2016-08-01 13:21:21

Well another month, another monthly chat topic. As per usual, this is the place where we discuss life the universe and everything, cricket robots, the number 42, what your playing/listening/ to/watching/reading, how your life is going, whether you have plans for world domination, if you've had your head bit of by a saber toothed yack or donated your pre frontal lobe to science, that sort of thing.
Unusually, I'll say our last months round of assorted metaphorical chin wagging got quite the conversation, so I actually have to reply to several comments from that here.
To save people's examination of the conversation, here is a link  to July's topic, though remember that as it's August that topic is being retired.

I'll say being married agrees with me, although later this month we have to return to britain and go to the Aims music school, which means for the next couple of weeks my lady and I have to get off our respective rear ends and actually learn some music and do some practicing, indeed my lady's parents have asked  us to sing at their church (she's not amazingly keen given her slightly rocky relationship with said church and the fact that said church is a bit extreme, but I sort of feel obliged given that the pasta did marry us gratis).
On the plus side, yesterday I got pontes media downloader to behave, so have downloaded the accompanyment and indeed learnt the misty mountains song from the first hobbit film. While I don't like the fact that it blatantly ignores tolkien's actual words and includes some extremely questionable rhymes (gold with heart and soul), It is a rather awesome song, very much aimed at a tenor and something it's great to sing, though methinks said pasta would be less pleased if I did it at church since I don't think slaying of dragons is usually part of their ideas of christianity, Saint George withstanding big_smile.

Things however have mostly been extremely peaceful and I continue to split my time equally between spending time with my lady and her family, reading, and playing manamon, albeit I still didn't get much done on the game generally.
I'm reading Feist's magician which I'm still waiting to pick up. At the moment I confess the D&D rather standardness is getting a little irritating, that last chapter even featured descriptions of "Dwarfs with their strong constitutions" and magic weaponry with the "affect undead" state.
I do recall from my wiz through the book years ago things picked up when the actual war between the two worlds got going, also it's very obviously and manifestly Feist's first novel. Still I'll save thoughts until I've read the book and for if I decide to do a review, which I might since I'm actually rather enjoying writing them at the moment, though since I'm only about a quarter of the way through that'll be a while, though I do also need to do some ork for audiogames.net since as per usual we have lots of games to add.

@Cae, Mistborn is pretty  good, it's one of my lady's favourites, albeit that since I read it very quickly over course of a music school week my memories aren't too clear and I want to reread books 1-4 before going on to the newer ones. 
I'm not one of these people who thinks "Sanderson is god!"  (though stormlight is shaping up to be a pretty good read), however mistborn was genuinely a really interesting fantasy with some nice twists and progression, and he does actually kill characters albeit not too often, indeed the central premise of who the evil overlord (no he is actually called the overlord), happens to be is quite a unique one.
I am also pleased that unlike in some of his series he dishes out all the darkness on gender lines which is good, some of the bits of Warbreaker where the utterly evil bad guy who you'd just seen slaughter several people and wound the good guy, ties up the heroin and stuffs her in a cupboard without actually hurting her for no readily aparent reason were sort of begging belief a little big_smile.

Mistborn however is one where Sanderson actually remembers to have bad things happen to ladies as well, or at least have ladies in equal amounts of danger to the guys (this was most extreme in Elantris, where the princess was so dam safe constantly I felt her sections of the book were a little poinltess).
Mistborn does get a bit too super heroy in places for my liking, also I've noticed that sanderson's systems of magic problem often makes events feel a little too much like using skills in an rpg rather than reading a book, though this probably will bother you less than it bothers me.

I'd say next to stormlight mistborn is my second favourite Sanderson over all.

As regards  The dArk tower, if you can get through the first volume the series is amazing, and also explains a lot of other aspects of King's work such as insomnnia, Salem's lot etc, actually the way he ties things together is pretty awesome. In particular I'll say the aesthetic of the series will definitely appeal if you enjoy semi quirky almost steampunky westerns come post appocalyptic weerdness, actually i need to reread the series myself since I read each volume a long time apart.

