2016-08-06 22:20:31

will you be able to create your own schedule for any time like 5:00 PM would be the start time and then 10:00 PM for the end time When the train arrives at your destination?
that would be nice.
also, will there also be a shop that allows me to buy items like drinks or if other People are on the train you can buy snacks as well?

2016-08-06 22:27:32 (edited by Dakonna 2016-08-06 22:28:54)

I don't think the quests thing would work, because it's london tubes, you don't rent them for vip visiters or anything like that. If there really is a large group heading to heathrow airport or something, they wouldn't matter because they'd go on the tube normally like everyone else. Sorry if this inaccurate, I never actually used the tubes so please don't judge too harshly. I also don't think there's board survice on the tubes so drinks and snacks wouldn't make sense. If this were regional or overnight expresses, I would understand where you were coming from with that.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-08-06 23:40:21

At the moment there are two modes of play, mission mode and scheduled runs.
Mission mode has a driver school and a number of preset routes at preset times. The missions will get progressively harder.
The scheduled runs are what you heard in the demo. You pick a tube line, all 10 real tube lines are modelled. You then pick a start and end station and a start time.
Much of the data regarding lines, stops and distance between stops was from transport for London so matches the real world as much as possible.

Nick Adamson.

2016-08-07 00:10:53

Hi. I have an idea for the end of the every mission or skeduled run. What do you think about parking the train at the garage? Or adding missions in which you need to change the wagons and do some maneuvers?

2016-08-07 00:25:18

Well, what kind of maneuvers would you want to do with a train, a 360 degrees flip on the tracks maybe?

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-08-07 00:35:07

Changing the line or taking new wagons.

2016-08-07 02:00:30

Hmm. That's usually done by the people who work for the train company and as far as I see, you are just the train driver.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-08-07 05:22:29

Even as a rough concept, this sounds truly awesome and innovative. I'm very excited to play this game when it comes out!

As far as random events occurring, as was discussed in the demo, I have a couple of suggestions which I hope will be considered, and won't be too ridiculously hard to implement.

First, it would be great if someone would randomly forget things on the train, such as a purse, a cell phone, etc. And if you didn't turn them in to the proper channels, or kept them for yourself, you could lose your job and thus the game, or be penalized in some other way.

I was hoping for something like inclement weather, but as the train runs underground, I don't think this would be realistic, sadly. So, could one of the disasters we have to recover from be power outages?

Finally, it would be, well, cool is not the word, but perhaps realistically cool, if we would have to deal with something like a passenger throwing up on the train. Obviously, this would have to be cleaned up when the train reaches the next station. if not, your ratings would go down, because nobody wants to sit in a barfmobile, lol.

Thanks for the awesome job you're doing, and as I said, I'm definitely looking forward to playing this game!

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2016-08-07 05:57:50

@connor142 you are right about the tube not having dining cars but train stations often have shops. I was only in London once but I think there was a McDonalds in one of the train stations. @simba even though track switching and stuff is done by other workers it still might be fun. Playing with trains as a kid I would always make my trains as long as possible. Perhaps the longer train lengths could mean a slower speed you would have to travel?

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2016-08-07 06:36:43

Sounds like a great game, Good luck at developing this!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-08-07 18:04:32

it is awsome n  a  soft  keepitup with this

2016-08-08 08:38:40

Great concept and ideas, just keep it up!
I have just a little question: will be the game only London focused, or we'll be able to make and edit  our  own tube lines? I think it would be really interesting since almost everyone on this forum has  even a small underground station in their countries, and maybe they want to have some.... let's say native lines. smile

2016-08-09 12:51:24

@Bogdon a tube driver doesn't change the wagons and stuff, as Nick has said it's all done on a fleet by fleet basis, a driver is just a driver. In fact, sometimes drivers are known to go on strike, I believe that means they stop working for a while to try to make the companies listen to them.

2016-08-09 15:24:24

Also, for the part where you select the line, will this eventually be a British voice?

2016-08-09 20:11:04

Oh, I'd so love to beta test this little beauty!!! I've always wanted a real train sim for the blind. I love trains and their sounds. I always have. Thanks so much for making this a possibility.

2016-08-11 06:40:14

Hy a sim with goals. I love it already. looking, or should I say listening forward to it. Thank you sir.

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-08-11 23:24:17

will there be an option to allow you to turn on and off the fan in the train?

2016-08-11 23:56:11

I think that option's in there, the air compressor/pressure, although it helps with more general systems.

2016-08-12 23:02:43

Hay Nick love your game man keep up the good werk

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2016-08-13 00:15:57

Hi all.
Just a quick note to let you know that applications for the beta team is now closed.
If you've sent me a message through my website i've emailed you.

Nick Adamson.

2016-08-13 04:13:08

hey Nick,
if the applications for the beta team are closed, what does that mean?
does that mean the game will not be released or are there still bugs?

2016-08-13 07:49:09

Hi Nick.
The beta test team are a group of people who have volunteered to test the game before it's released. They help me find bugs in the game and are able to suggest bits of the game that need improving.
Beta testing makes a much better end product.
At the end of my audio clip I asked people to get in contact with me via my website if they would like to be part of the beta test team.
All I meant by saying applications were closed for the beta team is that i've got all the testers I need and that new requests would be unsuccessful.
The game is still being developed and will be released when it's ready.

Nick Adamson.

2016-08-13 15:03:03

Ahoy there
@NickAdamson, I have no clue how I overlooked this,but the demo that I heard simply rocks!
Looking forward to this with great anticipation.

Realistic sims and such have always interested me, but we don't seem to have much of those in the audiogames market.
Anything that has you driving or operating a vehicle is just the type of thing I like.
Saddly though I missed out on the opportunity to apply, since I only had a look at this today. anyhow, looking forward to what you come up with!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, β€˜It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2016-08-18 03:38:41

Hi Nick,
is this game still being developed?
because I don't know if it has been halted or What.
are there still features in the works?

2016-08-18 08:00:43

Hi Nick.
Yes. This is still being developed. What made you think it wasn't?

Nick Adamson.