2016-07-28 13:21:45

Hello all,
Given that Guilty Gear XRD Revelator didn't get an English dub and that Blazblue CentralFiction's american release date should be pretty close to the japanese console release date, some Blazblue fans are worried that it may not have an english dub.
Now nothing has been officially confirmed as far as I'm aware, but if that happens and you are planning on buying the game, how much would it impact your decision?
As far as I'm concerned, I think I will still buy the game no matter what because I think Blazblue is one of the most amazing fighting game series out there, but in the case of no english dub, going to the wiki in order to understand the story and trying to figure out what happens in each scene is not going to be a funny thing.
So, I don't know how many Blazblue player there are in this forum, but I think it can be an interesting question.
You may also legitimately ask: "Why aren't you waiting for the probable extend version?", the thing is I got into Blazblue recently and also that I can't be sure that the extend version will be released on PS3 if it comes out, and even if I like Blazblue very much I won't buy a new gen console just for it.

2016-07-28 13:52:51

I will personally wait for an extend version to come out, as I have a ps4 myself. And the dub has no impact on me as I speak Japanese and would only use a dub for confirming things to make sure I understand something.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-28 14:24:28

Personally I wish I could learn japanese myself. In the future, maybe.

2016-07-28 15:22:09

I could never play blazblue without a dub.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-07-28 15:38:18

i've read some time ago that some dubbers said via twitter that they worked in it, can't remember the site. particularly, i'm not worried about it, unlike guilty gear, blazblue always has been dubbed, i think this wouldn't be the exception.
Furthermore, when bb cp came out in japan, it already had english voices to select. not for the story, but the battles.
I definitely will need a dub, can't understand everything in jap, and bb is already too complicated for me to have to listen it in japanese. for the battles, it's great, but i need a dub for the story.

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2016-07-28 16:51:24 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-28 16:51:50)

Well if the voice actors confirmed they're working on it, then that's good news, still I am surprised you are the only person I know who knows about it. I'm going to search for it.
Still that's quite strange the U.S. release date is much closer to the japanese one then for Chronophantasma, whereas the game needs even more work for localisation. Even for Europe the game is announced to be released in 2016, that's a good but astonishing surprise. Unless it's reported, and I wouldn't be really surprised if that came to happen. Let's hope not, though.

2016-07-28 17:09:33

Not so surprising... many fighting games, and games in general that come out of Japan, are released on the same day worldwide or in a few days of each other. Especially if said game comes out in arcades first. I know I'm in the minority in terms of voice preference though as not everyone here speaks Japanese. But for those who don't, there definitely isn't much point in playing the story then, unless you're content to guess or read plot summaries.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-28 18:06:15

When it comes to dubs, how closely does the English dialogue match the japanese?

2016-07-28 18:51:22 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-28 18:55:25)

assault_freak wrote:

Not so surprising... many fighting games, and games in general that come out of Japan, are released on the same day worldwide or in a few days of each other. Especially if said game comes out in arcades first. I know I'm in the minority in terms of voice preference though as not everyone here speaks Japanese. But for those who don't, there definitely isn't much point in playing the story then, unless you're content to guess or read plot summaries.

Not that I'm really unfamiliar with the japanese voices, I even may set the voices to japanese depending on which character I focus on learning to play. So far I am very interested with Yuuki Terumi, and I do prefer his japanese voice.
Also, if I remember correctly, there was a five month gap between Chronophantasma's japanese console release and it's american release. Then as you said the japanese version had the English dub available for battle, so it may have nothing to do with the dub itself, but that's still strange.

2016-07-28 19:04:44 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-28 19:09:39)

Draq wrote:

When it comes to dubs, how closely does the English dialogue match the japanese?

As far as I'm aware, people are generally satisfied with the translation, but apparently there are some approximations here and there, I even heard that sometime what you hear when a character talks is different compared to what's written on the screen. There also are some points that are sligghtly changed in the translation, when those imply thing that only japanese people (or japanese speaking people) would understand well.