Thanks jjgeek, the wedding was amazing and I'll say hotel hershy looked pretty nice and provided us with a great time, the roses on the bed etc were lovely indeed!
Independent travel is I think more difficult in the states simply because of the lack of trains or busses or anything else, one reason my lady wants to live in Britain.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-02 00:20:28 (edited by brian.kurosawa 2016-08-02 00:21:23)

Hello everyone, i'm currently watching Bleach, i think thats a great anime, but i'm going slowly on it cause sometimes i get bored due to the fact that the number of episodes is more than  300.
I'm currently studying some programming languages. I gave a try to Python but i'm having some problems about identation, so i'm thinking to try c++.
About games i'm playing some mainstream ones, not Mortal Kombat X or Street fighter V cause my pc not have the requirements to make it playable.
It is around 19 hours here in Brazil and tomorrow i'm going back to school.

2016-08-03 06:31:02

I just created a new Skype account where I'm trying to get the most possible contacts I can without destroying my beloved Mac. So far nobody is adding me. I guess I could post my Skype ID here, but I'd have to see if people are OK with me doing that first. I've also been trying to find Pokémon cristle and hook up Tiler Spivy's lua script to a gameboy emulator so I can play the game, of course, I don't think the script works with voice over. So yeah, that's basically all I've got.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2016-08-03 11:13:57

Hello dark!
I have a request for you
can you sing "we wish you a marry  Christmas" for whole the audio games community when the Christmas will come.
I am writing some HTML code and yes playing
God will and a blind legend
I am currently working in a new mod of battle zone

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-08-03 17:54:54

Dark, glad to hear things are going well with the new wife.  big_smile

I feel like I've been away for a long time, during my latest "Aprone falls away from the audio game scene" episode.  I am trying to now ease my way back into my old routine of checking email, checking these forums, and coding.

Weeks ago I had made an extremely unpopular admin decision on Swamp, that had a group of people in an absolute uproar.  To make a long story short, enough people were chucking insults and hate mail at me that I threw my hands up and said "F this."  I stopped working on the new Swamp code I'd been working on for a while, and took a little time away from the community.  I didn't plan on taking a very long break, but other stuff found a way to keep me away longer.

A good friend of mine lost his house and needed to move in with us (my wife and I), so a ton of time was spent organizing and moving things around in preparation.  I work on so many different kinds of projects that someone could easily label me as a hoarder.  The house is filled with everything from wires and gears, to sheets of scrap metal and plastic.  My poor wife, haha!  Our plan was to give the friend half of our garage space, a room in the basement, and extra storage space in an adjacent room.  Sounds easy enough but freeing up that space meant a major undertaking of cleaning out the whole house, organizing, and throwing away a ton of stuff I'm least likely to actually use any time soon.

The Swamp/Castaways server was going to have to be moved into a different room, which meant running a new electrical outlet to where it would go.  My basement only has the 1 "finished" room and the rest have only a single electrical outlet each.  Cable (TV) also had to be fed through the ceiling and walls to run it into the room my friend would be staying in.  I'm too cheap to pay an actual electrician, so all of these changes were mine to handle.  tongue

After tearing up and replacing the carpet in his new room, and replacing the door frame that the previous owners installed themselves incorrectly (holy crap that was a pain), everything would have been set.  It was at that time that my wife was willing to move our second floor (a bungalow style room) down into a room on the main floor, while moving the main floor's contents to this new basement room.  The change would give our friend the entire second floor of the home, which has more space.  The friend was quite excited about the new idea, so that became the new plan.

I'm sure many of us can imagine the effort needed to carry chairs, sofas, entertainment centers, and book shelves between rooms of a house (and between floors).  I'll spare those details, but will comment that the 200+ pound electric treadmill was the least fun to move 2 floors from the upstairs to the basement.

An internet cable had to be ran up to the second floor through a wall, and the only way to make it work was to cut the end off.  Of the million tools, a cat 5 cable crimper is not one of them, so that's something I'll fix in a few days.

