and fame and making history and such while some of the places around you are now just rubble, flames and smoke. The game is quite fun but wow! The story could not possibly have been more emo, I think. That said, I admit to being slightly curious which way it goes if you decided to kill your father. The meanest thing I did in all those choices that come up was rip the sister's picture down off the wall.

2016-08-14 01:34:44

Ok then, will definitely try that.  Would it be a good idea to replace lower level manamon in my team with higher level mithical dragons? Also, I found a bug. if you try to  teleport out of shadow kingdom after catching erodium, you get ported back into the chamber of hatred. Guess I'll download the update to see if that fixes it.  If not then, I'll have to walk that massive path again. On another note, does mortrex or fiender learn anything useful past level 60 or so?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-14 01:56:06

this game looks too much like pokimon. I think you should take this game off your server and come up with something original and cheaper  $40? you freekin serious?  lame guys, just really lame.

2016-08-14 02:18:33

Enes: You can use your copter in the chamber. I know, I wasn't expecting that either, but you can.

2016-08-14 02:33:10

Any way to know when the walkthrough you're writing has been updated?

Also, I'm not trying to come off as taking sides here, but when I go to the forum for help, and all I'm told is to stop asking questions and search, and this search may or may not give me the right results, that'll put me, and any player, off from asking for help. Just because one or two people would think to search the thread, how do they know what to search for? Well they found one or a few posts, but they all led to people asking, and no answer. Truthfully, I hate the search function, because unless there's a topic for a guide or whatever, which I think should be made instead and the post edited in that topic as you right new things, then it pleases both you and the people stuck. As it stands now, what your telling people to stop asking questions is only in the thread, and not even in the guide you promote in your signature, so give people some slack here and try doing as I suggested.

2016-08-14 02:40:42

Anyone know how the monzeye machine works? I never could figure it out, and also I'm curious about plasibot or however it's spelled. Spoilers:
If you get the addon that let's it use the elemental attacks, can you still use the equipment such as the sword or staff?

2016-08-14 02:52:37

Loxias, your suggestion came too late. I walked out the long way.
Does anyone know where to get a sansurgion? I can't see the location on my manapedia.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-08-14 03:24:14 (edited by Jayde 2016-08-14 03:28:20)

Ugh. Let me clarify my stance just a little.

If you ask a question that hasn't been answered, or whose answer is very technical or detailed (such as who is good vs. who is not as a flame type or something), fine. Go ahead.
If you are asking something like "where is the ring", the first thing you should do, before you even write your question out, is use the search feature. Use it. Learn to use it well. I've done it dozens of times on this forum and I've never had an issue. If I can do it, you can do it. This will save you from further inflating the thread, which is already pretty bloated. It will save other people from seeing repeat questions. It will save you from looking potentially lazy when an answer is right there for the taking and you want it spoon-fed to you.
I have all kinds of patience for people who are genuinely stuck and have tried everything they can think of. I have tons of patience for people who are playing a game where the info is slim and new and whatnot. See, if you were asking where the ring was when this thread was, say, eight pages long...then okay, fine. Maybe the info isn't so readily available. I was asking all kinds of questions early on. But once I asked those questions and got some answers - I was horribly stuck in the arcade hideout because of the scaling fight, I didn't know any fights scaled - I started looking things up or asking very specific questions. I've also kept track of the thread since very early.
So okay. You don't want to read eighty-odd pages and hundreds of posts. Type "where is Irroadium in the post-game?" into the search box, and suddenly your scope is narrower. Type "Where is the ring in the Mineruff Tunnel?" and again, suddenly your scope is narrower.
This thread is becoming a database of sorts...a bloated, scattered database. But the search function can access it, and as such, you can use it to better disseminate info that you want and separate it from the info you don't need.

If you ask a question that's been answered many times, I'm not going to ignore you and make you think I don't care. I'm going to pounce on it and tell you how to answer your own question. Maybe if I do that, and you have another question that's been answered, you'll use the search feature. I will not coddle you if you refuse to use the tools available to you. If that's the case, wait for my guide to come out. I am sure it will eventually have the information you're after. If it doesn't, then feel free to ask me or point out missing things, because I'm all in favour of learning more and filling out the walkthrough.
I just don't have patience for people who want help and who won't help themselves at least a little.

If you ask a question and I flat-out know the answer can be searched using the search feature on the forums, I'll tell you so. And I'll be right, because I won't tell you the answer can be found with the search feature if it can't. I will have tested it to be sure. So your scenario where I tell you to search and your answer isn't there? Not gonna happen. If ever it does, feel free to show proof, and I'll be suitably flabbergasted, but it's not gonna happen. Because you're right, that would be rather off-putting.
But my purpose in this thread is not solely or even largely to regurgitate info for you. If it's there, I'll tell you where to find it, and that's an end to it.

Hint on Sansurgion: its first form is somewhere smelly. Have you been someplace really smelly yet?