2016-07-28 20:43:22

The people who are satisfied with the translations are more often than not people who don't speak Japanese well enough to know the subtle differences. I haven't played through the dub, so am not sure about any of the previous games, this is just a general statement... just a disclaimer. lol Pulse is basically right for most of it. Many things are translated to their English equivalents, even when things are hard to translate... which is when English dialog can get awkward. But if you don't speak both languages, chances are you won't spot the differences. Character voices also don't match the original in some cases either. Different game, but a similar idea applies... Guilty Gear XRD's dub of Soul Badguy's voice makes him sound like a man who's constantly got something in his throat as oppose to the Japanese voice where his voice is not raspy at all.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-28 21:32:34 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-29 05:37:42)

I searched a bit and what I found from twitter isn't really good news.
It's at https://twitter.com/Seitz_Unseen/status … 6034201600
It's from July 22nd, but I have no indication the situation evolved since. Normally the Japanese console version launches at October 6th, so they may have the time to record the battle voices for this date, even if they start later then now, but I am still a bit skeptical, don't really know how much time it could take them to proceed.
And then there's still a good amount of arcade story dialog to record and the story mode itself, and the fact that the game is supposed to be released in 2016 whatever the territory.

2016-07-28 23:06:32

Interesting. I mostly asked because of how the Boundary is talked about. It's supposed to be the realm of the dead or something similar, yet it's apparently where all the time lines come together  and it's possible to send physical objects into it via the cauldrons. The whole thing  where the boundary is concerned is just strange and isn't really explained very well, as if it's just a convenient plot device. I thought maybe the English dub may have left details out or something.

2016-07-28 23:15:30

def need the dub....and glad I didn't get gg rev, because I would have been pissed to get it and find out there is no dub, ill stick to xrd

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-07-28 23:21:57

Draq, the dub didn't leave anything out. That's just part of the story... and part of why many people say it's got too many plot holes. Substance doesn't always mean quality, and many people get wowed by how big the BB story mode is. I don't know enough about the blazblue universe to make a solid opinion on it, though, this is just what I've heard from others.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-29 09:37:52

Well, I'm done buying the Blazblue games until I get my issue fixed on the game on my ps4. I hate the Blazblue games because you can mess them up that easily, and if you do, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can help to fix it. sad

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-07-29 10:23:16 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-29 10:43:17)

SLJ wrote:

Well, I'm done buying the Blazblue games until I get my issue fixed on the game on my ps4. I hate the Blazblue games because you can mess them up that easily, and if you do, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can help to fix it. sad

I wonder if I didn't saw you talking about it in another topic. The only think on which I could have helpd is if you modified something in continuum shift Extend's options, but it's on PS4 so it can't be it. Still it may be close to how Continuum Shift Extend is done, so I'll try.
In most of Continuum Shift Extend's option menus there's a button to set everything related to this menu back to default. In most case, enter the options, enter a specific option menu, press up twice and validate. You should here a very short specific sound.
Also, I think the first option menu is for saving game so there's nothing to set back to default (unless it's place was changed in ChronoPhantasma Extend, and the controler mapping menu as the "set back to default" option accessed by pressing down once after entering the menu. You may recognize the controler mapping menu as there's nothing you can modify by using the right and left arrow keys and that it's not the first menu in the options.
Never got to play ChronoPhantasma unfortunately, but I still hope it may help.
Best regards,

2016-07-30 15:34:24 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-30 15:38:47)

assault_freak wrote:

I will personally wait for an extend version to come out, as I have a ps4 myself. And the dub has no impact on me as I speak Japanese and would only use a dub for confirming things to make sure I understand something.

Just thought of it, if the game doesn't sell well because of people waiting for an extend version, maybe Arc System Works would use this as an excuse to not release an extend version, even though they'd probably know what's going on. I may be wrong but I think that's something to consider.
It wouldn't be so bad though, maybe I should wait a bit when the game comes out.
What makes this situation somewhat unlikely to happen though is how the game will probably get updated in the arccade.