Some close friends invited us up to a lake house, so this whole house altering project was split with a 5 day trip up north.  We had fun, fished, and spent some time on their boat.  Our car has been dying for a long time.  Like, a Long time!  Way back when I did those See Munkey recordings, someone even commented on how terrible my car sounded, haha!  So anyway, the long drive up north brought about a terrible new noise coming from the car, and we had already both wondered if our vehicle would survive such a trip.  On the drive back, 1 hour from home, the engine blew.  Boom!  Blew a fist-sized hole in the engine and shot metal onto the freeway.  We are now in a new car, which Jennifer is thrilled about, and of which I am nervously optimistic.  Jennifer wanted to lease a brand new car because she has had to deal with our unreliable one for so long, and I've never been a fan of using something I do not own.  When some moron dings up your car you can normally just shrug and live with it, but on a lease I'll have to pay to repair any damage when it gets turned back in.  So yeah, I'm less comfortable about this arrangement.

That's about it for me I think.  I apologize to anyone who has been trying to get a hold of me.  Well, I should say I apologize to anyone wanting to get a hold of me for normal reasons.  To people flinging insults and anger, I'm glad you wasted time writing stuff I never read, haha!  big_smile  I'm so back logged on missed messages that I believe I'll just hit select all, and delete.  It's a crappy thing of me to do, but realistically I'm not going to go back and read weeks worth of missed stuff.  218 unread emails, 50 "recent" unread skype messages... sheesh, no thank you.  ROFL!

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-08-03 18:22:47

@aprone, just to know, keep a computer running a server is more cheap than paying dns services? Just curious.

2016-08-03 20:01:20

Brian, I have it estimated down to about $0.29 per day in electricity to run the actual server.  Extra internet charges to have the higher upload/download speeds are harder to estimate.  Since I would have the internet even without the server, the extra I pay to bump it to a higher plan could be the amount to consider, but it's hard to really split it up that way fairly.  If you already have internet at your house, running a server can be as cheap as $8.50-$9 per month.  Keep the monitor off (LOL, I just thought about where I'm typing this message!) because the extra power from the screen can raise that cost by 50%-100% depending on various factors.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-08-03 20:22:01

At Aprone, do you have the server running under linux or windows server? Just curious, or does the server code just run over the top of windows 7? I have always been meaning to ask that. Also, hope your doing well man, it's been a while since you have been around.

2016-08-04 02:22:12

It's a windows server, yeah.  I use a linux server (through Yahoo) to handle my actual website and about half of the account security stuff.  I've debated moving everything over to my personal server to save a bit of money and also stop all those lousy times when Swamp/Castaways won't sign in, which is an issue with Yahoo's side of the security checks.  For the time being, keeping things separate helps me feel a bit more secure because someone would need to access data from both servers to really comprise anything important, and that is a lot less likely to ever have happen.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-08-04 06:27:13 (edited by Slender 2016-08-04 06:27:56)

Well well, for me, I've been going through some computer upgrades, been playing with the new Ubuntu-based BASH shell that Windows 10 now includes, and overall being a weird person. Want proof of how weird I've been lately? Hewre's and extremely strange Microsoft Eva phoneme demo gone terribly wrong. Lets just say, don't annoy Enormous Eva! Just a warning, though, for those who have sensitive ears, fear of language or some other condition, it does contain a bit of swearing. But otherwise, enjoy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nawvcj8h7geel … g.mp3?dl=1 #audio Oh, wait, #audio? This is not Twitter! *shakes himself*

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-08-04 16:30:06

@Brian, I've seen the odd episode of Bleache. It sort of looked like a more serious version of Dragonball with swords and spirits instead of martial arts and sort of semi futuristic craziness, which isn't a bad thing, although I've got so many other things to actually watch or read or go through it's not on the priority list for the moment, heck when we get back to England I want to start into season 4 of buffy the vampire slayer.