See, there's a good question. I don't believe anyone has actually asked that. Sansurgion/Sansaron aren't rare, but I suppose one could miss them if one used a lot of encounter-down type items. I have zero issue with good questions, or ones I'm truly not sure have been asked/answered before. It's the really obvious ones, or the ones that fish for info (such as "Is Ascendance Path near Starwalk Mountain?") that bug the hell out of me.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-14 03:43:40

Is there a way to review some parts of the storyline that you may have forgotten after having seen it at some earlier point in time? Take the ring, for example. The guy tells you where it is and where the next stadium is, and I'm sure from having done it that you would come across it eventually just from exploring. I don't remember seeing any way of going back through conversations that you may have had with people you meet on your way through the towns, and that might be a neat thing to have for people playing the game for the first time who missed something and need to review. And I can totally understand the frustration of some people who appear to have answered the same question the same way several times. example: I have the water starter. How do I get the other two? answer: they have to be traded for. Then on the next page, someone asks: is trading the only way to get the other starters that you didn't pick? Had they used the search function, they would have seen it, and not have had to write that post. Same for how to capture irroadium. Same for how many gamanets you can get in the game. If the search function isn't working for some reason, no one has a problem with someone saying they couldn't get any results from their searches. No one expects you to have gone through every post on every page of this topic, but at least try using the search function first. That's what I take away from that post anyway.

2016-08-14 04:03:17

That is precisely what I'm saying.
If you tried, and the answer truly wasn't there, then say so. But the first thing I'm going to do is go test it, and if I find an answer I'll tell you how. If I don't find an answer, then I'll gladly apologize to you and answer your query.
Make an honest effort, especially with questions that have probably been asked multiple times, and that's all I ask. I come across harshly, but really it's because my patience for people not willing to put in a little work when some of us are doing all the research is frankly rather bothersome to me personally.

And to answer your question:
You can replay the very last line of output with the t key, but no, there's no way to actually go back and replay cutscenes or anything I'm afraid.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-14 04:30:56

Oh I knew about the t-key but was saying it would be nice if there was an ability to replay cut scenes or scroll back over dialog that might be important but you don't remember or whatever. A lot of them do seem to give hints or ideas of things you can do throughout the game. Also it would be nice if the ability to copy the last thing spoken to the clipboard worked in more places, like the name of the area you're in. The only way I know of to get that copied is to view it in the manapedia under the locations section, assuming it doesn't just say unavailable.

2016-08-14 04:55:28

Greetings all.

Yay its way past my bed time but I've backed up my save and am starting a new again.

Firstly, someone wanted to know what happens if you kill your Father. I haven't played through where you don't kill him so I don't yet know how that story line plays out. Your Sister asks optaros to kill her and he obliges; making your character hate himself even more than he already does. He never recovers from his depression after the joint funeral of both Father and Sister. I don't think even the launch into space of the vibrojin rocket can get him out of it. In fact, he sinks even lower but to the outside world, it looks like he's merely sad.

Secondly, how is time calculated in the game? I know we see time in seconds as displayed in the timed rooms and other challenges but is say 45 seconds really 45 seconds or is it really 45000 milliseconds? Also, how are steps calculated? Are they equivalent to footsteps in real life? I'm wondering because of the sizes of houses, cities, wilderness areas etc. I'm trying to imagine actually being in the game world, living in that world so to speak, a full immersion. Another concept, the pocket copter. I know we only hear the copter for a brief time every time we fly to a city but what actually happens? Does the copter generate an anti gravity field and transports you along with it? What's it's fuel source? What about pre-flight and post-flight checks to insure it runs safely and doesn't break down while you're in the air?

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2016-08-14 04:56:46

Yeah, I'm glad Dragomier sent me a list of the areas so I can spell them right in the guide. I'm sure I've already got some spelling inconsistencies, which I will fix as I find them.

Honestly, I wish more people in the houses did useful things, or gave trades, or gave items, or said more than just random crud. I know it's not realistic for every single NPC to be useful, but it's also not realistic for a "city" to have exactly two houses in it while a village has...what, four of them? Three, anyway. Plus a pub. I sometimes feel (and I felt this about pokemon too, don't worry) that extra houses/areas/dead end paths are put in there to pad the game and make it look bigger. With pokemon, there's a little more wiggle room, because a lot of NPCs actually give you things or give you hints or whatnot. In manamon, though, the game is far more bare-bones at its core (fewer options, fewer customization choices), so the profligacy of useless NPCs really stands out.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-14 05:13:23

could their be something where some manamon transform at night and some when its day time?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-08-14 05:47:32

Hey dudes and dudettes!
I find myself stuck again, and this time, following the walls just isn't doing it for me. I've "completed" the Snowstar stadium, and now I'm being told that a particular character wishes to head up to the peak. However, if I exit through the only exit I can find, (the way I came in), it seems i can only head back down. What, pray tell, am I missing? Thanks all for any help you can provide.