2016-07-30 17:31:26

The game is not going to not sell well. Enough people will buy it for them to come out with an extend version of it, that has never been a problem. what three or four of us from this community do will have nothing but a pretty much microscopic effect.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-30 21:56:21 (edited by pulseman45 2016-07-30 22:54:13)

Actually I saw many people on the Internet saying they are going to wait for an extend version. What makes you right is, well, it's the Internet, it doesn't allow much analysing of how the game will be recieved. And there are still a good amount of people on that same Internet who say they will buy it, though I somewhat didn't see as much.
There are also a few people who say they won't buy the game if it has no English dub, which surprised me quite a bit because even if Blazblue's story is very developed Blazblue is primarily a fighting game. That's actually why I would ask that question here, to see how people that could be really blocked in enjoying this part of the game's content due to the absence of a dub would react to that possibility.

2016-07-30 23:02:23 (edited by assault_freak 2016-07-31 17:47:45)

Doesn't block you from enjoying it... you just have to find another way. And there are millions upon millions of people who will buy the game regardless of whether it gets dubbed or not. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-31 09:20:55

@Pulseman45: Thanks a lot for trying to help. My issue is that I chose a wrong menu in the pause menu while doing the tutorial. That totally messed up the controls. I haven't been in the options as far as I know, or maybe I have, if you can access those from the pause menu. But one single wrong press in the pause menu messed things up for me. Do you, or others have any clue on what I have done and how to fix That? Will the, reset back to defaults, in the options menu stil fix this issue?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-07-31 11:32:45

@SLJ: Here's what I've got from continnuum Shift Extend's tutorial mode. When it asks you to perform an action, press Start, down three times and validate. You enter the control mapping menu which is similar to what you can find in the options, so press down once and validate to reset it to default.
Now that's of course only valid if the hole thing is done the same way in ChronoPhantasma extend, but I guess you can try.
@assault_freak: There are of course many ways to know about the story, but knowing via the game itself is clearly the most immersive. Not to mention I know people who, unlike me, are able to read subtitles but feel it as uncomfortable.
Anyway the game was initially announced to be released Winter 2016 in America, but apparently advanced to Fall 2016, according to a Trailer. So given the situation I'll probably have to do with the fact of no English dub.

2016-07-31 14:18:28

As one who likes the core of the story, but not really into the commedy aspects, and who can only play blazblue via the PSP games, I doubt I'd even care much about an undubbed version. If I do get a PS4, or more likely an xBox1 or something, due to the accessibility, I would probably not buy it until a dub is released. Playing MK deadly alliance was hard enough to do using gamefaqs, but playing a fighting game that relies so much on scenes would be almost pointless, I'd be better off just reading the story in text and not worrying about the fighting.

Devin Prater
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2016-07-31 17:56:09

@pulseman, finding the story out through actually playing it is definitely the most immersive experience. I'm just saying it's not necessarily the end all of things if there's an alternate source for reading the story and following along. Many sighted people enjoy foreign films through reading subtitles, and if there are no subtitles, finding out what happens on the internet and then just watching the film again to observe and listen. But I'm reasonably sure there'll be a dub.. as has previously been stated, Blazblue games have always had dubs. Revelator may have been an exception.
@devin, the chances of a dub being released post game aren't all that high... games don't do that very often. Dynasty Warriors 8 and Sengoku Basara 3 were the only ones to do that, as I recall... and they actually reversed directions and released the Japanese voices as a downloadable feature to replace the English ones and make the game dual audio. And no fighting game relies on scenes... fighting games rely on, as the name of the genre says, the fighting system. lol But there again, everyone has their own preferences. To be honest I've never understood why people fixate on story in fighting games over the actual gameplay itself. Story in fighting games are nice, sure, and they're getting better all the time... but if the gameplay is bad, it doesn't matter how good the plot is if playing through it is a chore.

Discord: clemchowder633