@Aprone, With the house moving it sounds like your life is turning into Dog who hates toast, having to move the banana to family monster toaster room etc big_smile
Seriously I do sympathize, there was a point when as a child it seemed my parents were taking it in turns to redecorate each room of our house which of course necessitated moving all the contents of one room into another room, there was one point my mum would grab anyone who came through the door, hand them a sheet of sand paper and get them sanding her douglas fir doors, up to and including the local vicar big_smile.

I'm always impressed at people who can do all of the carpentry/electrics/plumming type of stuff. Other than obvious things like changing bulbs I've never really had a practical aptitude that way, apart from the fact that stuff like rewiring a plug is dam difficult without vision, so have generally restricted myself to more interlectual/artistic type of things.

As to how the new wife is, well who ever said I had an old wife?  ---- actualy scratch that, there is no oold wife!" there never has been, and that hole at the bottom of the guarden is dug up just because it needed digging, and what do you mean that there are reports of a missing woman seen around my house! she's not missing, she just went into the guarden that's all. It wasn't her fault, she had a liking for mushrooms, yes, perfectly ordinary organic mushrooms, no I never knew tthey were poisonous, how could I have known! You think I went to all the trouble of researching mushroom types then growing them from spaws then filtering them to extract the poison for a poisonous mushroom pizza? I just wanted to give the lady a nice meal and a good rest, she wwas so tired after all.

Hmmmm, methinks I'd better stop this line of conversation before  I say something incriminating since I'm perfectly innocent and would never even think about murdering anyone, ---- might do it, perhaps have done it, but wouldn't even think! about it! big_smile.

Seriously, my lady is extremely well (and since she emphatically dislikes even normal mushrooms the above digression is entirely pointless). Again I don't have a lot to report other than relaxing and generally spending time on things. Yesterday we all went swimming which was nice, and my lady had the distinct pleasure of seeing me act like a total nutcase as I attempted a canonballl! ACtually the diving board was cool and I did manage to remember the diving I used to do. I'm not exactly the most athletic of people when it comes to jumping around, but that was fun, as was the swimming. We then went for icecream and I forgot the cardinal rule of living in this country never! order a large, since they're gigantic!

I'm still reading through magician by Feist. It has actually picked up when we got into the second world, indeed to say that medkemia is pretty much just D&D land, kalawal is remarkably unique both in culture and even in wildlife. Feist even shows some glimmerings in the direction of character, albeit I don't like the hole women who don't like someone and then randomly do a complete switch and suddenly fling themselves into the arms of male characters for no readily apparent reason.

That being said some of the magic stuff is fun, even if I don't exactly rate Feists' description of such. I probably will do a review of magician, just because I think it probably needs someone to point out the book's strengths and weaknesses rather than just goin "this is the best thing ever!" or "this is the worst thing ever!" as inevitably seems to happen, especially with books that have been around for a long while and have something of cult status about them.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-05 00:54:04

The combination of servers and carpentry and wiring things has me all mixed up as to which subject I was going to talk about smile. I'm trying to set up a server so we can dispense with all the sendspace and dropbox and borrowing-other-people's-servers  shinanigans for my games? Hmm.

Yesterday was staffing at LCB, which means they pick a few students and put them in a room with all their teachers and they give a review/critique/whatever of how things have been going. I can sum up all of them in four words: "Doing well. Talk more!" But since life is not an RPG where you walk up to an NPC and press the talk button and either get information or a menu of possible things to say, it does about as much good as it did all the other times I've heard it, which is to say, lol.

(Yes, "large" usually means "too big for one person to eat, but they'll probably do it anyway, because that's how we demonstrate dominance, or something". It wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't a clean-your-plate culture, where the 80% rule is hardly even heard of.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-08-05 20:05:52

Dark there are times I wish I Didn't know how to do all of that stuff!  Everyone from in-laws to cousins regularly call upon me to help with household repairs and other manual labor type stuffs.  Not that I'm complaining, I like to help, but every once in a while I consider gifting another relative one of those "home repair for dummies" book sets and twiddling my thumbs evilly while I wait for my plan to work.

