2016-08-01 11:29:05

Btw, very, very fun game. Will donate today. big_smile big_smile keep up the great work.

2016-08-01 15:42:47

hi guys
i posted a new version whihc allows you to hear a perfect run/the level music if you have a perfect
you can hear a perfect ru n if you have a super
if you have any problems let me know please

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-01 16:22:50

nice, and monster murderer perfected, only things left are beets 2, which is gonna be a big big pain to perfect, i got the general timing, it still messes me up, though. i know it can be done. and final remix, this one will be easy when i get myself a new keyboard, or it should be, hey Oriol, can you add a different ending to the pack when you perfect all levels and beet final on perfect? that would give you something to work on. other the that, i got all achievements in the game, and the only thing left to ask is: can you make an achievement in the pack that your making? or no.

2016-08-01 16:27:48 (edited by Shadowcat 2016-08-01 16:46:06)

all I have left is beats 2, apart from that everything's perfected
the most irritating part though is I have it mostly down now but there's always a single mistake or 2 somewhere..., and not always in the same part

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-08-01 19:04:29

Btw, @Oriol, awesome update. Oh. And, I've donated some money to you.


2016-08-02 17:47:38

umm, beets 2 perfected, don't know if it's a bug or not i think i screwed up once or twice and it's still saying perfect. anyway, another bug. in help the pengwin level or in final remix you can press enter on a crow and hear a gun being fired just as you praced space but the crow still flys away, or it counts as being missed. i have everything perfected but the final remix, i always screeeeeew up in it one way or the other. also how do you change packs? the change packs option is gone... well, that's it and awesome game!

2016-08-02 19:17:46

hi guys!
Please take a listen to my new pack that I am making
I'm sure you'll love it!
Please, if you find any bugs in the game get in contact with me via the website as i dont always read this thread
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/214 … w_demo.mp3

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-02 21:42:26

You can still change packs, if you download a new pack it will appear in the store and once you buy it the change packs option will appear.
I'm also working on my own pack, based on an idea someone had previously. So, remember when someone wanted a pack using the same level style throughout, but with different songs and stuff? Well, that's what I'm going to do at first.

2016-08-03 02:32:23

that's the problem, no store, and no change packs option. i have it downloaded, and placed inside the folder but still no change pack or store option

2016-08-03 08:12:00

there should be a store option
that store option is in the menua nd it never disappears

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-03 10:26:01

It hasn't disappeared on my end. Is there a chance you can do a recording of this weird menu glitch?

2016-08-03 17:58:50

nvm there is a store option, but i already had a pack.  and now i cant play it anymore. i used zip and i downloaded instauler. and now i cant play it

2016-08-03 19:28:21 (edited by ogomez92 2016-08-03 19:28:38)

because you need to put it in the applciation data oriol gomez rg packs folder. smile

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-03 22:51:41

i go to my program data, and i don't see oriol gomez thing. what should i do now?
wooooooooooow! i beet beets 2 and didn't mess up a single time. too bad i didn't recorded it. speaking of that. i made recording of me playing through all levels of rage, showing off some achievements, and failing at some levels. i will upload it in a couple of hours.

2016-08-04 11:02:29


This is quite an original game, congratulations!

A few suggestions and bugs though:

It would be nice if the keyboard callibration setting would be kept once done. It's quite annoying to have to do it each time the game is started.

By the way, if you are too close to the bips, the callibration continues indefinitely.

Another suggestion, in the level selection menu: it would be nice to know what was the best score reached instead of just OK, super or perfect. For example the menu would read: "Crazy factory, OK, 88%" instead of just "Crazy factory, OK". And this, ideally, even if you failed, for example "Jumbo memory, you played this level and failed, 44%". "You played this level and failed" that you may shorten as just "failed".

Bug report: the music volume set with page up/down isn't taken into account and the keys aren't honored in the final jingle (when your result OK/super/perfect and percentage is spoken). Sometimes it's a problem because these jingles are quite loud compared to other non-indispensable musics (in my case, it's louder than my screen reader, so I don't always hear clearly my result).

There are 10 kinds of people : those who know binary, and those who don't.

2016-08-04 11:38:37

Just came back to the game after a short while.  What's the latest message of the day all about? A new pack? I must've missed the proverbial memo, so any clarification would be appreciated.

Also, One criticism I have about the game is that it subtracts credits (hearing how to play the game shouldn't cost you credits, especially considering that they're so difficult to earn in the first place).

What is the concensus on this? Want to see if its just me who thinks that 500 creds when I only have 1100 or so is rather steep.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2016-08-04 12:58:29

@Sightless: it's because you are hearing a perfect run, and part of the fun of the game is figuring out the patterns yourself. I think 500 creds is a worthy sacrifice as you should be able to get them back quite easily especially if you finish both packs -- through my various playthroughs I've got 3000 in total now. I am actually not sure what to think about this feature, as a Rhythm Heaven fan the only thing that was possible was being able to hear the music and not perfect runs, but at the same time this game has lots of different things to Rhythm Heaven now and it's definitely gaining it's own identity which is a good thing.
Also the more packs become available in the long run, I think it will work both ways: the more creds people will be able to earn, and the more creds people will be able to spend.

2016-08-04 20:12:37

i think perfect run should  cost 1k credits, 500 is too cheap for a perfect run. and i still cant perfect stupid final remix. i always screw up one way or another.

2016-08-04 20:58:16

actually no I have to agree on the pricing of listening, 500 may be a bit steep currently simply because you only get about a hundred credits per level right now, and I tested that with final remix, although having said that it was 99 percent, no idea if there's a multiplier for a perfect or something
so basically you have to complete 5 levels just to be able to listen to 1, and again that's testing with the longest level in the entire game

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-08-05 03:29:14

hey Oriol, it looks like I managed to get a perfect score on all the levels.
I now have 20 achievements.
are you still working on a new pack for this game?

2016-08-05 14:44:16

Hello everyone!
The new pack for rhythm rage, retro world, has just been released!
You can find it at http://oriolgomez.com/en_rgpacks.php

You can download it for free as always, or help with the development of the game for only €2.99. But it is of course not required!
The free pack is exactly the same.

Go get it right now!

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-05 15:45:30

hi. i still cant find packs folder. i guess i will stick with zip version.

2016-08-05 16:19:20

if you use the installer, the packs folder can be found in the start menu shortcut that is created in oriol gomez/rhythm rage
in the portable version, it's right there in the game folder.


ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-08-05 18:07:10

This pack is epic!

2016-08-05 18:35:09

duuuuude the final remix of retro world is evil, hahaha I failed horribly...

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.