Well CAE, I'll toss something new into the mix and maybe it will jog your memory and you'll know what you were going to talk about.  I just finished a fairly annoying clean up after a project failed.

Jennifer has a cousin who has an interest in backyard metal working, more specifically, he wants to make some tools/items by pouring molten metal into self made molds.  (Heh, firefox says "moulds" is spelled incorrectly so I went with "molds")  I don't have a proper foundry and haven't had spare cash to build one, so I've been making due with what I have... a steel dish shaped fire pit.

Because I don't get to spend time with the cousin very often, I have been trying to work the bugs out of the process by myself, to make the most of when we are together.  A few weeks ago I had time to melt down some zinc (our aluminum stand-in until we have a proper foundry (which is our iron stand-in since it's unlikely we can make a foundry capable of melting iron)) but I didn't have an actual mold handy.  Earlier in the week I had a little time to shape out a clay mold for a big pair of pliers, and setting it aside to slowly dry.  Today I believed the mold had set long enough, so I once again fired up the foundry and forced the neighbors listen to the sound of my shop vac, haha.

I wasted a ton of my charcoal because I had the blower incorrectly positioned without realizing it, causing most of the heat to be sent away from where I wanted it.  That was a bummer because I'm using charcoal I made myself previously, and I only have a limited supply before I'd have to spend hours making more.  Aprone is too cheap to buy charcoal, as we all expect, but also it's because the charcoal briquets used for cook outs are not real charcoal.  Those are real charcoal ground up, mixed with sand and a few other things, and then compressed into that briquet shape.  Good for low heat cooking, but not ideal for a foundry.

So once I had the blower back on track, it didn't take long to get things ready.  I slid my clay mold out from where it had been heating up and I put on my blacksmith gloves (the only safety equipment I use because I'm too cheap to buy any and the gloves were ones I Found a decade ago).  You have to scrape slag off of the surface of the molten metal, and I personally use a long gutter nail that fell off of my house years ago.  One of these days I need to find something better, because it is pretty terrible for the job.  Today I wasn't thinking and picked up the nail with my non gloved hand a few minutes after scraping the slag!  Ever notice how you can't drop something fast enough when it's that hot?  Like time slows down and you're waiting for stupid frig'in gravity to take it away from your open hand, but the hot nail just slowly saunters its way away when it feels like it.

So yeah, I felt sorta stupid after that mistake.

Next I assumed my usual metal pouring position, which is an idiot crouching on his driveway, wearing a blacksmith glove on one hand and holding a garden hose in the other, clutching it as if it were a defensive weapon.  So I start to pour, and wouldn't you know it, the clay mold wasn't entirely dry all the way through.  Crap.

A rapid series of loud pops send chips of clay and molten drips of metal in all directions.  I of course jumped back and readied the hose to defend myself if necessary, but there was nothing I could do to save the mold.  It took about 20 seconds before the violent popping stopped, and it looked like a bag of glitter had been mugged and violently beaten in a dark alley.  Tiny metal drips had sprayed everywhere, and they tended to harden in the frantic splash shapes they made upon impact.  So basically tiny dots of metal, with razor sharp spikes and edges sticking up everywhere.  I spend more time barefoot in my back yard then I do wearing shoes, plus I have 2 small nephews, so my only option was to clean it all up.

I spent a lot of time slowly crawling around the driveway with a flat screwdriver and pliers, prying each splatter off of the concrete.  It was Not fun.

The final piece of bad news is that the mold was shredded.  I knew it wouldn't survive the pouring, but the goal is to have a good metal cast in exchange for killing the clay mold.  What I had was a mangled mess of metal, sort of in the shape of the 2 pliers halves.  The escaping pockets of steam had shredded it as it was hardening, so there is nothing I can do to salvage it.  Yep, that was a huge waste of time and effort, but at least I can tell myself I learned something.  Next time I'm going to convert the foundry into a kiln so I can fire the clay mold ahead of time.  More than ever I see how important it is to drive out any and all moisture before trying another metal pour.

For anyone wondering, the zinc tools would be inferior to store bought steel tools in basically every way.  Zinc can be pretty strong as long as you make the tools thick enough, so low impact stuff such as pliers should be fine.  More than anything they are being made just for bragging rights, where he can show off that he made them himself using 99% natural methods.  When we finally have all the bugs ironed out, the method we are using would work (if scaled up) to forge iron tools out in nature.  We're missing iron ore and police would shut me down if I properly scaled up the foundry, but our scaled down version is accurate otherwise.  It's a very cool project, albeit a dangerous and frustrating one.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-08-07 22:44:33

@Cae, first what is the eighty percent rule? I've never heard that one. I was always brought up to clean my plate, though that got severely twisted at my boarding school where not eating whatever was put in front of you was sort of a cardenal sin, which only cemented my utter abhorence at certain things and made for a lot of childhood traumer! big_smile.

With the exception of something that has the potential to be shared such as a pizza, usually in Britain it is assumed that people will always prefer a large if financially viable, so large drinks or restaurant portions etc are, ---- well just a large portion for one person, eg, a large drink might be around a pint or so,not ridiculously humungus!

Conversation is an interesting subject, though as I mentioned my thoughts on that in the thread about the Us I won't repeat myself here.

@Aprone I would've thought making a forge was relatively easy for you, you just need I believe 8 bricks, four lumbers and an iron bar, then set one of your workers going. Admitedly getting the iron is a bit hit and miss given the mining but it's not generally a problem provided you have enough lumber to make the tunnels and can go on replacing your shovels.
Oh wait a moment what do you mean that's not how it works in real life! big_smile.

Actually the project and your execution sound pretty  awesome. Again it makes me regret that through a combination oflack of sight, and more importantly lack of coordination, those sorts of things were never really something I could contribute to. Actually it is really refreshing in a society that only sees most people in terms of their ability to practically make anything as parts in a gigantic factory machine for the production of prophet for a few individuals to learn there are still people doing these sorts of creative things, it gives me hope for the future, especially when the zombocalypse occurs big_smile.

A bit of a minerly stressful day given first I was getting a hard time telephonically for not ringing my parents for a week, then I was getting a hard time because my mum was attempting to book Mrs. Dark and I a recording studio session just after we finish music school (when we'll both be utterly shattered after singing for a week), and then it turned out one of my in laws is in hospital having extreme amounts of leg surgery so we had to dash off and see him.

And despite wishing to collapse a bit I've just had a pair of swimming trunks thrust into my hand so we're off for a swimm once again!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-08 03:24:39

Aprone, I am mostly jealous of your skills (but not of having to ply exploded zinc fragments from the driveway tongue ). smile

Dark, the 80% rule is a Japanese thing, the idea being to eat until you are 80% full; if you're actually full, you've probably eaten too much, or so the idea goes. Also, last I heard, Japanese drinks are sold at the same price regardless of the size, under the notion that you'd buy the size you want, instead of trying to do some amount of drink vs price optimization. Granted, I don't know if this means smalls are more expensive, or larges are cheaper!

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-08-09 14:04:18

I have now completed the membership of a band
It mean that now I am a member of a musical band.
the name of the band is not decided yet but as soon as possible I will update here.
at aprone
good luck with household work.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-08-09 21:46:07

@Cae, I'll have to check that one with my brother about the Japanese drinks, though I always thought the idea in Japan was rather like that which 18th century ladies used to have in Britain where it was seen as most impolite not to leave at least a little on your plate. Admitedly, this was partly so that you didn't appear to be committing gluttany, and partly for the much more practical reason that often the servants got the left overs so being a greedy git would literally deprive someone of food.

Either way, large portions here in AMerica, are really! insanely large.

Well not a lot to report other than a severely bashed knee, the acquisition of actually quite a cool bronze unicorn from my inlaws to take back to Britin, and my finally finishing Feist's magician!

Really I was glad to finally get through it, since even though there was stuff I liked, in general the book was a disappointment, partiuclarly the generic fantasy elements, shallow characters and occasion when one protagonist took it into his head to object to the gladiatorial games by blowing the hell out of the stadium and everyone in it with his magic, killing all concerned. As I said in my review,   even 20 years ago the idea of a lone maverick taking it into his head that social justice was lacking so destroying a public building with personally acquired weaponry, taking out a lot of innocent bystanders under the belief that they're guilty or some real or imagined social ill is probably not one which will sit well with a modern reader big_smile.

DEspite stuff I likeed in the book, I really! hope feist improves in whatever of his books I decide to read next.

Enspired to actually see what the fussis about regarding pointy horses (though admitedly Guy Garvril Kay did have an incredibly cool one in Fionavar), I'm starting the humourus collection, zombies vs unicorns, which should be fun big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-15 15:09:45

Okay, well my time in America has come to an end. It's been a lovely two months, particularly getting married and my mini honymoon, but now we need to go. Today of course is crazy with packing and running around, indeed I'll need to pack up this laptop in a second and stop using it, and we're not going to get back to the Uk until Tuesday morning, and then! we've got to prepare for a week of music school afterwards, and then, ----- well goodness knows, life will hopefully get interesting after that point, or at least interestinger :d.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-18 13:22:14

I've had a decent amount of progress with my game engine, but nothing particularly presentable-- I made a sound demo for the first version of the sound engine but I'm not sure if it's a recording of the newest version or not. I guess I'll need to make another one when I've got more work done on it.

Besides that, things have been pretty good. I've been putting together a costume for a LARP (live action role play) and it's been going decently well. Though the boots I have to break in before it happens are killing my feet...

Prehistoric terror.
My github.

2016-08-18 17:34:51

Dark, I assume by now you're all settled in back at home.  Hopefully the trip went well and you weren't on a plane with screaming children or anything, haha.

Dino, I wish you luck on both your game engine, and your LARP costume.  Out of curiosity, what is your LARP costume intended to be?

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-08-18 18:15:37

@Dino, I'd be interested to know about your costume too. I have a lot of friends who are larpers, but have always confined myself to tabletop rp with dice and a gm because I don't like the idea of playing a constantly blind character and not being able to participate in battles or run around fields or cast spells by throwing balls at each other, heck even those larp events which are more like historical reinactment with people doing their own smithing and armor making and camping and what not would be a bit of a pest for someone photonically challenged, or at least they probably would be for me with my less than practical bent to that type of thing big_smile.

@Aprone, we did get back okay, actualy the plane journey was as good as it could've been given we had the front seats with a massive amount of leg room and a free seat between us, so other than the child who persisted in kicking my seat, and the general craziness of newark airport (which was so amaizngly corwded and complex it's ridiculous!), it was okay, or at least as okay as could be expected.
I actually started playing champion of the gods from choiceofgames on the plane, then realized my iphone was totally lacking charge due to the fact that I was charging the pet chip scanner used to check my guide dogs chip which we bought after the airport found her chip unscannable at christmas, so I had to knock off fairly soon to leave enough charge in case I needed my phone in the Uk, ---- oh and the bloody scanner still! didn't work, though luckily the airport new my dog so that was okay.
Still, I'm sorry to have stopped in the middle of champion, which, other than some severely irritatingly stylised dialogue was looking rather fun in a traditional fantasy with a bit of an ancient griek flavour way, hopefully i'll be able to get back to it at some point in the future though right now things are a bit crazy and I'm alternating sleeping, learning music and packing like a demon, as well as supporting my lady who has to do the same.

Now  unfortunately we've got equal amounts of running around, getting music together for aims music school and such. I've been cast as oberon the elf king and my lady is puck, which should be fun, or at least it will be now I know the bit I'm supposed to learn and sing big_smile.
We're also doing some bits from westside story including one hand one heart and officer crupkey, crupkey should be awesome since i've asked for the part of the guy who pretends to be a social worker and has the horribly bad falsetto, I'm quite looking forward to squeaking "he's no good!"  big_smile.

All that being said both my lady and I are rather frazled, and it doesn't help that my victor cable has bust and I've needed to send the hole thing back to humanware for repares, and since I've found it very useful at music school the last two years for portable note taker and also instant music playback device of what I need to sing (well everyone else has their written music to go from), i'm a bit sorry I'll be without it, not the least because I'll miss books, but hay.

Humanware have said they'll have it back by wednesday so hopefully I'll not be without for too long. It's amazing how useful certain bits of technology get to the point that being without them is a right royal pest!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-18 21:05:59

Reading through your posts had me nodding, because while your talents and amounts of knowledge and resources are different from my own, I do know the feeling to some extent, having been expected to provide musical entertainment for weddings, funerals, graduation and birthday parties and other trivial family reunion such things on a moment's notice, the most annoying probably being this one time I was asked to teach a kid how to play guitar who went and looked at a ton of youtube videos of other people playing and ignoring everything I said to the point where it almost seemed like he was trying to coach me instead.  In the end, I told him kindly, I hope, to get lost.
Between that and fixing people's computers because I know how, or at least, that's what people always seem to think, it can get frustrating.  Oh, and I'm supposed to have a bunch of software lying around, but I think I've hashed this subject far too many times.  the part I didn't cover was the essay writing pleas and the requests to help so-and-so cheat their way through college by texting them answers during exams and such.  I've almost considered making money out of nonsense of this caliber.
Your bit at the end about how useful things can actually be and how one grows to miss them when they don't have them around reminds me of how much fun and convenience I got out of braille lites and such years and years ago.  My wife has a braille sense with a GPS gadget and a bunch of other features I have yet to messed with, but I'm still of a mind that whatever it takes to get the job done is something we should all respect.  While I prefer a more or less mainstream market nowadays, I don't see anything wrong with victors or even older devices; we actually have a book reader from the library of congress, or whatever this thing is actually called, which a certain 8 month old is very enthused by for some reason.  Sorry about the kids kicking your seat; I promise they weren't mine.
Speaking of children, we're welcoming a third to the family!
My last windows PC has finally called it quits, which means I'm doing a lot of nothing nowadays, a somewhat annoying issue given that I'm supposed to be writing up database entries for things... I honestly don't know what happened to it either, save that one day it was working fine, then it started lagging a bit, and then the drive started sounding rather interesting, as if it were microwaving popcorn... There went my crazy party cards and just about everything else. Oh why oh why!
It's one of those things where I'm going, do you fix it, or do you buy a new one given you've had this one for nearly three years?  Either way, such things will have to wait until I have the money to do it, thus the mac is getting a lot of abuse from me.  I borrowed a Lenovo thinkpad that has no numpad and am trying my best to Nocturnise it for all my wants and needs, but sadly, no numpad, a stupid joystick looking thingy in the middle of my keyboard, and an overly sensitive trackpad make this one an annoyance.  They just, don't make PC's like they used to.  I'm dreading windows 10, but I know finding something with 7 is gonna be hard as rocks... Guess we'll see how this one plays out

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-08-20 01:35:23

I think that, although we are slowly becoming able to use more and more mainstream technology, there will still be a need for some blindness-specific devices, e.g. braille displays. Sometimes, it is just more convenient to use a digital book player such as the Victor Reader Stream than an iPhone app, while at other times, the opposite is true. It is nice to have choice about what we use.

2016-08-20 01:39:19

... And not to have that choice disrespected because it doesn't seem to be the cool thing or what everyone else is using.  I know people who still don't have touchscreen devices and I do my absolute best to help them feel included all the same.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-08-20 14:08:00

It seems like there's a gaping hole in the market for hardware and software with the things people like about the older stuff, but with all the security and power of modern technology... so why is no one trying to pick up that pile of money lying on the ground? Is there something I'm not seeing, or has the world truly gone mad?

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.